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3、由现象到本质、由具体到抽象的顺序。做题时弄清了说明顺序,按顺序思考,就不会偏离主题,出现理解上的偏差。(3)代入空格,验证答案完成了上两步后,别忘了还有“润色”。这里所说的“润色”是指:我们要回过头来,依照文章的内容,将我们选择的答案代入各空,看一下我们所选的答案是否符合逻辑。要注意的是,有时我们的答案针对这一空是对的,但很可能这一步骤应该是下一步要做的。这样我们就要进行调整,直到文章上下通达,步骤先后顺序清晰明了为止。1(2010大连一次调研)there are certain things british men like to believe about themselves.the f

4、irst is that one day they will again1the world cup.they also believe they do not2.3the centuries,britons are believed to have a “stiff upper lip”but is it true?yes,it is.a recent study arranged by kleenex on how the british express their emotions4that 95 percent of them still5their emotions.moreover

5、,672 percent think this is unhealthy,19 percent cant remember the last time they “let it out”as a result,kleenex is7the “let it out” campaign that8britons to grab a tissue and have a good cry.these days,however,the male britons9toward crying is changing.though the majority still10to open up emotiona

6、lly,a 2004 study by oxfords social issues research center found that 77 percent of british men considered crying in public increasingly11.half of london males12crying in front of their mothers.scotsmen are the least emotional,although they are most13to cry at weddings.peter marsh,director of the cen

7、ter,said:“crying can now indicate sensitivity rather than14.like david beckham,crying because youre dropping off your boy at nursery isnt seen as weak.”winston churchill was said to be a15crier,shedding tears at seeing a16in an air raid shelter (防空洞),and when he saw his wife after a long17.psycholog

8、ists say that while society has accepted that men can cry,there are18.ronald bracey,a consulting psychologist,said:“if a man began to cry when he was having stitches (缝针) in hospital,he would be19as a weak man.men still need to be seen as strong when it20to physical pain.”1a.win bdefeat cown dreceiv

9、e答案a解析考查动词。赢得世界杯,要用win。defeat击败,打败,宾语多为人或队等;own拥有;receive收到,接到;win表示“赢得(比赛等)”,故选win。2a.laugh bcry cshout dtremble答案b解析考查行文逻辑。由下文可知,英国男人认为他们不能哭。笑(laugh);大叫(shout);发抖(tremble)都不是本文论述的话题。3a.inside bover cbefore dhalf答案b解析考查介词。over the centuries意思是“在这些世纪中”。over有“在期间”之意,符合句意。inside“在里面”和before“在以前”通常不与ce

10、nturies搭配;由文中无法推理出half the centuries。4a.requires binsists cexhibits dreveals答案d解析考查动词。分析句子成分可知,此处应选择的是主语study的谓语动词。此处意为:研究表明95%的男士仍然会克制自己的感情。结合选项可以判断reveal合适,表示“揭示,表明”。require需要;要求;命令;insist坚持;exhibit展出,陈列,均不符合句意。5a.conduct bexpose ccontain dconstruct答案c解析考查语境。结合上下文,此处应是“95%的男士仍然会克制自己的感情”。故用contain,

11、表示“控制,克制”。expose暴露;conduct引导;管理;construct建造,构筑。6a.while bbecause csince dfor答案a解析考查逻辑关系。通观全句可知,上下文为转折关系,即“尽管72%的人认为这是不健康的,但是19%的人记不起他们上一次发泄自己情感的时间了”。while可以表示“尽管”,引导让步状语从句。because/since/for都可以表示原因。7a.carrying bstudying cstartingdcalling答案c解析考查语境和动词。由文意可知,kleenex正在发动一项“let it out”的活动。此处动词应和名词campaign

