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1、必修五Unit41.occupation n. 职业,工作 Please state your name, age and .用法:occupy v.Reading occupies (=takes up) most of my free time. 阅读占去了我空闲时间的大部分。 The bathroom is occupied. 浴室有人在用。Occupy oneself( in doing sth/with sth)=be occupied (in doing sth/with sth.)=keep oneself busy (doing sth/with sth)忙着(做某事);忙(于

2、某事物)Hes occupied in looking after/ with three small children.by occupation=by profession就职业来说He is a bus driver by occupation.他的职业是公车司机He is a lawyer by profession.(profession职业-professional职业的-professor专家)2.suppose表示“猜想;认为”之意,相当于think或guess,常见用法有: l 后接宾语从句。如: John supposed that he could find some c

3、oins soonI dont suppose she will agree with us,will she? l 后接名词或代词不定式(不定式为to be时常可省略)。如: We all suppose him(to be)an expert in this fieldl 与believe,think,guess,expect等一样,后接so或not,后面省略了宾语部分。如: Will he come with us?他会跟我们来吗? Yes,I suppose so我想会的。 Will it rain tomorrow?明天会下雨吗? No,I suppose not I dont su

4、ppose so我想不会。 l 与believe,think,guess,expect一样,可构成复杂特殊疑问句(特殊疑问词do you suppose 宾语从句的其它部分)。如: When do you suppose they will take the exam?你认为他们什么时候考试? Who do you suppose turned up last night?你认为昨晚谁来过? l suppose或supposing放在句首,表条件,引导状语从句,相当于if或in case等。如: Suppose Supposing the car breaks down,what shall

5、we do?万一车子抛锚,我们怎么办? Suppose Supposing they didnt believe it,how should we try to persuade them?l suppose 宾语从句可用来表建议,意为“怎么样?”或“何不?”。如: Suppose we go for a picnic tomorrow我们明天去野餐怎么样? Suppose we put off the meeting我们把会议推迟吧。l be supposed to. 意为“应该 ”;“被期望”,它可以用来表示劝告、建议、义务、责任等,相当于情态动词should。 Everyone is s

6、upposed to wear a seat-belt in the car. 每个人在汽车里都应该系安全带。 Teachers are supposed to treat all the students alike. 老师应该对所有的学生一视同仁。 l be supposed to后面接“have + 过去分词”时, 或was/were +supposed to do表示“本应该做某事而没做”。如: You are supposed to have handed in your homework by now. 现在你应该已经把作业交上来了。 He is supposed to have

7、arrived an hour ago. 他应该一小时前就到了。 We were supposed to be here at 8.00, but we are late.3. Never will Zhou Yang forget his first assignment at the office of a popular local newspaper.这里是倒装, 此句的正常句序是: Zhou Yang will never forget his first assignment at the office of .注意: 当一些否定词,如: never, little, hardly

8、, scarcely, seldom, not, not only, no sooner(than 刚就) 放在句首时,句子部分倒装:Maybe you have been to many countries, but nowhere else can you find(你能找到)such a beautiful place. I finally got the job I dreamed about. Never in my life had I felt(我感到)so happy. Only+状语放在句首,部分倒装Only in a big city was it possible to

9、buy a new wheelchair.Only by seizing every minute can we finish it on time.Only then did we realize that the man was blind.Only when his dream comes true does she feel relieved.Only修饰其他成分,如主语不引起倒装Only Mike has got the invitation. 4. His discussion 讨论with his new boss, Hu Xin, was to strongly influen

10、ce his life as a journalist.新闻工作者 be to +动词原形,这里表示将来的时态,有注定的意味。His continuous effort is to make him a successful man.(注定)You are to be back before 10pm.(必须) The letter is to be handed to him in person. (必须)When are you to leave for home?(按计划或安排要做) She is to be married next month.(按计划或安排要做)You are to

11、 report to the police.(应该) You are not to smoke in this room.=You are not supposed to smoke in this room. (应该)If we are to be there before ten, well have to go now.(想,打算)Such books are to be found in the library. (可能性)If it were to rain tomorrow, the sports meeting would be put off.(用于“ifwere to do”

