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1、小学英语教学课堂实录 eec教材lesson 6课题: lesson six (1) “can you play baseball?”一、热身t: lets sing a song i stop, i look, i listen. ok?ss: yes. (sing the song.)t: good morning, everyone!ss: good morning, miss lu!t: how are you today?ss: fine, thanks. and you?t: im fine, too. what day is it today ?ss: its tuesday.评

2、:教师通过tpr歌曲热身,课堂气愤活泼;通过日常生活用语的问答,自然地创造了英语语言氛围,使学生很快地进入到英语语言学习的情境中来。二、导入t: (taking some word-cards)now, look at me. whats this?s1: library.t: very good. together, whats this?ss: library.t: well done. but how to spell?ss: library.(then, review the words “ride bike violin piano read ” in the same way. )

3、t: what do you do after school ?s1: i play the piano.s2: i read an english book. what do you do after school?s3: i ride my bike.(then, ss ask and answer by each other. )t: ok, class, please ask me .ss: what do you do after school?t: i read an english book.评:复习环节教师从词汇复习入手,并适宜地将词汇复习扩展到常用句型的复习中来,将二者有机地

4、结合起来,真正做到了英语语言学习的词不离句的认知规律。学生的积极参与,体现了教师驾驭课堂的能力。三、新授t: shh look there, (point to the screen of a computer)i playss: play table-tennist: great! do you want to know what kind of the ball ken plays ?ss: sure/yes.t: lets study a new lesson lesson6(1). (blackboard writing)(ss look at the computer about t

5、he content of l6(1)t: (t puts some kinds of balls on the wall and points to them)look there, whats that ?ss: its a volleyball.girls: its a basketball.boys: its a football.(table-tennis)( girls ask and boys answer .)t: (t puts 3 cards on the blackboard and points to one of them, asks)now, look, whats

6、 that ?s: bat.t: good. (blackboard writingbat.)read after me, “bat”.( read it one by one.)together, please spell it .ss: b-a-t, bat.(learn another 2 words “baseball glove” in the same way. )t: (t takes two gloves)ok. look at me, “one glove” “two gloves”girls: gloves.boys: gloves.t: what are these? (

7、 waving two gloves )theyre gloves. ( blackboard writing )评:新知传授环节,教师给学生一个整体的感知的教学思路,让学生了解学习的全过程及学习的知识,使其能灵活地把握学习的主动权,从而充分体现了素质教育的宗旨。四、操练t: (t takes two books or pens of ss)what are they ?ss: theyre books.s1: what are they ?s2: theyre pens.boys: what are they ?girls: theyre desks.( ss practice the se

8、ntences in pairs)评:教师使用学生日常学习用品对所学新知识进行操练,以旧带新,以新温旧,一举两得。五、复习巩固t: (t puts a card on s1s head and let him/ her guess.)ss: what are they ?s1: theyress: yes.yes.yes. / no.no.not: (t takes some things)whats this?ss: its a batits a baseballt: what are they ?ss: theyre gloves.t: can you play baseball ? (

9、blackboard writing.)s1: yes, i can.s2: yes, i can.t: wonderful! please show us how to play baseball?( s1 and s2 do the action)t: please look at the computer screen, lets guess “whats that?”s1: (s1points to a corner of a kind of balls in the computerand ask.whats that ?s2: its a (baseball/football/vo

10、lleyball/basketball).ss: can you play ?s2: yes, i can . ( and then do the action )t: can you play _ball ?六、听音跟读t: now, open your book to p74 “listen and speak ”七、结束t: weve learned so many kinds of balls, so shall we play after class?ss: ok!评:结束语不但巧妙的复习了所授新知识,同时也体现了师生平等民主的地位,和谐的师生关系。评析: 本课教学设计以实施教育为指导思想,巧妙设计教学环节,层层深入,活跃课堂气氛,激发学生学习兴


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