18 19 Module 1 Section Ⅳ Reading Practice and Cultural Corner and Writing_第1页
18 19 Module 1 Section Ⅳ Reading Practice and Cultural Corner and Writing_第2页
18 19 Module 1 Section Ⅳ Reading Practice and Cultural Corner and Writing_第3页
18 19 Module 1 Section Ⅳ Reading Practice and Cultural Corner and Writing_第4页
18 19 Module 1 Section Ⅳ Reading Practice and Cultural Corner and Writing_第5页
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1、 Section Reading Practice & Cultural Corner & Writing 教 材 语 篇 细 研 .阅读P课文内容,从三个选项中选择最佳答案 131Whats Elizas father like? AHe is greedy and enjoys having money. BHe is an honest and amusing man. CHe doesnt like money. 2How does Elizas father,a poor man,become rich? AEliza becomes a real lady and gives hi

2、m a lot of money. BAs a result of a meeting with Herry Higgins. CEliza marries a rich man. 3From the tone of monologue,we know Elizas father is_. Aamusing Bcritical Csarcastic 【答案】 1.C 2.B 3.A .阅读P课文内容,判断正(T)误(F) 11101Eliza behaves successfully at the party.( ) 2Eliza does not really enjoy the party

3、 as it causes her a lot of stress.( ) 3Eliza and Higgins are happy and joyful after the party.( ) 4Higgins is overjoyed with his triumph in the bet,but ignores Elizas feelings and shows little concern about her future.( ) 5Higgins never loves Eliza since the beginning to the end.( ) 【答案】 1.T 2.T 3.F

4、 4.T 5.F 核 心 要 点 探 究 adjn superior .高级的,上好的,出众的,优秀的上司;长辈;优越的 人(教材P)Crushed by superior strength and weight. 10由于较大的强度和压力感到非常失望。 页 1 第 This cloth is superior to that.这种布比那种好。 No one is her superior in typewriting in this office. 在这个办公室里没有人比她打字更出色。 be superior to. 比高级/优秀 比低等/卑微 be inferior to. 比年长/资历深

5、be senior to. 比年幼/资历浅be junior to. 【提示】以上各词均无比较级。 me in this skill. You must be superior to 你在这项技术上一定胜过我。 完成句子 这台机器在很多方面比那台好。This machine is_many respects_that one. 这家西餐厅比我们上星期去的那一家好。 This western restaurant_the one we went to last week. 】【导学号:94912019is superior to superior in;to【答案】 ()/become of将会

6、怎样怎么样了某人或某事?我怎么知道你的(教材P you)How the devil do I know whats to become of10 结局是怎么样的? your research subject? become ofWhat will 你们的研究课题前景怎样? What becomes of sb./sth.??What is happening to sb./sth.??情况?如何??如何?What has become of sb./sth.??遭遇? ?怎样???结果?What will become of sb./sth.??Whats to become of sb./s

7、th. 完成句子 如果战争爆发,我们会怎样? What_us if the war breaks out. 页 2 第 我不敢设想他们如果无家可归将会怎样? I dread to think_if they lose their home? 【答案】 will become of what will become of them (P)What does it_matter what becomes of you? 教材10 你知道了你的结局又有什么关系呢? 【句式分析】 句中的it是形式主语,第二个what引导的从句是主语从句,是句子的真正主语。matter用作动词时是不及物动词,意思是“重

8、要”、“有重大关系”、“很要紧”。主要用于疑问句、否定句和条件句中,常构成的句式是It doesnt matter whether/wh-.,it为形式主语,特别指出It doesnt matter if从句中,if引导的从句仍为主语从句,但是当if从句用it作其形式主语时,充当真正主语,位于主句之后,而不能代替it位置放句首。 It doesnt matter what you say. 你说什么都没有关系。 Does it matter when he will come? 他什么时候来有关系吗? It doesnt matter to me whether she is pleased

9、or not. 她满意与否对我而言并不重要。 It doesnt matter if I miss my bus. 即使我没搭上公共汽车也没什么大不了的。 matter n 物质;事情,问题;重要(事) 的问题;大约 a matter of 麻烦事,病因,毛病 the matter 无关紧要 no matter 事实上,其实 as a matter of fact 更糟的是 to make matters worse with you today? Whats the matter 你今天是怎么回事? 【提示】whatwhats the matter with. 在句中为本句主语。 完成句子

10、这机器有点毛病。 页 3 第 There is_with the machine. 我不知道他怎么了。 I dont know_with him. 职位的升降不仅是一个工资的问题,也是一个自尊的问题。 To be promoted or to fall behind is not_salary but self-respect. 【导学号:94912019】 【答案】 something the matter/something wrong what is the matter a matter of () make any difference疑问句、否定句中有任何差别不同影响/(教材P)I

11、 didnt think it made any difference now. 10我想现在这没什么不同了。 One more person wouldnt make any difference to the arrangements.多一个人对安排不会有影响。 make a/no/some/much difference(to/in sb./sth.) (对某人或某事)有(没有/有些/很大)作用,关系,影响 make all the difference(to sb./sth.) 关系重大;大不相同;使更好受 Shall we go on Friday or Saturday? 咱们周五

12、去还是周六去呢? It makes no difference to me. 我无所谓。 The rain didnt make much difference to the game. 这场雨对比赛没有造成多大影响。 It makes some difference when he comes. 他什么时候来很重要。 完成句子 在适当的时候说几句体贴话效果迥然不同。 A few kind words at the right time _. 你去不去对我都一样。 It _ to me whether you go or not. 转学对我的一生有着重大影响。 页 4 第 Changing s