12、,表示虚拟语气)was/ were to have done, 表示 “本打算”、“本计划”或“本应当” 做的事而没有做成或没有发生。We were to have told you, but you were not in. 5. But London has been influenced only by some invaders of England.但是伦敦仅受一些入侵者的影响。influence vt. & n. 影响,感化,影响力have a bad, good, beneficial, harmful, influence with / on 对.有影响 under the i

13、nfluence of在影响下The book had a great influence on his life. Under the influence of my friend, I bought a red coat.6. delight n.&v. 愉快,乐趣,快乐to ones delight 令感到愉快的是take delight in sth /doing sth 乐于, 爱好delight sb. with sth. 用某物使某人高兴delight in 喜欢, 嗜好delighted adj.be delighted to doThe kids rushed down to

14、 the beach with/ in delight. 高兴地To my secret delight, Sarah announced that she was leaving. 令某人暗自高兴Tom takes great delight in making fun of his sister.喜欢 以为乐趣The teacher delighted us with his humor.There are so many delights in travels.介词填空:1) I took delight _ books. 2) _ his delight, he passed the

15、driving test. 3) She delights _being surrounded by admirers.In/To/in7. Wait till you are more experienced. 等你积累一些经验了才行.1) v. 经历,体验Our country has experienced great changes.2) n. experience可数 经历,经历的事情 不可数 经验,体验That was an unpleasant experience.He hadnt enough experience for the job.3)experienced adj.

16、 有经验的,熟练的,有 见识经验丰富的常与介词 in 或 at 连用 +doingAn experienced doctorHe is experienced in/at bargaining.8. eager - eagerly adv. 渴望地, 热切地be eager for /about sth. 渴望,很想be eager to do sth. 渴望做某事Students are eager for new knowledge. 学生们渴望知识 I am eager about progress. 我渴望进步 She is eager to visit her boss. 她急于去看

17、她的老板eagerness n. 热切,渴望9. assist vt./vi.援助,帮助;assistance n. 帮助援助 assistant n.助理助手assist (sb) to do sth =assist (sb) in doing assist sb with sth. = help sb with sth帮某人做某事e.g This program assists young people to find work.You will be required to assist him in preparing a report.These measures were desi

18、gned to assist people with disabilities.10.concentrate v. 集中,聚集concentration n. 集中,集合concentrate on/upon sth专心致志做某事She couldnt concentrate on a book very long.她不能长时间专心读一本书。同义短语:fix / focus / center ones attention on=put ones heart into=be absorbed in=be buried in=be devoted to 11. Not onlybut also 引

19、导的并列句, 如not only位于句首, not only 所在句倒装。Not only will I go, but also I will take my parents there. 不仅我自己会去,我还会带我的父母去12.acquire(通过不断的学习,询问慢慢获得学问,技术。)l 取得,获得Gradually we acquired experience in how to do the work. l 学到,掌握She has mastered English grammar and acquired a large vocabulary without the help of

20、a teacher.辨析:get 为获得的最普通用语obtain 表示经过很长时间或经过很大的努力而获得期望已久得东西。gain 表付出更大的努力才能获得,译为赢得。13. have a nose for 对很敏感;很善于发现此类形象表达法还有:She has an ear for music. 对有欣赏能力She has an eye for color and style in clothes. 对有眼光Dont poke your nose into other peoples business. 管闲事,插手与己无关的事George turned his nose up at clas

21、sical music. 对不屑一顾,看不起Tell us what happened. We are all ears. 正在听着,洗耳恭听He turned a deaf ear to what I said. 对听不进去Dont tell him anything. He has a big mouth. 嘴不严14.inform vt. 告知,通知inform sb (of /about sth) =tell sbinform sb thateg:1)Did you inform them of the progress of the work?你把工作进程告诉他们了吗?2)Well

22、keep you informed (of /about what happens). 我们将随时向你报告情况。15.meanwhile adv = meantime = in the meantime /meanwhile= at the same time同时My mother went shopping. Meanwhile, I cleaned the house. 妈妈去购物,与此同时,我打扫房间。16.depend on/upon +wh-从句 视.而定, 取决于depend on/ upon+ n 依靠,依赖, 确(坚)信depend on/upon+sb.+to do 指望某人

23、做depend on/upon +it +that. 指望.That (all) depends./ it all depends. (口语)视情况而定,单独使用或置于句首。汉译英:1、You cant depend on your parents forever. 你不能永远依赖你的父母。2、You cant depend on him to come on time. 你不能指望他能按时来。3、You may depend on it that he will come. 你可相信他会来。4、I may help you. But that/ it depends. 我能帮你,但那要看情况

