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1、Unit 5Theme parks词汇梳理词汇梳理 授之以渔授之以渔高频考点高频考点 深度探究深度探究知识活用知识活用 回顾教材回顾教材语语 法法 专专 题题Unit 5Unit 5Theme parksTheme parksUnit 5Theme parks词汇梳理词汇梳理 授之以渔授之以渔高频考点高频考点 深度探究深度探究知识活用知识活用 回顾教材回顾教材语语 法法 专专 题题.词汇与派生A联想记忆法1various adj.不同的;各种各样的various_各种观点2fantasy n幻想;怪念头;vt.& vi.想像;幻想fantasy_ sth.幻想做某事3amusement n消遣

2、;娱乐_ ones amusement使某人感到好笑的是Unit 5Theme parks词汇梳理词汇梳理 授之以渔授之以渔高频考点高频考点 深度探究深度探究知识活用知识活用 回顾教材回顾教材语语 法法 专专 题题4swing n秋千;摇摆;vt.& vi.摇摆;摆动swing ones_挥舞手臂5 a t t r a c t i o n n 有 吸 引 力 的 事 物 ; 吸 引 a _attraction旅游胜地6preserve vt.保存;保留;n.保护区preserve _保护森林Unit 5Theme parks词汇梳理词汇梳理 授之以渔授之以渔高频考点高频考点 深度探究深度探究知

3、识活用知识活用 回顾教材回顾教材语语 法法 专专 题题7deed n行为;事迹_ deed真正8minority n少数;少数民族a minority _少数的9advance vt.& vi.前进;促进;提前;n.前进;进步_ advance提前10advanced adj.先进的;高级的an advanced _ 先进工作者Unit 5Theme parks词汇梳理词汇梳理 授之以渔授之以渔高频考点高频考点 深度探究深度探究知识活用知识活用 回顾教材回顾教材语语 法法 专专 题题B构词法记忆法1center n中心_ adj.中心的;中央的2vary vi.变化,不等_ adj.不同的;各

4、种各样的_ n种类3settle vi.& vt.定居;解决_ n移民;殖民者4_ n幻想;怪念头fantastic adj.空想的;异想天开的Unit 5Theme parks词汇梳理词汇梳理 授之以渔授之以渔高频考点高频考点 深度探究深度探究知识活用知识活用 回顾教材回顾教材语语 法法 专专 题题5amuse vt.娱乐;消遣;逗笑_ n消遣;娱乐(活动)_ adj.引人发笑的_ adj.觉得好笑的6attract vt.吸引_ adj.吸引人的_ n有吸引力的事物;吸引7tour n& vi.旅行_ n旅游旅行者,旅游者_ n旅游业Unit 5Theme parks词汇梳理词汇梳理 授之

5、以渔授之以渔高频考点高频考点 深度探究深度探究知识活用知识活用 回顾教材回顾教材语语 法法 专专 题题8_ vt.保存;保留;n.保护区_ n保存,保留;保护;防腐;维护,保持9athlete n运动员_ adj.运动的10_ n少数;少数民族majority n多数11create vt.创造_ n生物;动物12advance vt.前进;促进;提前_ adj.高级的;先进的13admit vt.承认;准许进入_ n允许进入;入场费;承认Unit 5Theme parks词汇梳理词汇梳理 授之以渔授之以渔高频考点高频考点 深度探究深度探究知识活用知识活用 回顾教材回顾教材语语 法法 专专 题

6、题C语境记忆法Various theme parks attract many tourists.Some jungle and creature preserves are quite unique and amusing.Look!A shuttle service to the park whose admission is free of charge.With advanced technology, no wonder people can create the fancy amusement park.Unit 5Theme parks词汇梳理词汇梳理 授之以渔授之以渔高频考点高

7、频考点 深度探究深度探究知识活用知识活用 回顾教材回顾教材语语 法法 专专 题题A语境填词creature;fantasy;swing;preserve;minority;amusement;outing;tourism;various;unique1Because flies are small and dirty _,we do not much care if many die at once.2Thanks to science,we have learned to tell the difference between _ and reality.Unit 5Theme parks词

8、汇梳理词汇梳理 授之以渔授之以渔高频考点高频考点 深度探究深度探究知识活用知识活用 回顾教材回顾教材语语 法法 专专 题题3Generally speaking,our arms will _ together with our legs when we walk.4Each persons fingerprints are _,so the police often solve the crime according to the fingerprint.5The wildlife park has been created to _ many species of wildlife.6As

