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1、Friends with English , Book 3课题Unit 9 What are you doing?设计人/单位:恩平市恩城第一小学 朱恩燕一、学情分析:本课教学对象是四年级学生。四年级学生对英语学习有浓厚兴趣,有一定的英语口语表达能力,课堂中能较灵活地运用语言材料,能在虚拟的情景中进行真实的语言交流。本课设计针对四年级学生爱玩、好动的天性,把现在进行时的语法知识融入到各种语言环境中去复习,鼓励学生通过体验、实践、讨论、合作、探究等方式,发展其听、说、读、写的综合语言技能。二、教材分析:此教学设计是以针对广东人民出版社开心学英语四年级上册的第九单元所学的现在进行时来进行的复习课设

2、计。三、单元设计整体思路和依据:本课以复习现在进行时为主要内容,以任务型教学为主要设计原则。整节课采用闯关、比赛的形式,A组与B组的比赛从歌曲开始,贯穿了整节课堂,即激发了学生的积极性,又增强了他们的竞争意识,达到了自主学习的目的。四、单元教学安排:本人将此语法设计为三课时,以下是各个课时的教学设计,同时将选取复习课的第一课时进行课堂实录。五、单元目标:(一)语言知识目标:学生能深刻理解和巩固现在进行时动词现在分词的构成规律,以及能更灵活地使用Be动词(am, is ,are)。(二)语言技能目标:学生能更熟练准确地用英语描述或询问自己或别人正在做的事情。(三)情感态度目标(1)提高学生的英语

3、学习积极性,培养学生合作探究创新精神。(2)培养学生热爱学习和生活,准确对待困难的情感态度。(四)学习策略目标(1)学会小组合作,与他人交流。(2)积极运用英语与同伴合作交流并能顺利完成学习任务。六、具体教学设计第一节课型、时间: 复习课 第一课时教学设计(课堂实录)教学要求: 学生能更熟练准确地用英语描述或询问自己或别人正在做的事情。教学重难点: 学生能深刻理解和巩固现在进行时动词现在分词的构成规律,以及能更灵活地使用Be动词(am, is ,are)。教学过程:步骤目的教师活动/方法学生活动/学法条件/手段Step 1 Warming up( 通过轻松愉快的song, 既复习现在进行时的一

4、些句型,又把课堂气氛调动起来,为下一个层次复习作铺垫.)1、(T) Hello, boys and girl!How are you today?Im fine, too. Thanks.Nice to meet you!2、T sing a song: Are you sleeping? Are you sleeping?Brother John. Brother John.Morning bells are ringing. Ding Dong Ding. Ding Dong Ding.1、(Ss )Hello, Miss Zhu!Im fine, thanks. And you?Nice

5、 to meet you, too.2、Ss:Are you sleeping? Are you sleeping?Brother John. Brother John.Morning bells are ringing. Ding Dong Ding. Ding Dong Ding.配上动作,做两次。(PPT出示歌曲Are you sleeping?)Song:Are you sleeping? Are you sleeping?Brother John. Brother John.Morning bells are ringing. Ding Dong Ding. Ding Dong Di

6、ng.Step 2 Lead in1.(通过情境图片问答,初步复习重现有关现在进行时的基本句型,为下一步引入作铺垫。)2.创设情境,引导学生深入复习和应用现在进行时的知识。3.(创设“去狼堡救羊”的情境,将复习内容层层深入分为“闯三关救羊”的复习环节,自然有趣地引入和过渡。以任务型教学为设计原则,使学生在游戏中复习巩固和应用语言。)T:Wow,wonderful! Now,lets review Unit 9 What are you doing ?T: Boys and girls, we are having an English lesson now.But what are the s

7、heep doing ? Lets have a look.1)T: Look! Whos he? T:Whats he doing ?2)T:Yes, very good. Oh ,listen! Whats Lan Yangyang doing?T:Is he sleeping?3)T:Please look at this one, who can ask? 4)T出示ppt慢羊羊5)T出示ppt沸羊羊T:But where is Nuan Yangyang?Oh, my god! Nuan Yangyang was caught by Hui Tailang. What can we

8、do? Lets help her, ok?If we want to help Nuan Yangyang, we must open three doors.Ss: What are you doing ?(跟读课题)Ss: OK.1)Ss: He is Xi Yangyang.Ss: Hes reading. Hes studying.2)Ss:Hes sleeping.Ss: Yes, he is.3)S1:What is Mei Yangyang doing?S2:Shes dancing.4)S1:What is Man Yangyang doing?S2:Hes writing.