24、而定。5、Whether you can pass the exam depends on how hard you work. 你能否通过考试取决于你有多努力。17.case n. 事(实)例,情形;情(状)况;案件,诉讼 eg:This is a common case where the word can be used.这是这个单词运用的常用例子。in case 假使;免得,以防,以防万一(引导状语从句,从句谓语用一般现在时,不用将来时态)in case of . 假使,如果发生in any case 无论如何,不管怎样in no case 无论如何不,在任何情况下决不(置于句首时,句

25、子采用倒装语序)in the case of . 就. .来说,至于in this/that case 既然这/那样,假使这/那样eg:1)I will stay at home all day long in case he calls me.我将一整天呆在家里,以防他给我打电话。2)In case of fire, ring the alarm bell.如遇火警,就按警铃。3)In no case will I give in to difficulty.我绝不会向困难低头4)You have finished, havent you? In that case, you may go.

26、18.accuse vt. 指责,谴责;控告accuse sb. of sth.指控某人做某事= charge sb. with sth.指责某人做某事 eg:1)The police accused him of theft.警察控告他偷窃。 2)He was accused of murder. 他被控谋杀。归纳总结:remind sb. of sth. 提醒某人某事/使某人想起某事warn sb. of sth. 警告某人某事suspect sb.of sth. 怀疑某人某事inform sb. of sth. 通知某人某事cure sb. of sth. 治好某人rob sb. of

27、sth.抢了某人19.get the wrong end of the stick 完全误解,弄错He got (held of) the wrong end of the stick他完全搞错了。20.so as to do sth. “为了” 不能用在句首= in order to do sth. 可放句子中任何位置=so that +从句 = in order that +从句 句型转换: I got up at five so as to catch the train= I got up at five in order to catch the train.=I got up at

28、 five so that I could catch the train.我买了些牛肉和蔬菜,为的是给晚饭做个汤:I bought some beef and vegetables so as to make a soup for dinner.I bought some beef and vegetables in order to make a soup for dinnerI bought some beef and vegetables so that I could make a soup for dinnerI bought some beef and vegetables in

29、 order that I could make a soup for dinner 21.deny vt.l 否定,否认+v-ing+(that) There is no denying that.事实不可否认.I do not deny that is a serious blow.我不否认那是严重的一击。l deny doing=deny having doneHe denied having seen these watches before.他否认曾经见过这些手表。He didnt deny the facts.他不否认事实。l 拒绝给予;拒绝.的要求Women were denie

30、d the right to vote then.那时妇女被拒给选举权。22.demand 用作名词,有以下两个用法: 表示“要求”:They rejected the union demand. 他们拒绝了工会的要求。表示“需求”:meet/satisfy the demand 满足需求There is a great demand for typists. 需要大量的打字员。These goods are in good demand. 这些货物销量很大。用作动词,意为“要求”、“需求”,通常为及物动词,其宾语可以是名词、不定式、that 从句(从句谓语通常为虚拟的)。如:名词(或代词):

31、The workers also demanded higher wages. 工人们还要求提高工资。不定式:She demanded to see the editors. 她要求见编辑。 He demanded to be told everything.他要求把一切都告诉他。从句:I demand that John (should) go there at once. 我要求约翰立即到那里去。比较同义句:He demanaded an immediate answer名词(或代词).He demanded to get an immediate answer.不定式 他要求马上得到答复

32、。He demanded to be told everything不定式.He demanded that he (should) be told everything.从句 他要求把一切都告诉他。【注】demand可后接不定式,但通常不接不定式的复合结构,若意义上需要这类结构,可换成 that 从句或在 demand 后接 of。如:他要求她同我们一起去。误:He demanded her to go with us. 正:He demanded that she (should) go with us. 正:He demanded of her to go with us. 表示“向某人

33、要求某物”,可用demand sth of from sb。如:He demanded an apology from the boss. 他要求老板道歉 23.ahead of . (时间,空间)在.前面;早于;领先eg:1)Three boys were ahead of us.有三个小伙子在我们前面。2)I finished the work several days ahead of the deadline.我在最后期限的前几天完成了工作3)She was always well ahead of the rest of the class.她总是遥遥领先班上的同学。ahead of time24.set to work set to


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