9、 a nation,China has more than 50 ethnic _ besides the Han nationality.Unit 5Theme parks词汇梳理词汇梳理 授之以渔授之以渔高频考点高频考点 深度探究深度探究知识活用知识活用 回顾教材回顾教材语语 法法 专专 题题7We should develop modern services and _ in this ancient city.8There were_ reasons why he decided to leave school.9Much to the _ of passersby,the passe

10、ngers in the bus are dancing and singing.10My hobbies are listening to pop songs,going for _ and reading novels.Unit 5Theme parks词汇梳理词汇梳理 授之以渔授之以渔高频考点高频考点 深度探究深度探究知识活用知识活用 回顾教材回顾教材语语 法法 专专 题题B用所学词汇替换画线部分1There are a_variety_of ways of cooking an egg.2I realized that I must have imagined the whole th

11、ing.3I like to map out the whole week ahead_of_time.4We need to protect the forest from_damage.5No_matter_which way you look at it,nuclear power is the energy of the future.Unit 5Theme parks词汇梳理词汇梳理 授之以渔授之以渔高频考点高频考点 深度探究深度探究知识活用知识活用 回顾教材回顾教材语语 法法 专专 题题.短语与拓展1_以而闻名be famous _ 作为而著名2_难怪;不足为奇no _毫无疑问3_

12、根据模仿;仿造_ after以命名Unit 5Theme parks词汇梳理词汇梳理 授之以渔授之以渔高频考点高频考点 深度探究深度探究知识活用知识活用 回顾教材回顾教材语语 法法 专专 题题4_提前_ of time提前5_接近_ close to靠近站着6_活跃起来_.to life使苏醒Unit 5Theme parks词汇梳理词汇梳理 授之以渔授之以渔高频考点高频考点 深度探究深度探究知识活用知识活用 回顾教材回顾教材语语 法法 专专 题题.单元语法自测用单词的适当形式填空1The inventor was rewarded by the government for his scie

13、ntific _(achieve)2The reason you just gave me for not passing the exam is not _(convince)3She can get angry very easily when others _(agree)with her.Unit 5Theme parks词汇梳理词汇梳理 授之以渔授之以渔高频考点高频考点 深度探究深度探究知识活用知识活用 回顾教材回顾教材语语 法法 专专 题题4_(honest)speaking,I dont like the way that you spoke to your father.5I

14、would much rather be a director than an _(act)6_(fortunate),I was caught in the heavy rain and got wet through from head to foot.7He _(understand)the question and got the wrong answer.Unit 5Theme parks词汇梳理词汇梳理 授之以渔授之以渔高频考点高频考点 深度探究深度探究知识活用知识活用 回顾教材回顾教材语语 法法 专专 题题8It seemed as if the boss was very _(

15、satisfy)with our work.9City life holds few _ for me;I dont find it _ at all.(attract)10The audience was _ by the performance in the _ park.(amuse)Unit 5Theme parks词汇梳理词汇梳理 授之以渔授之以渔高频考点高频考点 深度探究深度探究知识活用知识活用 回顾教材回顾教材语语 法法 专专 题题词汇梳理.A.1.views2.doing3.to4.arms5.tourist6.forests7in8.of9.in10.workerB1.cen

16、tral2.various;variety3.settler4.fantasy5amusement;amusing;amused6.attractive;attraction7tourist;tourism8.preserve;preservation9.athletic10minority11.creature12.advanced13.admissionUnit 5Theme parks词汇梳理词汇梳理 授之以渔授之以渔高频考点高频考点 深度探究深度探究知识活用知识活用 回顾教材回顾教材语语 法法 专专 题题学情自测A1.creatures2.fantasy3.swing4.unique5

17、.preserve6minorities7.tourism8.various9.amusement10.outingsB1.various2.fancied3.in advance4.preserve5.WhicheverUnit 5Theme parks词汇梳理词汇梳理 授之以渔授之以渔高频考点高频考点 深度探究深度探究知识活用知识活用 回顾教材回顾教材语语 法法 专专 题题.1.be famous for;as2.no wonder;doubt3.be modelled after;name4.in advance;ahead5.get close to;stand6come to lif