12、搭配,故选start,表示“发动”之意。8apersuades ballows corders dencourages答案d解析考查动词。这项活动的目的显然是要鼓励(encourage)英国人发泄出来自己的情绪。说服(persuade);允许(allow);命令(order)三项与语境不符,并非一定要说服英国人哭,也不是别人允许才能哭,更没人命令谁去哭。9a.attitude bface cidea dimpression答案a解析考查句意和搭配。从下文可知,这句话概括了英国男士对哭的“态度”的变化。attitude常与toward搭配使用,意为“对的态度”。face脸,面部;idea主意;i

13、mpression印象;感想,三者都不与句意吻合。10a.frightens bstruggles cfights dbreaks答案b解析考查行文逻辑。句意为:尽管大部分人仍然需要做出很大努力才能公开表露自己的情感,但77%的英国男士已经认为当众流泪逐渐可以接受了。struggle to do sth.努力、尽力去做某事。frighten使惊恐;fight打仗,搏斗;break打破;违背,均与语境不符。11aunimaginable bunbelievablecacceptable dshameful答案c解析考查逻辑关系。根据上一小题解析可知,c项正确。acceptable可以接受的;un

14、imaginable想不到的;unbelievable难以相信的;shameful可耻的,三项表达的意思恰恰相反,故可排除。12a.admitted badapted cdenied dsupported答案a解析考查动词。一半的伦敦男士承认在母亲面前哭过。admit承认;adapt使适应;deny否认;拒绝给予;support支持,拥护。显然只有admit符合句意。13a.surely bcertainly cpossibly dlikely答案d解析考查逻辑关系。be likely to do.可能会。句意为:苏格兰男士是最不情绪化的,尽管他们最有可能在婚礼上流泪哭泣。possibly为副

15、词,无be possibly to do结构;surely,certainly语气太过强烈,过于绝对化。14a.weaknessbstrength cbravery dhorror答案a解析考查逻辑关系。由rather than可知其前后的词为对立关系,即“现在哭泣可以表明敏感而不是软弱”。horror惊恐,恐怖,不符合语境。力量(strength);勇敢(bravery)二者是近义词,均无法与sensitivity构成对比,可以排除。15a.brave bfrequent cseldom dkind答案b解析考查语境。从下文可知,丘吉尔就是一个经常流泪的人,故选frequent(频繁的)。b

16、rave勇敢的;seldom很少,恰好与句意相反;kind意为“好心的,和蔼的”,均与文意不符。16a.wound bstudent csurvivor dsoldier答案c解析考查语境。在防空洞里看到的应是一个survivor“幸存者”,躲避轰炸的难民等,而不是soldier(士兵)。student是一个特定的概念,文中没有提及;wound创伤,伤口;survivor幸存者,生还者。17a.absence bpresence cbattle dreserve答案a解析考查语境。根据上下文可以推理出此处应是离开家很长时间之后见到妻子,故选absence,表示“缺席,不在”。presence出

17、席,到场;存在;battle战役;reserve预备军;储备(物)。18aexpectations blimitscrules dexceptions答案b解析考查逻辑关系。心理学家说尽管社会已经接受了男人同样可以哭泣,但还是有限度的,故用limits,表示“界限,限度”。expectation预期;rule规则,章程;exception例外的人(或事物),例外,均与句意不符。19a.classified binsistedc.considered dimagined答案c解析考查动词。be considered as.被认为是。classify把分类;insist坚持;imagine想像。此

18、处说的是一个男人在医院缝针的时候如果哭,就会被认为是软弱的。显然c项合适,表示人们对此的看法。20a.comesbhappens clies dgoes答案a解析考查固定搭配。when it comes to.为固定搭配,意思是“当说到的时候”。句意为:当说到身体上痛苦的时候,男人仍然需要被看作是坚强的。2he has been called the“missing link”half man,half beast.he is supposed to live in the highest mountain in the worldmount everest.he is known as th

19、e abominable snowman.the1of the snowman has been around for2.climbers in the 1920s reported finding marks like those of human feet high up on the side of mount everest.the native people said they3this creature and called it the“yeti”,and they said that they had4caught yetis on two occasions(场合) 5non

