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1、发布部门 (Issuing审核人(总) (Verified批准人(董) (Approved by-Chairman) :Department) :人力资源部 (HRby-GM) :Department)薪酬管理制度 (Compensation Management System)1.0 目的 (Goal)为把企业的工资制度与员工的工作岗位和工作业绩紧密结合,使其能真正起到奖勤罚懒、奖优罚劣的作用, 充分调动员工的工作积极性、增强责任感、提高自身素质,特制定本细则。This system is aimed at linking thecompany s salary system tightly

2、 to the campany staff s position and performance by rewarding the diligenand good while punishing the lazy and bad,thus to activate the system as a tool to arouse the staffemthusiasm, to enhance their sense of responsibility and to urge them to constantly improve themselves in all aspects.2.0 基本原则 (

3、Basic principles) 本方案本着公平、竞争、激励、经济、合法的原则,将工资分配与岗位管理密切结合,以岗位责任、劳动 强度、技术含量和实效等基本要素的评价为基础,按岗位差别确定分配关系,按员工工作表现及业绩和企业经 济效益来确定分配尺度, 采取以岗位、 绩效为主的分配形式, 建立结构合理、 关系明确、 管理规范的工资体制。 (This system brings the distribution of salary and the position management into a close association based on equalty, competition,

4、inspiration, economy and legalty. The evaluation is on the basis of some key elements such as the responsibility of the position, the intensity of labour, technical skills and tangible results while the salary distribution is based on the distinction in positions. How to distribute the salary is dec

5、ided by the staff performance and the company s economic benefit. This sal ary management system takes two major forms-position and performance. It is properly structured, regularly managed and the relation is clearly defined.3.0 员工分类、分级及岗位设置 (Employees classification, grading and post setting) 参照公司

6、组织架构图4.0 工资构成 (Composition of salary)工资 =基本工资岗位补贴 +生活补助 + 住房补贴 + 加班补贴 + 业绩奖金 +特殊补贴 + 五险Salary=base pay+post allowance+subsistence allowance+housing allowance+overtime allowance+performance-based bonus+special benefits+five insurances 岗位补贴: 是指员工 2 级以上行使管理职能的岗位或基层岗位专业技能突出的员工予以的津贴。 (Post allowance : it

7、 refers to the allowance provided for excutive managers ranked Second or above and employees in junior position with excellent professional skills.) 生活补助 :公司根据月工资统计天数得出生活补贴,1(蓝领)职员 以上级别不享有。(Subsistence allowance: it is based on the monthly paid days; this does not apply to employees rankedabove the

8、blue collars.)住房补贴: 公司未提供住房,特安排的住房补贴,各岗位均享有。(Housing allowance : every employee is provided with this allowance because the company does not offer accomodation.) 加班工资: 是指员工在双休日、 法定节假日级 8 小时以外未完成额外的工作任务而支付的工资部分。 公司 1(蓝 领)职员以上岗位及实行工作时间未完成固定的工作职责与任务为主,所以不享受加班工资。(Overtime alowance : this is paid for the

9、 work done on weekends, legal holidays and beyond the eight daily working hours. However, employees above the blue collars are paid according to the amout of work they do instead of by the hour, thus they are not entiled to this allowance.) 业绩奖金 :公司相关业务人员享受业务提成,按公司业务提成管理规定执行。(Performance-based bonus

10、: personnel in charge of some certain transaction enjoy the commission whichis paid according to the company s provisions on admistinration.)特殊补贴: 指公司对部门经理级管理人员基于他的特长或特殊贡献而协议确定的薪酬部分。(Special benefits : this is offered to the department managers and administrators based on their special abilities and

11、 their unique contributions to the company.) 五险 :医疗保险 +失业保险 +养老保险 +工伤保险 +生育保险(基数随社平工资进行调整) (Five insurances : medicare insurance+unemployment insurance+old-age insurance+industrial injury insurance+child- bearing insurance; the amount of these insurances are adjusted as the society schanges.)参保人员身份

12、(policy- holder s identity)上年月平 均工资 (the everage salary of the first half of the year)养老失业工伤医疗生育总金额 (sum)单 位 应 缴 (the co mp any sha ll pay )个 人 应 缴 (the indi vid ual sha ll pay )单 位 应 缴 (the co mp any sha ll pay )个 人 应 缴 (the indi vid ual sha ll pay )单 位 应缴 (the comp any shall pay)单 位 应 缴(the comp a

