1、类型:日记类型:日记典例:给父亲买礼物后乘坐地铁回家时的经典例:给父亲买礼物后乘坐地铁回家时的经历及感受历及感受模板模板: March 12th, 2012MondaySunny 总述总述Today is my dads birthday.描述经描述经历历 This afternoon I went to the shopping center downtown and bought a present for him. Then I took the subway home. Sitting on the train, I thought my dad would be very happy
2、 when he saw the present. At the next station, an old lady with two heavy bags got on the train and stood in front of me. She looked tired. I hesitated for a moment, and then offered my seat to her. The old lady thanked me a lot.谈谈感受感受Seeing her smile, I felt happy. I will always be ready to help ot
3、hers in the future.1. _ n.摩托车摩托车2. _ n.钻石钻石3. _ n.专家专家4. _ n.半夜半夜5. _ vt.射杀;射击射杀;射击shoot shoot motorbikemotorbikediamonddiamondexpertexpertmidnightmidnight6. _ n. 旅程旅程7. _ vt. 训练训练8. _ n. 运动场运动场9. _ n. 幼儿园幼儿园10. _ n. 仪式仪式ceremony ceremony journeyjourneytraintrainstadiumstadiumkindergartenkindergarte
4、n11. helicopter n._12. tram n. _13. cassette n. _14. scenery n. _15. circus n. _16. souvenir n. _纪念品纪念品 直升飞机直升飞机电车电车录音带录音带风景;景色风景;景色马戏团马戏团1. _ n.距离距离 _ adj.遥远的遥远的2. _ vt.抛弃抛弃 _ adj.被遗弃的被遗弃的abandonedabandoneddistancedistancedistantdistantabandonabandon3. _ n.沙漠沙漠 _ adj.荒芜的荒芜的; 被遗弃的被遗弃的4. _ vt.生产生产 _
5、n.产品产品 _ n.生产生产 _ adj.多产的多产的productive productive desertdesertdeserteddesertedproduceproduceproductproductproductionproduction5. _ vt.使吃惊;惊吓使吃惊;惊吓 _ adj.令人恐惧的令人恐惧的 _ adj.害怕的;受惊的害怕的;受惊的frightened frightened frightenfrightenfrighteningfrightening6. _ vt.&n. 面试;面谈面试;面谈 _ n. (面试时的面试时的)主考官主考官 _ n. 受访者受访者
6、; 被访问者被访问者interviewee interviewee interviewinterviewinterviewerinterviewer7. _ vt. 用尽用尽; 使使精疲力尽精疲力尽 _ adj.令人疲倦的令人疲倦的 _ adj.精疲力尽的精疲力尽的exhausted exhausted exhaustexhaustexhaustingexhausting1. A few of them waste much time in watching TV, surfing the Internet and playing games, which makes them _(exhau
7、st) and even does harm to their health.(B) 用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。形容词作宾补。形容词作宾补。exhaustedexhausted2. The police found the wandering boy in a _(desert) building.形容词修饰名词。形容词修饰名词。3. As nobody knew there was going to be an earthquake, they were so _ (frighten) when it happened. 作表语用形容词。作表语用形容词。fr
8、ightenedfrighteneddeserteddeserted4. A person with good eyesight can distinguish _ (distance) objects.修饰名词用形容词。修饰名词用形容词。5. 85% of the _(interview) from the survey intend to turn to their parents, teachers or friends for help and advice, because those are all they can truly rely on. 从调查中的理应是被访问者从调查中的
9、理应是被访问者, 注意用复数。注意用复数。intervieweesintervieweesdistantdistant6. Dont be taken in by _ (produce) promising to make you lose weight quickly.介词后面用名词介词后面用名词, 表产品要用复数形式。表产品要用复数形式。7. Each day, thousands of pets are _(abandon) and left on the streets with no one to care for them. 被动语态要用过去分词形式。被动语态要用过去分词形式。ab
