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1、Unit4 EarthquakesRevisionburst out crying/laughingburst into tears/laughter突然哭起来突然哭起来/笑起来笑起来burst with anger/grief/joy 勃然大怒勃然大怒/心痛欲绝心痛欲绝/乐不可支乐不可支burst in/into 闯进,突然破门而入闯进,突然破门而入a burst of 一阵一阵1. burst vi 爆裂爆裂 爆发;爆发; n. 突然爆裂,爆发突然爆裂,爆发The dam burst because of heavy rain.因为大雨,那个堤坝决口了。因为大雨,那个堤坝决口了。 The

2、storm burst and we all got wet.暴风雨来了,我们都淋湿了。暴风雨来了,我们都淋湿了。The excellent performance of Chinese competitors at the 29th Beijing Olympic Games caused bursts of applause.在第在第29届北京奥运会上,中国队员的精彩表现赢得了阵阵掌声。届北京奥运会上,中国队员的精彩表现赢得了阵阵掌声。be in ruins 成为废墟成为废墟bring sb. to ruin 使某人失败;使倾家荡产使某人失败;使倾家荡产ruin oneself 自取灭亡自

3、取灭亡ruin ones health/fame 毁坏某人的健康毁坏某人的健康/名誉名誉2. ruin n n. U毁坏,毁灭,崩溃,毁坏,毁灭,崩溃,C(pl.)废墟,遗迹废墟,遗迹v.v.(使使) 破产,破产,(使使)堕落,毁灭堕落,毁灭That one mistake his chance of getting the job.正是这个错误断送了他得到那份工作的机会。正是这个错误断送了他得到那份工作的机会。 ruineddo an injury to sb. 伤害某人伤害某人injured adj. 受伤的,受委屈的受伤的,受委屈的the injured 伤员伤员an injured l

4、ook/expression 委屈的样子委屈的样子/表情表情injured pride/feelings 受到伤害的自尊受到伤害的自尊/情感情感3. injure vt.损害,伤害;损害,伤害; n. 伤,伤口;伤害伤,伤口;伤害She was injured badly in the accident.她在这次事故中受了重伤。她在这次事故中受了重伤。 4. bury vt.埋葬,掩埋;隐藏;使专心;插入埋葬,掩埋;隐藏;使专心;插入Their ambitions were finally dead and buried.他们的雄心壮志最终被埋葬了。他们的雄心壮志最终被埋葬了。 be buri

5、ed alive 被活埋被活埋bury sth.in. 把把埋到埋到里里bury ones face in hands 双手掩面双手掩面be buried inbury oneself in埋头于;专心于埋头于;专心于5. judge v.v.断定;判断;判决断定;判断;判决n n.裁判员;法官;评判员裁判员;法官;评判员judge sb./sth. from/by. 从从来判断来判断judge between right and wrong 判断是非判断是非as far as I can judge 据我判断,我认为据我判断,我认为 judgment n.n. 判断,审判,意见,判断力判断,

6、审判,意见,判断力 in ones judgment 依某人看来,按某人的看法依某人看来,按某人的看法They judged it wise to say nothing.他们认为还是一言不发为妙。他们认为还是一言不发为妙。He was one of the judges at the horse race.他是赛马会上的裁判员之一。他是赛马会上的裁判员之一。1. _ the hat he _, the old man is a farmer. A. Judging from; is wearing B. Judging by; wearing C. To judge by; putting

7、D. Judged by; is putting Judging from/by 置于句首用作状语,置于句首用作状语,形式不受主语限制,构成独立成分。形式不受主语限制,构成独立成分。2. The number of students in our school _ about 30,000 and_ them study hard. A. is;a large amount of B. are;a number of C. are;large amount of D. is;a large number of3. (2010.四川)四川)The school was moved out of

8、downtown as the number of the students had grown too _. A. small B. few C. large D.many4.(2009.福建)福建) - Why does the lake smell terrible? - Because large quantities of water _.A. have polluted B. is being pollutedC. has been polluted D. have been polluted英语中有许多词语可用来表示英语中有许多词语可用来表示“许多许多”,根据性质可分为三大,根据

9、性质可分为三大类。类。 (1)修饰可数名词复数形式:修饰可数名词复数形式: many, a good/great many, quite a few, a large (或或great) number of, scores of, dozens of等,等, 其后的谓语动词用复数形式。其后的谓语动词用复数形式。(2)修饰不可数名词:修饰不可数名词: much, a great deal of, quite a little, an amount of, (quite) a bit of,其后的谓语动词用单数形式。其后的谓语动词用单数形式。(3)既能修饰可数名词,又能修饰不可数名词:既能修饰可数

