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1、小学英语话剧剧本 小学英语话剧剧本(一)characters:mr. shi, xiaofu, dabaomr. shi: tax is the major source of the fiscal revenue. there is an evident change about the relationship between the tax collector and taxpayer in the past 20 years. now, the tax collector, xiaofu, and the tax payer dabao, a vendor selling yangro

2、uchuan will show you the very change. the first act happened in 1980s.act i(in bazaar of beijing, sanlihe, 1980s)dabao: yangrouchuan , yangrouchuan, eaten one ,want nine, eaten one, want nine.hi, take my yangrouchuan.(slipped, take it up, )xiaofu: tax! pay the tax!dabao: (change faces)taxi? where is

3、 the taxi? heres no taxi.xiaofu: tax! t-a -x!dabao: whats the tax? i just know taxi! do you want me to call a taxi for you?taxi-! taxi-!xiaofu: enough! are you the vendor?dabao: no , no, no, no! i m just have a look. the vendor has gone to the toilet.xiaofu: not the vendor ? impossible! you ve been

4、here for 2 hours.dabao: really ? (xiaofu: yes, of course.)how do you know it?xiaofu: the window of my office is open to here and i ve been looking at you for two hours.dabao: its a big bug!xiaofu: oh. dont waste my time! please pay the tax- 10 yuan!dabao: 10 yuan?! my god. i had just earned 20 yuan

5、one day! 5 yuan, ok?xiaofu: dont cheat me, youve sold more than 2 hundred ones.dabao: 6yuan, my dear sisiter.7yuan, my lovely beauty.dabao: not for you ,not for me, lets split the difference. 8 yuan ,ok ?xiaofu: (looking around) all right ,a deal. but no receipt.(dabao payed 8 yuan and xiaofu left)d

6、abao: what a smart woman! bad luck! im bankrupt. i have to change my place.hope i would not meet her any more! lets go!act iimr. shi: the next scene happened in new century. china had been marching in the way of the market economy for twenty years more, in the new era of building the well-off societ

7、y in an all-round way, how do the vendor regard tax as and how is the tax collected? the scene will tell you.lets enjoy it!(in the market; dabao in white clothes ,a board with “no sars”)dabao: yangrouchuan, yangrouchuan. eaten one, want nine. eaten one, want nine.xiaofu: hi,dabao: hi.two: what a fam

8、iliar face.two: its you!dabao: 10 years past, you are a still a tax collector.xiaofu: 10 years past, you still sell yangrouchuan.how is your business?dabao: everything is ok!10 years past, you are still beautiful lady in sanlihe of beijing.xiaofu: 10 years past, you and your yangrouchuan look more c

9、lean than 20 years before.dabao: thank you. no sars, no dirtiness; serve people, serve me.xiaofu: great! have youdabao: married? i m not married; im still single.xiaofu: have you claimed your tax this month?dabao: what? taxi? oh, tax! of course. i should pay the tax of 50 yuan this month and i have

10、claimed at the begin of this month.xioafu: your receipt, please.dabao: (shows the receipt )here you are, i have paid my tax in the tax service center by computer.xiaofu: great! what a good taxpayer you are.dabao: thank you. it is my duty. im proud of myself to pay the tax for our country.xiaofu: yea

11、h! the tax you paid is a share of our countrys economy, and you do a lot for olympics of beijing!dabao: lets do it together! . its said that, dont ask what your country can do for you but ask what you can do for your country. just like me, sell yangrouchuan, and pay the tax for ten years more.xiaofu

12、: you re the loveliest people in new century!dabao: thank you! and you re the loveliest tax collector in new era!x: excuse me, and i have to go now. bye-bye.d: a moment, are you free tomorrow evening? could i have a dinner with you?xiaofu: well, may i have the company of my husband?dabao: no, no, no

