渗透探伤作业指导书PT Operation Specification(中英对照)_第1页
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1、第三方nde检测单位the third party inspection organizationpt作业指导书pt operation specification目 录1.检测范围scope of testing12.检测人员testing personnel13.一般要求general requirements14.操作operation45.缺陷显示迹痕分类types of traces indicting defects66.缺陷显示迹痕等级评定 grade evaluation of defect indicating traces77.报告reports78.附录appendix8

2、1. 检测范围scope of testing1.1. 本章依据标准jb4730-1994压力容器无损检测。the guidelines are written in accordance with jb4730-1994 nondestructive testing of pressure equipments.1.2. 本章适用于压力容器、压力管道、储罐。the guidelines are applicable to pressure containers, pressure pipes and storage tanks.1.3. 本章选用的着色渗透检测方法为溶剂油去除型着色渗透检测方

3、法。the dye penetration method used in the guidelines is solvent-removal dye penetration test.2. 检测人员testing personnel2.1. 凡从事检测的人员,都均经过技术培训,并按照无损检测人员资格认可规则(1995)及gb9445进行考核鉴定。the testing personnel should have received technically trainings and passed qualification tests in accordance with rules of ce

4、rtification for ndt personnel (1995) and gb9445 national standard.2.2. 取得不同检测方法的各技术等级人员,只能从事与该等级相应的无损检测工作,并负相应的技术责任。 technicians who have passed certain levels of ndt qualification tests should perform ndt tasks equivalent to that level and be liable to such responsibilities.3. 一般要求general requireme

5、nts3.1. 基本程序basic procedure渗透检测操作的基本步骤如下:the following is the basic procedure for penetrant testing operation:3.1.1. 预清洗;pre-cleaning3.1.2. 施加渗透液;adding penetrant3.1.3. 清洗多余的渗透剂;cleaning surplus penetrant3.1.4. 施加显像剂;adding developer3.1.5. 观察及评定显示迹痕。observing and evaluating trace3.2. 渗透探伤剂penetratin

6、g flaw-detecting agents3.2.1. 渗透探伤剂一般包括渗透剂、清洗剂和显像剂。penetrating flaw-detecting agents consist of penetrant, cleaning agent and developer.3.2.2. 渗透剂的质量控制应满足下列要求:quality control of penetrant should meet the requirements as follow: 在每一批新的渗透剂中应取500ml贮藏在玻璃容器中作为样品保存起来,作为参照基准。贮存温度为15-50,并应避免阳光照射。as

7、basis of reference, 500ml of every batch of new penetrant should be taken out to store in a glass vessel for conservation as sample. storage temperature is 1550 and avoid direct sunlight. .渗透剂应装在密封容器中,放在低温暗处保存。penetrant should be stored in a sealed container at lower temperature and in the d

8、arkness. 对正在使用的渗透剂做外观检验,如发现有明显的混浊或沉淀物,变色或难以清洗,则应予报废。visual inspection should be done for the penetrant using. if feculence, precipitate, and variation of color occur or it is difficult to clean, the penetrant should be rejected. 渗透剂用对比试块与基准渗透剂进行性能对比试验,当被检渗透剂显示缺陷的能力低于基准渗透剂时,应予报废。compa

9、re performance of the penetrant with the reference penetrant using a comparator. if the defect displaying ability of the penetrant tested is lower than that of the reference, it should be rejected.3.2.3. 显像剂的质量控制应满足下列要求:quality control of developer should meet the requirements as follow: 对干式

10、显像剂应经常进行检查,如发现粒子凝聚、有显著的残留或性能低下者要废弃。dry-developer should be regularly checked. if particle coacervation, obvious residual or under-performance are found, it should be rejected.3.2.4. 探伤剂必须具有良好的检测性能,对工件无腐蚀,对人体基本无毒害作用。flaw-detecting agent must have good performance, non-corrosive to workpiece, and basi

11、cally non-hazardous to human.3.2.5. 探伤剂应根据被检材料的具体情况进行选择,对于同一检测工件,不能混用不同类型的探伤剂。flaw-detecting agent should be selected in view of the material tested. different kind of flaw-detecting agents cant be used together for the same workpiece.3.2.6 应选择质量合格,信誉好的厂商提供的探伤剂。quality acceptable flaw-detecting agen

