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1、第十三章第十三章 中国中国国土资源管理与可持国土资源管理与可持续发展续发展一、中国国土资源基本形势The Basic Situation of Chinas Land and Resources(一)中国国土资源状况The status of Chinas Land and Resource 一、中国国土资源基本形势一、中国国土资源基本形势 The Basic Situation of Chinas Land and Resources二、中国国土资源管理体系二、中国国土资源管理体系 The Management System of Chinas Land and Resources三、中国国

2、土资源管理工作现状和未来三、中国国土资源管理工作现状和未来 The Present Situation and the Future of Land and Resources Management of China内容提纲内容提纲Outline of Presentation中国位于亚洲东部,陆地面积中国位于亚洲东部,陆地面积960万万km2,内海和边海,内海和边海水域面积约水域面积约470多万多万km2。有。有37个个省级行政区。省级行政区。2006年,年,国内生产总值国内生产总值210871亿元,总人口亿元,总人口131448万人。万人。China is situated at the

3、east of the Asia . It has a land area of 9,600,000 km2. Its inner and border sea water area is about 4,700,000 km2. Its 37 provincial administration regions. In 2006, its gross domestic product was RMB 21.0871 trillion Yuan, with the population of 1,314,480,000 persons. 中国自然资源在总体上呈现出四个特点中国自然资源在总体上呈现

4、出四个特点:资源总量大,:资源总量大,类型齐全;人均资源占有量少;资源空间分布不均衡,类型齐全;人均资源占有量少;资源空间分布不均衡,资源组合结构不匹配;资源开发难度大,节约集约程资源组合结构不匹配;资源开发难度大,节约集约程度不高。度不高。Chinas natural resources generally has four characteristics: big volume of the total resource with full types, small amount of per man resource occupancy, unbalanced spatial distr

5、ibution of resources and mismatching of resource combination structure as well as difficulty of being developed.土地资源特点一:土地资源特点一:总量大,人均占有量小。总量大,人均占有量小。The first characteristics of land resource : big total volume with small occupancy. q 中国陆地面积和耕地面积都位居世界第中国陆地面积和耕地面积都位居世界第3 3,耕地占世,耕地占世界耕地的界耕地的9.3%9.3%;

6、多年生牧场面积占世界;多年生牧场面积占世界11.5%11.5%,居世,居世界第界第1 1。20062006年,全国耕地面积年,全国耕地面积12177.5912177.59万公顷,人万公顷,人均耕地均耕地0.0930.093公顷,不到世界平均水平的公顷,不到世界平均水平的40%40%。q Its cultivable land area accounts for 9.3% of the world, ranking the third in the world. Its perennial pasture area accounts for 11.5% of that of the world,

7、 ranking the first in the world. By 2006, the cultivated lands of the whole country was 121,775,900 hectares, but there was only 0.093 hectare per man cultivated land, even less than 40% of the worlds average level. 2006年全国土地利用年全国土地利用 the land-use of China in 200625.925.913.113.110.910.92.852.852.12

8、.11.431.43人均耕地(亩)人均耕地(亩)per man cultivated land (mu)(2005 year)加拿大加拿大Canada俄罗斯俄罗斯Russia美国美国American印度印度India德国德国German中国中国China土地资源特点二:土地资源特点二:耕地总体质量不高。耕地总体质量不高。The Secondly characteristics of land resource : the general quality of the cultivated area was poor. q 高产田仅占高产田仅占28%,中产田为,中产田为40%,低产田为,低产田为

9、32%。优质耕地占用过快,耕地污染退化比较。优质耕地占用过快,耕地污染退化比较严重,全国每年因水土流失、土壤盐碱化和沙严重,全国每年因水土流失、土壤盐碱化和沙化损失的耕地仍在增加。化损失的耕地仍在增加。q High yielded field accounted for only 28%, medium yielded field for 40% and low yielded field accounted for 32%. Good quality cultivated land was occupied too fast, resulting in a bit serious reces

10、sion due to pollution of cultivated land. Each year, the loss of cultivated land in the country due to soil erosion, salinization and desertification is still increasing. 2001-20062001-2006年全国灾毁耕地情况年全国灾毁耕地情况The loss of cultivated land area due to natural disasters 2001-2006 year土地资源特点三:土地资源特点三:土地资源区