9、5)S1:What is Fei Yangyang doing?S2:Hes swimming.Ss:OK!T板书课题。Unit 9 What are you doing ?1)PPT出示喜羊羊读书的图片2)PPT出示懒羊羊图片与睡觉的声音3)PPT出示美羊羊4)PPT出示慢羊羊5)PPT出示沸羊羊6)PPT出示暖羊羊被灰太狼捉住图Step3 Revision1.让学生在任务活动中复习并总结动词现在分词的构成规律。通过小组贴单词找规律的活动,提高学生动手、动脑、动口的,同时体现学生的小组合作精神。2.朗朗上口的chant不但巩固了现在分词的三种形式,还给学生注入了兴奋剂,让学生兴致勃勃的进入下

10、一个复习。3.通过学生做动作问答,可以调动学生的多重感官参与到学习中来,感受英语学习的愉悦心情,也为句型的复习做好准备。4.通过任务复习句型,满足学生的好胜心理,让他们感受成功的喜悦。1. T在黑板上贴单词。shopping, running, swimming, stoppingT:Can you find out the rules?T:Heres a chant for you.2. Chant3. Do and say(TPR)(1)Game:Teacher does an action. Students guess. Students do the actions.(ask and

11、 answer)T: Im reading a book.(2)T(swimming).You can ask me: What are you doing?T: Im swimming.Writing: What are you doing? Im(板书)(3)T(running)T: Im running.(教师画简笔画:在跑步的男孩)(4)T: Who can do the action?T: Whats he doing?(5)G(dancing)T: Whats she doing?T: The boy is playing basketball. The girl is danci

12、ng.(教师画简笔画:在跳舞的女孩)(6)T lets two students do the action.4.T:Lets do a exercise.T示范。T:Look!Whos he?Whats he doing?Please ask and answer like this with your partner。5.Chant(分小组朗读比赛)6. Look and say.7. Play the diceTS1,make a model, then let the students to work in pairs and check.T: Lets play the dice ,

13、then talk about the picture in group.1.(1)Ss仿照例子分组贴单词(2)分小组读以上单词。(3)现在进行时-动词现在分词的构成规律:1)一般情况下,在动词原形后直接加-ing。2)以不发音字母e结尾的动词,先去掉e,再加-ing。3)在重读闭音节(即:辅音+元音+辅音)的动词中,要先双写末尾的辅音字母,再加-ing。2.S1示范:Reading, reading, reading a book.Riding,riding, riding a bike.Having, having, having a fun.Running,running, runnin

14、g around.3.(1)Ss: What are you doing? (2)S: What are you doing?(3)Ss: What are you doing?(4)B(playing basketball)Ss: What are you doing?B:I am playing basketball.(5)S1: Hes playing basketball.Ss: What are you doing?G: I am dancing.S2:Shes dancing.(6)S1,S2(playing)Ss: What are you doing?S1,S2:We are

15、playing.S3: What are they doing?Ss: They are playing.4.Ss通过学习卡完成练习。Ss分组chant。5. I am running.You are fishing.They are shopping.Hes cooking. Shes singing.We are smiling. Hey!6.Ss:Hes Mr.Liang.Hes painting.小组对话。7. Play the diceSs ask and swer.利用卡片将单词分类。(1)Look and choose.A.flying, reading, singing, dr

16、awing, calling, cooking, washing, eating, touching, going, buying, borrowing, watching, listening, walking, studying, painting, sleeping, crying, laughing. B. writing, smiling, riding, having, using, dancing. C. shopping, running, swimming, stopping教师板书:read-reading, dance-dancing, run2.PPT ChantRea

17、ding,reading, reading a book.Riding,riding, riding a bike.Having, having, having a fun.Running,running, running around.3. (1)TPR教学(2)教师画简笔画:在跳舞的女孩。4.Be(am, is, are)动词的运用。(第二关)PPT(1) They_ playing. We _ running. She _ singing.(2) I _ writing. Gogo _ sleeping.(3)_ your brother short? Yes, he _.(4)Gogo