13、ny shall pay)个 人 应 缴(the individu al shall pay)单 位 应 缴(the comp any shall pay)本市职工 (employees-Xiamen citizen)1822.8255.19145.8216.178.098.09127.636.467.29604.71外来工 ( 含农民 )(foreign employees including peasants)9905472904.9554.6836.467.29238.38外来管理、技术人员按本市 (foreign administrative and technical personn

14、el are treated as Xiamen citizen)27003782162713.513.51895410.8901.85.0 公司级别划分 (Grades) :职衔:衡量员工过往功绩的一种级别划分。其表现形式为:白领、蓝领、铜领 等等,共分为 5 个职级;(Post title : it is a way to measure employees performance in the past; there are five ranks, taking the formsof white-collar, blue-collar, bronze-collar, etc.)职等:

15、对应于员工现任职务的一种级别划分。其表现形式为:职员、主管、总经、高总 等等,也是分为 5 个等级;(Grade: it is designed to classify employees present position. There are five les,v etalking the form of clerk,supervisor, manager, chief managers, etc.)职级: 反映不同职衔高低的标准 .(Rank: it is a standard to measure the level of a position.)级别: 反映同一职级中高低的标准。每一个

16、职级中都包含有3 个级别, 1、 2、3、,3 级高于 1 级。例如,在白领这样一个职衔中,就包括白领 1 级、白领 2 级、白领 3 级;(Class: it reflects the differences among positions in the same rank. There are three classes in everyrank-Rank 1, Rank2, Rank 3, Rank 3 is higher than Rank 1. Exp. In the white collar post, there areClass 1 white-collar, Class 2

17、white-collar and Class 3 white-collar.)职务: 反映员工承担不同责任和义务的标准定义。例如,经理、总监、技术员、设计师 等等。(Position: it is a standard definition of employees responsibilities and obligations; for example, there aremanager, director, technician, designer, etc.)等级: 反映不同职等高低的定义标准。我们的职等制度中也包括了 3 个等级。(Level: it reflects the dif

18、ferences among the grades. There are three levers in every grade.)员工级: 生产、仓储级别以下(Workers: below the production and warehouse ).5.1 职衔职等制度的基本概念和思想 (Basic concept and spirit of the title and grade system)职衔职等制度是 GFA 的一种精神激励和物质鼓励制度,核心是为了体现和谐共赢的企业文化,打造一支成 功的团队。职衔职等制度就是保证这个磨合期的和谐公正,保证磨合期以后的分配合理公平,职衔反映的是过

19、 往贡献或能力, 职等反映的是目前贡献或能力。 他们之间有着基本的对应关系如下。 (The title and grade system inspires the staff mentally and materially, holding the goal of building a successful team in a mutual beneficial coporate culture. The system is to ensure harmony and justice during this running in period and a resonable and fair

20、distribution system after this period. The position title reflects the staff s past conabilities while the grade, their present contributions and ablities. Below is their basic corresponding relation: 职级 /职衔/职等职务、工作岗位5(金领)总监总监、程序分析师、首席策划师、总裁助理4(银领)高经高级经理、工程师、设计师、策划师、总经理助理3(铜领)经理会计、业务经理、客服经理、培训经理、总监助

21、理、总裁秘书2(白领)主管设计员、技术员、出纳、主管、经理助理、总经理秘书、品质管理员1(蓝领)职员业务专员、客服专员、培训专员、行政专员、前台接待员工:仓管、 QC 、班长、组长、安保人员、流水线操作员、保洁不列入职级范围内,但不影响职等 3(铜领)经理级别以上享受厦门本地职工2700 元系数缴纳医保。2(铜领)经理级别享受本地职工 1617 元系数缴纳医保。 备注: 员工入职当月满 21.75 个工作日享有医社保。Rank /Title /Grade duty&position5 (gold-collar) director director, program analyst, chief

22、 strategy planner, assistant of CEO4 (silver-collar) chief manager high-ranked manager, engineer, designer, strategy planner, assistant of chief manager3 (bronze-collar) manager accountant, sales manager, customer service manager, training manager, assistant of director, secretary of CEO2 (white-col

23、lar) supervisor designer, technician, casher, supervisor, assistant of manager, secretary of chief manager1 (blue-collar) clerk sales specialist, customer service specialist, training specialist, excutive specialist, receptionist warehouse keeper, QC, monitor, group leader, security guard、 productio

