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1、会计学专业学位英语1907题库(题量:328)1题 (s01语音题(会计))从a、b、c、d四个选项中选出一个与其它三个划线部分读音不同的选项 答案aa)withb)timec)lightd)like2题 (s01语音题(会计))从a、b、c、d四个选项中选出一个与其它三个划线部分读音不同的选项 答案ca)snowb)growc)nowd)low3题 (s01语音题(会计))观察下列各组单词的读音,从a, b, c, d中找出一个其画线部分与其他三个单词画线部分发音不同的选项。 答案ca)applesb)eggsc)bikesd)bananas4题 (s01语音题(会计))从a、b、c、d四个

2、选项中选出一个与其它三个划线部分读音不同的选项 答案ba)outb)wouldc)groundd)about5题 (s01语音题(会计))从a、b、c、d四个选项中选出一个与其它三个划线部分读音不同的选项 答案aa)boughtb)brownc)southd)loudly6题 (s01语音题(会计))观察下列各组单词的读音,从a, b, c, d中找出一个其画线部分与其他三个单词画线部分发音不同的选项。 答案ca)sinceb)cityc)mindd)limit7题 (s01语音题(会计))观察下列各组单词的读音,从a, b, c, d中找出一个其画线部分与其他三个单词画线部分发音不同的选项。

3、 答案ba)goodb)moonc)lookd)book8题 (s01语音题(会计))从a、b、c、d四个选项中选出一个与其它三个划线部分读音不同的选项 答案ba)librariesb)grapesc)changesd)tables9题 (s01语音题(会计))观察下列各组单词的读音,从a, b, c, d中找出一个其画线部分与其他三个单词画线部分发音不同的选项。 答案ba)grammar (g的发音)b)large (g的发音)c)gay (g的发音)d)glory (g的发音)10题 (s01语音题(会计))从a、b、c、d四个选项中选出一个与其它三个划线部分读音不同的选项 答案ca)ne

4、ighborb)fightc)enoughd)daughter11题 (s01语音题(会计))观察下列各组单词的读音,从a, b, c, d中找出一个其画线部分与其他三个单词画线部分发音不同的选项。 答案ca)sightb)casec)nosed)list12题 (s01语音题(会计))观察下列各组单词的读音,从a, b, c, d中找出一个其画线部分与其他三个单词画线部分发音不同的选项。 答案aa)throughb)anotherc)eitherd)though13题 (s01语音题(会计))从a、b、c、d四个选项中选出一个与其它三个划线部分读音不同的选项 答案da)placeb)offi

5、cec)horsed)noise14题 (s01语音题(会计))观察下列各组单词的读音,从a, b, c, d中找出一个其画线部分与其他三个单词画线部分发音不同的选项。 答案ba)daughterb)enoughc)fightd)neighbor15题 (s01语音题(会计))从a、b、c、d四个选项中选出一个与其它三个划线部分读音不同的选项 答案ba)textb)expensivec)exercised)exit16题 (s01语音题(会计))观察下列各组单词的读音,从a, b, c, d中找出一个其画线部分与其他三个单词画线部分发音不同的选项。 答案da)exceptb)excitingc

6、)exampled)excuse17题 (s01语音题(会计))从a、b、c、d四个选项中选出一个与其它三个划线部分读音不同的选项 答案da)coldb)oldc)wholed)some18题 (s01语音题(会计))从a、b、c、d四个选项中选出一个与其它三个划线部分读音不同的选项 答案ba)matchb)fastc)haved)sad19题 (s01语音题(会计))观察下列各组单词的读音,从a, b, c, d中找出一个其画线部分与其他三个单词画线部分发音不同的选项。 答案ca)callb)talkc)halfd)walk20题 (s01语音题(会计))观察下列各组单词的读音,从a, b,

7、 c, d中找出一个其画线部分与其他三个单词画线部分发音不同的选项。 答案da)swimb)sweetc)sweatd)sword21题 (s02判断选择题)despite oftheheavyrain, the partyset outin the morning. 答案aa)despite ofb)heavyc)set outd)in the morning22题 (s02判断选择题)hecannotremember thethingwhosemade me verysad. 答案ca)cannotb)thingc)whosed)sad23题 (s02判断选择题)thoseof uswho