18、e;bring.1.achievements2.convincing3.disagree4.Honestly5actor/actress6.Unfortunately7.misunderstood8.satisfied/dissatisfied9.attractions;attractive10.amused;amusement Unit 5Theme parks词汇梳理词汇梳理 授之以渔授之以渔高频考点高频考点 深度探究深度探究知识活用知识活用 回顾教材回顾教材语语 法法 专专 题题重点单词1various adj.having great diversity or variety各种各样的

19、vary v变化;不同variety n(pl.)varieties变化,多样性vary from.to.从变为a variety of各种各样的;种类繁多的in(a)variety of ways用种种方法Unit 5Theme parks词汇梳理词汇梳理 授之以渔授之以渔高频考点高频考点 深度探究深度探究知识活用知识活用 回顾教材回顾教材语语 法法 专专 题题(1)In reality,all of us play the victim or the creator at various points in our lives.(2012天津高考)事实上,我们所有人在生活中各种各样的情况下

20、都扮演着受害者或创造者的角色。(2)_有各种各样的颜色可供选择。Unit 5Theme parks词汇梳理词汇梳理 授之以渔授之以渔高频考点高频考点 深度探究深度探究知识活用知识活用 回顾教材回顾教材语语 法法 专专 题题(3)Leaves_.叶子随着四季的变化而改变。【答案】(2)There are various colours to choose from(3)vary with the seasonsUnit 5Theme parks词汇梳理词汇梳理 授之以渔授之以渔高频考点高频考点 深度探究深度探究知识活用知识活用 回顾教材回顾教材语语 法法 专专 题题写作句组满分作文之佳句aOne

21、 of them is that we can find a variety of topics,such as science,culture and history.(2012辽宁高考)bThere are a variety of books for us to choose from,like history books,science books,literary books and so on.(2012江西高考)cIn our school,there are various kinds of activities,for example,arts and sports.(201

22、1四川高考)Unit 5Theme parks词汇梳理词汇梳理 授之以渔授之以渔高频考点高频考点 深度探究深度探究知识活用知识活用 回顾教材回顾教材语语 法法 专专 题题2swing vt.& vi.to move in a curve or arc,usually with the intent of hitting摇摆;摆动nCmechanical device used as a plaything to support someone swinging back and forth秋千;a state of steady vigorous action that is characte

23、ristic of an activity摇摆swing around/round 突然转向相反方向swing sb.from sth.to sth.(使某人)突然改变观点或情绪等Unit 5Theme parks词汇梳理词汇梳理 授之以渔授之以渔高频考点高频考点 深度探究深度探究知识活用知识活用 回顾教材回顾教材语语 法法 专专 题题(1)The canoe found the current and swung around.独木舟遇上急流后直打转。(2)She_.她左右晃腿。Unit 5Theme parks词汇梳理词汇梳理 授之以渔授之以渔高频考点高频考点 深度探究深度探究知识活用知识

24、活用 回顾教材回顾教材语语 法法 专专 题题( 3 ) T h e g i r l s a t o n a s w i n g ,_.那个女孩坐在秋千上,前后摇摆。【答案】(2)swung her legs from side to side(3)is swinging back and forthUnit 5Theme parks词汇梳理词汇梳理 授之以渔授之以渔高频考点高频考点 深度探究深度探究知识活用知识活用 回顾教材回顾教材语语 法法 专专 题题3preserve vt.to keep or maintain in unaltered condition;to cause to rem

25、ain or last保存;to keep up and reserve for personal or special use保留na domain that seems to be specially reserved for someone保护区preserve sb./sth.from sth.保护免遭nature preserve 自然保护区wellpreserved 保存良好的preservation n保护;维护;保持reserve vt.保留(意见、看法等);预定(座位、房间等)Unit 5Theme parks词汇梳理词汇梳理 授之以渔授之以渔高频考点高频考点 深度探究深度探

26、究知识活用知识活用 回顾教材回顾教材语语 法法 专专 题题(1)The frequency with which it is borrowed mirrors a heated debate on environmental protection:whether to place wilderness at the heart of what is to be preserved.(2012北京高考)它经常被借用反映出一场热烈的讨论:是否要把荒野列为该被保护的中心。(2)Norma tried to _ in difficult circumstances.诺玛努力在艰难的环境下保持正常的家庭