12、ts supplied by reputable manufacturers should be selected.3.3. 对比试块penetrant comparator3.3.1. 对比试块主要用于检验探伤剂性能及操作工艺。如图1-1comparator is mainly used to examine the performance of flaw detection agent and technological operation.ab1.5702 5010图1-1 铝合金对比试块3.3.2. 对比试块的清洗和保存: 对比试块使用后要进行彻底清洗。清洗时,通常是用丙酮仔细擦洗后,

13、再放入装有丙酮和无水洒精的混合液(混合比为1:1)的密闭容器中保存,或用其它等效方法保存。cleaning and storage of comparator:comparator must be cleaned after using. while cleaning, it is first cleaned with acetone. then store in a sealed vessel containing mixture of acetone and absolute alcohol (1:1 mixing rate) or store using other equivalent

14、 methods.3.4. 表面准备surface preparation3.4.1. 工件表面不得有铁锈、氧化皮、焊接飞溅、铁屑、毛刺以及各种防护层。there muse be no iron rust, scale, spatter, iron chipings, burr and all kinds of inoxidizing coating on the surface of workpiece.3.4.2. 被检工件机加工表面粗糙度ra值为6.3m;被检工件非机加工表面的粗糙度ra值为12.5m。但对不能打磨的工件可适当放宽。the roughness value “ra” for

15、 machined surface is 6.3, while that for non-machined surface is 12.5. for workpiece that cannot be sanded, “ra” value is allowed to relax accordingly.3.4.3. 局部检测时,准备工作范围应从检测部位四周向外扩展25mm。in local testing, surface area to be prepared should extend 25mm from the tested site in all directions.4. 操作oper

16、ation4.1. 预清洗pre-cleaning检测部位的表面状况在很大程度上影响着渗透检测的检测质量。因此,在进行过表面清理之后还要进行一次预清洗,以去除检测表面的污垢。清洗时,采用溶剂进行。清洗范围应满足3.4.3的要求。清洗后,检测面上遗留的溶剂、水份等必须干燥,且应保证在施加渗透剂之前不被污染。the surface appearance of site tested would affect testing quality of penetrant examination to some extent. therefore after surface cleaning, a pre

17、-cleaning work would start to remove dirt on test surface and clean with solvent. cleaning area should meet the requirement in 3.4.3 section. after cleaning, the solvent and water remaining on testing surface must be removed by drying. the testing surface must not be polluted before applying penetra

18、nt.4.2. 施加渗透剂penetrant application4.2.1. 施加方法用喷罐喷涂方法,保证被检部位完全被渗透剂复盖,并在整个渗透时间内润湿状态。the penetrant is applied by spraying tank. make sure that the site tested is covered by the penetrant and remains wet during penetration period.4.2.2. 渗透时间及温度在15-50的温度条件下,渗透剂的渗透时间一般不得少于10min。penetration time and temper

19、ature is not less than 10 minutes at a temperature between 1550.4.3. 清洗多余的渗透剂removing surplus penetrant4.3.1. 在清洗工件被检表面多余的渗透剂时,应注意防止过度清洗而使检测质量下降,同时也应注意防止清洗不足而造成对缺陷显示识别困难.in removing surplus penetrant on the surface of the workpiece tested, in order to avoid quality deterioration, over-cleaning shoul

20、d be prevented. whats more, under-cleaning should also be prevented to avoid difficulty in defect recognition.4.3.2. 溶剂去除型渗透剂用清洗剂清洗。除特别难于清洗的地方外,一般应先用干净不脱毛的布依次擦拭,直至大部分多余渗透剂被清除后,再用蘸有清洗剂的干净不脱毛的布或纸进行擦拭,直至将被检面上多余的渗透剂全部擦净。但必须注意,不得往复擦拭,不得用清洗剂直接在被检面冲洗。the solvent-removal penetrant is cleaned with detergents

21、. except sites that are difficult to clean, firstly, wipe in turn with a clean, unmoulting towel until most surplus penetrant are removed. then, a clean, unmoulting towel or paper with detergent is used to wipe surplus penetrant off the surface tested. but pay attention not to wipe reciprocally and

22、wash the surface tested directly with detergents.4.4. 干燥处理drying4.4.1. 施加快干式显像剂之前,检测面须经干燥处理。before applying quick-drying developer, the tested surface must be dried.4.4.2. 当采用清洗剂清洗时,应自然干燥,不得加热干燥。when cleaning with detergent, the surface should be dried by natural process instead by heating.4.4.3. 干燥

