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1、UNIT 4American Dreamfrom the White House?What is American dream and what is its real significance for American people?NCE-B1Unit 4 American Dream湖南师范大学英语部 邓玉荣 2006 American Dream l American Dream is the belief that everyone in the United States has the chance to achieve success and prosperity. For o

2、rdinary people, it means a happy family, an ideal job, and a nice house. For minorities and immigrants, it also includes freedom and equal rights. Introductory RemarksP. 90The American Dream means different things to different people. But for many, particularly immigrants, it means the opportunity t

3、o make a better life for themselves. For them the dream is that talent and hard work can take you from log cabin to White House. Tony Trivisonno did not rise quite so high, yet he managed to make his own dream come true.For most people, particularly immigrants, the American Dream means the opportuni

4、ty to be successful in life, that is, to make a better life.What does the American Dream mean for many people, particularly immigrants?对大多数人,特别是移民来说,美国梦对大多数人,特别是移民来说,美国梦就是有成功的机会,即过上好日子就是有成功的机会,即过上好日子.Discussion of America Dream What does the American Dream mean in the modern life? 美国梦的含义就是才能与勤劳能让你从小

5、木屋美国梦的含义就是才能与勤劳能让你从小木屋走向白宫。走向白宫。 Discussion of America DreamGenerally speaking, the American Dream means anyone with talent and hard work can go from log cabin to White House.Who was a good case in point that talent and hard work can take you from log cabin to White House?Abraham Lincoln was a good

6、case in point, who, born of poor parents and without money nor family influence, fought his way to the top and became the American President.Discussion of America Dream example that is relevant to the matter being discussed 例证例证Discussion of America Dream Well, weve often heard about the American Dr

7、eam, and by now we know it means the belief that everyone can succeed as long as he/she works hard enough. How did Tony realize his American Dream?He fulfilled his American Dream step by step, with his own hard work. Text OrganizationPart I: Paras. 1 29Telling the story of Tonys life Six StepsPart I

8、I: Paras 30 33: Giving the authors comments on Tonys American dream13Step One: Para.1 to Para. 10 (Line 1 Line 26) I). What did Tony achieve in this time interval? u He worked as a gardener. u He worked as a help at Mr. Crawfords house.Step Two14Step One: Para.1 to Para. 10 (Line 1 Line 26) II). Wha

9、t does a gardener or a help do?u mow the lawn, u weed the garden, u sweep the walks, u clean up the yard, u take care of any little tasks, u lift heavy objects, u fix things *III). During what period of time did Tony get the job as a gardener?15Step One: Para.1 to Para. 10 (Line 1 Line 26) The Great

10、 Depression is considered the most severe economic crisis in the industrialized world, which began in 1929 and lasted through most of the 1930s.In those days, stock exchange fell, business and banks failed, millions of people lost their jobs. It did not come to an end until World War II when industr

11、ial production for the War increased. uIn the Depression Days. IV). What helped Tony get the job?16Step One: Para.1 to Para. 10 (Line 1 Line 26) u Tonys determination in finding a job, and his optimistic view that people would help a man who needed a job. Language Points one evening, the next evenin

12、g, the next two daysI). What did Tony achieve during this time interval?17Step Two: Paras.11 13 (Line 27 Line 33)u Tony got a job clearing snow at Mr. Crawfords factory.Step ThreeII). Correct Tonys broken EnglishL27: snow pretty soon L28: When winter come, you give me job clearing snow. 18Step Two:

13、Paras.11 13 (Line 27 Line 33)Language Points要下雪了。要下雪了。u it going to snow pretty soon.u When winter comes, please give me the job of clearing snow at the factory. imperative sentenceStep Three: Paras.14 to 16 (L34 43)II). What did Tony do to get the chance of becoming an apprentice? 19Tony took a cut

14、 in pay to become an apprentice. He had his pay reduced in order to be an apprentice.L39:托尼减了薪水去当学徒工。托尼减了薪水去当学徒工。Language PointsStep Four: Paras.17 to 21 (Lines 44 58) I) What did Tony achieved during this time interval? Language Pointsu Tony bought a house with Mr. Crawfords help.Step FiveStep Five

15、: Paras. 22 27 (Lines 59 76) I) What did Tony achieve during this time interval ?u Tony bought a farm and sent for his family in Italy.Step Five: Paras. 22 27 (Lines 59 76) I) What did Tony achieve during this time interval ?u Tony bought a farm and sent for his family in Italy. send for: ask for th