11、域差异显著。土地资源区域差异显著。The Thirdly characteristics of land resource : the regional difference of land resources. 宜农、宜林土地主要分布于东部季风区,宜农、宜林土地主要分布于东部季风区,80%以上的以上的草地分布在西北干旱区。草地分布在西北干旱区。Lands suitable for agriculture and forest are mainly distributed over the east seasonal wind areas. Over 80% of grass lands ar

12、e distributed over the northwestern dry areas. 土地资源特点四:土地资源特点四:可供开发利用的土地面积小可供开发利用的土地面积小The fourth characteristics of land resource : the developable and applicable land area is small 耕地后备资源不足,仅耕地后备资源不足,仅1亿亩左右。亿亩左右。the cultivated backup land resource is insufficient (only about 100,000,000 mu). 中国矿产资

13、源总量丰富,但人均资源量少;中国矿产资源总量丰富,但人均资源量少;资源禀赋较差,利用难度大。资源禀赋较差,利用难度大。 China is rich in total volume of mineral resources, But the per man resource volume is little;The resources are not of natural endowment, with difficulty of utilization 。 q 中国矿产资源总量约占世界的中国矿产资源总量约占世界的12%12%,居世界第,居世界第3 3位;人均资源量仅为世界水平的位;人均资源量仅

14、为世界水平的58%58%,居世界第,居世界第5353位,主要矿产探明人均储量不到世界平均水位,主要矿产探明人均储量不到世界平均水平的平的1/41/4。 The total volume of mineral resources of China accounts for about 12% of that of the world, ranking the third in the world. the per man resource volume is only at 58% of the worlds level, ranking 53 in the world. The major p

15、roven per man deposit of mineral resources is not up to 1/4 of the average world level. q 矿物能源结构不良,优质能源少。大型矿床和容矿物能源结构不良,优质能源少。大型矿床和容易选冶的矿产地少,中小矿和共生伴生矿多。探易选冶的矿产地少,中小矿和共生伴生矿多。探明矿产中,明矿产中,1/3在现有经济技术条件下难利用。在现有经济技术条件下难利用。 The mineral energy is of poor structure, lack of good quality energy. Large-sized mi

16、neral beds and easy selecting and smelting mineral lands are little, but there are many medium-sized and paragenous and associated mines. Among the proven minerals, 1/3 are very difficult to utilize under existing economic and technical conditions. 已探明储量的已探明储量的159种矿产分类表种矿产分类表159 minerals with identi

17、fied resources and reserves in China in 2006种类种类 kind名名 称称 name能源矿产(能源矿产(10种种)10 energy minerals煤、石油、天然气煤、石油、天然气、煤层气、天然沥青、油页岩、石煤、煤层气、天然沥青、油页岩、石煤、铀、钍、地热铀、钍、地热金属矿产(金属矿产(54种)种)54 metallic minerals 铁铁、锰锰、铬铬、釩、釩、钛、铜、铅、锌、铝土、钛、铜、铅、锌、铝土、镁、镁、镍、钴、镍、钴、钨、锡钨、锡、铋、铋、钼钼、汞、汞、锑、铂族金属锑、铂族金属(铂、钯、铱、铑、铂、钯、铱、铑、锇、釕)、金、银锇、釕)

18、、金、银、铌、钽、铍、锂、锆、铌、钽、铍、锂、锆、锶锶、铷、铯、铷、铯、钇、钇、 镝、铈、镧、鐠、釹、钐、铕、锗、镓、铟、铊、镝、铈、镧、鐠、釹、钐、铕、锗、镓、铟、铊、铼、镉等铼、镉等非金属矿产(非金属矿产(92种)种)92 nonmetallic minerals金刚石、石墨、硫铁矿金刚石、石墨、硫铁矿、透辉石、明矾石、透辉石、明矾石、重晶石、芒重晶石、芒硝、菱镁矿硝、菱镁矿、水泥灰岩水泥灰岩、砂岩、砂岩、硅藻土、高岭土、膨润硅藻土、高岭土、膨润土、耐火粘土土、耐火粘土、碘、溴、砷、碘、溴、砷、硼矿、磷矿、稀土、硫、硼矿、磷矿、稀土、硫、钾、石棉、石膏、滑石、石材、硅灰石、玻璃硅质原料、钾