27、生活。Unit 5Theme parks词汇梳理词汇梳理 授之以渔授之以渔高频考点高频考点 深度探究深度探究知识活用知识活用 回顾教材回顾教材语语 法法 专专 题题(3)_保护我们免受黑暗势力的侵害。【答案】(2)preserve a normal family life(3)Preserve us from the powers of darknessUnit 5Theme parks词汇梳理词汇梳理 授之以渔授之以渔高频考点高频考点 深度探究深度探究知识活用知识活用 回顾教材回顾教材语语 法法 专专 题题4advance vto move forward,also in the metap

28、horical sense.前进;to bring forward for consideration or acceptance推进;to contribute to the progress or growth of 进展na movement forward 前进;a change for the better;progress in development 发展in advanceahead of time 预先;提前advance on/towards sb./sth.向某人/物前进advance in sth.改进/改变某物advanced adj.高级的;先进的Unit 5The

29、me parks词汇梳理词汇梳理 授之以渔授之以渔高频考点高频考点 深度探究深度探究知识活用知识活用 回顾教材回顾教材语语 法法 专专 题题(1)Across all species,the experiments underpredicted the speed of the advancefor both leafing and floweringthat results from temperature increases.(2012四川高考)遍及所有物种,这些实验低估了发展的速度生叶及开花的速度这起因于气温的上升。( 2 ) T h e t i m e o f t h e m e e

30、t i n g _.会议的时间提前到10点。Unit 5Theme parks词汇梳理词汇梳理 授之以渔授之以渔高频考点高频考点 深度探究深度探究知识活用知识活用 回顾教材回顾教材语语 法法 专专 题题(3)Its impossible _.预知未来发生的事是不可能的。【答案】(2)has been advanced to ten oclock(3)to know in advance what will happenUnit 5Theme parks词汇梳理词汇梳理 授之以渔授之以渔高频考点高频考点 深度探究深度探究知识活用知识活用 回顾教材回顾教材语语 法法 专专 题题5admission

31、 nthe act of admitting someone to enter允许进入;the fee charged for admission入场费;门票;an acknowledgment of the truth of something承认admit v(admitted;admitted)准许进入;录取;承认make an admission of sth.admit sth.承认某事admit doing sth.承认做某事admit sb./o.允许某人/某物进入be admitted to 被录取到Unit 5Theme parks词汇梳理词汇梳理 授之以渔授之

32、以渔高频考点高频考点 深度探究深度探究知识活用知识活用 回顾教材回顾教材语语 法法 专专 题题(1)The growth mindset believe admitting failure is shameful.(2012全国高考)成长思维模式的人认为认输是可耻的。(2)_ Beijing University depends on examination results.北京大学的入学取决于考试成绩。Unit 5Theme parks词汇梳理词汇梳理 授之以渔授之以渔高频考点高频考点 深度探究深度探究知识活用知识活用 回顾教材回顾教材语语 法法 专专 题题( 3 ) O n l y t i

33、 c k e t h o l d e r s _.只有持票者才可以进入体育场。【答案】(2)Admission to(3)can be admitted into the stadiumUnit 5Theme parks词汇梳理词汇梳理 授之以渔授之以渔高频考点高频考点 深度探究深度探究知识活用知识活用 回顾教材回顾教材语语 法法 专专 题题写作句组满分作文之佳句aAlthough high grades are an important factor in evaluating students and their future university admission,developmen

34、t in wisdom,emotion,health,and life attitude should never be ignored.(2011陕西高考)bHowever,the latest news shows that her 17yearold daughter was admitted into Harvard and Yale University.(2011广东高考)Unit 5Theme parks词汇梳理词汇梳理 授之以渔授之以渔高频考点高频考点 深度探究深度探究知识活用知识活用 回顾教材回顾教材语语 法法 专专 题题短语与句式1be famous for 以而闻名bec

35、ome famous overnight 一夜成名be wellknown for 因而著名;众所周知be wellknown as 作为而熟知be wellknown to.对来说熟知be famous for/be famous as/be famous tobe famous for意为“因而著名”,后所接的名词表示“著名的原因”be famous as意为“作为而著名”,后接表示身份、地方的名词Unit 5Theme parks词汇梳理词汇梳理 授之以渔授之以渔高频考点高频考点 深度探究深度探究知识活用知识活用 回顾教材回顾教材语语 法法 专专 题题(1)The Irish are f