24、n line operator, cleaner3 (bronze- collar) staff ranked above manager enjoy 2700 RMB s medicare insurance like Xiamen localstaff.2 (bronze-collar) managers enjoy 1617 R MB s social insurance like Xiamen local staff. Notes: staff start to enjoy medicare insurance after working 21.25 days in very mont

25、h that they are recruited.5.2 职衔制度 (Title system)GFA 聘请你,就是认可你在其他企业的 “过往能力 ”你现在对 GFA 、对团队的贡献越大,你被认可的能力越 大,你的职衔就应该越高;反之,则低。职衔制度对企业的创业期尤为重要,正因为如此 GFA 职衔体制在不同企业发展时期有不同的浮动标准。 在原始创业期,职衔的升降幅度最大,创业期次之,到成长期升降幅度就趋于稳定了。GFA hired you because we approved your past ability in other companies. The more you contri

26、bute to GFA and more abilities you have been approved of, the higher your position will be, vice versa.The post title system is particularly important to a enterprise on its starting point. For this reason, GFA post title system has different floating criteria in different period of development. The

27、 promotion and demotion range of the post title is wide in the primitive period of business establishment, narrower in the establishing period and tends to be steady in the growing period.5.2.1. 职衔对应的薪资标准级别职衔工资级别工资一级二级三级5(金领)总监50001500200025004(银领)高经40001000150020003(铜领)经理3500500100015002(白领)主管20002

28、004006001(蓝领)职员1800200300400员工90001002005.2.2 职衔等级的管理说明 (Explanation of administration on position grades) 职衔评定标准 (Evaluationg standards of position)评定职衔需要考虑的因素有 4 个:职务、工龄、学历、经验,等等。(4 factors are taken into account when deciding a position- duty, seniority, education and experience.)具体划分、核定标准如下 (Spe

29、cific classification and evaluating standards are as follows):职务:员工在 GFA 企业担任职务的高低,决定其最低职衔。新聘用的员工,根据其应聘职务对应的职等,可 以核定其最低职衔。每个职衔可以对应其往上的三个职等。例如 1 级的蓝领,可以担任 1 业务专员, 2 业务主 管 3 业务经理(Position: the employees basic post title is based on their position in GFA. Newly -recruited employees sbasic post title ca

30、n be decided according to his/her position grade. Every employee is entitled to three grades in corresponding to his/her post title. For instance, a first-class blue coller can hold the post of business specialist ,bussiness administrator or business manager.工龄:员工在 GFA 企业工龄的长短,对其职衔有直接影响。但是并不是只要工龄长就能

31、获得高的职衔,而是 要看这些工龄时段中,员工对公司所作的贡献大小。也就是说根据绩效考核情况来决定员工的职衔升降。 Seniority: employees ostp title is closely associated with their seniority.However,longer service does not necessorily means higher position. Instead, it is his/her contribution to GFA during the this service period that decides how high his/h

32、er position can be. That is to saythe staff s performance decides his/her promotion ordemotion.学历:这个标准比较简单,大专文凭,积累 1 级;本科文凭,积累 2 级;硕士文凭,积累 3 级;博士文凭,积 累 4 级。这个标准不是必须单独考虑的,如果在员工担任职务时已经充分考虑到其文凭因素后,则不应该再单 独考虑本因素。Education: this criteria is comparatively simple:associate degree gets 1 level; undergraduat

33、e degree gets 2levels; master s degree gets 3 levels and doctor s degree gets 4 levels. This criteria should not be consideseperately. This should not again be a factor if it has been taken into consideration when giving the employee the job.原则上, 每两年工作经验,经验: 本项仅对于新聘任员工而言。 这里的经验指对应聘职位直接相关的工作经验,可以积累 1

34、 级。不过,与学历标准相似,如果在聘用时已经充分考虑了经验因素,则不再重复计算积累。Working experience: this only applys to newly recruited staff. This“ Experience ”wreofrekrisn gto theexperience directly associated with the position the employee is holding. In principle, every 2-year experience gets 1 level; similar to the education criter

35、ia , this should not again be a factor if it has been taken into consideration when giving the employee the job.6.0 薪酬调整:6.0 ajustment for salary 薪酬调整分为整体调整和个别调整。Adjustment generally and specificly.6.1 整体调整:指公司根据国家政策和物价水平等宏观因素的变化、行业及地区竞争状况、集公司发展效益情 况而进行的调整,包括薪酬水平调整和薪酬结构调整,调整幅度由董事会根据公司经营状况决定。6.1 Gene