19、、石棉、石膏、滑石、石材、硅灰石、玻璃硅质原料、水晶、云母、刚玉等水晶、云母、刚玉等其他水气矿产(其他水气矿产(3种)种) mineral water, groundwater and carbon dioxide gas矿泉水、地下水、二氧化碳气矿泉水、地下水、二氧化碳气中国海洋资源种类繁多。其中,海洋石油资源量约中国海洋资源种类繁多。其中,海洋石油资源量约240240亿吨,天然气资源量亿吨,天然气资源量1414万亿立方米,滨海砂矿资源储万亿立方米,滨海砂矿资源储量量3131亿吨,海洋可再生能源理论蕴藏量亿吨,海洋可再生能源理论蕴藏量6.36.3亿千瓦,水亿千瓦,水深深0 0至至1515米的

20、浅海面积米的浅海面积12.412.4万平方千米。万平方千米。China has many types of marine resources. Among them, the amount of marine petroleum resources is about 24 billion tons, that of natural gas resources is about 14 trillion m3, coastal sand mineral resources deposit is 3.1 billion tons and the theoretical ocean reproduci

21、ble energy deposit is about 0.63 billion kilowatts, the shallow sea area with water depth from 0 to 15 m is about 124 thousand km2. (二)国土资源在促进经济社会发展(二)国土资源在促进经济社会发展中发挥了重要作用中发挥了重要作用The land and resources played an important role in promoting development of economic society严格保护耕地,对保障国家粮食安全和维护社严格保护耕地,对

22、保障国家粮食安全和维护社会稳定发挥了重要作用。耕地为中国农民提供了会稳定发挥了重要作用。耕地为中国农民提供了60%的经济收入和的经济收入和6080%的生活必需品。土地供应有力的生活必需品。土地供应有力支持了城乡建设,保证了国家经济发展的需要。支持了城乡建设,保证了国家经济发展的需要。Strictly protecting cultivated land has played an important role in guaranteeing national grain safety and safeguarding social stability. The cultivated land

23、in China provides farmers 40 to 60% of economic incomes and 60 to 80% of life necessities. The land supply has strongly supported the urban and rural construction and guaranteed the need of national economic development. 矿产资源是经济发展重要的物质基础。中国矿产资源是经济发展重要的物质基础。中国90%90%左右的能源、左右的能源、80%80%以上的工业原材料、以上的工业原材料

24、、70%70%以上以上的农业生产资料和的农业生产资料和30%30%以上的生活用水来自矿产资以上的生活用水来自矿产资源,有力地支持了国民经济和社会发展。源,有力地支持了国民经济和社会发展。The mineral resource is an important material base of economic development. About 90% of Chinas energy, over 80% of industrial raw material, over 70% of agricultural production material and over 30% of livin

25、g water come from mineral resources that has strongly supported the national economy and social development.海洋日益成为经济社会发展的重要空间和资源海洋日益成为经济社会发展的重要空间和资源宝库,海洋资源在中国经济社会发展中的作用日益显宝库,海洋资源在中国经济社会发展中的作用日益显著,海洋经济已成为新的经济增长点。著,海洋经济已成为新的经济增长点。The ocean is increasingly becoming the important space and resource trea

26、sure-house for the development of economic society. The role of ocean resources in development of Chinas economic society increasingly obvious and the marine economy has become the new economic growth point. The total output value of Chinas main marine industries The total output value and the ratio

27、 of added value to GDPThe total output value and the ratio of added value to GDP(三)土地、矿产资源与经济社会发展(三)土地、矿产资源与经济社会发展的矛盾加剧的矛盾加剧 The contradiction between land, mineral resources and economic development is agravated土地方面,耕地面积大量减少。土地粗放利土地方面,耕地面积大量减少。土地粗放利用的现象也比较普遍,进一步加剧了土地供用的现象也比较普遍,进一步加剧了土地供求矛盾。求矛盾。 the

