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1、LOGOn试试 讲:讲:王晶王晶n内内 容:容:林珊林珊nPPTPPT制作:凌芸制作:凌芸2Subject u Definition:In some languages, SUBJECT refers to one of the nouns in the nominative case (主格形式)主格形式). Ex. 1) Pater filium amat. (the father loves the son) 2) Patrem filius amat. (the son loves the father) 主格主格主格主格3 In English, the subject of a s

2、entence is often said to be the doer of the action (动作动作的执行者)的执行者), while the object is the person or thing acted upon by the doer. According to the particular semantic roles, the doer of the action is named as agent (实实施者施者) and the person or thing acted upon is named as patient (受事者受事者).4Ex.a) Mar

3、y slapped John.b)A dog bit John.c) John was bitten by a dog.d)John underwent major heart surgery.agent / subjectagent / subjectpatient / subjectpatient / subjectgrammatical subject(语法主语)(语法主语)logical subject(逻辑主语)(逻辑主语)uGrammatical subject:uLogical subject: 5 the core object noun (John in this sente

4、nce) sits in the slot before the verb in the passive.(核心宾语名词(核心宾语名词 “在句中在句中是是John” 在被动句中位于动词之前)在被动句中位于动词之前) the core (A dog), now the subject of a preposition (by a dog).(中心主语(中心主语 “A dog” 即现在的介词宾语即现在的介词宾语 “by a dog” 被称作逻被称作逻辑主语)辑主语)6Subject is always what the sentence is aboout?uNo!uEx. a) Bill is

5、a very crafty fellow.b)(Jack is pretty reliable, but ) Bill I dont trust.c)As for Bill, I wouldt take his promises very seriously.7The properties of subjects in EnglishA.Word order (词序)(词序)B.Pro-forms (代词形式)(代词形式)C.Agreement with verb (与动词一致)(与动词一致)D.Content question (特指疑问)(特指疑问)E.Tag question (反意疑问

6、句)(反意疑问句)8uWord order: Subject ordinarily precedes the verb in satementEx. a) Sally collets stamps.b)*Collects Sally stamps. 9uPro-forms: The first and third person pronouns in English appear in a special form when the pronoun is a subject. This form is not used when the pronoun occurs in other posi

7、tions:Ex.a) He loves me.b)I love him.c) We threw stones at them.d)They threw stones at us.10uAgreement with verb: In the simple present tense, as -s is added to the verb when a third person subject is singular. However, the number and person of the object or any other element in the sentence have no

8、 effect at all on the form of the verb:Ex.a) She angers him.b)They anger him.c) She angers them.11uContent questions: If the subject is placed by a question word, the rest of the sentence remains unchanged,as in (b). But when any other element of the sentence is placed by a question word, an auxilia

9、ry verb must appear before the subject. If the basic sentence does not contain an auxiliary verb, we must insert did or do(es) immediately after the question word, as in (e),12Ex.a) John stole / would steal Mrs. Thatchers picture from the British Council.b)Who stole / would steal Mr.s Thatchers picture from the British Council?c) What would John steal, if he had the chance ?d)What did John steal from the British Council ?e) What did John steal Mrs. Thatchers picture from ?13uTag question: It is used to seek confairmation of a statement. It always contains a pronoun which refers back to the s


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