



1、定语从句语法填空专项演练(高考真题)【由全国高考历年选择题原题改编 】2015年高考定语从句全国各地真题【改编】1. 【2015 湖南】It is a truly delightful place, looks the sameas it musthave done 100 years ago with its win di ng streets and pretty cottages.2. 【2015 北京】 Opposite is s Church,you can hear some lovely music.3. 【2015 重庆】 He wrote many children s bo

2、oks, nearly half ofwerepublished in the 1990s.4. 【2015 浙江】 Creating an atmosphere employees feel part of a team is a big challe nge.5. 【2015 四川】The books on the desk, covers are shiny, are prizes for us.6. 【2015 天津】The boss of the companyis trying to create an easy atmospherehis employees enjoy thei

3、r work.7. 【2015 陕西】As the smallest child of his family, Alex is always longing forthe time he should be able to be in depe ndent.8. 【2015 福建】China Todayattracts a worldwide readership, shows that moreand more people all over the world want to lear n about China.9. 【2015 江苏】 The number of smokers, is

4、 reported, has dropped by 17 percentin just one year.10. 【2015 安徽】Some experts thi nk readi ng is the fun dame ntal skill uponschool educati on depe nds.2014年高考定语从句全国各地真题【改编】1. 【2014 安徽】The exact year Angela and her family spent together in China was 2008.2. 【2014 北京】I borrow the book Sherlock Holme

5、s from the library last week,my classmates recomme nded to me.3. 【2014 福建】Students should invoIve themselves in community activities they can gain experie nee for growth.4. 【2014 湖南】I am looking forward to the day my daughter can read thisbook and know my feeli ngs for her.5. 【2014 江西】 Among the man

6、y dan gerssailors have to face, probably thegreatest of all is fog .6. 【2014 山东】 A companyprofits from home markets are declining may seekopport un ities abroad.7. 【2014 陕西】Please se nd us all the in formationyou have about thecan didate for the positi on.8. 【2014 重庆】 Well reach the sales targets in

7、 a monthweset at the beg inningof the year.9. 【2014 四川】 Un til now, we have raised pounds for the poor childre n, is quite un expected.10. 【2014 天津】 English is a Ianguage shared by several diverse cultures, each of uses it differe ntly.11. 【2014 浙江】I don t become a serious climber until the fifth gr

8、ade,I went up to rescue a kite that was stuck in the bran ches of a tree.12. 【2014 江苏】The book has helped megreatly in mydaily com muni catio n, especiallyat worka good impressi on is a must.2013年高考定语从句全国各地真题【改编】1. 【2013 北京】 Many countries are now setting up national parksanimals andpla nts can be p

9、rotected.2. 【2013 福建】The book tells stories of the earthquake through the eyes of thoselives were affected.3. 【2013 湖南】Happ in ess and success ofte n come to those are good atrecog nizing their own stre ngths.4. 【2013 江苏】The preside nt of the World Bank says he has a passion for Chi na,he remembers

10、start ing as early as his childhood.5. 【2013 江西】Hewrote a letter he explains what had happened in the accident.6. 【2013 辽宁】 He may win the competition, incase he is likely to get intothe n ati onal team.7. 【2013 山东】 There is no simple answer,is often the case in scienee.8. 【2013 山东】 Finally he reach

11、ed a Ionely island was completely cut off fromthe outside world.9. 【2013 陕西】 is often the case with children, Amy was better by the timethe doctor arrived.10. 【2013 四川】 Nowadayspeople are more concerned about the environment theylive.11. 【2013 天津】 We have launched another man-made satellite, is anno

12、uncedin today s newspaper.12. 【2013 新课标 II 】When I arrived, Bryan took me to see the house_ I would be stayi ng.13. 【2013 新课标 I 】一You can t judge a book by its cover. the old say ing goes.14. 【2013 浙江】The children, all ofhad played the whole day long, wereworn out.15. 【2013 浙江】 The museumwill open i

13、n the spring with an exhibitionand a viewingplatform visitors can watch the big glasshouses being built.16. 【2013 重庆】John invited about 40 people to his wedding, most ofare familymembers.17【2013 安徽】29. Mo Yan was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2012,made cne of the Chinese people s long -h

