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1、会计学1高三英语高考二轮专题复习考前第十五高三英语高考二轮专题复习考前第十五天新人教天新人教librarian n.图书管理员library n.图书馆,图书室license n.执照,许可证likely adj.很可能的;合适的limit vt.限制;减少(to) link v. & n.连接;联系;链环list n. & v.一览表;清单listen vi.听,听从;收听literature n.文学,文艺little adj. & adv. & n.小的;少的;稍许; 一点第1页/共52页live vi.生活;居住;活着live adj.活的;现场(直播)的lively adj. 活泼的

2、;充满生气的living adj. & n.活着的;生计local adj.当地的;地方的lonely adj.孤独的,寂寞的;偏僻的long adj. & adv. & vi. 长的;长久;渴望look n. & v.看;脸色;看,看起来lose vt. 失去,丢失loss n. 丧失;损耗,浪费;错过第2页/共52页loud adj. & adv.大声的(地) loudly adv.大声地lovely adj. 美好的;可爱的low adj. & adv.低的(地);卑贱的(地)loyal adj.忠诚的,忠贞的,忠实 的luck n.运气,好运lucky adj. 运气好的,侥幸的mak

3、e/earn a living谋生fall in love with sb. 爱上某人on the march在行进中第3页/共52页be supposed to应该,应当go unpunished免受惩罚go out熄灭;出去be too hard on sb. 对某人太苛刻in the form of a dialogue以对话的形式make good decisions做出好的决定leave out省略,漏掉win the speech competition赢得演讲比赛stay up very late熬夜keep fit/keep healthy保持健康第4页/共52页1. oppo

4、site,contrary 辨析 (1)opposite指“(位置,方向,地位,意义 等)对立的、相反的”。be opposite to在对 面;与相反;in the opposite direction在相 反的方向上。 His house is opposite to mine. (2)contrary指“(主张,看法,行为等)相反的”, 含有“互相冲突,不一致”的意思,也可以表示 “逆”,如:a contrary wind逆风。 This is something quite contrary to my expectations.第5页/共52页2. realize,know 辨析 (

5、1)realize vt. 表示“认识到,意识到;实 现,完成”。 He didnt realize his mistake until his mother told him. (2)know vt. & vi. 表示“知道;了解,熟悉;认 识”。可接段时间作状语。 We have known each other for many years. 第6页/共52页3. separate,divide 辨析 (1)separate把聚合在一起的事物、东西 分开;常与from连用。 Please separate the good apples from the bad ones. (2)div

6、ide把一个整体分成若干部分;常与into连 用。 Please divide the apple into two parts.第7页/共52页4. struggle,fight 辨析 (1)struggle挣扎;斗争,指肉体和精神上 的搏斗,暗指在艰难处境中奋力挣扎。 On arriving at the shore,the girl struggled up the cliff towards the light she had seen. (2)fight打仗,战斗,主要指肉体上的对抗。引申 为一般的斗争,可指“打架”。 The soldiers fought bravely in t

7、he battle. 第8页/共52页5. broad,wide 辨析 (1)broad着重指某物覆盖面的范围(如肩、 背、胸等的宽),还可表示“宽宏大量”。 In point of fact he was broad and heavy,with large hands and feet. (2)wide着重指边沿间相隔的距离以及“广泛的” 之意。 His reading covers a wide range of subjects.第9页/共52页 你所在的城市将要建设地铁以缓解当前繁重的交通状况。对此人们议论纷纷,有人认为目前的公共交通工具公交车已经能够满足公众的出行需要;但还有人认为

8、,地铁比公交车更有优势,比如:噪音低,更安全,地面占用少等等。 现在要求你写一篇文章来支持地铁的建设,并与公交车作比较,讨论地铁的优势。 注意:1.词数120150; 2.可适当补充要点。第10页/共52页 It is said that our city will build its own subway to relieve the pressure of heavy transportation nowadays.About this,people have different opinions.Some say that it is no use building such trans

9、portation means because the public transportationbusescan meet peoples needs.While others say that subway trains are much better than buses. I am in favor of the latter viewpoint.In my opinion,building the subway will do us a lot of第11页/共52页good.There are many reasons.First,it will produce lower noi

10、se and less air pollution than buses.And at the same time,it is even safer to take the subway train,which may have fewer traffic accidents.Whats more,building the subway will take less space on the ground.We also do not need to build many complicated and costly roads. So,building subway has more adv