28、 cultivated land area greatly decreased. The phenomenon of extensive utilization of land also existed widely, which further deteriorated the contradiction between the supply and demand of the land. 2001-20062001-2006年全国耕地面积变化情况年全国耕地面积变化情况The changing of cultivated land area 2001-2006 year 7 7年内,全国净减

29、少耕地上亿亩。年内,全国净减少耕地上亿亩。 矿产供需矛盾进一步加剧。矿产资源开发利用粗矿产供需矛盾进一步加剧。矿产资源开发利用粗放和破坏浪费严重。矿山放和破坏浪费严重。矿山“小、散、多小、散、多”问题突问题突出,矿产资源总回收率、共伴生矿的利用率低。出,矿产资源总回收率、共伴生矿的利用率低。In the aspect of mineral resources, the contradiction between supply and demand of minerals has been further worsened. The phenomenon of extensive develop

30、ment and utilization, sabotage and waste of mineral resources was worsening. The problems of “small, disperse and excessive” mines stood out. The total recovery ratio and availability of common associated minerals of mineral resource were low. 石油生产与消费状况石油生产与消费状况the output and consumption of oil in C

31、hina 1990-2006矿产品进出口总额Chinas total trade volume of mineral commodities 海洋资源开发利用程度还不高,海洋调查勘探程度低,海洋资源开发过度与不足并存,近岸海域污染和海洋灾害损失严重。The level of exploitation and use of marine resources were still not high while the marine survey level was still low. The over exploitation and lack of exploitation of marine

32、 resources coexist. The off-shore sea water areas were seriously polluted and serious loss was suffered from marine disasters. 二、中国国土资源管理体系The Management System of Chinas Land and Resources(一)国土资源部的管理职能(一)国土资源部的管理职能The Management Function of Ministry of Land and Resources of China 中国国土资源部组建于1998年,主要

33、职能是:土地资源、矿产资源、海洋资源等自然资源的规划、管理、保护与合理利用。 The Ministry of Land and Resources of China was set up in 1998, The major function of Ministry of Land and Resources is: planning, management, protection and rational utilization of natural resources such as land, mineral and marine resources. 国土资源部的主要职责包括国土资源部

34、的主要职责包括12项:项: The Ministry of Land and Resources has following 12 major responsibilities: 1. 拟定有关法律法规,发布土地资源、矿产资源、海拟定有关法律法规,发布土地资源、矿产资源、海洋资源等自然资源管理的规章;研究拟定管理、保洋资源等自然资源管理的规章;研究拟定管理、保护与合理利用土地资源、矿产资源、海洋资源政策;护与合理利用土地资源、矿产资源、海洋资源政策;制订土地资源、矿产资源、海洋资源管理的技术标制订土地资源、矿产资源、海洋资源管理的技术标准、规程、规范和办法。准、规程、规范和办法。 To ena

35、ct relevant laws and regulations and promulgate the rules governing the management of natural resources such as land, mineral and marine resources to develop policies regarding the management, protection and rational utilization of land, mineral and marine resources; to formulate the technical crite

36、ria, rules, standards and measures for land, mineral and marine resources; 2. 组织编制和实施国土规划、土地利用总体规划和其他专项组织编制和实施国土规划、土地利用总体规划和其他专项规划;参与报国务院审批的城市总体规划的审核,指导、规划;参与报国务院审批的城市总体规划的审核,指导、审核地方土地利用总体规划;组织矿产资源、海洋资源的审核地方土地利用总体规划;组织矿产资源、海洋资源的调查评价,编制矿产资源和海洋资源保护与合理利用规划、调查评价,编制矿产资源和海洋资源保护与合理利用规划、地质勘查规划、地质灾害防治和地质遗迹保护

37、规划。地质勘查规划、地质灾害防治和地质遗迹保护规划。 To compile and implement the national comprehensive planning for land and resources, overall plan for land use and other specific plans; to participate in the examination and verification of urban overall plans submitted to the State Council for approval, instruct and veri