8、smoke should havetheirlungsx-rayedregularly. 答案ca)thoseb)whoc)theird)x-rayed24题 (s02判断选择题)jim wasupsetlast nightbecausehehad to dotoomany homeworks. 答案da)upsetb)becausec)had to dod)many homeworks25题 (s02判断选择题)every one of the students had to dotheirownexperiment,and thenprofessor brown judgedthe res

9、ults. 答案aa)theirb)ownc)and thend)the results26题 (s02判断选择题)nowthatthe newspaperarrivedwecan seethe scoresof thetennis matches. 答案ba)thatb)arrivedc)can seed)of the27题 (s02判断选择题)my unclelivedinthiscitysince1980. 答案aa)livedb)inc)thisd)since28题 (s02判断选择题)innewtonian mechanics it isnot difficultyto write

10、down thebasicequations thatmust be solvedin order to describe the motion of an object. 答案ba)inb)not difficultyc)basicd)must be solved29题 (s02判断选择题)tom seldompays his billson time,andhis brotherdoes too. 答案da)pays his billsb)on timec)andd)does too30题 (s02判断选择题)the problem ishowwe canoperatethe new ma

11、chineonsuchashort time. 答案ca)howb)operatec)ond)a31题 (s02判断选择题)you should beworkinginstead oflietherein bed. 答案ca)workingb)instead ofc)lied)in bed32题 (s02判断选择题)you will never succeedto getat the truthifyou think you know,ahead of thetime, what the truthshould be. 答案aa)to getb)ifc)ahead of thed)should

12、 be33题 (s02判断选择题)the farmerhas ruinedthe soilsby plantingthe same cropevery year. 答案ba)has ruinedb)the soilsc)by plantingd)every year34题 (s02判断选择题)neitherhis training nor his experienceasa railway engineerqualifyhimforthe job. 答案ca)neitherb)asc)qualifyd)for35题 (s02判断选择题)nowmoreandmore young peoplear

13、elearningforthe little hero. 答案da)nowb)andc)ared)for36题 (s02判断选择题)they askedus, helen andme,thatwe thought the field of educationneedednew ideas and fresh leaders. 答案ca)usb)mec)thatd)needed37题 (s02判断选择题)hangzhou isthemostbeautifulcityisaw. 答案da)theb)mostc)cityd)saw38题 (s02判断选择题)modern business and i

14、ndustrydemandthat young menandwomencan speakand writeclearly. 答案ca)demandb)andc)can speakd)clearly39题 (s02判断选择题)itseasierfor me to gothereon footthandriving a car. 答案da)easierb)therec)thand)driving a car40题 (s02判断选择题)on the daysthat hes not busy, helikedto writepoetry, or paint with watercolors, or

15、cook anunusual dish. 答案ba)on the daysb)likedc)to writed)unusual dish41题 (s02判断选择题)hegottwo pieces ofinformationsaboutthe newproduct. 答案ba)gotb)informationsc)aboutd)product42题 (s02判断选择题)the instructor had goneoverthe problemsmany timesbeforethe studentswill takethe final examination. 答案da)overb)many

16、timesc)befored)will take43题 (s02判断选择题)every doctormust knowboth medical theory and techniqueso thathe can applyithelpinghis patients. 答案ca)must knowb)so thatc)itd)helping44题 (s02判断选择题)a knowledge of several languagesisessential to the study of comparative literature because withoutthemone can read b

17、ooksonlyintranslation. 答案ba)isb)themc)onlyd)in45题 (s02判断选择题)onlyafter he comestoconsciousnessyou canmakethe final decision. 答案ca)onlyb)toc)you cand)make46题 (s02判断选择题)he founditimpossibleto finishthe workwithsuchashort time. 答案ca)itb)to finishc)withd)a47题 (s03词汇题)if you dont get more _, you will get

18、fat. 答案ba)exercisesb)exercisec)exercisingd)exercised48题 (s03词汇题)after his parents died he had to _ on his uncle in the village. 答案aa)dependb)communicatec)repeatd)master49题 (s03词汇题)_ late in the morning. bob turned off the alarm. 答案aa)to sleepb)sleepingc)sleepd)having slept50题 (s03词汇题)david may _, bu