36、amous for being warmhearted and friendly.(2011安徽高考)爱尔兰人以其热情友好而闻名。(2)France_.法国以其葡萄酒而闻名。Unit 5Theme parks词汇梳理词汇梳理 授之以渔授之以渔高频考点高频考点 深度探究深度探究知识活用知识活用 回顾教材回顾教材语语 法法 专专 题题(3)_她作为一名作家很著名。【答案】(2)is famous for its wine(3)She is famous as a writerUnit 5Theme parks词汇梳理词汇梳理 授之以渔授之以渔高频考点高频考点 深度探究深度探究知识活用知识活用 回顾

37、教材回顾教材语语 法法 专专 题题写作句组满分作文之佳句aBut what interests me most is literary books,especially those by famous writers.(2012江西高考)bNear the end of the nineteenth century,companies that were devoted to the production of ads came to be known as “advertising agencies(广告商)”(2011全国高考)cJiu Zhaigou is famous for its

38、clear and colorful water.(2010四川高考)Unit 5Theme parks词汇梳理词汇梳理 授之以渔授之以渔高频考点高频考点 深度探究深度探究知识活用知识活用 回顾教材回顾教材语语 法法 专专 题题2no wonder 难怪;怪不得wonder vi.& vt.感到惊异;(对)感到奇怪;想要知道nU 惊奇;惊叹;C奇迹;奇观;奇事It is a wonder that.真想不到,令人惊喜的是wonder that.感到奇怪,觉得惊讶Unit 5Theme parks词汇梳理词汇梳理 授之以渔授之以渔高频考点高频考点 深度探究深度探究知识活用知识活用 回顾教材回顾教

39、材语语 法法 专专 题题wonder whether (if)/when/why/how.想知道是否/什么时候/为什么/怎么no doubt/no wonderno doubt是there is no doubt.的省略说法,表示“毫无疑问”no wonder是It is no wonder that.的省略说法,表示“怪不得,难怪”Unit 5Theme parks词汇梳理词汇梳理 授之以渔授之以渔高频考点高频考点 深度探究深度探究知识活用知识活用 回顾教材回顾教材语语 法法 专专 题题(1)No wonder,then,that the modern highspeed trains ar

40、e winning back passengers from the airlines.(2012江西高考)那么难怪现代化的高铁正赢回航空的乘客了。(2)_,you have worked here for ten years.怪不得你这么有经验,你在这里已经工作10年了。Unit 5Theme parks词汇梳理词汇梳理 授之以渔授之以渔高频考点高频考点 深度探究深度探究知识活用知识活用 回顾教材回顾教材语语 法法 专专 题题(3)_ after dropping from the roof of a tenstory building.他从一幢十层楼的顶上摔下来,但仍然活着,真是个奇迹。【

41、答案】(2)No wonder youre so experienced(3)It is a wonder that he remained aliveUnit 5Theme parks词汇梳理词汇梳理 授之以渔授之以渔高频考点高频考点 深度探究深度探究知识活用知识活用 回顾教材回顾教材语语 法法 专专 题题3get/be close to 靠近close to 接近;靠近close up to 离很近keep a close eye/watch on 严密监视;密切注视close down 关闭;停业Unit 5Theme parks词汇梳理词汇梳理 授之以渔授之以渔高频考点高频考点 深度探

42、究深度探究知识活用知识活用 回顾教材回顾教材语语 法法 专专 题题(1)Out at sea,the wind is often stronger and steadier than close to shore,where all existing offshore windmills are planted.(2011江苏高考)在海上,风通常要比靠近海岸的地方又大又猛烈,现有的风车磨坊都装在那儿。(2)We should seize _ the masses.我们要抓住一切机会接近群众。Unit 5Theme parks词汇梳理词汇梳理 授之以渔授之以渔高频考点高频考点 深度探究深度探究知

43、识活用知识活用 回顾教材回顾教材语语 法法 专专 题题( 3 ) A t t h i s p o i n t , t h e i n v e s t i g a t o r s _.在这一点上,调查者们比他们意识到的更接近真相。【答案】(2)every opportunity to get close to(3)were closer to the truth than they realizedUnit 5Theme parks词汇梳理词汇梳理 授之以渔授之以渔高频考点高频考点 深度探究深度探究知识活用知识活用 回顾教材回顾教材语语 法法 专专 题题4come to life 复活;苏醒;变