11、antages and benefits.I hope it can be built soon,and I am looking forward to it.第12页/共52页.单项填空1. According to recent reports,one of rare animals,the crocodile,is in danger of dying out. A.a;theB./;a C./;theD.the;/ 答案 D 解析 考查冠词的用法。“the+名词”表示一类东 西;be in danger of有危险,中间不加冠词。第13页/共52页2. If you Beijing D

12、uck,Id like to treat you to a meal at a famous duck restaurant. A.didnt tryB.dont try C.havent triedD.hadnt tried 解析 考查时态。从句意可知“我要带你去吃烤 鸭”,前提是 “你到现在还没有吃过北京烤鸭”, 故此处用现在完成时表示。C第14页/共52页3. Australians watch sport or on television, and when they get together their topic quickly turns sport. A.alive;upB.l

13、ively;off C.live;toD.living;on 答案 C 解析 考查词义。live现场直播的;turn to转 向;变成;求助于;致力于。第15页/共52页4. Never give up.In the long run,your hard work will . A.take offB.turn off C.get offD.pay off 解析 考查动词短语。take off拿掉;取消;脱 衣;起飞;get off下来;脱下;pay off还清(债 务等),付清;成功;奏效;turn off关掉;避开。 这里是说“不要放弃,长远看来,你的付出总会有 回报”。D第16页/共52

14、页5. People around the world Christmas trees ever since 1510. A.decorated B.have decorated C.have been decorated D.have been decorating 解析 考查时态。句意为:自从1510年世界上的 人们就开始装扮圣诞树了。这个习俗一直延续到 现在,所以用现在完成进行时表示动作的延续。D第17页/共52页6. The public of the problem will make the government take it seriously. A.awarenessB.re

15、volution C.existenceD.evidence 解析 考查名词。awareness知道,意识,认识; revolution革命;existence存在,实有;生活; evidence证据。句意为:公众对问题的认识将会 使政府认真对待这一问题。A第18页/共52页7. Advertising is different from other forms of communication the advertiser pays for the message to be delivered. A.in whichB.in that C.in the wayD.in order that

16、 解析 in that意思为“原因是;因为”,故根据句 意可知应选B项。B第19页/共52页8. Monitor? Im not monitor of our class.I with the teacher until the monitor is elected. A.will just helpB.am just to help C.am just helpingD.have just helped 解析 考查时态。现在进行时可以表示此时此刻或 现阶段正在进行的动作,故选C项。C第20页/共52页9. We have in our class as we had last term. A

17、.students as a third many B.a third as many students C.a third students as many D.students a third as many 解析 考查倍数的表达法。句意为:我们班学生 的数量是上学期的三分之一。倍数表达法为“倍数 +as.as”。B第21页/共52页10. When asked they needed most,the kids said they wanted to be loved. A.whatB.that C.whomD.which 解析 考查从句引导词。what在此处引导宾语从 句,作ask的宾

18、语,同时what在从句中作need的 宾语。A第22页/共52页11. I feel sure that qualification,ability and experience,you are abundantly suited to the position we have in mind. A.regardless ofB.in spite of C.in terms ofD.by means of 解析 考查短语。regardless of不管,不顾;in spite of不管;in terms of根据,按照;用 的话;在方面;by means of依靠。C第23页/共52页12.

19、on the small island,the tower has been seriously damaged by the sea water. A.Being lainB.Laid C.Being locatedD.Located 解析 因为the tower与locate之间的被动关系, 故此处用过去分词表示被动。D第24页/共52页13. ,he would have been fired. A.Had he lied to the boss B.Did he lie to the boss C.If he has lied to the boss D.If he lies to t

20、he boss 解析 考查虚拟语气。从题干中的would have done可知是与过去事实相反的虚拟语气,故主句 需要用过去完成时。A项是将if省略,故had提前。A第25页/共52页14. At times,worrying is a normal and inevitable response to a difficult event or situationa loved one being injured in an accident, . A.whatt moreB.for example C.in generalD.on the other hand 解析 通过句意可知,破折号后

21、面跟的是针对前 面的内容所列举的一个例子,故用for example 例如。B第26页/共52页15.Listen!My flight is being announced.I must be off now. Bye. A.Happy landing! B.Thank you for seeing me off. C.Take it easy! D.I will go with you. 解析 考查交际用语。“Happy landing!”是送行 者向要上飞机的人说的告别语,意思为“祝你平安 着陆!”。A第27页/共52页.完形填空 There was a man who had a lit

22、tle boy that he loved very much.Everyday after work the man 1 come home and play with the little boy.He would always 2 all of his extra time playing with the little boy. One day,while the man was at 3 ,he realized that he had extra work to do for the evening,and 4 he wouldnt be able to play with his