19、t we must go at once. 答案da)stay latelyb)have stayed very latec)stay a littled)stay late51题 (s03词汇题)after two weeks of computer training, the students were allowed (允许) to write programs_ . 答案ca)himselfb)ourselvesc)themselvesd)yourselves52题 (s03词汇题)-write to me when you get home.-_. 答案ca)i mustb)i sh

20、ouldc)i willd)i can53题 (s03词汇题)i know nothing about it _ what i have read in the papers. 答案da)besidesb)besidec)expectd)except54题 (s03词汇题)it is _ work of art that everyone wants to have a look at it. 答案ba)a so unusualb)such an unusualc)so unusuald)such unusual55题 (s03词汇题)as he was ill, he had to _ th

21、e party. 答案aa)missb)avoidc)regretd)lack56题 (s03词汇题)mr. john kept thinking hard, but failed to _a workable plan. 答案aa)come up withb)come up againstc)come up tod)come up for57题 (s03词汇题)she _ a new idea for increasing sales. 答案aa)came up withb)came up atc)came byd)came for58题 (s03词汇题)i think you need t

22、o practice _ the car for another week. 答案aa)drivingb)to drivec)in drivingd)driving in59题 (s03词汇题)the students _ today is to write a book report. 答案aa)assignmentb)attendancec)responsibilityd)association60题 (s03词汇题)he is very interested in the film, _ i dont like. 答案ca)thatb)whenc)whichd)how61题 (s03词汇

23、题)you cant _ him _ a friend but a business associate. 答案da)look, asb)think, asc)regard, ford)regard, as62题 (s03词汇题)she doesnt know anyone here. she has got _ to talk to. 答案da)anyoneb)someonec)everyoned)no one63题 (s03词汇题)sometimes it was a bit boring to work there because there wasnt always _ much to

24、 do. 答案ba)suchb)thatc)mored)very64题 (s03词汇题)please dont get angry with him. _, he was only 4 years old, you know. 答案da)wellb)thenc)howeverd)after all65题 (s03词汇题)- go for a picnic this weekend, ok?-_. i love getting close to nature. 答案aa)i couldnt agree moreb)im afraid notc)i believe notd)i dont thin

25、k so66题 (s03词汇题)_ many of the customers work during the day, billy has to collect the money from them at night. 答案aa)sinceb)althoughc)therefored)from67题 (s03词汇题)the police did not at first _ her _ the crime. 答案aa)connect, withb)contact withc)connect tod)contact to68题 (s03词汇题)it was not very _ of you

26、 to sell the house. the price is increasing everyday. 答案da)kindb)clearc)friendlyd)wise69题 (s03词汇题)if this dictionary is not yours,_ can it be. 答案da)what elseb)who elsec)which elsesd)whose else70题 (s03词汇题)he didnt live up to _ had been expected of him. 答案aa)whatb)whichc)thatd)all71题 (s03词汇题)im learni

27、ng french, but i still cant speak it _. 答案aa)properlyb)normallyc)usuallyd)really72题 (s03词汇题)this is the hotel _ i met the famous actor chen long. 答案ba)whichb)in whichc)thatd)in that73题 (s03词汇题)none of them spoke english _ sam. 答案ba)except ofb)exceptc)exceptiond)except for74题 (s03词汇题)inquiries _ the

28、condition of the patients may be made personally or by telephone. 答案ba)revealingb)concerningc)affectingd)following75题 (s03词汇题)you are_ these problems. they cant be real. 答案ca)missingb)looking atc)imaginingd)working at76题 (s03词汇题)_ can you expect to get a pay rise. 答案ca)with a hard workb)although wor

29、k hardc)only with hard workd)now that he works hard77题 (s03词汇题)i am very disappointed _ the results of the experiment. 答案ca)forb)fromc)withd)in78题 (s03词汇题)he would stay at home _ to the party, because he was ill. 答案ca)instead to gob)instead not to goc)instead of goingd)instead not for going79题 (s03词