10、andonedabandonedproductsproducts1. _ 上上(公车、船等公车、船等)2. _下下(公车、船等公车、船等)3. _看起来像看起来像4. _花时间在花时间在上上5. _ (飞机飞机)起飞起飞take off take off get onget onget offget offlook likelook likespend.onspend.on6. _ 是是的缩写的缩写/简称简称7. _不再不再8. _ 过时过时9. _指指; 提到提到; 咨询咨询; 查查(词典词典)10. _以以的速度的速度at a speed ofat a speed ofbe short f
11、orbe short fornot.any morenot.any moreout of dateout of daterefer torefer to1. 上个星期一是中秋节上个星期一是中秋节, 我和朋友张我和朋友张梅坐地铁去南沙旅行。梅坐地铁去南沙旅行。 Last Monday was the Mid-Autumn Festival, so my friend Zhang Mei and I went to Nansha for sightseeing on the Metro /by metro. 2. 我们我们9:00在在8号线的中大站上车号线的中大站上车,地铁以每小时地铁以每小时70
12、千米的速度行驶。千米的速度行驶。We got on the train at Zhongda Station of Line 8 at 9:00 and the train traveled at a speed of 70 kilometers per hour.3.然后我们在万盛围站换乘四号线然后我们在万盛围站换乘四号线,没过多久我们就在黄阁站下车了。没过多久我们就在黄阁站下车了。Then we transferred to line 4 at Wanshengwei Station and later it wasnt long before we got off the train i
13、n Huangge Station.4. 我们一到达南沙就惊叹我们一到达南沙就惊叹, 南沙再南沙再也不是过去的样子了。也不是过去的样子了。On arriving at Nansha, both of us were extremely surprised that Nansha is not what it used to be any more.5. 很多原先已经过时的街道现在全很多原先已经过时的街道现在全部都焕然一新。部都焕然一新。Many streets which were out of date now all totally take on a brand-new look.6.
14、站在繁华的步行街上站在繁华的步行街上, 看着刚刚起飞看着刚刚起飞的飞机从头上飞过的飞机从头上飞过, 我感叹南沙近几年我感叹南沙近几年来发生的巨大变化。来发生的巨大变化。Standing in the busy pedestrian street and looking at the planes overhead which just took off from the airport, I was amazed at the great changes of Nansha in recent years. Last Monday was the Mid-Autumn Festival, so
15、 my friend Zhang Mei and I went to Nansha for sightseeing by the Metro.As far as I can remember, we got on the train at Zhongda Station of Line 8 at 9:00, and the train traveled at a speed of 70 kilometers per hour. 合并:合并:Then, we transferred to line 4 at Wanshengwei Station and later it wasnt long
16、before we got off the train at Huangge Station. On arriving at Nansha, both of us were extremely surprised that Nansha is not what it used to be any more, as many streets which were out of date now all totally take on a brand-new look. Together with Zhang Mei, standing in the busy pedestrian street
17、and looking at the plane overhead which just took off from the airport, I was amazed at the great changes of Nansha in recent years.1. frighten vt.使吃惊;惊吓使吃惊;惊吓原句原句: The eagle suddenly flew in the air and frightened me.那个老鹰突然那个老鹰突然飞在空中飞在空中, 吓了我一跳。吓了我一跳。(B1 M3 P26)be frightened to do 害怕做某事害怕做某事be frig
18、htened that.对对感到害怕感到害怕be frightened of 害怕害怕be frightened at/by 对对感到恐惧感到恐惧搭配搭配 我害怕在黑夜单独走路回家。我害怕在黑夜单独走路回家。I _walking home alone in the dark. 他们被爆炸声吓一跳。他们被爆炸声吓一跳。They _the sound of the explosion.运用运用 根据中文完成英文句子。根据中文完成英文句子。were frightened atwere frightened atam frightened ofam frightened of2. distance n