23、时间通常为5-10min。drying time is usually 510 minutes.4.5. 施加显像剂applying developer4.5.1. 使用干式显像剂时,须先经干燥处理,再用适当方法将显像剂均匀地喷洒在整个被检表面上,并保持一段时间。dry treating must be taken first before using dry-type developer, then the developer should be sprayed uniformly on the surface tested and maintain a period of time.4.5

24、.2. 显像剂在使用前应充分搅拌均匀,显像剂施加应薄而均匀,不可在同一地点反复多次施加。the developer should be stirred uniformly before using and applied thinly and uniformly on the surface. do not apply repeatedly on the same area.4.5.3. 喷施显像剂时,喷嘴离被检面距离为300400mm,喷洒方向与被检面夹角为3040。when spraying developer, the nozzle is placed at 300400mm away

25、from surface tested. the included angle between spraying direction and the surface tested is 3040.4.5.4. 禁止在被检面上倾倒快干式显像剂,以免冲洗掉缺陷内的渗透剂。the quick-drying developer is forbidden to pour on the surface tested lest the penetrant in the defects is washed away.4.5.5. 显像时间取决于显像剂种类,缺陷大小以及被检工件温度,一般不应少于7min。dev

26、eloping time should be no less than 7 minutes, depending on the type of the developer, defect size and workpiece temperature. 4.6. 观察observation4.6.1. 观察显示迹痕应在显像剂施加后7-30min内进行。如显示痕迹的大小不发生变化,也可超过上述时间。observing the displayed traces should be started in 730 minutes after the application of the develope

27、r. if the size of the trace remains unchanged, the above mentioned time could be exceeded. 4.6.2. 着色渗透检测时,观察应在被检表面可见光照度大于500lx的条件下进行。when examining dye penetrant, observation should be made under 500lx visible illuminance.4.6.3. 当出现显示迹痕时,必须确定迹痕是真缺陷还是假缺陷显示。必要时应用5-10倍放大镜进行观察或进行复验。when traces appear, m

28、ake sure whether the trace is a real defect or an artifact. if necessary, 510 x magnifier could be used for observation or recheck. 4.7. 复检rechecking4.7.1. 当出现下列情况之一时,则需进行复检:if one of the following circumstance occur, rechecking is necessary1.1.1.6. 检测结束时,用对比试块验证渗透剂已失效;when the test finishes, compar

29、ator test shows that the penetrant is ineffective. 发现检测过程中操作方法有误;the operating method is found wrong during examination. .供需双方有争议或认为有其它需要时;an argument arises between the supply and the demand parties or they deem it necessary to recheck. 经返修后的部位。the part has been repaired.4.7

30、.2. 当决定进行复验时,必须对被检面进行彻底清洗,以去除前次检测时所留下的痕迹。必要时,应用有机溶剂进行浸泡。当确认清洗干净后,按4.1-4.6条的规定进行复验。when rechecking is decided, the surface tested must be thoroughly cleaned to remove the traces remained in former test. if necessary, soak it with organic solvents. mark sure that the workpiece is thoroughly cleaned an

31、d begin rechecking according to 4.14.6 section.4.8. 后处理post-treatment检测结束后,为防止残留的显像剂腐蚀被检工件表面或影响其使用,应清除残余显像剂。清除方法可用刷洗、水洗、布或纸擦除等方法。after examination, the residual developer should be cleared to prevent it from corroding the surface of workpiece or affecting its usage. the cleaning way may be scrubbing

32、, water washing, wiping with cloth or paper.4.9. 检测人员在施工现场操作完毕后,要根据中华人民共和国环境规定和要求处理好剩余的渗透液。the detectors gone to the work field and the work have complete, surplus penetratal chemicals should be disposed of in accordance with relative prc environmental regulations4.10检测单位所用的液体渗透材料应符合本项工程的标准规定,并给委托方提

33、供材料说明书及合格证。 all penetratal materials shall inform the standard of the project and sumit all materials directions and qualified certificate to the mandatory.5. 缺陷显示迹痕分类types of traces indicting defects5.1. 除确认显示迹痕是由外界因素或操作不当造成的之外,其它任何大于等于0.5mm的显示迹痕均应作为缺陷显示迹痕处理。except traces affected by extraneous fac