30、汇题)_ for my illness i would have lent him a helping hand. 答案ca)not beingb)without beingc)had it not beend)not having been80题 (s03词汇题)the road is kept open _ the year. 答案aa)throughoutb)thoughc)thoughoutd)through81题 (s03词汇题)once in the night i woke up and heard the wind _. 答案aa)blowingb)blowc)blownd)t

31、o be blowing82题 (s03词汇题)without even thinking about _ he was doing, he stopped the car. 答案da)whetherb)wherec)thatd)what83题 (s03词汇题)no sooner had the train started _ mrs. smith said that she had forgotten her bag. 答案ba)whenb)thanc)thend)that84题 (s03词汇题)some of your suggestions have been adopted but o

32、thers have been _ as they are not workable. 答案ba)turned awayb)turned downc)turned backd)turned out85题 (s03词汇题)jack was riding his new mountain bike _ top speed. 答案aa)atb)withc)ind)on86题 (s03词汇题)i think it difficult for me to _ my own conclusion. 答案aa)formb)makec)discoverd)speak87题 (s03词汇题)if you can

33、t pay the bill, youre going to _. 答案ca)do troublesb)take troublec)be in troubled)fall in troubles88题 (s03词汇题)applicants for the typists job will be judged _ how accurate and fast they are. 答案ba)in favor ofb)in terms ofc)in ways ofd)in spite of89题 (s03词汇题)you will need the _ things - a pen, a noteboo

34、k and a ruler. 答案da)underb)belowc)afterd)following90题 (s03词汇题)yesterday morning she _ one of her old friends in the street. 答案da)looked upb)built upc)led tod)came across91题 (s03词汇题)sunglasses are used to _ peoples eyes from the light of the sun. 答案ba)preventb)protectc)stopd)save92题 (s03词汇题)yunnan pr

35、ovince is known _ its fruits. 答案aa)asb)inc)ford)to93题 (s03词汇题)from the results, it can be seen that the temperature fell a few degrees below zero before ice _. 答案ca)formingb)being formedc)formedd)to be formed94题 (s03词汇题)_this job, you have to have enough experience. 答案aa)to completeb)completingc)com

36、pletedd)having completed95题 (s03词汇题)unless he is _ intense love, he hardly ever looks into someone elses eyes for very long. 答案aa)confessingb)refusingc)grantingd)covering96题 (s03词汇题)when measuring temperatures, the range of temperatures_ determines what type of thermometer should be used. 答案aa)to be

37、 measuredb)to measurec)for measuringd)for measurement97题 (s03词汇题)it was such a wonderful day that they decided to take a day _ to the mountain. 答案da)awayb)voyagec)boat tripd)excursion98题 (s03词汇题)_ that my head had cleared, my brain was also beginning to work much better. 答案ca)forb)sincec)nowd)despit

38、e99题 (s03词汇题)when her name was mentioned, i saw mary _ from her seat. 答案da)raiseb)raisingc)to rised)rising100题 (s03词汇题)if it _ true, it will cause us a lot of trouble. 答案ba)is going to beb)isc)wasd)will be101题 (s03词汇题)i won t trust him any more, because he _ many times. 答案aa)has cheatedb)cheatedc)ch

39、eatsd)had cheated102题 (s03词汇题)the business has _ from having one office to having twelve. 答案aa)expandedb)exposedc)increasedd)comprised103题 (s03词汇题)all im trying to do is to _ why your condition has not been improved. 答案ba)look forb)find outc)search ford)look over104题 (s03词汇题)what time do you usually

40、 _ in the morning? 答案aa)get upb)get onc)get overd)get through105题 (s03词汇题)john said hed been working in the office for an hour, _ was true. 答案ca)heb)thisc)whichd)who106题 (s03词汇题)heating a copper bar will cause it _. 答案da)expandb)expandingc)expandsd)to expand107题 (s03词汇题)hundreds of jobs _ if the fac

41、tory closes. 答案ba)loseb)will be lostc)are lostd)will lose108题 (s03词汇题)the _ of air travel during this century has made the world seem smaller. 答案ca)vacationb)connectionc)innovationd)liberation109题 (s03词汇题)the escaped prisoner waited until _ of night before leaving his hiding place. 答案da)darkb)deepc)