19、.距离距离原句原句: Camels were much better than horses for travelling a long distance.对于长途旅行而言对于长途旅行而言, 骆驼比马匹要好骆驼比马匹要好得多。得多。(B1 M3 P23)at a distance 隔开一段距离隔开一段距离; 有些距离有些距离from a distance 从远处从远处in the distance 在远处在远处 within hearing/walking distance 在能在能听见叫声听见叫声/步行可及的地方步行可及的地方搭配搭配 I watched her until she disa
20、ppeared from sight _ (在远处在远处). All of a sudden, a tiger appeared _(从远处从远处), running towards them.运用运用 根据中文提示完成下列句子。根据中文提示完成下列句子。from a distancefrom a distance in the distancein the distance 3. interview n.& v.面试面试; 面谈面谈原句原句: Listen to part of an interview with a 90-year-old silent movie actress call
21、ed Mary Lennon.听部分听部分与一位与一位90岁高龄的无声电影演员玛岁高龄的无声电影演员玛丽丽列侬的访谈内容。列侬的访谈内容。(B1 M3 P27)have/hold an interview with. 与与面谈面谈a job interview求职面试求职面试搭配搭配 上周末上周末, 就中国学生的近视问题就中国学生的近视问题, 我我们采访了眼科医生陈教授。们采访了眼科医生陈教授。Last weekend, we _ _ Professor Chen, an eye-doctor, concerning the issue of short-sightedness of scho
22、ol children in China.运用运用 根据中文完成英文句子。根据中文完成英文句子。 had an interviewwith/interviewedwith/interviewed 在求职面试中在求职面试中, 第一印象起非常第一印象起非常重要的作用。重要的作用。The first impression often plays an important role _ in a job interview in a job interview 4. not.any more 不再不再原句原句: Then the government built a new railway line,
23、 so they didnt need the camels any more.后来后来, 政府修了政府修了一条新的铁路线一条新的铁路线, 他们就再也不需要他们就再也不需要骆驼了。骆驼了。(B1 M3 P23)no more, no longer, not.any longer等。等。同义同义 表示表示“不再不再”的短语还有的短语还有 我再也不会到那家餐馆吃东西了。我再也不会到那家餐馆吃东西了。I will _ eat at that restaurant _ . 如果你老是言过其实如果你老是言过其实, 人们就不会相人们就不会相信你了。信你了。If you always exaggerate,
24、 people will _ _ believe you.运用运用: 根据中文完成英文句子。根据中文完成英文句子。no longer no longer notnotany moreany more原句原句: Its out of date.它过时了。它过时了。(B1 M3 P24)5. out of date 过时过时表示表示“过时过时”的短语还有的短语还有go out, out of fashion, behind the times等。等。 此外此外, 大部分非法建筑已有年月或大部分非法建筑已有年月或过时了过时了, 这不仅破坏市容这不仅破坏市容, 而且也存在而且也存在一些隐患。一些隐患。
25、Whats more, most illegal buildings are over years or _, which not only break the beauty of the city but also cause some hidden dangers.运用运用 根据中文完成英文句子。根据中文完成英文句子。out of dateout of date 你最好尽可能多上网以便你不你最好尽可能多上网以便你不会落后于时代。会落后于时代。You had better surf the Internet as much as you can so that you may not be
26、left _ . behind the timesbehind the times1. We ate great meals cooked by experts. 我们吃的美味饭菜是由烹我们吃的美味饭菜是由烹饪大师们做的!饪大师们做的!(B1 M3 P23)句型句型: n.+ 过去分词短语作后置定语过去分词短语作后置定语 单个过去分词作定语,通常前置,如:单个过去分词作定语,通常前置,如:a broken cup, a wounded soldier, the excited crowd;而过去分词短语作定语,;而过去分词短语作定语,通常后置,其作用相当于定语从句。如:通常后置,其作用相当于定
27、语从句。如:a letter written in pencil=a letter which was written in pencil, the book borrowed by Jack=the book which was borrowed by Jack 应邀参加晚会的大多数人是他的老校友应邀参加晚会的大多数人是他的老校友。Most of the people _were his old schoolmates.仿写仿写 根据中文完成英文句子。根据中文完成英文句子。invited to the party invited to the party 我从图书馆借了一本马克我从图书馆借了