18、 and Tony _ happy.(5)What _ your friends doing?They _ dancing.5.PPT: I am running.You are fishing.They are shopping.Hes cooking. Shes singing.We are smiling. Hey!6.Look and say.Mr Liang(painting)Miss Li(writing)Mr Li(running)Lili(playing the piano)Tracy(shopping)Ss(reading)7. Play the diceStep 4 Dev

19、elopment加入了写作的环节让学生对现在进行时的理解和运用进一步深化,并将学生的水平提升到读写的层次上,符合学生的发展规律。T:Nuan Yangyang has come back(回来). Everyone is so excited(兴奋的), they are having a party. What are they doing?Can you guess?Ss talk and write.Nuan Yangyang has come back(回来). Everyone is so excited(兴奋的), they are having a party. Look, Xi

20、 Yangyang _ _. Mei Yangyang _ _. Man Yangyang _ _. Lan Yangyang and Fei Yangyang _ _. They are having fun.Step 5 Summary and Homework1.Draw a picture, then talk about the picture : What are they doing?2.Read after the tape of P43,P44,P48.附件:(1)选择适当的Be动词(is, am, are)填空。1. They_ playing. We _ running.

21、 She _singing.2. I _ writing. Gogo _ sleeping.3. _ your brother short? Yes, he _.4. Gogo and Tony _ happy.5. What _ your friends doing? They _ dancing.(2)WritingNuan Yangyang has come back(回来). Everyone is so excited(兴奋的), they are having a party. Look, Xi Yangyang _ _. Mei Yangyang _ _. Man Yangyan

22、g _ _. Lan Yangyang and Fei Yangyang _ _. They are having fun.板书设 计板书: Unit 9 What are you doing?read-readingdance-dancingrun-running What are you doing? Im. Is he? Yes, he is. No, he isnt.第二节本节与上节相关性分析: 复习前,学生已经掌握了正在进行时的基本句型和用法:What are you /they doing? Im /They are及相关的词组。课型、时间: 复习课 第二课时教学设计教学要求:(1

23、)理解并正确读出材料中出现的新句子和对话。(2)理解并运用掌握现在进行时的基本句型。教学重难点:现在进行时和句型的灵活运用。教学过程:步骤目的教师活动/方法学生活动/学法条件/手段SStep 1 Warming up1.帮助学生复习现在进行时。2.培养学生运用英语进行交际,也拉近了师生的距离。3.通过生动有趣的游戏复习学过的动词。1、Greeting.2、Free talk:What day is it today?What are you doing?Are you ?3、Game: Say and do.1、Greeting.2、Free talk:Its .I am studying.Y

24、es,I am.No,I am not.3、Ss: Say and do.利用TPR教学。Step 2 Presentation1.创设悬念,让学生带着好奇心去阅读。2.初步检查学生对短文的理解程度。3.让学生观看短文课件,进一步加深对短文的理解,并让他们模仿老师正确的语音语调。4.老师请几位学生复述图片,并板书。1.Lead in:T: What are you doing now? T: Yes, we are studying English now. Are they studying, too?2.The first-reading:T: Take out your papers .

25、 Read it by yourselves.Let the students read the passage for about one minute.3.Exercise: Tick or Cross. T: Show me tick or cross. ( with gestures) The students show the answers with gestures.4.The second-readingLet the students watch the video of the passage. Ask the students to read the passage in

26、 groups and role play.Have three students come in front and act out the Conversation. 1. Ss: We are studying.2.Ss read the papers together.3.Ss tick or cross.4. Ss watch the video of the passage. Three students come in front and act out the Conversation.利用PPT出示短文(一)进行教学Step 3 Development(一) 培养小学生的自主

27、合作精神。(二)1.生动有趣的歌谣让学生更好地牢固现在进行时的结构。3.通过练习有效地检查和巩固现在进行时的知识。(一)1. Read another passage: The family day2.Get the students to answer the questions according to the passage. 1)Whats mother doing? 2)Whats Peter doing ? 3. Exercise: Fill in the missing words according to the passage in groups. (二)1. Sing a

