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1、Problem I 平面上的点和线Point类、Line类 (VI)Time Limit:1 SecMemory Limit:128 MBSubmit:3279Solved:1467SubmitStatusWeb BoardDescription在数学上,平面直角坐标系上的点用X轴和Y轴上的两个坐标值唯一确定,两点确定一条线段。现在我们封装一个“Point类”和“Line类”来实现平面上的点的操作。根据“”,完成Point类和Line类的构造方法和show()方法,输出各Line对象和Point对象的构造和析构次序。接口描述:Point:show()方法:按格式输出Point

2、对象。Point:x()方法:取x坐标。Point:y()方法:取y坐标。Line:show()方法:按格式输出Line对象。Line:SetLine(double, double, double, double)方法:设置Line对象起点的x,y坐标(第一个和第二参数)和终点的x,y坐标(第三个和第四个坐标),并返回本对象Line:SetLine(const Point &, const Point &)方法:设置Line对象的起点(第一个参数)和终点(第二个坐标),并返回本对象Line:SetLine(const Line&)方法:设置Line对象,复制参数的坐标,并返回本对象Line:r

3、eadLine()方法:从标准输入上读入坐标,格式见SampleLine:start()方法:取Line的起点Line:end()方法:取Line的终点Line:setStart()方法:设置Line的起点Line:setEnd()方法:设置Line的终点以下三个函数用于输出Line对象,格式同sampleshowLineCoordinate(const Line&)showLinePoint(const Line&)showLine(const Line&)Input输入的第一行为N,表示后面有N行测试样例。每行为两组坐标“x,y”,分别表示线段起点和终点的x坐标和y坐标,两组坐标间用一个空

4、格分开,x和y的值都在double数据范围内。Output输出为多行,每行为一条线段,起点坐标在前终点坐标在后,每个点的X坐标在前,Y坐标在后,Y坐标前面多输出一个空格,用括号包裹起来。输出格式见sample。C语言的输入输出被禁用。Sample Input40,0 1,11,1 2,32,3 4,50,1 1,0Sample OutputPoint : (1, -2) is created.Point : (2, -1) is created.Point : (0, 0) is created.Point : (0, 0)Point : (0, 0) is created.Point : (

5、0, 0) is created.Line : (0, 0) to (0, 0) is created.Point : (0, 0) is created.Point : (0, 0) is created.Line : (0, 0) to (0, 0) is created.Point : (0, 0) is created.Point : (0, 0) is created.Line : (0, 0) to (0, 0) is created.Point : (0, 0) is created.Point : (0, 0) is created.Line : (0, 0) to (0, 0

6、) is created.Point : (0, 0) is created.Point : (0, 0) is created.Line : (0, 0) to (0, 0) is created.Line : (0, 0) to (1, 1)Line : (1, 1) to (2, 3)Line : (2, 3) to (4, 5)Line : (0, 1) to (1, 0)Point : (1, -2) is copied.Point : (2, -1) is copied.Line : (1, -2) to (2, -1) is created.Point : (1, -2) is

7、copied.Point : (0, 0) is copied.Line : (1, -2) to (0, 0) is created.Point : (2, -1) is copied.Point : (0, 0) is copied.Line : (2, -1) to (0, 0) is created.Point : (1, -2) is copied.Point : (2, -1) is copied.Line : (1, -2) to (2, -1) is copied.Line : (1, -2) to (2, -1)Line : Point : (1, -2) to Point

8、: (0, 0)Line : Point : (1, -2) to Point : (2, -1)Line : (0, 0) to (2, -1)Line : (0, 0) to (2, -1) is erased.Point : (2, -1) is erased.Point : (0, 0) is erased.Line : (1, -2) to (2, -1) is erased.Point : (2, -1) is erased.Point : (1, -2) is erased.Line : (1, -2) to (0, 0) is erased.Point : (0, 0) is

9、erased.Point : (1, -2) is erased.Line : (1, -2) to (2, -1) is erased.Point : (2, -1) is erased.Point : (1, -2) is erased.Line : (0, 1) to (1, 0) is erased.Point : (1, 0) is erased.Point : (0, 1) is erased.Line : (2, 3) to (4, 5) is erased.Point : (4, 5) is erased.Point : (2, 3) is erased.Line : (1,

10、1) to (2, 3) is erased.Point : (2, 3) is erased.Point : (1, 1) is erased.Line : (0, 0) to (1, 1) is erased.Point : (1, 1) is erased.Point : (0, 0) is erased.Line : (0, 0) to (2, -1) is erased.Point : (2, -1) is erased.Point : (0, 0) is erased.Point : (0, 0) is erased.Point : (2, -1) is erased.Point

11、: (1, -2) is erased.HINTAppend Code#include#includeusing namespace std;class Pointdouble ax,ay;public:friend class Line;Point(Point &a);ay=a.ay;coutPoint : (ax, ay) is copied.endl;Point(double x=0,double y=0):ax(x),ay(y)coutPoint : (ax, ay) is created.endl;/Point():ax(0),ay(0)Point()coutPoint

12、 : (ax, ay) is erased.endl;double x()const return ax;double y()constreturn ay;void showNoEndOfLine()constcoutPoint : (ax, ay);void show()coutPoint : (ax, ay)endl;class LinePoint p,q;public:Line():p(0,0),q(0,0)coutLine : (, p.ay) to (, q.ay) is created.endl;Line ( Line &a):p(a.p),q(a.q)coutLi

13、ne : (, p.ay) to (, q.ay) is copied.endl;Line(Point &a,Point &b):p(a),q(b)coutLine : (, p.ay) to (, q.ay) is created.endl;Line(double x1,double y1,double x2,double y2):p(x1,y1),q(x2,y2)coutLine : (, p.ay) to (, q.ay) is created.endl;Line()coutLine : (, p.ay) to (, q.a

14、y) is erased.p.axcp.ayq.axcq.ay;Line&setLine(Line &a)*this=a;return *this;Line&setLine(Point &a,Point &b)p=a;q=b;return *this;const Point &start()constreturn p;const Point &end()constreturn q;void setStart(Point &a)p=a;void setEnd(Point &b)q=b;void show()const coutLine : (, p.ay) to (, q.ay)

15、endl;void showLineCoordinate(const Line& line)std:coutLine : ;std:cout(line.start().x(), line.start().y();std:cout to ;std:cout(line.end().x(), line.end().y();std:coutstd:endl;void showLinePoint(const Line& line)std:coutLine : ;line.start().showNoEndOfLine();std:cout to ;line.end().showNoEndOfLine();std:coutnum;Line linenum +


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