1、鸡肉的英语单词 篇一:鸡肉的英语单词 鸡肉的英语单词 鸡肉 jru这家养鸡场豢养了大约2000只肉用鸡。 The chicken farm has raised about 2,000 broilers. 鸡翅子上的肉我最爱吃。 Chicken wing meat is my favorite. 炒鸡丁的时候炒得太久,肉会不嫩的。 If you stir-fry the small cubes of chicken for too long, the meat wont stay tender. 鸡肉松。 鸡、鸭、鱼、肉什么的,摆了一桌。 鸡鸭鱼肉。 Chicken is still bett
2、er, especially if you avoid fatty skin and dark meat. Source: Web Examples 鸡肉仍然是首选,特别是假设不吃肥鸡皮和腿肉的话。 Theres a stall selling chickens, all white and plucked with their heads cut off. 那儿有一个专卖鸡肉的摊位,所有的鸡都是乳白色拔光了毛的同时已经把头砍掉了。 Serve this sauce hot with chicken. 这个酱汁要跟鸡肉一起趁热上。 Chicken can be cooked many diff
3、erent ways. 鸡肉有特别多种烹饪方法。 I am cooking the chicken on high heat. 我正用大火烧鸡肉。 ham/chicken/cheese salad 火腿/鸡肉/干酪色拉 Please cut the turkey thin. 请把火鸡肉切得薄一点。 Turkey is usually served on Thanksgiving Day in America. 火鸡肉通常用在美国的感恩节上。 She put chicken and ham upon her plate and poured a full bumper of port wine.
4、 她把鸡肉和火腿放到盘子上,然后又倒了满满一杯葡萄酒。 If you eat a bun or a cake you wont eat your chicken. 假设你吃了一块小面包或者一块蛋糕,你就吃不下鸡肉了。 As a vegetarian I dont even eat chicken. 作为素食主义者我连鸡肉也不吃。 The chicken should cook for about 90 minutes, or more. 鸡肉应该煮大约90分钟,或者更久。 Crumb the chicken strips and then fry in a pan of oil. 在鸡肉条上裹
5、上面包屑,然后在油锅里炸。 She served a fillet of chicken with a rocket salad. 她做了一道鸡肉片拌芝蔴菜。篇二:鸡常见病英语词汇 Aflatoxicosis 黄曲霉素中毒 Aniacinosis 烟酸缺乏症 Ariboflavinosis 核黄素缺乏症 Ascaridiasis鸡蛔虫 Aspergillin disease 曲霉素病 Avian diphtheria 鸡白喉 Avian Encephalomlris 禽脑脊髓炎 Avian enterohepatitis 鸡盲肠肝炎 Avian influenza; Bird flu禽流感 A
6、vian leucosis 鸡白血病 Avitaminosis 维生素缺乏症(ABDE) Broilers ascites sudden death syndrome 肉鸡腹水猝死症 Broiler bowel poison syndrome肉鸡肠毒综合征 Calcium and phosphorus deficiency 钙磷缺乏症 Carbon monoxide poisoning 一氧化碳中毒 Chicken coccidiosis 鸡球虫病 Chicken sexually transmitted chlamydia 鸡性病衣原体 Chronic respiratory disease
7、 (CRD) 慢性呼吸道病 Colibacillosis 大肠杆菌病 Egg drop syndrome 鸡产蛋下降综合征;减蛋症 Fatty liver syndrome 脂肪肝综合症 Folate deficiency 叶酸缺乏症 Fowl cholera 禽霍乱 Fowl favus 鸡黄癣 Fowl mite 鸡螨 Fowl plague 鸡瘟 Fowl pox 禽痘;鸡痘 Fura drugs poisoning 呋喃类药物中毒 Gout 痛风 Hard ingluvies disease 硬嗉病 Hypoglycemia 肉鸡低血糖症;尖峰死亡综合症 Infectious bron
8、chitis传染性支气管炎 Infectious coryza 传染性鼻炎 Infectious throat inflammation 鸡传染性喉管炎 Infectious bursal disease 传染性法氏囊炎 Leucocytozoosis 住白细胞原虫病 Mareks disease 马立克氏病;神经淋巴瘤病 Menopon gallinae 鸡羽虱 Mycoplasmosis 支原体病;霉形体病 Necrotic enteritis 坏死性肠炎 Newcastle disease 新城疫 Obstruction of ingluvies 嗉囊堵塞 Omphalitis and