44、得活跃;恢复生气bring sb./sth.to life使某人/某物苏醒;使生动;使活泼come to oneself苏醒过来when it comes to.当谈及come to an end结束come out 出现;出版;结果是come to 加起来总共有(共计);谈到;涉及;突然想到come up with 提出;想出come about 发生;产生come across 偶遇;偶然发现Unit 5Theme parks词汇梳理词汇梳理 授之以渔授之以渔高频考点高频考点 深度探究深度探究知识活用知识活用 回顾教材回顾教材语语 法法 专专 题题(1)Imaginative ideas

45、are most likely to come to us when were unfocused.(2012湖北高考)当我们不注意的时候我们极有可能想到充满想象力的想法。(2)I love _ in spring.我喜欢看到春天万象更新。Unit 5Theme parks词汇梳理词汇梳理 授之以渔授之以渔高频考点高频考点 深度探究深度探究知识活用知识活用 回顾教材回顾教材语语 法法 专专 题题(3)_ since she worked as a saleswoman.那个少言寡语的姑娘自从当上售货员后变得活跃了起来。【答案】(2)to watch everything come to lif

46、e(3)The quiet girl has come to lifeUnit 5Theme parks词汇梳理词汇梳理 授之以渔授之以渔高频考点高频考点 深度探究深度探究知识活用知识活用 回顾教材回顾教材语语 法法 专专 题题5Whichever and whatever you like,there is a theme park for you!不论你喜欢哪一个,喜欢什么,总会有适合你的主题公园!句式提取:whichever 和 whatever引导让步状语从句whichever和whatever都引导让步状语从句,表示“无论哪一个”和“无论什么”。It has the same res

47、ult,whichever way you do it.无论你用哪种方法做,结果都是一样的。Whatever I suggest,he always disagrees.不论我提什么建议,他总是不同意Unit 5Theme parks词汇梳理词汇梳理 授之以渔授之以渔高频考点高频考点 深度探究深度探究知识活用知识活用 回顾教材回顾教材语语 法法 专专 题题“疑问词ever”与“no matter疑问词”“疑问词ever”可分为两类,“疑问代词ever”:whatever/whichever/whoever(宾格whomever)和“疑问副词ever”:wherever/whenever/how

48、ever,其意义都是“不管/无论该疑问词的本义”Unit 5Theme parks词汇梳理词汇梳理 授之以渔授之以渔高频考点高频考点 深度探究深度探究知识活用知识活用 回顾教材回顾教材语语 法法 专专 题题(1)“疑问代词ever”可引导两种类型的从句,即让步状语从句和名词性从句(主语从句、宾语从句)。引导让步状语从句。此时 whatever/whoever/whichever 分别等于“no matterwhat/who/which”。 引导名词性从句。例如:Whoever smokes here will be punished.(主语从句)Beggars will eat whateve

49、r they are given.(宾语从句)此时它们都不能换成“no matter疑问词”的形式。Unit 5Theme parks词汇梳理词汇梳理 授之以渔授之以渔高频考点高频考点 深度探究深度探究知识活用知识活用 回顾教材回顾教材语语 法法 专专 题题(2)“疑问副词ever”:wherever/whenever/however 一般只能引导一种类型的从句,即让步状语从句,此时它们分别等于“no matter where/when/how”。Whatever happened,he wouldnt say a word.No matter what happened,he wouldnt

50、 say a word.无论发生什么事,他总是一句话不说Wherever he goes(may go),Ill follow him.No matter where he goes(may go),Ill follow him.无论他去哪里,我都会跟着他Unit 5Theme parks词汇梳理词汇梳理 授之以渔授之以渔高频考点高频考点 深度探究深度探究知识活用知识活用 回顾教材回顾教材语语 法法 专专 题题(1)They will quickly arrive whenever a beekeeper is taking honey from his beehives,and will e

51、ven enter churches when beeswax candles are being lit.(2012全国高考)不管何时养蜂人从蜂巢中取蜜他们都会迅速到达,甚至当蜂蜡点起时他们甚至都进入教堂。(2)_ should remember to turn off the light.无论谁最后一个离开房间都应该记得关灯。Unit 5Theme parks词汇梳理词汇梳理 授之以渔授之以渔高频考点高频考点 深度探究深度探究知识活用知识活用 回顾教材回顾教材语语 法法 专专 题题(3)_,we must do it well.不管这工作有多难,我们都必须把它做好。【答案】(2)Whoev