38、fy local overall plans for land use; to organize the survey and evaluation of mineral and marine resources; to develop plans for the protection and rational utilization of mineral and marine resources, for geological survey, for the prevention and mitigation of geological hazards and for the protect

39、ion of geological remains; 3. 监督检查各级国土资源主管部门行政执法和土地、监督检查各级国土资源主管部门行政执法和土地、矿产、海洋资源规划执行情况;依法保护土地、矿矿产、海洋资源规划执行情况;依法保护土地、矿产、海洋资源所有者和使用者的合法权益,承办并产、海洋资源所有者和使用者的合法权益,承办并组织调处重大权属纠纷,查处重大违法案件。组织调处重大权属纠纷,查处重大违法案件。 To supervise and inspect the law enforcement of the departments for land and resources management

40、 at various levels and the implementation of plans for land, mineral and marine resources; to protect the lawful rights and interests of the owners and users of land, mineral and marine resources according to the law, to undertake and organize the arbitration of major disputes over rights and owners

41、hip and the investigation of major law-breaking cases; To develop and implement policies on special protection of cultivated land and encouraging the development of cultivated land; to enforce the control over the different purposes on agricultural land; to organize the protection of capital farmlan

42、d; to instruct the development of unused land and cultivated land, the land revitalization and reclamation and supervise the development of cultivated land, so as to ensure the increase of cultivated land without any decrease.4. 4. 拟定实施耕地特殊保护和鼓励耕地开发政策,实施农地用途拟定实施耕地特殊保护和鼓励耕地开发政策,实施农地用途管制,组织基本农田保护,指导未利

43、用土地开发、土地整理、土管制,组织基本农田保护,指导未利用土地开发、土地整理、土地复垦和开发耕地的监督工作,确保耕地面积只能增加、不能减地复垦和开发耕地的监督工作,确保耕地面积只能增加、不能减少。少。 5. 制订地籍管理办法,组织土地资源凋查、地藉调查、制订地籍管理办法,组织土地资源凋查、地藉调查、土地统计和动态监测;指导土地确权、城乡地籍、土土地统计和动态监测;指导土地确权、城乡地籍、土地定级和登记等工作。地定级和登记等工作。 To formulate cadastral management regulation; to organize land and resources survey

44、, cadastral survey, land statistics and dynamic monitoring; to instruct the works on land titles, urban and rural land recording, land grading and registration; 6. 拟定并按规定组织实施土地使用权出让、租赁、作价出资、拟定并按规定组织实施土地使用权出让、租赁、作价出资、转让、交易和政府收购管理办法,制订国有土地划拨使用转让、交易和政府收购管理办法,制订国有土地划拨使用目录指南和乡(镇)村用地管理办法,指导农村集体非农目录指南和乡(镇)

45、村用地管理办法,指导农村集体非农土地使用权的流转管理。土地使用权的流转管理。 To develop and organize to implement the regulations for the assignment, lease, evaluation, transfer, transaction and governmental purchasing of the right to use the land; to work out catalogue guideline for the allocation of the state-owned land and management

46、 measures on the land for villages and townships usage, to instruct the transfer of right to use non-agricultural land owned by rural collectives. 7.指导基准地价、标定地价评测,审定评估机构从事土地评估的资格,确认土地使用权价格。承担报国务院审批的各类用地的审查报批工作。 To administrate the evaluation of reference and standard land prices, verify and assess t

47、he qualification of organizations engaging in land evaluation and appraisal, confirm the price of land-use right; to undertake the verification and approval of applications for various land utilization submitted to State Council for approval. 8.依法管理矿产资源探矿权、采矿权的审批登记发证和转让审批登记;依法审批对外合作区块;承担矿产资源储量管理工作,管

48、理地质资料汇交; To administer the approval, registration and licensing of the rights to explore and to mine the mineral resources and the rights to transfer them according to the law; to verify and approve the blocks for cooperation with foreign investment according to law; to undertake the management of m

49、ineral resource reserves and the collection and compilation of geological data; 9.组织监测、防治地质灾害和保护地质遗迹;依法管理水文地质、工程地质、环境地质勘查和评价工作。 To organize the monitoring prevention and mitigation of geological disasters and the protection of geological remains; to supervise the hydrogeological, engineering and env

