



1、 初一上册短语Module1-Module5:1.In front of 2.next to e from=be from4.Welcome to. 5.healthy food 6.your favourite food7.a lesson in good health 8.look around 9.in Class One10.family name/ given name 11.factory manager 12.Thank you for your email 13.match.with.M6-M10:1.go to the cinema 2.film star 3.Thats a

2、 great idea!4.the magic show 5.stay at home 6.at eight oclock7.have science/Chinese=have a science/Chinese lesson8.have a break 9.go to bed 10.have breakfast/lunch/dinner11.a birthday present 12.make a cake 13.at once14.read books/novels/magazines15.send sb sth=send sth to sb16.stay/keep healthy 17.

3、on the computer 18.connect.to.19.switch on 20.at/on the weekend 21.on the Internet 22.a trip to the zoo 23.go online汉语翻译:M1-M5:1.在.的前面 2.在.旁边 3.来自. 4.欢迎到.5.健康食品 6.你最喜欢的食物 7.关于健康的一节课8.环顾 9.在一班 10.姓/名 11.工厂经理 12.谢谢你的邮件13.把.与.连线M6-M10:1.去电影院 2.电影明星 3.好主意! 4.魔术表演 5.呆在家 6.在八点 7.上科学/语文课 8.休息一会儿9.去睡觉 10.吃早

4、饭/午饭/晚饭 11.一件生日礼物12.做一个蛋糕 13.立刻 马上 14.读书/小说/杂志15.送给某人某物 16.保持健康 17.在电脑上 18.连接.与.19.接通 开 20.在周末 21.在因特网上 22.去公园的旅行23.上网初一下册短语:M1: 1.have a great time 2.on the Great Wall 3.talk to sb 4.on a school trip 5.take photos 6.in th sun 7.at this moment 8.different places9.leave work 10.wait for 11.afternoon

5、tea 12.have a drink13.get dressed 14.greetings from. 15.see you soon16.on the phone汉语翻译:1.玩的开心 2.在长城上 3.与某人讲话 4.在学校的旅行中 5.拍照 6.在阳光下 7.此时 8.不同的地方 9.结束工作 10.等. 11.下午茶 12.喝饮料 13.穿衣服 14.来自.的问候 15.再见 16.通过手机M2:1.get ready for. 2.a dragon dance 3.make lanterns 4.cook the meal 5.at work 6.sweep away 7.pape

6、r cuts 8.decorate.with. 9.have a haircut 10.put on 11.at midnight12.all the year 13.be interested in 14.at Spring Festival汉语翻译:1.准备好 2.舞龙 3.做花灯 4.做饭 2 / 65.在工作6.扫走 7.剪纸 8.用.装饰 9.理发 10.穿衣服 11.在午夜12.一年到头 13.对.感兴趣 14.在春节M3: 1.have a party 2.have a piano lesson 3.have a picnic 4.stay in bed 5.check my e

7、mail 6.revise for ma test7.at/on the weekend 8.go to a party 9.look forward to 10.take the plane to.=go to.by plane 11.do some reading/do some sightseeing 12.walk up13.go shopping/swimming/cycling14.make friends with sb 15.get here/there/home 16.foreign culture 17.Chinese culture 18.a good cook 19.D

8、ragon Boat Festaval 20.travel around the world 21.all the way22.stay in a hotel 23.go out 24.from.to. 25.use sth to do sth汉语翻译:1.举办聚会 2.有一堂钢琴课 3.野餐 4.呆在床上5.检查电子邮件 6.为测试复习 7.在周末 8.去参加聚会 9.盼望 渴望 10.坐飞机去. 11.读书/观光 12.登上 13.去购物/游泳/骑车 14.和某人交朋友 15.到达这儿/那儿/家16.外国文化 17.中国文化 18.好厨师 19.端午节 20.环游世界 21.全程 22.呆

9、在宾馆里 23.出去 24.从.到.25.用.做某事M4:1. In the future 2.send sth to sb=send sb sth 3.by email4.There will be.=There is/are going to be. 5.talk to/with sb6.Im not sure. 7.all year 8.get warm 9.at the North Pole10.heavy rain 11.strong winds 12.use.to do. 13.on the Internet 14.on farms 15.three days a week 16.

10、free time 17.care for 汉语翻译:1.在将来2.邮给某人某物 3.通过电子邮件4.将有什么.将存在某事 5.和.交谈 6.我不确信 7.全年8.变暖 9.在北极 10.大雨 11.强风 12.用.做. 13.在因特网上 14.在农场 15.一周三天 16.空闲时间 17.照顾 照料M5:1. East China=the east of China 2. South China=the south of China 3.Whats the population of.? 4.answer questions 5.the capital of. 6.be famous for

11、. 7.on the coast 8.on the east coast 9.a region of. 10.never.or. 11.a population of.12.much/a little bigger 13.1.5 kilometers long 14.Its never very hot in summer or very cold in winter汉语翻译:1.华东 2.华南 3.的人口是多少? 4.回答问题5.的首都 6.因.而著名 7.在海岸线上 8.在东海岸线 9.的一个地区 10.从不.和. 11.的人口 12.大的多/大一点 13.1.5 公里长 14.夏天不是很

12、热 冬天也不是很冷初一下册短语:M6:1.be good at 2.What Olympic sports 3.leave for4.get to+n./get here/there/home 5.at the back 6.more than=over 7.need to do/need to be done/need doing8.take around=show around 9.check her vocabulary carefully汉语翻译:1.擅长 2.奥林匹克的什么 3.动身去4.到达5.在后面 6.多于 7.需要做某事/需要被做 8.参观 9.认真检查她的词汇M7: 1.f

13、ar from/close to 2.go toby taxi=take a taxi to3.go toby plane=take the plane to=fly to 4.go toby subway=take the subway to.5.go toby train=take the train to6.go toby bus=take the bus to7.go toby car=take the car to=drive to8.go toon foot=walk lions of/two million 10.how far 11.at the bus stop

14、12.one of the busiest international airlines13.a distance of over 8000 km 14.the fastest way to go汉语翻译:1.离得远/离得近 2.乘出租车去 3.坐飞机去4.坐地铁去5.坐火车去6.做公共汽车去7.坐轿车去8.步行去9.数百万的/两百万 10.多远 11.在公共汽车站12.最繁忙的航线之一 13.多于8000公里的距离 14.去最快的方式M8:1.in a small village in Shanxi Province 2.on the east coast3.be strict with s

15、b in sth 4.What;s sb like?/What does sb look like? 5.movie theatres 6.old family houses 7.on my bedroom walls 8.go back 9.my favourite movie star 10.a pond with fish/a big garden with lots of trees 汉语翻译:1.在山西省的以个小村庄里 2.在东海岸 3.对某人在某方面很严厉 4.问人的性格怎么样/问人的外貌怎么样 5.电影剧院6.旧房子 7.在我卧室的墙上 8.回来 9.我最喜欢的电影明星 10.一个有鱼的池塘/一个有很多树的大花园M9:1.once upon a time=long long ago 2.go for a ride 3.decide to do 4.tell a story of 5.goldren hair 6.be lost 7.look around 8.knock at/on 9.enter+n=come into10.pick it up 11.walk into12.very soon13.be asleep 14.return=come back/give back 1


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