14、eld dreams come true.2012年高考定语从句全国各地真题【改编】1. 【2012 全国 II 】That evening,I will tell you more about later, I ended upworking very late.2. 【2012 安徽】 Alot of Ianguage learning,has been discovered, is happeningin the first year of life, so parents should talk much to their children duringthat period.3. 【

15、2012 重庆】 Sales director is a positi oncom muni cati on ability is justas importa nt as sales skills.4. 【2012 北京】 When deeply absorbed in work,he often was , he would forgetall about eati ng or sleep ing.5. 【2012 福建】The air quality in the city, is shownin the report, has improvedover the past two mon

16、 ths.6. 【2012 陕西】It is the third time that she has won the race, has surprised us all.7. 【2012 山东】 Maria has written two novels, both of have been made into televisi on series.8. 【2012 湖南】Care of the soul is a gradual processeventhe small detailsof life should be con sidered.9. 【2012 天津】I wish to th

17、ank Professor Smith, without help I would never have got this far.10. 【2012 江西】By 16:30,was almost closing time, nearly all the paintingshad bee n sold.11. 【2012 四川】In our class there are 46 students, ofhalf wear glasses.12. 【2012 浙江】 Wdive in an age moreinformation is available with greaterease tha

18、 n ever before.13. 【2012 浙江】Elle n was a pain ter of birds and of n ature, for somereas on,had withdraw n from all huma n society.14. 【2012 江苏】 After the flooding,people were sufferingin that area, urgentlyneeded clean water, medicine and shelter to survive.2011年高考定语从句全国各地真题【改编】1. 【2011 天津】 The days

19、 are gonephysical strength was all you needed to makea livi ng.2. 【2011 江西】 She showed the visitors around the museum,the con struct ionofhas take n more tha n three years.3. 【2011 四川】The school shop, customers are mainly students, is closed few the holidays.4. 【2011 北京】Mary was much kinder to Jack

20、than she was to the others, , of course, made all the others upset.5. 【2011 陕西】I walked up to the top of the hill with myfriend,we enjoyeda splendid view of the lake6. 【2011 全 国 II 】 Ted came for the weekend wearing only some shorts and aT-shirt,is a stupid thing to do in such weather.7. 【2011 江苏】Be

21、twee n the two parts of the con cert is an in terval(中场休息),the audie nee can buy ice-cream.8. 【2011 新课标】The prize will go to the writer story shows the most imag in atio n.9. 【2011 浙江】English is a Ianguage shared by several diverse cultures ,each ofuses it somewhat differe ntly .10. 【2011 浙江】A bank

22、is the place they lend you an umbrella in fair weather and ask for it back when it begins to rain .11. 【2011 湖南】Julie was good at German, French and Russian, all ofshespoke flue ntly12. 【2011 安徽】Whatever is left over maybe put into the refrigerator , it will keep for two or three weeks.13. 【2011 山东】

23、The old town has narrow streets and small housesare builtclose to each other.14. 【2011 福建】 She has a gift for creating an atmosphere for her studentsallows them to com muni cate freely with each other.2010年高考定语从句全国各地真题【改编】1. 【2010 福建】Stephen Hawking believes that earth is unlikely to be the onlyplan

24、etlife has developed gradually.2. 【2010 湖南】Ive become good friends with several of thestudents in myschoolI met in the En glish speech con test last year.3. 【2010 江西】The girl arranged to have piano lessons at the training centre withher sistershe would stay for an hour.4. 【2010 山东】 That s the new ma

25、chineparts are too small to be seen.5. 【2010 山东】 Wind power is an ancient source of energy towe may returnin the n ear future.6. 【2010 天津】一Can you believe I had to pay 30 dollars for a haircut?You should try the barber sI go. It s only 15.7. 【2010 四川 After graduating from college , I took sometime o

26、ff to go travelling, turned out to be a wise decisi on8. 【2010 全国 I】As a child , Jack studied in a village school ,is namedafterhis gran dfather.9. 【2010 江苏】The n ewly built caf e , the walls ofare pa in ted light gree n,is really a peaceful place for us, specially after hard work.10. 【2010 陕西】 The old templeroof was damaged in storm is now underrepair.11. 【2010 全国 U】I refuse to accept the blame for something wassomeone else s fault.12. 【2010 湖北】My mother was so proud of allI had done that she rewardedme with a trip to Beiji ng.13. 【2010 湖北】 we have stre


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