50、ironmental geological explorations and evaluations according to law; 10.安排并监督检查国家财政拨给的地勘费和国家财政拨给的其他资金。 To arrange, supervise and inspect the use of geological exploration funds allocated by the state and other funds allocated through state finance.11.组织开展土地资源、矿产资源、海洋资源的对外合作与交流。 To organize and carry

51、 out international cooperation and experience exchange on land, mineral and marine resources. 12. 承办国务院交办的其他事项。 To fulfill other duties assigned by the State Council. (二)国土资源管理制度(二)国土资源管理制度Management System of Land and Resources 当前中国国土资源管理制度的核心当前中国国土资源管理制度的核心是土地资源管理和矿产资源管理。是土地资源管理和矿产资源管理。Presently,

52、the core of management system of land and resources of China is the land and mineral resources management. 土地资源管理的基本制度:中国实行土地社会主土地资源管理的基本制度:中国实行土地社会主义公有制,即全民所有制和劳动群众集体所有制。实行义公有制,即全民所有制和劳动群众集体所有制。实行土地有偿使用、土地用途管制、农用地转用、建设用地土地有偿使用、土地用途管制、农用地转用、建设用地统一供应制度。统一供应制度。The content of the fundamental system on

53、land resource management is: China implements socialist public ownership, namely, the ownership by the whole people and the collective ownership of mass laborers. She enforces systems of compensable use and utilization control of land, usage transfer of agricultural land and unitively supply of cons

54、truction land形成了土地利用总体规划、土地利用年度计划、农用形成了土地利用总体规划、土地利用年度计划、农用地转用和土地征收审批、土地执法监察和国家土地总地转用和土地征收审批、土地执法监察和国家土地总督察等一系列具体的管理制度。督察等一系列具体的管理制度。form a series of management systems such as the comprehensive and annual plans for land utilization, usage transfer of agricultural land and expropriation and approval

55、 of land, supervision on law enforcement and national land general supervision. 土地利用总体规划是城乡建设、土地管理的纲土地利用总体规划是城乡建设、土地管理的纲领性文件,是加强宏观调控、发挥市场配置土地资源基领性文件,是加强宏观调控、发挥市场配置土地资源基础性作用的重要前提,是实行土地用途管制、落实最严础性作用的重要前提,是实行土地用途管制、落实最严格的土地管理制度的基本手段。格的土地管理制度的基本手段。the comprehensive plans of land utilization is the progr

56、ammatic document for urban and rural construction and land management, the important premise for strengthening macro regulation and control and playing the basic role of market configuration of land resources and the means for implementing land-use control and putting in effect the most strictest la

57、nd management system.土地利用年度计划是国家对计划年度农用地转土地利用年度计划是国家对计划年度农用地转用量、土地开发整理补充耕地量和耕地保有量的具体安用量、土地开发整理补充耕地量和耕地保有量的具体安排,它既是实施土地利用总体规划的重要手段,又是用排,它既是实施土地利用总体规划的重要手段,又是用地审批的重要依据。地审批的重要依据。The annual plan for land use is the practical arrangement of the amount of annual transferred volume of agricultural land, am

58、ount of the land exploitation, arrangement and supplementation of cultivated land and the amount of retained cultivated land. This plan acts as not only an important means to enforce comprehensive land plans, but also the important basis for land use verification and approval. 农用地转用和土地征收审批是土地利用总体规划和

59、农用地转用和土地征收审批是土地利用总体规划和土地利用年度计划得以落实的关键环节,是土地供应土地利用年度计划得以落实的关键环节,是土地供应的的“闸门闸门”。 The verification and approval of usage transfer of agricultural land and expropriation of land is the key link that the comprehensive plan for the verification and approval of transfer of agricultural land and land expropr

60、iation and the annual plan for land use. It is also the “gate valve” of land supply. 土地执法监察和国家土地总督察是土地政土地执法监察和国家土地总督察是土地政策得以贯彻落实的重要保障。策得以贯彻落实的重要保障。The law enforcing police for the land and national land general supervisor is the important guarantee for implementing land policy. 矿产资源管理基本制度内容:矿产资源管理基本


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