9、yolk sac inflammation 脐炎和卵黄囊炎 Pantothenic acid deficiency 泛酸缺乏症Proventriculitis 腺胃炎 Pullorum disease 鸡白痢 Salt deficiency 食盐缺乏症 Salt poisoning 食盐中毒 Septic mycoplasmosis 败血性霉形体病 Staphylococcosis 葡萄球菌病 Sulfa drug poisoning 磺胺类药物中毒 Teniasis 鸡绦虫 Whitecomb 白冠病篇三:KFC食品英文 KFC食品英文 (2009/10/06 23:59) 套餐:Combo
10、 圣代:sundae 新奥尔良烤鸡腿堡餐:New Orleams Roasted Burger Combo 劲脆/香辣鸡腿堡餐:Extra-tasty Crispy Burger Combo /Zinger Burger Combo 墨西哥/老北京鸡肉卷餐:Mexican Twister Combo/Dragon Twister Combo 深海鳕鱼堡餐:Cod Fish Burger Combo 田园脆鸡堡餐:Mini Burger Combo 新奥尔良烤翅餐:New Orieans Roasted Wing Combo 香辣鸡翅餐:Hot Wing Combo 全家桶: Family Bi
11、g Box 肯德基套餐 KFC Plated Meals Small /Medium/ Large French Fries 小/中/大号薯条 土豆泥 mashed potato 老北京鸡肉卷 dragon twister 鸡米花 popcorn chicken 辣翅 hot wing 蛋挞 egg tart 田园脆鸡堡 mini burger Extra-Tasty Crispy Burger Combo 辣堡套 New Orleans Burger Combo 奥堡套Mexican Twister Combo 墨卷套 Dragon Twister Combo 老北套 Mini Burger
12、 Combo 田原套 Hot Wing Combo 辣翅套 New Orleans Roasted Wing Combo 烤翅套 Original Recipe 原味鸡 New Orleans Roasted Wing 烤翅 Popcorn Chicken 鸡米花 Nugget 上校鸡块 Corn Salad 玉米色拉 Egg Vegetable Soup 芙蓉汤 Oinner Roll 餐包 Corn-on-the-cub 玉米棒 Mashed Pototo 土豆泥 汉堡包: Hamburger 鸡肉卷: Chicken Loaf 原味鸡: Original Recipe 烤鸡翅: Roas
13、t Chicken Wings 上校鸡块:Colonels Crispy Chicken Strips with Home style Sides 鸡米花: Chicken Popcorn 大鸡腿: Fresh Grade Legs 小鸡腿: Chicken Drumsticks鸡胸肉: Fresh Grade Breast 鸡翅膀: Chicken Wings 炸薯条: French Fries 土豆泥: Mashed Potatoes 玉米沙拉:corn salad 汤: soup 面包: bread 甜点: Pastries 蛋挞: Egg Tart / Egg Cake 圣代: Sun
14、dae 甜筒: Ice-cream cone 巧克力: Chocolate 草莓: Strawberry 蓝莓: Blueberry 饮料: Beverage 红茶: Black Tea 咖啡: Coffee 果汁: syrup 橙汁: Orange Juice 百事: Pepsi-Cola 七喜: 7-Up 美年达: Mirinda OrangeMilk Shake 奶昔 番茄酱: Tomato Ketchup / Tomato Sauce 辣椒粉 : cayenne powder 生菜: Lettuce 玩具: toy 优惠券: Saver ticket 纸巾: Paper tower 手
15、套: glove 吸管: Straw 搅拌棒: muddler 勺子: scoop 奥尔良: Orleans 肯德基工作区KFC work area 烧烤酱 BBQ Sauce 包类: Mc Chicken 麦香鸡 Mc Oz 一种主要成分为蔬菜的汉堡,不明白中文是什么 Big Mac 巨无霸 Cheese Burger 芝士汉堡 Quarter Pounder汉堡 fillet-o-fish 麦香鱼 炸类: French Fries 薯条McNugget鸡块 hash brown薯饼 甜品: ice cream(cone)雪糕桶 sundae圣代 Milk Shake奶昔 Apple Pie苹果派 餐类: Happy Meal欢乐乐园餐 McValue Meal 应该是经济餐之类吧,
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