20、e has ever been produced as evidence.over the years,the story of the yetis has6.in 1951,eric shipton took photographs of a set of tracks in the snow of everest.shipton believed that they were not7the tracks of a monkey or a bear and8that the abominable snowman might really9.further efforts have been

21、 made to find out about yetis.but the only things people have ever found were10footprints.most believe the footprints are nothing more than11animal tracks,which had been made12as they melted(融化) and refroze in the snow. 13,in 1964,a russian scientist said that the abominable snowman was14and was a r

22、emaining link with the prehistoric(史前) humans.but,15,no evidence has ever16been produced.these days,only a few people continue to take the story of the abominable snowman17.but if they ever18catching one,they may face a real19:would they put it in a20or give it a room in a hotel?1a.eventbstorycadven

23、ture ddescription答案b解析从下文“over the years,the story of the yetis has _.”和“these days,only a few people continue to take the story of the abominable snowman _.”就不难看出此空应填story。2a.centuries btoo longcsome time dmany years答案d解析根据下文“climbers in the 1920s reported.”及“in 1951,eric shipton took photographs o

24、f.”等信息,则清楚地说明了此空应填many years。3a.heard from bcared forcknew of dread about答案c解析hear from接到的信;care for关心;照顾;喜欢;know of知道,听说(不一定见过或认识);read about谈到,获悉。短文第二段中“.they said that they had _ caught yetis on two occasions(场合) _ none has ever been produced as evidence”说明了人们对珠穆朗玛峰上雪人的存在只不过是听说而已,却拿不出任何证据,故最佳答案应该

25、选c。4a.even bhardlyc.certainly dprobably答案a解析上文“.they said that they had _caught yetis on two occasions(场合)”是当地人叙述雪人存在的一种更为真实的情况,因此此空应填副词even,意思是“甚至”,用来加强语气,强调谓语动词。5a.as bthoughc.when duntil答案b解析主句中叙述了“they had even caught yetis on two occasions(场合),从句none has ever been produced as evidence”则否定了上述情况的

26、真实性,表示的是让步意义,故此空应填though,引导一个让步状语从句。6a.developed bchangedc.occurred(发生) dcontinued答案d解析根据短文第二段的叙述,说明了珠穆朗玛峰上雪人故事的发展情况,故此空应填continued。7a.surely bnaturally cclearlydsimply答案d解析四个选项的副词意思分别为:surely肯定地;naturally自然地;clearly清楚地;simply只是,仅仅。如果填入前三个,则在某种程度上肯定了eric shipton在珠穆朗玛峰雪地里所拍摄的足迹是猴子或熊留下的。这与下文“the abomi

27、nable snowman might really exist”所表达的意思不符,所以此空只能填simply。8a.found btold cfelt ddoubted答案c解析从对上一题的分析看,shipton相信自己找到了yetis的痕迹,但是该空缺处后的宾语从句中用了表示可能性的might一词,由此可以确定c项为该题正确选项。而且四个选项均为动词的过去式,但只有felt意为“感到”,不仅表示感官知觉,还表示情感或想法,且能与前一个谓语动词believed所表达的意思相吻合。9a.exist bleave cdisappear dreturn答案a解析exist存在;leave离开;di

28、sappear消失;return返回。由前一个宾语从句“that they were not simply the tracks of a monkey or a bear”可以判断出此空应填exist,即shipton认为在珠穆朗玛峰上,雪人很可能真正存在。10a.clearer bmore cpossible dfewer答案b解析根据该空所在段的首句“further efforts have been made to find out about yetis.”及下文“most believe the footprints are nothing more than _ animal t

29、racks.”就可以判断出此空应填more,说明人们在弄清雪人真相的努力中,所发现的惟一东西仅仅是更多的脚印,故此空应填more。11a.huge brecent cordinary dfrightening答案c解析由下文“_,in 1964,a russian scientist said that the abominable snowmanwas _.”可以推测出,此空应填形容词ordinary,说明大多数人认为,他们发现的更多的脚印,只不过是普通动物的足迹。12a.strange blarge cdeep dsmall答案b解析“.as they melted and(融化) ref

