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1、Key Words and Expressions for Text Aon one s way toin the process of coming, going, or traveli ng to 去的途中e.g. 1. Ill buy some bread on my way home.2. We were already on the way to the airport when we realized we d forgotten our passports. 我们已经在去机场途中了,突然意识到忘记带护照了。Usage: phrases with “way”all the wayb

2、y the wayby way of一路上;彻底地顺便说一下途经in a way; in one way; in somein a big (small) wayin the wayways大(小)规模造成不便或障碍某种程度上one way or anotherthe other way roundout of the way考虑到各个方面相反偏远to my way of thinkingunder way在我看来已经开始并进行着go wrong1. experience problems or difficulties 不如意,不对头;遇到麻烦e.g. 1. The party was go

3、ing well until my parents arrived; then everything went wrong.2. Their marriage started to go wrong when he got a job abroad.他得到一份在国外的工作 , 他们的婚姻就在那时开始出现问题。2. make mistakes at a particular stage in a process 犯错e.g. Check your work again and see if you can spot where you went wrong.trap n.a plan for d

4、eceiving and tricking a person (人的)计谋,策略,陷阱e.g. 1. His pleasant conversation was just a trap to make her say more than she should. 他愉快的谈话不过是个策略,诱使她多说些她本不该说的话。2. It is easy to fall into the trap of taking out a loan you cannot afford.很容易就钻进陷阱,背上你偿还不起的贷款。Collocations:lay / set a trap be / get caught i

5、n a trap fall into / walk into a traprent vt.esp. AmE pay money for the use of (a car, boat, etc.) for a short time 尤美租用(汽车、船只等)e.g. 1. Hong Kong is one of the most expensive cities in the world to rent space in.2. Will you rent a car while you re inSpain?你在西班牙期间会租辆车吗?CF: rent, hire, lease租房子用 rent,

6、女口 : We rented an apartment together.在美式英语里,租车,租电器产品也可以用rent,女口 : The TV is rented.而在英式英语里,虽然也可以说 rent a car,但是经常说的是 hire a car,如:You can hire a car at the airport. 长时间地租房子,租车或租设备,尤其是用于商业目的,可以用lease,如:If you upgrade computersregularly, it may work out cheaper to lease them.break down1. (esp. of mach

7、inery) stop working; fail (机器)停止运转;坏掉e.g. 1. Were sorry to arrive late, but the bus broke down soon after we set off.2. The telephone system has broken down. 电话系统失灵了。2. fail; collapse 失败;崩溃;瓦解;垮e.g. Negotiations between the two sides have broken down. 双方谈判已经破裂。3. (of sbs health) become very bad; col

8、lapse (指某人健康状况)变得恶劣;垮 e.g. Her health broke down under the pressure of work.工作的压力把她的身体弄垮了。4. lose control of one s feelings 感情失去控制e.g. He broke down and wept when he heard the news. 他听到这个消息时不禁痛哭起来。irritable a.tending to get angry at small things; easily annoyed 易怒的,急躁的e.g. 1. The long drive home fro

9、m work left him feeling tired and irritable. 下班回家长长的车程让他感到又累又急。2. He had been waiting for over an hour and was beginning to feel irritable. 已经等了一个多小时他开始急了。occupy vt.use a place 占用e.g. 1. Many patients who are occupying hospital beds could be transferred to other places. 许多现在正占用床位的病人可以转到其他地方。2. The b

10、athroom s occupied. I think John s inthere. 厕所有人。我想约翰正在里面。(all) by oneself alone, without help 单独地,独自地e.g. 1. He was sitting by himself, looking very sad.2. David spent Christmas all by himself. 戴维一个人过的圣诞节。miserable a.very unhappy 极不愉快的,痛苦的e.g. 1. The child is cold, hungry, and tired; of course he f

11、seeling miserable.2. I spent a miserable weekend alone at home. 单独一个人呆在家里,我过了一个很不开心的周末。scold vt.old-fash speak angrily and complainingly to (sb. who has done sth. wrong) 过时责骂;斥责(做错事 的人)e.g. 1. Later she scolded her daughter for having talked to her father like that.2. He never raised his voice or sc

12、olded me unfairly. 他从来不提高嗓门或不分青红皂白地责骂我。defend vt.use arguments to support, protect, or show the rightness of 为辩护e.g. 1. How can you defend the killing of animals for scientific research?2. Students should be ready to explain and defend their views.学生应该勇于解释自己的观点并为之辩护。minor a.lesser or smaller in degr

13、ee, size, number, or importance when compared with others 较少(小) 的; 低级的, 次要的e.g. 1. He left most of his money to his sons; his daughter received only a minor share of his wealth.2. There may be some minor changes to the schedule. 时间表可能有些小的改动。Antonym: majorinterrupt vt.break the flow of speech or acti