10、名词,又能修饰不可数名词: a lot of, lots of, plenty of, a great quantity of,a good supply of等,谓语动词通常根据主语是可数或不可数决定单复数形式。等,谓语动词通常根据主语是可数或不可数决定单复数形式。【注意注意】many a,more than one 也表示也表示“许多许多”的意的意思,后接名词的单数形式,谓语动词也用单数形式。思,后接名词的单数形式,谓语动词也用单数形式。It is reported that by the end of this week the stock exchange by about 10%.A

11、. will have risenB. has risenC. will be rising D. has been risingA(2009山东高考山东高考)The number of foreign students attending Chinese universities rising steadily since 1997.A. is B. areC. has been D. have beenC(2009桂林模拟桂林模拟)More than one student,along with some parents, asked for information on the refe

12、rence book so far.A. was B. wereC. have been D. has beenD3. Why, she is absent again! She was _ badly in an accident. A. injured B. harmed C. hurt D. wounded4. Years of fighting have left the village in _. A. destroy B. damage C. ruins D. ruin(2009南昌模拟南昌模拟)In the house the firefighters saved a lot o

13、f people, but they couldnt be sent to hospital because of the road. A. damaged;blocked;injured B. destroyed;damaged;blocking C. damaged;injured;blocked D. blocked;wounded;injuredCdestroy,ruin,damage,breakThe houses were destroyed. 房子完全毁坏了。房子完全毁坏了。Iraq lay in ruins after the war. 战后,伊拉克成为一片废墟。战后,伊拉克成

14、为一片废墟。The window was broken. 窗户被打碎了。窗户被打碎了。The crops were damaged by the heavy rain. 庄稼被大雨毁损了。庄稼被大雨毁损了。 destroy毁坏(不可修复)毁坏(不可修复) damage 损坏损坏 (还可修复)(还可修复)5. _ his study, he didnt know all the others had left.A. Burying inB. Buried inC. Having buried inD. To bury in -A Bite of China is one of the most

15、popular programmes in China nowadays.-But Im afraid it cant interest_. A. somebody B. everybody C. nobody D. anybody部分否定部分否定 并不是所有的失望都失去了。并不是所有的失望都失去了。 并非每个微笑都表示快乐和安人心静。并非每个微笑都表示快乐和安人心静。 Every request our friends ask is not reasonable. Not both Tom and Jack ranked No.1 in the final exam. All hope wa

16、s not lost.Not every smile is to show happiness and put people at ease.并非并非Tom 和和Jack两人在期末考试中都排名第一。两人在期末考试中都排名第一。并不是我们的朋友提出的所有请求都是合理的。并不是我们的朋友提出的所有请求都是合理的。6. (2012.北京)北京)Dont handle the vase as if it _ made of the steel. A. is B. were C. has been D. had been 7. Look, they seem about you.A. talk B. t

17、o talkC. to be talking D. to be talkedC8. (2009株洲模拟株洲模拟) seems to have been a strong competition in China for school leavers to enter college or university. A. It B. There C. Here D. ThatB太重了,你提不起来。太重了,你提不起来。Its for you lift.too heavy to看来好像要下雪了。看来好像要下雪了。 it might snow. It looks/seems as if她让我在雨中等了一

18、个小时。她让我在雨中等了一个小时。She left in the rain for an hour.me waiting这儿并非所有的人都同意他所说的话。这儿并非所有的人都同意他所说的话。 here agree with what he has said.Not everybody leave作使役动词,意为作使役动词,意为“使使处于某状态处于某状态”。构成的句式为:构成的句式为:leave sth./sb.宾补宾补I went out and left the door unlocked.我出去了,门开着。我出去了,门开着。The bomb blast left 25 people dead

19、.那颗炸弹炸死了那颗炸弹炸死了25个人。个人。Nothing was left undone. 要做的都做了。要做的都做了。Dont leave the guests waiting too long. 不要让客人久等。不要让客人久等。-ing-edto do介词短语介词短语副词副词形容词形容词定语从句定语从句1.(2009安徽高考安徽高考)Many children,parents are away working in big cities,are taken good care of in the village. A. their B. whose C. of them D. with

20、 whomB2.(2009银川模拟银川模拟)Do you still remember the chicken farm we visited three months ago? A. where B. when C. that D. whatC3.(2009芜湖模拟芜湖模拟)Why does she always ask you for help? There is no one else , is there? A. who to turn to B. she can turn to C. for whom to turn D. for her to turnB4.Many people

21、who had seen the film were afraid to go to the forest when they remembered the scenes people were eaten by the tiger. A. in which B. by which C. which D. thatA5.(2009石家庄模拟石家庄模拟)There is a boy downstairs . A. who wants to see you B. whom wants to see you C. which wants to see you D. he wants to see y