28、一本马克吐温吐温(Mark Twain)写的书写的书。I borrowed a book _ _ from the library.written by Markwritten by MarkTwainTwain 2. Travelling at a speed of over 400 kilometers per hour, the train can complete the 30-kilometer journey in eight minutes.旅行速度达到每小旅行速度达到每小时时400公里公里, 磁悬浮列车在八分钟内磁悬浮列车在八分钟内就能走完就能走完30公里的旅程。公里的旅程。(
29、B1M3P29)句型句型: 现在分词作状语现在分词作状语 + 句子句子现在分词作状语可以表示时间、原因、现在分词作状语可以表示时间、原因、条件、让步、结果、方式或伴随情况。条件、让步、结果、方式或伴随情况。如:如: Hearing the bell, the students began to enter the classroom.学生听到铃声后学生听到铃声后开始走进教室。开始走进教室。(表时间表时间) Not knowing his address, I cant send this book to him.由于不知道他的由于不知道他的地址地址, 我不能给他寄书。我不能给他寄书。(表原因表
30、原因) The teacher threw his exercise book on the ground, making the boy feel disgraced.老师把他的练习册扔到地上老师把他的练习册扔到地上, 使这个男孩感觉很丢面子。使这个男孩感觉很丢面子。(表结果表结果)仿写仿写: 根据中文完成英文句子。根据中文完成英文句子。 由于想到他或许在家由于想到他或许在家, 所以我就所以我就给他打了电话。给他打了电话。_ he might be at home, I called him. Thinking Thinking 被警告多次之后被警告多次之后, 他们更加他们更加小心地做这份工
31、作。小心地做这份工作。 _, they became more careful in doing the job.Having been warned manyHaving been warned manytimestimes原句原句: The Transrapid Maglev is the worlds first high-speed train using magnetic levitation technology.磁悬浮列磁悬浮列车是世界第一列使用磁悬浮技术的高速车是世界第一列使用磁悬浮技术的高速列车。列车。(B1 M3 P29)分析分析: 句中句中using magnetic l
32、evitation technology是现在分词短语作是现在分词短语作_ , 修饰修饰the worlds first high-speed train。后置定语后置定语 Suddenly all the lights on that crowded underground train went out. Then it stopped in that dark tunnel. We waited. We expected the lights to come on again. 16 _ nothing happened. Then I began to smell 17 _. Peopl
33、e around me then began to cry out in fear. “The train is on fire!” they cried. 16. 与前句是转折关系。与前句是转折关系。17. 意思是闻到有某物意思是闻到有某物(something)燃烧的味道。燃烧的味道。ButButsomethingsomethingThe woman 18 _ (stand) next to me 19 _ (sudden) fell on the floor. I realized she was overcome by the smoke. Then I saw flames appea
34、ring. “If something does not happen soon,” I said to 20 _, “I 21 _ (burn) alive!” 18. 因因the woman是是stand是主动关系是主动关系, 用现在分用现在分词词standing。19. 修饰谓语修饰谓语fell, 作状语作状语, 用副词。用副词。20. 因因say to oneself表示表示“自言自语自言自语, 心里想心里想”。21. 因前面的条件句中用的是一般现在时因前面的条件句中用的是一般现在时, 主句主句应当用一般将来时应当用一般将来时; 又因又因I与与burn是被动关系。是被动关系。stand
35、ingstandingsuddenlysuddenlymyselfmyselfwill be burntwill be burntBut as I stood there in the dark in that crowded burning train, I could see no way to escape. So I cried, “God, if it is not my time to die, please help me!” I heard a noise. It was 22 _ my right hand side. I at once began to push my w
36、ay forward to 23 _ that noise came from. 22. 固定短语固定短语: on ones right hand side在某人右在某人右手边。手边。23. 句意是句意是“我立即开始朝传来声音的地方前我立即开始朝传来声音的地方前进进”, 表示表示“的地方的地方”。ononwherewhereFor two hours I kept walking in that dark train tunnel. At last I saw a light 24 _ the distance. “Thank God!” I thought. “God must have a