14、on of (sb.) by saying or doing sth. 打断(某人的)讲话;中断(某人的) 行动;打扰e.g. 1. Shesstudying for an exam tomorrow, so you dbetter not interrupt her.2. Will you stop interrupting me when I m talking! 我说话的时候请不要打断我!straighten upget up from a bent-over position 直起身来,挺起身来e.g. 1. He straightens up, combs his hair, and

15、 walks into the meeting.2. Straighten up slowly, then repeat the exercise ten times. 慢慢直起身,然后重复这个练习 10 次。permission n.U an esp. formal text of allowing, written or spoken agreement 许可,准许;批准 e.g. 1. They can not leave the country without permission.2. You must ask permission before taking any photogr

16、aphs inside the church. 你必须取得同意才能在教堂里拍照。Collocations:ask / request / apply for permissiongive / grant permission get / obtain / receive permission have permission (to do sth.) refuse / deny (sb.) permission with / without (sb. s) permission special / written permission不能说 a permission 或者 the permiss

17、ion。depart vi.fml or lit leave; go away, esp. when starting a journey 正式或文离开 e.g. 1. The 12.15 train to Atlanta will depart from Platform 16.12 点 15 分去亚特兰大的列车在 16 号站台乘车。2. The ship was due to depart at any moment. 船随时都会出发的。lean vi. (leant , leant or leaned, leaned) slope or bend from an upright posi

18、tion 倾斜;弯斜,屈身e.g. 1. Last summer vacation I went to Italy and visited the Leaning Tower of Pisa.162. A man was leaning out of the window. 一个男的把身子探出窗外。ancient a.1. usu. humor (of people or objects) very old; in or of times long ago 一般幽老掉牙的;古代的 e.g. 1. I look rather ancient in this photo.2. I feel pre

19、tty ancient when I see how the younger generation behaves. 看到年轻一代的举止行为 , 我觉得我太老了。2. belonging to times long past 古代的;远古的e.g. Rome is famous for its ancient monuments such as the Coliseum. 罗马因其古老的建筑物而闻名,如斗兽场。enthusiasm n.a strong active feeling of interest and admiration 巨大的兴趣,热情,热心,热忱 e.g. 1. The pl

20、ay he watched last night aroused his enthusiasm for acting.2. Employers showed little enthusiasm for the new regulations. 用人单位对新规定没有多大热情。Collocations:with enthusiasmgreat / much / considerable / enormous enthusiasmlittle enthusiasmlack of enthusiasmfull of enthusiasmshow (great / considerable / litt

21、le) enthusiasmlose enthusiasmshare sb.s enthusiasmfire sb. with enthusiasmgenerate enthusiasmdampen sb.s enthusiasmboundless / unbounded enthusiasmdeliver vt.1. take (goods, letters, etc.) to people s houses or places of work 递送,传送 e.g. 1. Letters are delivered to the small town every other day.2. U

22、nfortunately the package was delivered to the wrong address. 不幸的是,包裹投递错了地方。2. give (a lecture, sermon, speech, etc) 授(课) ; 讲(道) ; 讲(话) e.g. She delivered a talk on philosophy to the society. 她给学会作了一次有关哲学的讲话。release vt.1. express a feeling that one has been trying not to show 释放,放出 e.g. 1. He punched

23、 the pillow in an effort to release his anger. 他击打枕头来发泄怒火。2. Physical exercise is a good way of releasing stress. 体育锻炼是一种很好的释放压力的方式。2. make sth. available to the public 发布(新闻等) ;发行(影片等) e.g. 1. The latest developments have just been released to the media. 最新的进展情况已向大众传播媒介发表。2. The new model has now b

24、een released for sale to export markets. 新型号的产品现已向出口市场出售。Difficult Sentences for Text A1. Through the front door came an old French flower woman. (Para. 6)Q: What special pattern have you noticed in this sentence?A: Full inversion.Q: Please make a sentence using full inversion.A: Possible answer:The

25、re went the bus.Round the corner came a policeman.2. To the piano player she said hoarsely, “Can you imagine, Joseph,soup on Christmas Eve? (Par”a. 9)Q: Why did the woman mention “soup on Christmas Eve”?A: The old French flower woman had had no business for the whole afternoon and she couldnt amore

26、decent dinner on Christmas Eve, but could only buy herself some soup.3. “ Sir,he”said to me, “mayI have permission to present this flower to your beautiful daughter? (Para.”16)Q: Who did the sailor refer to as “your beautiful daughter ”?A: The writer s wife.Q: Do you think he had made a mistake?A: E