34、tors or misoperation, the other traces that are greater than or equal to 0.5mm are treated as defect indicating traces.5.2. 长度与宽度之比大于3的缺陷显示迹痕,按线性缺陷处理;长度与宽度之比小于等于3的缺陷显示迹痕,按圆形缺陷处理。the defect indicating traces whose length/width ratio is greater than 3 should be treated as linear defects. if the ratio

35、is less than or equal to 3, traces are treated as round defects.5.3. 缺陷显示迹痕长轴方向与工件轴线或母线的夹角大于或等于30时,按横向缺陷处理,其它按纵向缺陷处理。if the included angle between long axis direction of defect indicating trace and axial line or bus bar of the workpiece is greater than or equal to 30, trace is treated as transverse

36、defect. the others are treated as longitudinal defects.5.4. 两条或两条以上缺陷显示迹痕在同一直线上且间距小于等于2mm时,按一条缺陷处理,其长度为显示迹痕长度之和加间距。if two or more than two defect indicating traces are on the same straight line and the spacing between them is less than or equal to 2mm, these traces should be treated as one defect. i

37、ts length is equal to the sum of two trace lengths plus space length.6. 缺陷显示迹痕等级评定 grade evaluation of defect indicating traces按照jb4730压力容器无损检测第12.7条执行。evaluation should be carried out according to no.12.7 of jb4730 nondestructive testing of pressure container.7. 报告reports报告至少应包括下列内容:the reports sho

38、uld consist of contents as following:7.1. 委托单位、工件名称、编号、形状、尺寸、材质及热处理状态;client, workpieces name, number, shape, size, material and heat-treated condition;7.2. 检测部位、检测比例、渗透剂牌号;test site, test ratio, penetrant brand;7.3. 检测方法,包括渗透剂类型、显像方式;test method, including the type of penetrant and the developing m

39、ethod;7.4. 操作条件,包括渗透温度、渗透时间、干燥温度和时间、显像时间;operating condition, including penetration temperature, penetration time, drying temperature and time and developing time;7.5. 检测结果及缺陷等级评定;test result and defect grade evaluation;7.6. 缺陷示意图;illustration of defects;7.7. 检测人员、责任人员签字及其技术资格;test personnel, respon

40、sible personnel and their technical qualifications;7.8. 检测日期。test date.8. 附录appendix8.1. 用于非标准温度的检测方法(补充件)testing method for non-standard temperatures(supplement)8.2. 概述general当渗透检测不可能在1550c温度范围内进行时,则要求对较低或较高温度时的检测方法作出鉴定。通常使用铝合金对比试块进行。when it is impossible to carry out penetration testing at 1550 te

41、mperature range, testing methods for lower or higher temperatures are required to be verified. a lead penetrant comparator is usually used.8.3. 鉴定方法way of verification8.3.1. 温度低于15c条件下渗透检测方法的鉴定。verification of penetration testing at temperatures lower than 15在试块和所有使用材料都降到预定温度后,将准备的低温检测方法用于b区。然后把试块加热

42、到1550c之间,在a区用标准方法进行检测,比较a、b两区的裂纹显示迹痕。如果显示迹痕基本上相同,则可以认为准备采用的方法是可行的。when the comparator and all the materials used drop to the pre-decided temperature, apply the testing method for lower temperature to b zone. then heat the comparator to a temperature between 1550 and test a zone using standard method

43、. compare the cracking traces appearing in both a and b zones. if these traces are basically identical, the method to be adapted for lower temperature is acceptable.8.3.2. 温度高于50c条件下渗透检测方法的鉴定a2.2 verification of penetration testing at temperatures higher than 50如果准备采用的检测温度高于50c,则将试块加温至这一温度,在b区进行检测。然

44、后把试块冷却到1550c之间,在a区用标准方法进行检测,比较a、b两区的裂纹显示迹痕。如果显示迹痕基本上相同,则可以认为准备采用的方法是可行的。if the testing temperature to be used is higher than 50, heat the comparator to that temperature and apply testing method to b zone. then cool the comparator to a temperature between 1550 and test a zone using standard method. c

45、ompare the cracking traces in both a and b zones. if these traces are basically identical, the method to be adapted for lower temperature is acceptable.9. 检测结果的发送。sent the test report9.1. 检测结果由检测单位与委托方在检测委托协议中规定的发送方式发送给委托方,但当委托方要求用电话,电传,传真或电子传送检测结果时,委托方将有关传送以书面形式通知检测单位,检测单位确认无误后方可发送。test result shall be sent to the mandatory on standars of inspection organization and mandatory


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