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1、Reading Reading the passage carefully Reading the passage carefully and complete the form below.(within and complete the form below.(within 3 words)3 words)for Senior 213-14学年第学年第1期期English they dont teach you in school (P4)山东青岛天龙中学山东青岛天龙中学 刘睿君刘睿君ENGLISH STUDYI.Warm up:What do you think is the most

2、important part of English study? Why? Pronunciation Grammar Vocabulary Writing Listening I. Warming-up:Can you share some English study tips?II. Pre-reading Sort the following words into the right list and it translate into Chinese Autumn, fall; fries chips; cinema movie; flat, apartment; holiday, v

3、ocation British English American English AutumnchipsFallfries秋天秋天炸薯条炸薯条 British English American English II.Pre-reading CinemaFlatholidaymovieApartmentvocation电影院电影院公寓公寓假期假期 III. Vocabulary Words before reading The most common native youse Hang out pronoun 最常见的最常见的当地人当地人你们你们常去,逛街常去,逛街代词代词IV.True or

4、False1.According to the first two paragraphs, vocabulary and grammar are not important in English study. IV.True or False2. Using youse is more formal when addressing a group of people. V.Questions1.According to the author, which thing do English learners always miss in their English study?All the d

5、ifferences there are in how All the differences there are in how different people speak English.different people speak English.IV.Questions2. How many examples did the author cite? Which are they?Two examplesTwo examples1. 1.The way that the British The way that the British invitinvite e someone som

6、eone for dinner.for dinner.2. 2.Use different pronoun when addressing Use different pronoun when addressing one person or more.one person or more.3. What can we infer from the last paragraph?CompareCompared d with standard and proper with standard and proper usage, the way that nativeusage, the way

7、that natives s speak is speak is equallyequally important in English study. important in English study. V.QuestionsReading Reading the passage carefully Reading the passage carefully and complete the form below.(within and complete the form below.(within 3 words)3 words)for Senior 2Out of sight, in

8、his mind (P5) 13-14学年第学年第1期期山东青岛天龙中学山东青岛天龙中学 刘睿君刘睿君Invisibility cloak I.Warming-up:Do you know the name of this boy?Why cant we see his body?The answer: he is wearing an invisibility cloak I.Warming-up:隐身斗篷隐身斗篷II.Brain storm Do you know about the invisibility cloak technology? Which field does the i

9、nvisibility cloak technology come from? II. Brain storm What would you do if you could put on a cloak and disappear from sight?III. TranslationI really cannot remember a time when I was not asking those questions that a scientist would我几乎每时每刻都在问这些问题,这是我几乎每时每刻都在问这些问题,这是每个每个科学家科学家都会提出的问题都会提出的问题双重否定表肯定

10、双重否定表肯定Translate the following sentenceIn a career spanning nearly 50 years, instead of settling for one, Pendry has worked in several different fields in physics. 在将近在将近50年的从业生涯中,年的从业生涯中, Pendry不单不单单满足于一个领域,而是单满足于一个领域,而是涉猎涉猎物理学的多物理学的多个领域。个领域。III. TranslationTranslate the following sentenceIV. Quest

11、ions1.When was the concept of an “invisibility cloak” introduced? As early as 2006 As early as 2006IV.Questions2. What has made Pendry so successful in science? His curiosity His curiosity aboutabout everything. everything. Reading Reading the passage carefully Reading the passage carefully and comp

12、lete the form below.(within and complete the form below.(within 3 words)3 words)for Senior 2Give some help (P6) 13-14学年第学年第1期期山东青岛天龙中学山东青岛天龙中学 刘睿君刘睿君I.Warming-up:What impression does this man leave on you at first sight? Would you be willing to lend a hand if he asked you for help?What about this wo

13、man?Would you start a conversation with her? I.Warming-up:By answering the above questions, have you considered what makes the difference?I.Warming-up:II. Brain storm What do you think of judging someone by their appearance? III.True or False1.The author rented rooms to outpatients for free. III. Tr

14、ue or False2. The man probably has been rejected many times due to his awful appearance. III. True or False3. The author thought the man was a wonderful person despite his appearance.III. True or False4. The author decided to take the old man in without any hesitation. IV. Questions1.What is the articles overall point? Dont judge people by their Dont judge people by their appearances. appe


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