27、ither by mistake or most probably on purpose, the American sailor referred to the writerthsewife aswriter s “ daughter ”, which implied that the lady looked very younHge. did so just to cheer them up.4. A few seconds later, Christmas exploded throughout the restaurant like a bomb. (Para. 17)Q: What

28、does the sentence imply?A: Christmas spirit was contagious and everybody in the restaurant was touched by the American sailor s kind act. People started sharing and giving and a feeling of joy and happiness suddenly filled the restaurant.5. He released the love and joy that had been smothered within

29、 us by anger and disappointment. (Para. 23)Q: Please paraphrase this sentence.A: Our love and joy were buried under our anger and disappointment until the American sailor inspired us to express our love and joy.Extended Questions Extended questions ( Para. 1)Q: What is a “tourist trap ”W?hat does th

30、e word “trap ”remind us of?A: A tourist trap is a place, such as a shop or resort area, that offers overpriced goods and services to tourists. The word “trap ”reminds us of something that is attractive on the surface, but lures you to lose more, e.g. a trap to catch an animal.Q: What did the writer

31、mean when he said there was no Christmas spirit in their heart ?A: The Christmas season is supposed to be one full of joy and cheer, but they had had such a bad time that they did not feel joyous or cheerful at all. Extended question (Paras. 2-3)Q: What can you infer from the fact that the diners we

32、re all eating in “stonysilence ? ”A: It shows that the customers were unhappy. Extended questions (Paras. 4-6)Q: What could the boys have said to defend their mother?A: They might have said:“ Dyaodu, shouldn hatve blamed mom. It nsot her fault.” Extended questions (Paras. 7-9)Q: The flower lady call

33、ed the piano player “Joseph.W”hat does that show?A: It shows that they knew each other pretty well and probably she had bee n selli ng flowers fora longtime in the area and the pia no player performed regularly in the restaura nt.Q: What did the flower lady mean when she said yCBrimagine soup on Chr

34、istmas Eve? ”A:The old French flower woma n had had no bus in ess for the whole afternoon and she could n afford amore decent dinner on Christmas Eve, but could only buy herself some soup. She was actually complai ning.Q: Do you know what a typical Christmas dinner is like? What dishes are usually s

35、erved at Christmas dinner?A: Christmas dinner is usually the biggest meal of the year in western countries. A typical Christmas dinner would be stuffed turkey served with roast ham and possibly roast beef as well, accompanied by roast potatoes and other vegetables such as carrots and peas. This is f

36、ollowed by a Christmas puddi ng that has brandy poured over it and is the n set alight, a custom spri nging from the belief that this bur ns away all the evil spirits of the past year. Extended questions ( Paras. 10-12)Q: What do you know about the practice of tipp ing in wester n coun tries?A: Tipp

37、 ing is a usual practice in service sectors, such as at a restaura nt or a hotel. Extended questions ( Paras. 13-16)Q: What does the writer mean by using the expression “ ancientheek to refer to the flower woman? A: It means that she was old and she had old and wrinkled cheeks. Extended questions (

38、Paras. 17-18)Q: Each of the first three short sentences of Para. 17 starts with“ every one Whateffect do you think ithas on the reader?A: It has an emphatic effect to show that the sailor actn affected everybody. It also helps create a vivid picture of the joyous atmosphere.Q: What does it mean to s

39、ay “ Christmas explodedhroughout the restaura nt like a bomb?A: Christmas spirit was con tagious and everybody in the restaura nt was touched by the America n sailor s kind act. People started shari ng and givi ng and a feeli ng of joy and happ in ess sudde nly filled the restaura nt.Q: Do you happe

40、n to know the main idea of the song “ GoodKing Wenceslaus ”?A: The main idea is about the importa nee of shari ng with the poor, and one famous line in the song has the meaning: “ Yowho now will bless the poor will find blessing for yourself. Extended questions ( Paras. 19-20)Q: What do you think ca

41、used these cha nges?A: The America n sailor, whose kind act of shari ng, brought back the joy of Christmas. Extended questions ( Paras. 21-22)Q: Why do you think half of the diners were crying?A: They were touched by the Christmas spirit of shari ng and the won derful atmosphere. Extended questions

42、( Para. 23)Q: Do you have a better un dersta nding of the spirit of Christmas after read ing the story?A: Yes. I think the essence of the Christmas spirit lies in peace, good will, love and sharing.Sectio n C Voici ng Your Views1 In terview four stude nts to hear their views on what leads to goodin

43、terpers onal relati on ship. Put dow n thein formati on in the table below. Do they share similar or differe nt views? Do you agree with any of them?Stude ntsViews on what leads to good in terpers onal relatio nshipNotesStudent ASimilar to:Student BSimilar to:Student CSimilar to:Student DSimilar to:

44、MyselfSimilar to: An swers for refere nee:Some possible an swers are: Sin eerityHon estyIn tegrityCommuni cati on Kindn essWilli ngn ess to help Complime nt Appreciati on GratitudePatie nee 2 Below are eomme nts made on in terpers onal relati on ship.Discuss these views with your group members and s

45、ee whether you accept any of them.1) Interpersonal relationship is the most difficult to handle. Even if you have tried your best, you may still be misun derstood and get hurt.Hi nts:In terpers onal relatio nship is difficult to han dle. Even in itial good relati on ship can tur nsour and friends ca

46、nturn en emies etc.2) People hurt, so the safest way is to stay alone and relyon on eself rather tha n buildi ng good relati on shipwith others.Hi nts:This comment sounds quite anti-social and not quite realistic.3) No one is an isla nd. In order to survive in this world, we must maintain good relat

47、i on ship with others. Hi nts:No one can really live all by himself / herself as a human being is a social being.4) A good strategy to mai nta in good relati on ship is being willi ng to give in.Hi nts:Bei ng willi ng to give in may be a way to mai ntai n relati on ship in some situati ons, but not

48、always. In certa in occasi ons, one n eeds to be assertive rather tharjust givi ng in.5) Good in terpers onal relati on ship can only be built through mutual respect.Hi nts:Mutual respect is importa nt to good in terpers onal relati on ship. It is not possible to keepgood relati on shipwith some one

49、 you look dow n upon.6) A com muni cati on cha nnel must be ope n for a con flict to be solved.Hi nts:In order to solve a con flict, it is importa nt for both parties to be willi ng to com muni cate, whether the com muni catio n is through talk ing or writi ng to each other.Text BSectio n A KEY WORD

50、S AND EXPRESSIONSKey Words:encounter vt.significant a.deserve vt.endure vt.attach vt.assist vt.inquire vi.obstacle n.blame vt.approach vt.strain vi.recovery n.fade vi.tremble vi.encounter vt.1. fml to meet sb. without planning to 正式 邂逅e. g. 1. The story is simple a man and a woma n encoun ter each o

51、ther and are attracted to each other.2. She was the most remarkable woma n he had ever encoun tered.synony ms: come across, run in to, bump into2. fml meet or have to deal with (sth. bad, esp. a dan ger or a difficulty); be faced with正式 遇至 U; 遭遇(尤指危险或困难等)e. g. 1. The environmental problems they foun

52、d in this city were among the worst they had ever encoun tered.2. The gover nment has encoun tered stro ng oppositi on to its pla ns to raise in come tax.sig ni fica nt a. of no ticeable importa nee, effort, or in flue nee重要的,重大的,有意义的,影响深远的e. g. 1. All their customs and cultures have made a very sig

53、nificant contribution to the way we live.2. Please inform us if there are any sig ni fica nt cha nges in your pla ns.Noun: sig ni fica neeAntonym: in sig ni fica ntdeserve vt. not in progressive forms have earned by one s actions orof 不用进行式 应受,应得,值得e. g. 1. Honors do not always go to those who deser

54、ve them.2. Paula deserves a special men ti on for all the help she has give n us.Collocatio ns:deserve to do sth.richly / fully / thoroughly, etc. deserve sth.deserve a rest / break / holiday, etc.deserve all / everyth ing one getsendure vt. bear (pain, suffering, etc.) patiently or for a long time

55、(长时间地)忍受,忍耐(痛苦、苦难 等);容忍e.g. 1. They endured tremendous hardship on their journey to the South Pole.2. They had to endure a long wait before the case came to trial.Synonyms: bear, stand, put up withattach vt. ( to ) fasten in position; fix or connect 常与 to 连用 系,绑;贴;固定;联结;附着e.g. 1. Be careful of the h

56、andle it nost very well attached.2. Please attach a recent photograph to your application form.Compare “detach”:detach vt. unfasten sth. from sth.; disconnect sth. 将某物拆下;拆开某物;分开某物 e.g. You can detach the hood if you prefer the coat without it.assist vt.(i n, with) fml help or support 常与 in 或 with 连用

57、正式帮助,协助e.g. 1. Here are some good sources of information to assist you in making the best selection.2. Two men are assisting the police with their enquiries.inquire vt. (about, into ) ask information 常与 about 或 into 连用 询问,打听e.g. 1. The police are inquiring into the disappearance of the jewellery.2. I am writing to inquire about your advertisement in The Times.Collocations:inquire about sth.inquire sth. of sb.inquire how / wh


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