22、ouA6.This is the only answer right. A. which we think is B. what we think it is C. that we think is D. what we think seemsC7.Who is the girl is standing there and doing nothing? A.which B.who C.that D.whomC8.(2009郑州模拟郑州模拟)Women drink more than two cups of coffee a day have a greater chance of having

23、 heart disease than those dont. A. who;不填;不填 B.不填;不填;who C. who;who D.不填;不填不填;不填C易错题易错题1.(2009福建高考福建高考)Why does the lake smell terrible? Because large quantities of water . A. have polluted B. is being polluted C. has been polluted D. have been pollutedD2. The number of the cell phones they produced

24、 this year _ increased by 30% compared to of last year. A. has;that B. has;those C. have;those D. have; thatA3. The young dancers looked so charming in their beautiful clothes that we took pictures of them. A. many of B. a great many C. the number of D. a large amount ofB4. As a result of destroying

25、 the forests,a large of desert covered the land. A. number;has B. quantity;has C. number;have D. quantity;haveB情景交际情景交际1.(2009海南、宁夏高考海南、宁夏高考)It looks heavy. Can I give you a hand? . A. No,thanksB. Yes, my pleasure C. No,never mind D. Yes, I doA2.(2009浙江高考浙江高考)Hey, you havent been acting like yoursel

26、f, Everything OK? . A. Im fine,thanks B. Sure,it is C. Thats good D. Its OKA3.(2008山东高考山东高考)Say,Jane,will you come with me to the game Friday? ,Bob,but I promised Mary Id go with her. A. My pleasure B. Thanks C. Take it easy D. Forget itB4.(2009大连模拟大连模拟)Would you like some more soup? . It is delicio

27、us,but Ive had enough. A. Yes,please B. No,thank you C. Nothing more D. Id like someB.交际用语必背交际用语必背谈论过去的经历谈论过去的经历(Talking about past experiences)表达谢表达谢意意(Expressing thanks)1.I would like to express Professor Smith his warm-hearted encouragement. 我要感谢史密斯教授,他给了我热情的鼓励。我要感谢史密斯教授,他给了我热情的鼓励。my thanks to fo

28、r2.No words are strong enough to our thanks your timely rescue. 任何语言都不足以表达对你们及时援助的感谢。任何语言都不足以表达对你们及时援助的感谢。3. again the information you offered. 再次感谢您提供消息。再次感谢您提供消息。expresstoThanksfor4. very much your contributions and dedications to our countrys progress and prosperity. 感谢您为祖国繁荣昌盛做出的贡献。感谢您为祖国繁荣昌盛做出的

29、贡献。Thank youforI was going on a trip there when the earthquake _in Wenchuan. Luckily, I was outside the city, but I could hear a b_ of cries. Even my little son was so f_ that he was crying all the time The earthquake r_ my trip, d_ the whole city, leaving it in _. Too much damage was caused. I was

30、s_ to see everything like that. Peoples suffering was e_. I think it will ruin their health. I was sad, I was ready to lend a helping hand, though.broke out/ happenedburstfrightenedruineddestoryedruinsextremeshocked I am a doctor. Hearing the s_ news, I volunteered to take part in the r_ work. To be

31、 honest, never before in my life had I gone through such a terrible d_. Great d_ was done to the city. People were either dead or i_ or t_. However, all those who were trapped were not r_. I rescued 3 of them under the ruins. And the survivors were in need of s_, food, and comfort. They were all s_

32、and b_ in sadness. However, with the help of us, they moved on, they were really brave. Because they believed where there is l_, there is h_. Wenchuan is truly the brave city of China.What can we do to help those suffering from the earthquake? donate our pocket money for the students in Wenchuanvolu

33、nteer to help the organization which was set up to collect money and supplements for the victims.send the army to dig out those who were trapped and to bury the anize the workers to build shelters for survivors whose homes have been destoryed.raise money from all over the world to help them

34、start a new life.appeal the whole society to help them2008年5月12日汶川爆发了一场地震。请你根据要求以What can we do to help those suffering from the earthquake 为题写一篇120词左右的文章。1. 简要描述下表中地震的情况。2. 从个人和国家的角度分别给出举措。时间: 2008年5月12地点: 汶川破坏: 大量的建筑和房屋死亡: 70000伤员:370000时间: 2008年5月12地点: 汶川破坏: 大量的建筑和房屋死亡: 70000伤员:370000On the May 12th 2008, a powerful earthquake happened/ broke out in Sichuan. A great number of buildings and road were destroyed. About


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