13、 problem. 6 oclock in the evening, beichuanyuan, ok?xiaofu: just a kidding. i have to go home now.(leaves)dabao, see you tomorrow.dabao: hope to see you everyday.小学英语话剧剧本(二)时间:阳光明媚的星期天早晨地点:鸟语花香的动物王国人物:little duck,miss cat, miss rabbit,mr dog旁白:little duck要去看望外婆。一路上他又唱又跳,高兴极了。在小河边,他碰到了miss cat.duck:(

14、很好奇)hello,miss cat.what are you doing?cat:(急得抓耳挠腮)hello,little duck.theres a big fish in the river.im hungry,but i cant get it.duck:dont worry.let me help you.旁白:little duck跳进水里,一会儿就帮miss cat抓到了鱼。duck:here is the fish for you,miss cat.have a good meal.cat:thank you,little duck.you are so kind.duck:t

15、hats all right,miss cat.i must go now.im going to my grandmothers home.bye-bye!cat:bye-bye!旁白: little duck继续赶路。忽然他看到miss rabbit躺在草地上,连忙跑过去。rabbit:(躺在草地上)oh,little duck.i run too fast and my leg is broken.i cant stand up and i cant walk.duck:dont worry.let me help you.旁白: little duck拿出一条手帕帮miss rabbi

16、t包扎好伤口,然后扶着她回家。duck:dont worry,miss rabbit.youll get better soon.rabbit:yes,i will.thank you,little duck.its so kind of you.duck:not at all,miss rabbit.but i must go now.im going to my grandmothers home.good-bye!rabbit:good-bye!旁白: little duck唱着歌又开始上路了,走着走着,他看到mr dog坐在家门口,看上去非常着急。duck:good morning,m

17、r dog.you look worried.what can i do for you?dog:oh,good morning,little duck.i got a letter from my friend,mr cock.but i cant read and i dont know what he wants me to do.duck:dont worry,mr dog.let me help you.旁白: mr dog笑呵呵地把信递给little duck,little duck很仔细地将信的内容读给mr dog听。dog:(满意地笑)thank you,little duck

18、.its really very kind of you.duck:youre welcome,mr dog.(抬头看看挂在半空中的太阳)but i must go now.im going to see my grandmother.dog:(摸摸little duck的头)dont worry,little duck.let me send you to your grandmothers home.duck:thank you,mr dog.旁白:mr dog驮着little duck一路欢歌笑语向外婆家跑去three little pigs 三只小猪storyteller: there

19、 are three little pigs living with 讲故事者:三只小猪和他们的妈妈their mother. ding-ding and dong- 住在一起。丁丁和东东dong are brother pigs. they are very 是猪哥哥,他们很懒,他lazy. they eat and sleep all day. 们整天吃了就睡。龙龙是long-long is the youngest pig. she 最小的,她整天帮着妈妈works all day. she helps her mother 做家务。to do the housework.mother

20、pig: you have grown up. you must make 猪妈妈:你们已经长大了,你们得your own houses. 为自己盖间房。goodbye, little pigs. build a house. 再见,孩子们。去盖间房。be careful of the wolf. 小心狼。pigs: yes, mum. goodbye. 三只小猪:好的,妈妈。再见。wolf: im hungry. look! three little pigs 狼:我饿了。看,三只小猪可for dinner. mmm. 以做我的美餐。sister pig: what are you doin

21、g, brothers? 猪妹妹:哥哥,你们在干什么?ding-ding: im building a house with leaves. 丁丁:我在用树叶盖房子。dong-dong: im building a house with sticks. 东东:我在用树枝盖房子。sister pig: but leaves arent strong. 猪妹妹:可是树叶不牢固。树枝也不and sticks arent strong. 牢固。brother pigs: yes, we know. but its easy. 猪哥哥:我们知道。但它很容易。what are you doing, sis

22、ter? 你在干什么?sister pig: im building a house with bricks. 猪妹妹:我在用砖头盖房子。brother pigs: bricks! thats very difficult. 猪哥哥:用砖头盖,那太难了。sister pig: i know. but bricks are strong. 猪妹妹:我知道,可是砖头很坚固。brother pigs: oh, were finished. lets have 猪哥哥:噢,我们盖好了。我们打a nap. 个盹吧。sister pig: my house is finished. my house 猪妹