30、roze in the snow”清楚地阐述了人们发现的更多的脚印要比普通的动物足迹大的原因。此空应填形容词large。答对该题需要知道:雪上较深些的印痕经过融化和冻结会变得更大一些。13a.in the endbtherefore cafter all dhowever答案d解析根据上文不难发现这里所表示的是转折关系,故此空应填副词however,表转折。14a.imagined breal cspecial dfamiliar答案b解析前句叙述了“most believe the footprints are nothing more than ordinary animal tracks

31、.”,我们再根据however所表示的转折意义,就不难判断出此空应填形容词real。15a.so bbesides cagain dinstead答案c解析上文中,一位俄罗斯科学家说雪人是真实的,和史前人有密切的关系。接着,作者话锋一转,称“但没有证据给予证实”。没有证据是上文已提及的事,此处又没有证据,故用again。16a.rightly breally cusually dspecially答案b解析根据上文中上一句肯定了雪人的存在,以及根据空白处所在句子中but所表示的转折意义和again一词对雪人存在证据的再次否定,就不难判断出此空应填really。17a.lightly bjoki

32、ngly cseriously dhardly答案c解析我们根据空白前的语境,可以体会出当今人们对有关雪人的故事已经冷淡下来,仅有很少的人认真对待此事,故此空应填副词seriously,意为“严肃地;认真地”。18a.succeed in bmanage to cdepend ondjoin in答案a解析succeed in doing做成某事;manage to do设法做到,后接不定式;depend on依靠;join in参加。由该句的主句“.they may face a real _:would they put it in a _ or give it a room in a h

33、otel?”可以推断出,条件状语从句所假定的是成功地捉住了雪人。19a.decision bsituation csubject dproblem答案d解析短文末句“would they put it in a zoo or give it a room in a hotel?”这是捉住雪人的人们所面临的一个难以抉择的真实问题,故此空应填problem。20a.zoo bmountain cmuseum dlaboratory答案a解析人们对这种被认为生活在世界最高山峰珠穆朗玛峰的所谓雪人,究竟属于人类还是属于动物还没有明确地划分出来。如果“雪人”划归人类,应该give it a room i

34、n a hotel;如果把“雪人”划归动物,自然应该放到动物园里去生活了,故此空应填zoo。强化训练: (1)第二节:完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从3655各题所给的四个选项(a、b、c和d)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将其涂黑。since my family were not going to be helpful, i decided i would look for one all by myself and not tell them about it till id got one.i had seen an agency (

35、中介机构) advertised in a local newspaper. i rushed out of the _36_ in search of it. i was wildly excited, and as _37_ as if i were going on the stage. finding the 38 quite easily, i ran breathlessly through a door which said “enter without knocking, if you please.”the simple atmosphere of the office 39

36、 me. the woman looked carefully at me _40_ through her glasses, and then 41 me in a low voice. i answered softly. all of a sudden i started to feel rather 42 she wondered why i was looking for this sort of 43 i felt even more helpless when she told me that it would be 44 to get a job without 45 i wo

37、ndered whether i ought to leave, 46 the telephone on her desk rang. i heard her say:“ 47 , ive got someone in the 48 at this very moment who might 49 .” she wrote down a _50 , and held it out to me, saying: “ring up this lady. she wants a 51 immediately. in fact, you would have to start tomorrow by

38、cooking a dinner for ten people.”“oh yes,” said i 52 having cooked for more than four in my life. i 53 her again and again, and rushed out to the 54 telephone box. i collected my thoughts, took a deep breath, and rang the number. i said confidently that i was just what she was looking for.i spent th

39、e next few hours 55 cook books.36. a. bedb housec. agencyd. office37. a. proud b. pleasec. nervous d. worried38. a. family b. door c. place d. stage39. a. calmed b. excited c. frightened d. disturbed40. a. as usual b. for a while c. in a minute d. once again41. a. advised b. examined c. informed d.