16、e arrival of 去叫去叫, 叫来叫来He sent for his parents to attend the graduation ceremony at his university.Dont worry about your son; Ive send for a doctor.Language PointsStep SixStep Six: Paras. 28 29 (Lines 77 82)What happened to Tony during this time interval?u Tony died, leaving his family a prosperous

17、farm and his children educated.Language Points兴隆的,繁荣的兴隆的,繁荣的Part One: Paras. 1 29Telling the story of Tonys life Six StepsStep One:Step Two:Step Three:Step Four:Step Five:Tony bought a farm and sent for his family in Italy.Tony bought a house with Mr. Crawfords help.He learned to be a skilled worker

18、. Tony got a job clearing snow at Mr. Crawfords factory. He worked as a gardener.Step Six:Tony died, leaving his family a prosperous farm and his children educated.Part Two: Paras. 30 33 (Lines 83 90) Actually, this part is the authors reflections on Tonys story. Here, he summed up Tonys character a

19、nd his life.Language Points Concluded RemarksJust as a sailing ship has its destination, one should have a definite goal in his life. And once the goal is set, he should work hard to create the opportunities rather than wait for them to achieve his goal. His dream will come true as long as he is det

20、ermined to realize it.So we should follow Tonys example, at least we should value our time. Just as an old saying goes: “Time flies.” We can not afford to waste any time. Language Points & Grammar Structure and I was unhappy 1. I went into my house unhappy. Yes, these Depression days were difficult,

21、 but how could I turn away a person who had come to me for help? He is my son after all. I cant just turn him away when he is in trouble. The lecture hall was already full and many of the students were turned away. 我走进屋子,心里有点不快。没错,眼下这大萧条的日子是我走进屋子,心里有点不快。没错,眼下这大萧条的日子是不好过,可我怎么能把一个上门求助的人就这么打发走呢?不好过,可我怎

22、么能把一个上门求助的人就这么打发走呢? refuse to help (sb.) or allow (sb.) to enter a place 2. I managed to work out some kind of small weekly pay, and each day Tony cleaned up the yard and took care of any little tasks. My mother allowed me to take the trip, but asked me to work out the total cost first. Ill go shopp

23、ing with you as soon as Ive cleaned up the kitchen. I tried hard to squeeze a small sum of money as Tonys wage, and every day Tony gave a thorough cleaning of my yard and did any little tasks.make clean and tidy plan; solve; calculate 我挤出一点钱作为他的周薪,每天, 托尼打 扫庭院, 做些杂事。 3. From then on, it was interesti

24、ng to see that any discarded odds and ends around our place-a broken screen, a bit of hardware, boards from packing-Tony would gather and take home. discard ones wife 遗弃妻子遗弃妻子 discard old beliefs 抛弃旧信念抛弃旧信念 discard prejudices 放弃偏见放弃偏见 discard the gross and select the essential 去粗取精去粗取精 Ever since th

25、at time, Tony would pick up and take home any thrown-away little things, such as a broken screen, a bit of hardware, boards from packing and it is interesting to see this. 零星杂物;琐碎物品 (formal) throw away - 从那时起,从那时起, 真有意思,我的住处附近任何废弃真有意思,我的住处附近任何废弃的的 零零碎碎的东西零零碎碎的东西-一个屏风,一个屏风, 五金用品,包装五金用品,包装纸板纸板 -托尼都会收集

26、起来带回家去。托尼都会收集起来带回家去。 Why did Tony take home the discarded odds and ends? Tony bought a house, which was a complete wreck. To fix and decorate it, and, above all, to save money, he took home the discarded odds and ends.3. My wife and I were delighted with what we felt was a satisfying end of the stor

27、y. My wife and I were happy with what Tony had achieved, and thought that the whole thing had thus been settled. 我和太太都高兴,觉得他的事总算有了个令人满意的结局。 Was Tony satisfied with this end? Tony was not satisfied. He kept on working hard until he fulfilled his better dreams.Tony did not begin on the bottom rung of

28、the ladder. He began in the basement.Explanation of “ladder” and “basement”:Ladder refers to the way to success.Basement refers to Tonys starting point.Tony had nothing when he arrived in the Untied States, and he built up from nothing. 白手起家白手起家 He was worse than ordinary people. He had nothing to h