52、er leaves the room last(3)However difficult the work isUnit 5Theme parks词汇梳理词汇梳理 授之以渔授之以渔高频考点高频考点 深度探究深度探究知识活用知识活用 回顾教材回顾教材语语 法法 专专 题题写作句组满分作文之佳句aWhenever I had difficulties,they were always available.(2012湖北高考)bNow,whenever I think of my first boarding school life,I think it instructive and unforge

53、ttable.(2011广东高考)Unit 5Theme parks词汇梳理词汇梳理 授之以渔授之以渔高频考点高频考点 深度探究深度探究知识活用知识活用 回顾教材回顾教材语语 法法 专专 题题6Futuroscope is not only for individuals,but is also the perfect mix of fun and learning for class outings.观测未来主题公园不仅仅适合个人,也适合学生出游,因为它是娱乐与学习的完美结合。句式提取:not only.but also.不仅而且Unit 5Theme parks词汇梳理词汇梳理 授之以渔授

54、之以渔高频考点高频考点 深度探究深度探究知识活用知识活用 回顾教材回顾教材语语 法法 专专 题题(1)not only.but also.意为“不仅而且”,用于连接两个表示并列关系的成分,also有时可以省略(2)当not only.but also.连接两个并列的成分作主语时,其谓语通常与靠近的主语保持一致(3)当not only.but also.连接两个并列的句子,且not only位于句首时,not only后的句子应用部分倒装语序(4)not merely/just/simply.but also.not only.but also.Unit 5Theme parks词汇梳理词汇梳理

55、 授之以渔授之以渔高频考点高频考点 深度探究深度探究知识活用知识活用 回顾教材回顾教材语语 法法 专专 题题(1)We not only learn but overlearn.(2012全国新课标高考)我们不仅学习而且还过度学习。(2)_ but also,they want reduced hours.护士们不仅要求提高工资,还要求缩短工作时间。Unit 5Theme parks词汇梳理词汇梳理 授之以渔授之以渔高频考点高频考点 深度探究深度探究知识活用知识活用 回顾教材回顾教材语语 法法 专专 题题(3)_这只汉堡包不但气味好闻而且味道好。【答案】(2)Not only do the n

56、urses want a pay increase(3)The hamburger not only smells good but(also)tastes deliciousUnit 5Theme parks词汇梳理词汇梳理 授之以渔授之以渔高频考点高频考点 深度探究深度探究知识活用知识活用 回顾教材回顾教材语语 法法 专专 题题写作句组满分作文之佳句aIn this way,I can not only work it out but also improve my ability to overcome problems all by myself.(2011安徽高考)bDear fri

57、ends,please actively take part in afterclass activities,which will not only make your school life colorful,but also improve your learning.(2011四川高考)Unit 5Theme parks词汇梳理词汇梳理 授之以渔授之以渔高频考点高频考点 深度探究深度探究知识活用知识活用 回顾教材回顾教材语语 法法 专专 题题.根据课文内容,完成语法填空Parks provide people 1._ a place to amuse themselves for a

58、while.In recent decades,however,many parks have been designed to provide 2._(entertain)We call them theme parks.The new parks are usually huge places and have a 3._(various)of things to see and do.Theme parks have a certain ideaa certain themethat the whole parks are based 4._.Unit 5Theme parks词汇梳理词

59、汇梳理 授之以渔授之以渔高频考点高频考点 深度探究深度探究知识活用知识活用 回顾教材回顾教材语语 法法 专专 题题For example,a sport theme park will offer visitors sports to play or watch;a history 5._ culture theme park will let us see 6._ our ancestors dressed,worked or lived.But if you are interested in traditional culture and history,go to Dollywood,

60、7._ you can have fun 8._(learn)all about Americas historical southeastern culture,9._ you can go to Camelot Park,10._ world of fantasy about ancient England.【答案】1.with2.entertainment3.variety4.on5.or6.how7.where8.learning9.or10.aUnit 5Theme parks词汇梳理词汇梳理 授之以渔授之以渔高频考点高频考点 深度探究深度探究知识活用知识活用 回顾教材回顾教材语语


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