23、妹:我的房子盖好了,我的房is strong. 很坚固。wolf: little pigs. little pigs. open your 狼: 小猪,小猪,快开门!doors!brother pigs: no. no. go away. 猪哥哥:不开,不开。快走开。wolf: this is very easy. sticks and leaves 狼:这太容易了。树枝和树叶arent strong. 都不牢固。storyteller: the wolf blows the houses down. 讲故事者:狼吹倒了房屋。丁丁和东ding-ding and dong-dong run 东跑

24、到龙龙家。to long-longs house.brother pigs: help! help! 猪哥哥:救命! 救命!wolf: stop, you two pigs. 狼: 站住,你这两只小猪。brother pigs: open the door, sister. the wolf 猪哥哥:妹妹,快开门。狼来了,is coming. let me in. 让我们进去。long-long: come in, please. dont worry. 龙龙:快进来。别担心,我的my house is strong. 房子很坚固。wolf: where did they go? oh the

25、y are 狼:他们跑哪儿了?噢,他们here. little pigs. little pigs. open 在这儿。小猪,快把门打the door! 开。three pigs: no. no. go away. you bad wolf. 三只小猪:不开,不开。快走开。你这只恶狼。wolf: ill blow it down. 狼:我要吹倒它。storyteller: the wolf blows and blows. he 讲故事者:狼吹呀吹,它不停地吹。blows and blows. but the house 可是房子非常坚固。is very strong.wolf: ill hi

26、t it. oh. 狼:我要撞倒它。噢!long-long: lets boil the water. 龙龙:我们把水烧开。brother pigs: ok. 猪哥哥:好的。wolf: oh, oh! its hot. its hot. 狼:噢!噢!好烫,好烫。three pigs: hooray! the wolf is dead. the 三只小猪:好啊!狼死了,狼死了。wolf is deadstoryteller: since then, ding-ding and dong- 讲故事者:从那以后,丁丁、东东dong work hard with long-long. 和龙龙一起努力工

27、作。they work and play together. 他们一起工作,一起玩 (完)小学英语话剧剧本(三)第一场:丑小鸭出世场景:夏天,绿树,青草,白栅栏。丑小鸭躲在模拟的蛋壳内,鸭妈妈在蛋壳前面做孵蛋的样子,另外4只鸭蛋围住鸭妈妈,趴在地上成圆弧状。音乐:(有鸟叫,知了叫等)及舞台布景组合出一幅恬静、温暖的乡村夏日风光图。画外音:it is warm, a mother duck lies in the stook, waiting for the birth of her children.(太阳暖烘烘的,鸭妈妈卧在稻草堆里,等她的孩子们出世。)鸭妈妈:well, my babies

28、, come out quickly please. im tired.(伸懒腰)哎,我的孩子们,你们怎么还不出世呀,可把妈妈累坏了!鸭妈妈抚摸着鸭蛋,突然,一只鸭蛋动了一下。小鸭1站了起来,看了一下周围的世界说:oh, what a beautiful world!”哦,多么美丽的世界啊!”接着,另外3只小鸭从蛋壳里逐渐在妈妈的抚摸中钻出来,东张西望,看到妈妈后,惊喜地跑过去,喊:hi, mum! / hi, mummy!妈妈!妈妈!小鸭4:(指着大蛋)mum, whats this ? why not crack? 咦,妈妈,这是谁?还不出来呀?鸭妈妈:dont mention it, i

29、 spent too much time on it, but it still has no change.别提了,妈妈在他身上花的功夫最多,可他硬是不见一点动静。(突然,发出一声特别刺耳的破裂声,蛋裂开,丑小鸭慢慢伸伸懒腰钻出来,大家蹲在地上抬头仔细看着那只小鸭,先是非常惊奇,然后惊叫,4只小鸭倒地,鸭妈妈也非常失望地看着丑小鸭。)丑小鸭:hi, friends! nice to meet you!众小鸭惊异、交头接耳。小鸭2:wow, his feather is gray, its too rube!呀!他的毛是灰灰的,太土了。小鸭3:look! his mouth is so big

