



1、英语学习:“可能”的 9 种英语表达1、probably很可能;大概 英语释义: used to mean that something is very likely probably 是“多半”,其可能性超过一半。 一般指根据逻辑推理,估计有发生的可能,把握性较大,语气比possibly 强。Ill probably be home by midnight. 我很可能半夜到家。Im probably going - it depends on the weather. 我很可能会去这要看天气怎么样。2、maybe或许,大概英语释义: used to show that something i

2、s possible or that something might be truemaybe 这个词比 perhaps 更口语化,美国英语多用。指某事也许如此, 含不能确定意味。maybe 要用于句首,它和 perhaps 表示的可能性大致为一半。 Maybe theyll come tomorrow.或许他们明天会来。Maybe you were right after all.或许还是你对3、perhaps 或许,可能 英语释义: used to show that something is possible or that you are not certain about somet

3、hing多用于英式口语,与 maybe同义。可用于句末、句中、句首。He hasnt written to me recently - perhaps hes lost my address.他最近没给我写信也许他把我的地址弄丢了。4、possibly可能地英语释义: used when something is not certainpossibly 指客观上潜存着发生某种变化的可能,其可能性低于一半。 He may possibly decide not to come, in which case theres no problem.他可能会决定不来,这样就没问题了。【拓展】It is

4、possible that 可能,是有可能的It is possible that some of these methods coincide with the designers needs.这些方法中有一些可能满足设计者的需要。5、presumably据推测,大概,可能英语释义: used to say what you think is the likely situation presume 的意思是“假定,推定,认定”,多表示以过去经验作根据 或者是合乎逻辑地推测。一般是有充分的理由,虽然结论仍可能是错误的。能够得出,presume表示的可能性较高。presumably 是它的副词

5、形式,表示“据推测,大体上说“。Presumably the bad weather has delayed the flight. 大概恶劣的天气使飞机误点了。The stars in each given cluster presumably were formed almost simultaneously.大体上说,每个给定星团中的恒星差不多是同时形成的。6、there is the possibility有可能There is the probability that we were wrong.有可能是我们错了。7、the chances are that=It is likely

6、 that很有可能Chances are (that) theyll be late anyway. 总之,他们很可能会迟到。这也是很常用的表达。 chance 除了表示“机会”,也有“可能性” ( likelihood )的意思。所以说,不可能的英语就是 Not a chance ! 更夸张一点就是: not a chance in hell !(绝不可能!) 8 、 in all probability 很有可能,十之 *英语释义: used to mean that something is very likely She will, in all probability, have left before we arrive. 她十有 *会在我们到达之前就已经离开了。【小知识】十之*还能够是: nine times out of tenninety-nine times outof a hundredNine times out of ten, you can fix it. 你十有 *能够修


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