37、 purpose for saving my 25 _ (live). He must want me to help other people experience what he could do for them.” 24. 固定短语:固定短语:in the distance在远处。在远处。25. 名词作宾语。名词作宾语。 ininlifelife 完形填空主要考查考生对语篇完形填空主要考查考生对语篇意义的理解意义的理解, 对上下文意义关系的把对上下文意义关系的把握。因此握。因此, 解答完形填空题时解答完形填空题时, 要从超要从超出句子层面的语篇意义入手出句子层面的语篇意义入手, 注意上
38、注意上下文的逻辑关系。下文的逻辑关系。技巧点拨技巧点拨解答完形的两大策略解答完形的两大策略 一个语篇一定是围绕某个话题进行的一个语篇一定是围绕某个话题进行的, 同一话题就会有一些相关联的词语共同出同一话题就会有一些相关联的词语共同出现。如一篇谈学校生活的文章现。如一篇谈学校生活的文章, 有可能共有可能共同出现的单词有同出现的单词有teacher, classmate, student, classroom, library, laboratory, computer, score, maths, physics, study, desk, chair, holiday等等, 这种词汇共同出这种
39、词汇共同出现的倾向性现的倾向性, 就叫同现。同现关系包括反就叫同现。同现关系包括反义关系和互补关系等。义关系和互补关系等。 作者为了阐述或强调某一概念,会将某作者为了阐述或强调某一概念,会将某一个单词的同义词、近义词、上义词、下义词、一个单词的同义词、近义词、上义词、下义词、同源词等在文章中重复出现,这种现象叫复现。同源词等在文章中重复出现,这种现象叫复现。如以下这篇完形填空的文章是讲朋友之间有分如以下这篇完形填空的文章是讲朋友之间有分歧时如何修复,重归于好的,反复出现歧时如何修复,重归于好的,反复出现friends这个单词,这叫同词复现这个单词,这叫同词复现; 表示表示“分歧分歧”,文,文章
40、中用了章中用了differences和和disagreements,表示,表示“关系关系”用了用了relationships和和connections,这叫,这叫近义复现;近义复现;friend与与friendship叫同源词复现。叫同源词复现。 解答完形填空时解答完形填空时, 在理解全文大意的基础在理解全文大意的基础上上,利用同现和复现利用同现和复现, 有助于快速准确地选出有助于快速准确地选出正确选项。正确选项。 Recently, I flew to Las Vegas to attend a meeting. As we were about to arrive, the pilot a
41、nnounced with apology that there would be a slight 1 before setting down. High desert winds had forced the 2 to close all but one runway. 1. A. mistake B. delay C. change D. windB 根据后面的根据后面的“High desert windsto close all but one runway”可知因沙尘暴关闭所有的跑道可知因沙尘暴关闭所有的跑道,只留一条只留一条, 因此因此飞机要延时降落。飞机要延时降落。High de
42、sert winds had forced the 2 to close all but one runway. He said that we would be 3 the city for a few minutes waiting to 4 . 2. A. airportB. station C. airplane D. pilotA 此处的此处的airport与前面的与前面的flew和和pilot是词语同现。是词语同现。3. A. watching B. visiting C. circling D. crossingC根据常识根据常识, 飞机在等待降落的过程中应该是绕城市盘旋。飞机在
43、等待降落的过程中应该是绕城市盘旋。4. A. arrive B. enter C. stop D. landHigh desert winds had forced the 2 to close all but one runway. He said that we would be 3 the city for a few minutes waiting to 4 . D 根据上下文句意可知根据上下文句意可知, 飞机要绕城市盘旋几分飞机要绕城市盘旋几分钟以便等待着陆。钟以便等待着陆。land与前面的与前面的setting down是是近义词复现。近义词复现。5. A. come B. tur
44、ned C. went D. lookedB 根据该空前后不同的时间可知选根据该空前后不同的时间可知选turned (变成变成)。Well, that few minutes 5 into about forty-five minutes, including a ride that would make a roller coaster(过山车过山车) pale by comparison.6. A. sick B. nervous C. angry D. afraid 6. A 因为因为sick与紧接着的与紧接着的sickness是同根词复现。是同根词复现。7. A. quiet B. h
45、ot C. dirty D. crowded7. A 根据后面的根据后面的 a sense of anxiety and fear可知可知, 人们人们都很焦虑、害怕都很焦虑、害怕, 自然是很安静。自然是很安静。The movement was so fierce that several passengers felt 6 and had to use air sickness bags. About twenty minutes into the adventure, the entire airplane became very 7 . 8. A. partly B. gradually