23、 little boy.But,he wanted to be able to give第28页/共52页the boy something to keep him 5 .So,looking around his office,he saw a 6 with a large map of the world on the cover.He got an idea.He 7 the map,and then patiently 8 it up into small pieces. Then he put all the pieces in his coat pocket. When he go

24、t home,the little boy came running to him and was ready to play.The man explained that he had 9 work to do and couldnt play that moment,but he led the little第29页/共52页boy into the dining room,took out all the 10 of the map and 11 them on the table.He explained that it was a map of the world,and that

25、by the time he could 12 it back together,his extra work would be finished,and they could both play.Surely this would keep the child busy for 13 ,he thought. About half an hour later the boy came to the man and said,“Okay,its finished.Can we 14now?”第30页/共52页 The man was 15 ,saying,“Thats impossible.L

26、ets go and see.” And 16 enough,there was the picture of the world;all put together,every piece in its 17 . The man said,“Thats 18 !How did you do that?” The boy said,“It was simple.On the 19of the page was a picture of a man.When I put the man together the whole world 20 place.”第31页/共52页1.A.couldB.w

27、ould C.shouldD.might 答案 B 解析 考查情态动词。would作情态动词在这里表示过去经常发生的动作,指这个父亲每天下班回到家总是与他的孩子一起玩,从下文“He would always.”也可知B项正确。could多表示能力、许可;should表示义务和必然;might表示许可、可能。第32页/共52页2. A.devoteB.cost C.spendD.take 答案 C 解析 句意为:他总是把额外的时间都用在陪孩 子玩上。spend time (in) doing something花时 间做某事,符合语境。A项多用于devote.to something结构;cos

28、t和take的主语多为物。第33页/共52页3. A.workB.home C.schoolD.leave 答案 A 解析 考查上下文照应。从本段第三句话中的 “looking around his office”及第三段第一句话 可知他此时正在上班,故选work。at work工作中。第34页/共52页4. A.whichB.what C.whyD.that 答案 D 解析 考查名词性从句的引导词。分析句子结构 可知此处引导词引导的应是宾语从句,与前面 “that he had extra work to do for the evening”同为“realize”的宾语,第二个宾语从句 的

29、引导词that不能省略,故选that。从句子结构 及意义上可排除其他选项。第35页/共52页5. A.happyB.free C.busyD.satisfied 答案 C 解析 考查上下文的联系。由上句可知,他有额 外的工作要做,不能陪孩子玩,所以要给孩子找 些东西以便让他自己玩,即让他“忙”起来,从第 三段最后一句话亦可知答案为busy。而不是为了 让孩子“高兴,满意或自由”。故选C项。第36页/共52页6. A.magazineB.newspaper C.tableD.cupboard 答案 A 解析 从句中on the cover可知,他看到的应是一 本书之类的东西,不可能是报纸,更不可

30、能是桌 子或橱柜。故选A项,magazine杂志。第37页/共52页7. A.renewedB.removed C.recycledD.replaced 答案 B 解析 考查动词。remove有“移开,去掉,拿开”之 意,此处语境应是“把带地图的封面拿了下来”,故 选B项。renew更新;加强;recycle回收利用; replace取代,更换。第38页/共52页8. A.putB.took C.madeD.tore 答案 D 解析 考查动词搭配。tear up撕成碎片;take up 拿起;占去;继续;make up编造;弥补;化装; put up举起;张贴。根据语境“他耐心地把它撕成 小的

31、碎片”可知,D项正确。第39页/共52页9. A.importantB.equal C.extraD.little 答案 C 解析 考查上下文照应。由第二段第一句话可知 正确答案为C项。父亲有额外的工作要做,所以不 能陪他儿子玩了。equal平等的,相等的,不符合 语境。第40页/共52页10. A.detailsB.pieces C.contentsD.branches 答案 B 解析 考查句意和上下文照应。根据上一段最后 一句话可知,这里父亲把地图的碎片拿出来。所 以应选择B项pieces。detail细节;content内 容;branch树枝;分支。第41页/共52页11. A.raisedB.spread C.broughtD.sprayed 答案 B 解析 考查句意和语境。父亲拿出地图的碎片, 应是“摊开”放在桌子上,spread摊开,使散开, 最符合句意。故选B项。spray喷;raise举起; bring带来;造成。第42页/共52页12. A.putB.give C.holdD.cut 答案 A 解析 考查动词搭配。put back将放回; give back归还;后退;hold back阻碍,抑制; cut back剪短;削减;倒叙。根据语境“把它(地 图)拼凑成原来的模样”可知,A项正确。第43页/共52页13. A.minutesB.


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