40、questioned42. a. encouraged b. dissatisfied c. hopeless d. pleased43. a. place b. job c. advice d. help44. a. difficult b. helpless c. possible d. unusual45. a. abilityb. experiencec.knowledge d. study46. a. afterb. sincec.untild. when47. a. above allb. as a matter of fact c.as a result d. in spite

41、of that48. a. familyb. housec.office d. restaurant49. a. hireb. acceptc.suit d. offer50. a. letterb. namec.note d. number51. a. cookb. helpc.teacher d. secretary52. a. almostb. neverc.nearly d. really53. a. answeredb. promisedc.thanked d. told54. a. outsideb. localc.closest d. nearest55. a. borrowin

42、gb. buyingc.reading d. writing答案:36b 37c 38c 39a 40b 41d 42c 43b 44a 45b 46d 47b 48c 49c 50d 51a 52b 53c 54d 55c (2)第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题15分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从3655各题所给的四个选项(a、b、c和d)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。we may look at the world around us, but somehow we manage not to see it until whatever weve becom

43、e used to suddenly disappears. 36 , for example, the neatly-dressed woman i 37 to see - or look at - on my way to work each morning. for three years, no matter 38 the weather was like, she was always waiting at the bus stop around 8:00 am. on 39 days, she wore heavy clothes and a pair of woolen glov

44、es. summertime 40 out neat, belted cotton dresses and a hat pulled low over her sunglasses. 41 , she was an ordinary working woman. of course, i 42 all this only after she was seen no more. it was then that i realized how 43 i expected to see her each morning. you might say i 44 her.“did she have an

45、 accident? something 45 ?” i thought to myself about her 46 . now that she was gone, i felt i had 47 her. i began to realize that part of our 48 life probably includes such chance meetings with familiar 49 : the milkman you see at dawn, the woman who 50 walks her dog along the street every morning,

46、the twin brothers you see at the library. such people are 51 markers in our lives. they add weight to our 52 of place and belonging.think about it. 53 , while walking to work, we mark where we are by 54 a certain building, why should we not mark where we are when we pass a familiar, though 55 , pers

47、on?36. a. make b. take c. give d. have37. a. happened b. wanted c. used d. tried38. a. what b. how c. which d. when39. a. sunny b. rainy c. cloudy d. snowy40. a. took b. brought c. carried d. turned41. a. clearly b. particularly c. luckily d. especially42. a. believed b. expressed c. remembered d. w

48、ondered43. a. long b. often c. soon d. much44. a. respected b. missed c. praised d. admired45. a. better b. worse c. more d. less46. a. disappearance b. appearance c. misfortune d. fortune47. a. forgotten b. lost c. known d. hurt48. a. happy b. enjoyable c. frequent d. daily49. a. friends b. strange

49、rs c. tourists d. guests50. a. regularly b. actually c. hardly d. probably51. a. common b. pleasant c. important d. faithful52. a. choice b. knowledge c. decision d. sense53. a. because b. if c. although d. however54. a. keeping b. changing c. passing d. mentioning55. a. unnamed b.unforgettable c. u

50、nbelievable d. unreal答案:36b 37c 38a 39d 40b 41a 42c 43d 44b 45b46a 47c 48d 49b 50a 51c.52d. 53b 54c 55a (3)第二节:完形填空(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从3655各题所给四个选项(a、b、c和d)中,选出最佳选项。not too long ago ,an incident that happened at walt disney touched me greatly. a guest 36 out of our polynesian village resort(度假胜地)at walt disney was asked how she 37 her visit .she told the front-desk clerk she had had a (n) 38 vacation ,but was heartbroken about 39 several rolls of kodak color film she ha


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