13、chools_to my life. 【答案】 make all the difference makes no difference/doesnt make any difference made a big difference vcomplain 抱怨;发牢骚;控诉(教材P)May I ask whether you complain of your treatment here? 10请允许我问一下,你对在这儿受到的待遇抱怨过吗? She did nothing except complain while she was here. 她在这里时除了抱怨还是抱怨。 He complain

14、ed to the police of the boys stealing his apples. 他向警方控告那些男孩偷他的苹果。 He complained bitterly that he had been unfairly treated. 他愤懑地诉说他所受到的不公平待遇。 complain to sb.of/about sth. 向某人抱怨某事 抱怨 that从句 complain抱怨;牢骚. complaint n They are full of complaints about their labor conditions. 关于劳动条件他们牢骚一大堆。 Id like to

15、 make a complaint about the noise. 我要就噪音问题提出投诉。 句型转换 He complained to me about the bad food. He _ to me _ the food was bad. He _ that the food was bad. 【答案】 complained;that made a complaint adj.ignorant 无知的;愚昧的(教材P)ELIZA:I dont understand.Im too ignorant. 11伊莱札:我不明白。我太笨了。 Hes so ignorant that he can

16、not write his own name. 他很笨,连自己的名字都写不出。 He felt himself very ignorant and humble. 他感到自己很愚昧,很自卑。 页 5 第 对一无所知 be ignorant of. 无知ignorance n. 对一无所知be in ignorance of. 不顾;不理会;忽视ignore v. ?你是说这件事你完ignorance of the factDo you mean you were in complete 全不知情? the traffic light. The driver ignored 那个司机不理会红绿灯

17、。 完成句子 我不懂政治。I_politics. 我不知道老板居然那样严格。I was_the fact that the boss could be so strict. ignorant of am ignorant about【答案】 )P (and walks about in his pocketsHe thrusts his hands into his ,教材11a to if condescending mannerusual rattling_the_contents_of_his_pocketsas , trivial subject out of pure kindnes

18、s.以他一贯的方式在屋里到处他把手插进口袋,就好像完全出于同情而使自己屈尊于”喀喀地响,走动,把口袋里的东西弄得“ 讨论这微不足道的话题。形.-ing句中rattling the contents of his pockets作伴随状语。v【句式分析】 形式则-ed式在句中做伴随状语,在逻辑上与句子的主语是主动关系,表动作, 表被动关系,表状态。. reading a newspaperHe sat in the chair, 他坐在椅子上,看着一份报纸。 她两眼望着我,十分惊异。astonished.She stared at me, 完成句子 ),_(陷入沉思My sister sat s

19、ilent for some timeyou will find the path leading to the park. ,转向左边)_(Turning to the left lost in thought【答案】 object to反对;讨厌 页 6 第 (教材P)Its making a gentleman of me that I object to. 13这是想把我弄成一个绅士呀,我可不想! Those who object to the plan raise your hand. 反对这个计划的人请举手。 We object to leaving him alone. 我们不答

20、应丢下他不管。 object that. 之所以反对是因为 反对 be opposed to 反对 be against the schedule was too tight. They objected that 他们为工作进程表排得太紧凑提出抗议。 翻译句子 许多人反对用动物做实验。_ 他讨厌被当成小孩子看待。_ He objects Many people object to the experiments on animals. 【答案】 to being treated like a child. 分 佳作 构 建 满 写一篇书评 【写作任务】 的代表作之一雾假设你阅读了英国小说家查

21、尔斯狄更斯(Charles Dickens) ist),请你根据以下提示写一篇评论。TOli都孤儿(ver w 雾都孤儿是他的代表作之一;1查尔斯狄更斯是英国伟大的小说家。是一个孤儿,他被扔进了贫穷与犯罪2雾都孤儿的主人公Oliver Twist 的魔窟;他历尽无数艰辛。最后在好心人的帮助下,身世被查明并获得了幸福。3 同时,那些坏人都受到了惩罚; 的成长环境是充满黑暗和罪恶的,但是他始终很善良;4Oliver Twist 5这部小说会给人留下深刻的印象,让人懂得做人的道理。 页 7 第 6雾都孤儿在英国文学史上是最受欢迎并且是被高度称赞的作品之一。 注意:1.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

22、 2:词数100左右。 审题谋篇 1审题,确定写作主题、时态和人称。此文为对小说雾都孤儿的书评。时态以一般现在时为主,人称以第三人称为主。 2确定文章结构。本文可以分为三段来写。第一段:简要介绍作品和作者;第二段:简要介绍作品内容;第三段:总体评价。 遣词造句 .词汇 1主人公_ 2扔进_ 3贫穷_ 4犯罪_ 5忍受_ 6查明_ 7获得幸福_ 8黑暗和罪恶_ 9留下印象_ 10最受欢迎_ 【答案】 1.hero 2.throw into 3.poverty 4crime 5.go through 6.find out 7.gain happiness 8.dark and evil 9.lea

23、ve an impression on 10.the most popular .句式 1小说雾都孤儿的主人公Oliver Twist是一个孤儿,他被扔进了贫穷与犯罪的魔窟。 _is Oliver Twist,an orphan,_. 2他经历了千辛万苦。 He_. 3在好心人的帮助下,Oliver Twist的身世被查明并获得了幸福。 _,Oliver Twists identity_. 页 8 第 4Oliver Twist的成长环境是充满黑暗和罪恶的,但是他始终很善良。 _as the environment Oliver Twist grows in,he _. 5雾都孤儿在英国文学史上是最受欢迎并且是被高度称赞的作品之一。 Oliver Twist_and highly regarded novels in English literature. 【答案】 1.The hero of the novel;who is thrown into a world full of poverty and crime 2.goes through too much suffering 3.With warm-hearted peoples help;is found out and he gains happi


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