30、 that he can swallow the whole pond near our home. 瞧!她的嘴巴那么大,可吞下我们家门口的池塘了。齐声:its just an “ugly ducking”! we dont like stay with you.(他可真是一只”丑小鸭”.我们不想和你呆在一起)鸭妈妈:ah! why is she so ugly? she shouldnt come into this world!(鸭妈妈看着丑小鸭,摇头做无可奈何状。)小鸭4:mum, lets play games, ok?鸭妈妈:ok小鸭(齐):yeah!(播放的欢快音乐。小鸭们随着音乐

31、玩游戏,并不时发出嬉笑声。丑小鸭也想和她们一起游戏。)小鸭2:go away! you are too ugly!丑小鸭:im not beautiful, but i am lonely. i want to play with you.小鸭3:you cant play with us. go away quickly!丑小鸭:please let me play with you.小鸭4:no, you cant. we dont want an ugly duckling to spoil our fun. .(突然,小鸭1在游戏中不小心摔倒了。)丑小鸭:i can help you

32、do something. (丑小鸭上前去扶她。)小鸭1: i dont need your help. go away!小鸭2.3.4:go away!(众小鸭把丑小鸭往外推。)画外音:the 4 ducks are very tired and hungry. they want to eat some food.小鸭1: mum ,im hungry.鸭妈妈:oh, my children , come to eat some food. (鸭妈妈做出撒米粒的样子,小鸭们随着鸭妈妈的动作方向抢吃食物。)小鸭2:dont give that ugly duckling any food.(

33、 小鸭们把妈妈给的食物全部抢过来,不让丑小鸭吃。)鸭妈妈:oh, dont do that . she is your sister.小鸭3:our sister? why is she so ugly?画外音:the poor duckling didnt eat any food. its dark. her sisters want to go home.小鸭1:oh, im very full and tired; i want to go home to sleep.小鸭2.3.4:me too.鸭妈妈:ok .lets go.(鸭妈妈带着小鸭们回家。)鸭妈妈:my children

34、 ,good night.画外音:all the ducks kiss their mum, and they have a good sleep. the ugly duckling stands up and tries to get close to them ,but she is afriaid. finally, the poor ducking sleeps in a corner!(小夜曲响起)丑小鸭:dear mum, life is unfair to me. im ugly . but its not my fault . mum, im sorry , i have t

35、o leave you. bye mum. (妈,生活对我太不公平了,长得丑,不是我的错啊!妈妈,对不起,我要离开你了!)第二场: 丑小鸭流浪场景:秋冬,黄叶,枯草。画外音:ugly duckling gets out of the fence, run away from his family lone. she is very thirsty and wants to drink some water. (丑小鸭钻出篱笆,离开了家。他很渴,想喝水。)小鸟:its very hot today . let me drink some water.(小鸟飞到水塘边。)小鸟:look, a di

36、rty thing is over there . let me go and have a look.小鸟:who are you?(惊讶地问)丑小鸭:im im im a duckling.( 低着头,小声说。)小鸟:ha, ha, look at your feathers. so ugly!(小鸟拍拍自己身上的羽毛,作炫耀状。)小鸟:go away! dont make the water dirty.( 小鸟推开丑小鸭,在池塘里快乐地洗羽毛,然后飞走。)(”啪啪”两声枪响,丑小鸭惊叫了起来,猎狗出场。)猎狗:oh, what a dirty thing is in my way! g

37、o away!(猎狗向丑小鸭冲过来,撞了她一下。)猎狗:ha, ha! good luck! a duck! my tasty food!丑小鸭:oh, dont touch me(小鸭惊慌失措,没命地奔跑。)音乐、布景构成幅天寒地冻的湖边严冬图。(丑小鸭在湖面上不停地划动,最后趴在冰上冻僵了。)画外音:winter comes. the water becomes ice. its really very cold. there is no one outside. ugly duckling slips on the ice. she feels very cold and lonely. ho


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