36、ral ajustment: it is associated with somemacroscopical changes including national policy, pricelevel, industri al and regional competetion, and the companyeccso nomic benefits.The ajustmentcomposes of the level and the structure and the adjustment range is decided by the board of directors after ass

37、essing the company s state of operation.6.2 个别调整: 主要薪酬级别的调整,分为定期调整与不定期调整。6.2 Specific adjustment : adjustment of main salary levels,periodical and aperiodical.6.2.1 薪酬级别定期调整:指公司在每年的 4 月份根据年度绩效考核结果对员工岗位工资进行的调整。6.2.1 Periodical adjustment of compensation levels: it refers to the adjustment to staff s

38、salaraccording to the assessment on their yearly performance. This takes place in April every year.6.2.2 薪酬级别不定期调整:指公司在年中由于职务变动等原因对员工薪酬进行的调整。6.2.2 Aperiodical adjustment of compensation levels:it refers to the adjustment to staff s salary and p caused by the post changes.6.3 调整程序6.3 The procedure fo

39、r adjustment级别 rank调整次数 /年(不超过) times of adjustment /year (within)调整跨度 The span of adjustment)审批程序The procedure for examination and approval经理级 managers3次3 times300-500中国区总监 CEO director of china section CEO主管级 supervisors3次3 times100-300经理 人力资源部经理 中国区总监 CEOmanager HR manager director of china secti

40、on CEO职员级 clerks3次3 times100-200经理 人力资源部经理 中国区总监 CEOmanager HR manager director of china section CEO员工级2次50经理 人力资源部经理 中国区workers2 times总监 CEOmanagerHR managerdirector of china sectionCEO审批通过的调整方案和各项薪酬发放方案由人力资源部执行。The compensation scheme and its adjustments which have been examined and approved shoul

41、d be carried out by the HR Department.7.0 其它7.0 Other7.1 公司薪酬体系实行动态管理,员工岗位变动,或技能评定有所升降,工资将随之变动,自重新确定岗位的 下月起调整岗位工资 ;7.1 The compensation management systemis dynamic, which means that employees salary changes whenhis/her position or the assesment on his/her skills changes. The adjustment will become e

42、ffective the next month after the reconfirmation of the new position.7.2 每月统一按照 21.75 个工作日计算发放工资, 员工试用期工资按定岗位标准工资计发;7.2 Monthly salary is paid on a basis of 21.75 working days; employees on the probation are paid according to the standard salary.7.3 次月 15 日发放上月工资;7.3 On the fifteenth day evry month,

43、 salary of the preceding month is paid.7.4 工资计算方式:7.4 Way of payment: 月工资 =工资基数 -工资基数 /21.75 * 请假天数Monthly salary = base pay - base pay/21.75 * days of absence 住房补贴 = 住房补贴基数 - 住房补贴基数 * 请假天数Housing allowance =basic housing allowance - basic housing allowance * days of absence 生活补助 =生活补助基数 -生活补助基数 /21

44、.75 * 请假天数Living subsidies =basic Living subsidies - basic Living subsidies /21.75* abscent days当日金额 =工资基数 /21.75Day pay = basic salary/21.75事假 =扣除当日薪资Personal leave = deduct the day pay病假 =扣除当日薪资 20%sick leave = deduct 20% of the day pay8.0 薪酬保密:8.0 Compensation shall be confidengtial 人力资源部、财务部所有经手

45、工资信息的员工及管理人员必须保守薪酬秘密。非因工作需要,不得将员工的薪 酬信息透漏给任何第三方或公司以外的任何人员。 薪酬信息的传递必须通过正式渠道。 有关薪酬的书面材料 (包 括各种有关财务凭证)必须加锁管理。工作人员在离开办公区域时,不得将相关保密材料堆放在桌面或容易泄 漏的地方。有关薪酬方面的电子文档必须加密存储,密码不得转交给他人。员工需查核本人工资情况时,必须 由人力资源会同财务部门出纳进行核查。 违反薪酬保密相关规定的一律视为严重违反公司劳动纪律的情形予以 开除。Personnel in HR Department , Department of Finance involving

46、 in the handling of salary information should keep a secret of it.No revealing the salary information to a third party or any person who does not work for the company. Salary information should be delivered through official aproaches . Written material on salary (including various financial document

47、s) should be handled with encryption.When all the staff have left the office area, the classified documents should not be left on desks or any other place where it is possible to be given away. The e-files about salary should be stored with encryption and the code should not be given away to others.In the case of checking personal wages ,the HR departme


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