29、elp him seek his American Dream.Balance sheets are used to show whether a person or a company is financially successful. Here they are u s e d t o j u d g e a p e r s o n s l i f e achievements. But, after all, the balance sheets were exactly the same.Explanation of “balance sheet”:资产负债表资产负债表The onl

30、y difference was where you put the decimal point. Explanation of “decimal point”If the decimal point is moved, number will become either smaller or bigger. Here it shows the difference in the amount of money Tony and the greatest industrialists had made.小数点小数点3. My wife and I were delighted with wha

31、t we felt was a satisfying end of the story. My wife and I were happy with what Tony had achieved, and thought that the whole thing had thus been settled. 我和太太都高兴,觉得他的事总算有了个令人满意的结局。 Was Tony satisfied with this end? Tony was not satisfied. He kept on working hard until he fulfilled his better dreams

32、.Useful Expressionsl 结结巴巴的英语结结巴巴的英语 l 大萧条时期大萧条时期 l 上门求助上门求助 l 重整业务重整业务 l 夏去秋来夏去秋来 l 人事部门人事部门 l 培训工人培训工人 l 徒工学校徒工学校 l 精密加工工作精密加工工作 l 减薪水减薪水l broken Englishl the Depression daysl come to sb. for helpl rebuild ones businessl summer passes into falll personnel departmentl train laborersl an apprentice s

33、chooll precision workl take a cut in payUseful Expressionsl 人品贷款人品贷款 l 没门没门 l 人品端正人品端正 l 首付首付 l 从那以后从那以后 l 零星杂物零星杂物 l 样子自信样子自信 l 穿戴整齐穿戴整齐 l 儿时的伙伴儿时的伙伴 l 最后最后l loan money on characterl no salel a man of characterl down paymentl from then onl odds and endsl have a look of confidencel be neatly dressed

34、l childhood friendsl in the endQuizQuizWord Building1. (inform) These books, which you can get at any bookstore, will give you all the _ you need.2. (precision) Do you know the _ meaning of the word “approximately”?3. (skill) This is a _ job. You need to be trained.4. (possible) It is _ for us to ac

35、complish this task in three days because this task is a little bit tough.5. (responsible) You should bear _ for the death of the little girl.6. (appoint) To my _, the picnic was postponed. Vocabulary and StructureVocabulary and Structure1.Under the present system, state enterprises(国有企业) must _ all

36、the profits to the government. A. turn down B. turn away C. turn in D. turn out2. Housewives who do not go out to work often feel they are not working to their _. A. capacity b. possibility C. compliment D. opportunity3. Eggs, although nourishing, have _ of fat content(脂肪). A. large number B. a larg

37、e number C. the high amount D. a high amount 4. The lost ca of Lees was found _ in the wood off the highway. A. obtained B. abandoned C. discarded d. frustrated5. The automobile company _ several television programs. A. sponsored B. entertained c. advocated D. maintained Vocabulary and Structure6. I

38、f you do something on your own _, you plan it and decide to do it yourself without anyone telling you what to do. A. initial B. initiative C. initiate D. initiation7. The beautiful pictures in this book _ the child to learn more new words. A. motion B. move C. motive D. motivate8. Many new _ will be

39、 opened up in the future for those with degrees. A. opportunities B. surroundings C. instruments D. principles9. The writers choice of words is simply a matter of _ style. A. private B. personnel C. individual D. personal10. I must tell him that I cannot go to his party, but I dont know how to _ him

40、 of the matter. A. contact B. approach C. inform D. touch Vocabulary and Structure 11. She has _ herself to her husbands interests and welfare. A. appointed B. evaluated C. suppressed D. sacrificed12. Brown was a brilliant statesman but he had never _ his early promise. A. concluded B. fulfilled C.

41、ensured D. anticipated13. Well stop now and _ working at two oclock. A. presume B. assume C. consume D. resume14. The government should deal with the environmental pollution problem and _ some corresponding measures. A. keep up B. work out c. bring about D. draw on15. He was completely respected by

42、his colleagues for his _. A. integrity B. correspondence C. hardships D. survial Vocabulary and Structure16. We had waited for _ before the bus came. A. sometime B. sometimes C. some time D. some times17. With great patience, the clerk showed the elderly lady how to check the _ in the bank account on an ATM (自动取款机). A. balance B. confidence c. determination D. property18.The newly-appointed director walked to his office _. A. frustrated and disappointed B. to be frustrated and disappo


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