46、C. shortly D. clearlyD 飞机上人们的焦躁不安飞机上人们的焦躁不安, 应该是能够很明显的被感应该是能够很明显的被感觉到觉到, 故选故选clearly。9. A. pilot B. baby C. guard D. manB 从后文中的从后文中的 “Those are what we grown-ups have learned”可推出。可推出。baby与后面的与后面的grown-ups是词语同现。是词语同现。 There was now a sense of anxiety and fear that could be 8 noticed. Every passenger
47、simply held on for dear lifeexcept one. A 9 was having a good time! He would let out a giggle (咯咯的笑咯咯的笑) of delight. 10. A. afraid B. addicted C. calm D. excitedA 因为因为afraid与与and后面的后面的worried构成词语同现。构成词语同现。11. A. health B. joy C. safety D. futureC 根据语境和常识根据语境和常识, 这里应是为他的安全这里应是为他的安全(safety)担心。担心。As I
48、observed this, I realized that he didnt know he was supposed to be 10 and worried about his 11 . 12. A. seat B. time C. present D. future D 对应前面的对应前面的the past。past与与future是词语同现。是词语同现。13. A. do B. experience C. witness D. fearD 根据前面的根据前面的enjoying the ride可推出。可推出。fear与前面的与前面的afraid、worried是近义词复现。是近义词复
49、现。 He neither thought about the past nor about the 12 . Those are what we grown-ups have learned from experience. He was enjoying the ride because had not yet been taught to 13 it. Having understood this, I took a deep breath and sat back into my seat, pretending I was 14 on a roller coaster. I 15 f
50、or the rest of the flight. I even manged to giggle once or twice.14. A. nearly B. finally C. really D. suddenlyC 根据语境可知。句意:根据语境可知。句意:“我深吸一口气我深吸一口气, 坐回到我坐回到我的座位上的座位上, 假装真地坐上了过山车。假装真地坐上了过山车。” 15. A. cried B. smiled C. sat D. stood B 根据上下句内容可推出。根据上下句内容可推出。smile与下句中的与下句中的giggle是是近义词复现。近义词复现。【助读词汇【助读词汇】r
51、oller coaster过山车过山车 1.The author expected the train trip to be _.A. AdventurousB. pleasantC. ExcitingD. dullD 推理判断题。文章第推理判断题。文章第2段告诉读者段告诉读者, 作者作者带了很多杂志来打发时间带了很多杂志来打发时间, 这表明作者此时这表明作者此时很无聊。很无聊。A. The friendly country people.B. The mountains along the way.C. The crowds of people in the streets.D. The s
52、imple lunch served on the train.2. What did the author remember most fondly of her train trip?A 细节理解题。根据文章第细节理解题。根据文章第1段对马来西亚段对马来西亚当地村民热情淳朴举动的描写可知当地村民热情淳朴举动的描写可知, 给作者给作者留下印象最深的就是当地村民。留下印象最深的就是当地村民。 3. Which of the following words can best take the place of the word “relish” in the second paragraph?A
53、. Choose.B. Enjoy.C. Prepare for.D. Carry on.B 词义猜测题。根据该段内容可以知道词义猜测题。根据该段内容可以知道, 作作者当时并不喜欢这次乘坐火车的长途旅行。者当时并不喜欢这次乘坐火车的长途旅行。A. Johore Baru. B. The Causeway.C. Butterworth.D. Singapore.4. Where was the writer going?C 细节理解题。根据文章最后一段可知细节理解题。根据文章最后一段可知, 火火车在车在Butterworth停靠停靠, 且叔叔在那里迎接作且叔叔在那里迎接作者者, 所以判断这里就是
54、终点站。所以判断这里就是终点站。A. Comfort in traveling by train.B. Pleasure of living in the country.C. Reading gives people delight.D. Smiles brighten people up.5. What can we learn from the story?D 推理判断题。根据文章内容可知推理判断题。根据文章内容可知, 正正是当地人们的微笑感动了作者是当地人们的微笑感动了作者, 所以强所以强调了微笑的作用。调了微笑的作用。came into sight进入视线进入视线rubber tree橡胶树橡胶树cheer them up使他们高兴使他们高兴 sigh叹气叹气 favorite relati
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