



1、 五年级下册语法知识点复习1.一般现在时, 表示经常或习惯做的事。. 频度副词:always 总是 usually 经常 often 时常 sometimes 偶尔 alwaysusually oftensometimes构成形式: 主语+ 动词原形。I always go to school at 7:00a.m.我总是7点去学校。We often eat lunch at school. 我们时常在学校吃午餐。They usually go to the park on the weekend.他们通常周末去公园。2. go 组成的词组有: go swimming 去游泳 go hikin

2、g 去远足 go running 去跑步 go shopping 去购物 play+球类运动 : play basketball 打篮球 play football踢足球 play ping-pong play sports 做运动 play the + 乐器: play the pipa play the guitar 弹吉他 play the piano 弹钢琴do 组成的词组: do homework do kung fu do morning exercises have 组成的词组: have class 上课, have breakfast/lunch/dinner吃早/午/晚饭练

3、习:选择合适的词填空 _swimming _kung fu _dinner _shopping _homework _the pipa _class _breakfast _running3. wh-疑问词: who 谁 when 什么时候 where 在哪里 how 怎么样 which 哪一个 why 为什么 练习: 选择合适的词填空1. A: _is your name? B: My names Ann.2. A: _old are you? B: Im 12 years old.3. A: _ do you go to school? B: I often go to school at

4、 8:00.4. A: _do you often do on the weekend? I often read books.5. A: _ is my English book? B: Its in your school bag.6. A:_season do you like best? I like summer best.7. A:_ do you like summer best? Because I can go swimming everyday.8. A: _ picture is Mikes, the yellow one or the red one? B: The r

5、ed one.4. 表示在星期几用on ,如 on Monday. 表示在具体某一天用 on. 如 on March 1st 表示在几月份用in , in March. 表示在一天中的上午下午晚上用in. in the morning 在早上, in the afternoon 在下午, in the evening 在傍晚。 表示时间在几点钟用at. at 7:00 在七点钟。练习: We have an English party _ February. My birthday is _May. Childrens Day is _June. I often get up _6:30 a.

6、m. Classes start _1:00 in the afternoon.He often goes to the park _the morning. I go home _4:30p.m. What do you have _Fridays? I have maths, English and Chinese _Mondays. My fathers birthday is _April 4th. Easter is _April 5th this year.5. 基数词: one一 two二 three三 four四 five 五six六 seven七 eight 八nine九 t

7、en十 序数词: first第一 second 第二 third 第三 fourth 第四 fifth 第五 sixth第六 seventh 第七 eighth第八 nineth 第九 tenth 第十 练习: 用所给单词的适当形式填空I see _ pigs in the picture. ( eight)My birthday is on July_. ( two)Mothers Day is on the_Sunday in May. ( two )It is _oclock. ( three )There are _people in his family. ( eight) 6. 形

8、容词性物主代词: his 他的 her 她的 my 我的 their 他们的 our 我们的 your你的,你们的,具有形容词功能,后面还要加名词。 名词性物主代词: his 他的 hers 她的 mine 我的 theirs 他们的 ours 我们的 yours 你的,你们的。具有名词功能,通常放在句末,单词后不加任何别的单词。 练习: 填空 Its Johns dog. Its _.(他的) A: Is this _pen? (你的)B:Yes, its _pen. Its _. (我的)This is _English teacher, Miss White. (我们的)That is

9、_classroom. Its big. (他们的)Sarah has a cute cat. Look, this is _cat. (她的) The cat is _(她的)。7.Be 动词有: is / am/ are 顺口溜: I 用am , you 用are, he/she 名字都用is, 我们你们他们(we, you, they)都用are 练习: I _ a teacher. He _from China. She _my mother. Mike_my brother. You_ so funny. They_tall and strong. Yifan and Tom _ g

10、ood friends. 8.现在进行时: 表示现在正在做的事。 构成: 主语+ be动词( is / am/ are)+ 动词-ing 形式。 如: I am reading a book. He is eating lunch. They are having an English class.动词-ing 形式变化规则:(1).一般情况直接在末尾加- ing 如: eat-eating read-reading climbclimbing walkwalking looklooking flyflying drinkdrinking jump-jumping sleepsleeping (2). 以-e结尾的单词去-e加-ing 如: dancedancing take-taking havehaving(3). 特殊:双写末尾字母加-ing swimswimming run-runnin


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