42、depthd)dead110题 (s03词汇题)_ of us would accept your foolish idea. 答案ba)everyoneb)nonec)no oned)nobody111题 (s03词汇题)the officials in the _ at london airport were very polite. 答案ba)customb)customsc)customd)customs112题 (s03词汇题)we forgave his bad temper because we knew that his sons illness had put him und

43、er great _. 答案da)emotionb)excitementc)crisisd)stress113题 (s03词汇题)get up earlier _ you can catch the train tomorrow morning. 答案ca)ifb)in orderc)so thatd)such that114题 (s03词汇题)this is a _ argument. 答案ca)convinceb)convincedc)convincingd)inconvincible115题 (s03词汇题)the girl has made up her mind to go abro

44、ad with her boyfriend despite her parents _. 答案da)agreementb)allowingc)lettingd)objection116题 (s03词汇题)it _ be very nice if he could come for our party. 答案ba)willb)wouldc)shalld)was going to117题 (s03词汇题)the men will have to wait all day _ the doctor works faster. 答案ba)ifb)unlessc)whered)that118题 (s03

45、词汇题)he smiled and told me i would receive a(n) _ $ 100 a year! 答案da)moreb)exactlyc)additiond)extra119题 (s03词汇题)this box is so heavy _ on one can lift it. 答案aa)thatb)asc)sinced)if120题 (s03词汇题)this is the problem _ you should pay attention. 答案aa)to whichb)on whichc)at whichd)which121题 (s03词汇题)“im leav

46、ing now.” “make sure _ the door.” 答案da)for you to lockb)to have lockedc)after lockingd)you have locked122题 (s03词汇题)i usually go back to my hometown by train, but this time ill _ there by bus for a change. 答案aa)try goingb)try to goc)try for goingd)try and going123题 (s03词汇题)i _ my paper because it is

47、too easy for me. 答案ba)have handed withb)have handed inc)have handed out ofd)have handed over124题 (s03词汇题)margaret will leave for boston tonight. i think david will _ to see her. 答案da)enough early arriveb)arrive enough earlyc)early enough arrived)arrive early enough125题 (s03词汇题)i never have coffee _

48、sugar. 答案ca)unlessb)in spite ofc)withoutd)despite126题 (s03词汇题)i read about it in some book or other, does it matter _ it was? 答案da)whereb)whatc)howd)which127题 (s03词汇题)do you know _? 答案aa)what time the movie startsb)what time starts the moviec)the time to start the movied)the movie what time starts12

49、8题 (s03词汇题)most people enjoy _ letters, but few seem to be very interested in writing them. 答案ca)readb)to have readc)readingd)to read129题 (s03词汇题)would you like some salad? _ 答案ca)no.b)yes.c)no, thanks.d)of course.130题 (s03词汇题)they may even suggest that such a law _. 答案ca)mustnt be passedb)would be

50、passedc)not be passedd)will be passed131题 (s03词汇题)all the employees_ to work online at home except the manager. 答案da)encouragesb)encouragec)is encouragedd)are encouraged132题 (s03词汇题)i felt that i was not yet _ to travel. 答案ca)strongly enoughb)enough stronglyc)strong enoughd)enough strong133题 (s03词汇题

51、)he took _ smaller of the two. 答案ca)oneb)ac)thed)134题 (s03词汇题)his plan _ by those who heard it. 答案da)was laughedb)were laughing atc)was laughing atd)was laughed at135题 (s03词汇题)_believe that some common goals (目标) should be set for all students in colleges. 答案ba)most usb)most of usc)we of mostd)we mo

52、st136题 (s03词汇题)would you slow down a bit, please? i cant _ you. 答案aa)keep up withb)put up withc)make up tod)hold on to137题 (s03词汇题)every means _ been tried to solve the difficult problem. 答案ba)haveb)hasc)isd)are138题 (s03词汇题)i left my house early. _, the traffic was terrible and it took me a long time to get there. 答案aa)howeverb)althoughc)becaused)and139题 (s03词汇题)id rather read than watch television; the programs seem _ all the time. 答案ba)to get worseb)to be getting worsec)to have got worsed)getting worse140题 (s03词汇题)-ill tell mary about her new job tomorro


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