28、song of P462.Do the practice of P45 and P463.Check the answers.(一)1. Read another passage: The family day2.Get the students to answer the questions according to the passage. 1)Whats mother doing? 2)Whats Peter doing ? 3. Exercise: Fill in the missing words according to the passage in groups. (二)1. S

29、ing a song of P462.Do the practice of P45 and P463.Check the answers.1.利用PPT出示短文(二)进行教学。2.利用多媒体出示音乐。Step 4 Summary and Homework1. Listen to the tape of P43 P44 and read after it.2. Draw a picture of your family and describe that whats everyone doing now.附件阅读材料(1)Lucy: Hello, This is Lucy. Uncle: Hel

30、lo, how are you, Lucy? And whats everybody doing?Lucy: We are all busy. I am reading a book in my bedroom. My mother is cooking dinner in the kitchen. My brother is watching TV in the living room. My sister is doing her homework. And my father is writing an e-mail. Uncle:Oh, wheres your grandpa? Wha

31、t is he doing?Lucy: Hes cleaning the room.Uncle: Can I speak to him, please?Lucy: Sure, hold on, please. Grandpa, there is a call for you.Grandpa:I am shopping. 阅读材料(2)My name is Tim. Im a student in Class Two, Grade Five. I am twelve. Now let me tell you something about my family. My father is a do

32、ctor. He is writing an e-mail in the study. My mother a is a teacher in a middle school. She is cooking dinner in the kitchen. What am I doing? I am doing my homework, today is Friday, we have a lot of homework to do. After homework, I will play the piano. I like playing the piano very much.Workshee

33、t(1)Tick or cross( )1.Lucy is singing.( )2.Lucys mother is cooking breakfast.( )3.Lucys brother is watching TV.( )4.Lucys grandpa is swimming.Worksheet(2)Fill the blanks according to the passage.Tim is a _ of Class Two, Grade Five. His father is a doctor. He is _ an e-mail. His mother is a teacher.

34、She is _ in the kitchen. Tim is _ _ _.After that he will play the piano. He likes _ the piano very much.板书设计Unit9 What are you doing ?Lucy readingLucys grandpa shoppingLucys father writingLucys mother cookingLucys brother watching TVLucys sister doing her homework第三节本节与上节相关性分析:1、能听懂、会说、会写flying,eati

35、ng,sleeping,swimming等2、能用简单的句子交际:What are you/they doing? Im/Were/Theyre, Are you/they? Is he/she 等课型、时间:复习课 第三课时教学设计教学要求:学生能更熟练准确地用英语描述或询问自己或别人正在做的事情。教学重难点:1、 为挖掘学生的个性潜能,本节课增加句型“Do you like exercising ?Are you a healthy person?” 等的学习运用,以拓展学生的语言综合运用能力。2、本节课活动目的是通过采访别人从事的活动了解怎样保持身体健康,从而懂得运动有益于健康的有关知识

36、。教学过程:步骤目的教师活动/方法学生活动/学法条件/手段Step 1 Warming up1&2.以全班活动的方式,让学生跟着老师边说边做,激发学生说英语的兴趣,为本课的教学创造积极的条件。3.以歌曲导入,创设了生动活泼的教学气氛,在极短的时间内吸引住学生,给人一种“课伊始,趣已生”的感觉。4.用提问的方式进入英语学习的情境中,让学生有话可说。1、Greetings2、TPR actionDo morning exercises,do morning exercisesNod your head,nod your head Wave your arms,wave your arms.Shak

37、e your body,shake your bodyTouch your toes,touch your toes 3、Listen to a song:Are you sleeping? If the students 1ike,they can sing with the tape and dance.After that, T:GoodToday we are going to learn a new topic.4、展开课堂口语交流T:What are you doing?T:What is she doing?T:What are they doing? T:WhatHow abo

38、ut you? 1.Greetings2.Ss do and say.Do morning exercises,do morning exercisesNod your head,nod your head Wave your arms,wave your arms.Shake your body,shake your bodyTouch your toes,touch your toes 3.Ss sing with the tape and dance.4. S1:S2:S3:S4:2.利用多媒体播放音乐。Step 2:Activity1动作大展示采用自主学习的方式,让学生充分发挥自主学习的主体作用,创造了自主学


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