



1、翻译技巧试题(二)答案一、句子翻译(每小题3 分,共 3 分 1030 分)1、如果你在这个位置上再干几年,那足以说明你是有耐心的。2、当地的设施为国际贸易提供了有利条件,同时也为民族工业提供了有利的条件。3、他的父亲早些曾留学海外,难怪他给Tom教授了不少英语。4、一看到每况愈下的形势,他心中涌起了做父亲的责任,因此决定做些有益的事情。5、我的表弟身价过百万,但脑袋空囊一副。7. It can be predicted that China will certainly catch up with the most advanced nations in the world in scien

2、ce and technology in not too long a time.8. There has been a big increase in the total volume of imports and exports.9. We must accelerate/speed up the infrastructure construction to improve the investment environment.10. The computers used before 1980 were huge machines that could work with large a

3、mounts of information, but they were very costly.二、篇章翻译(共60 分)1. The current worldwide interest in learning Chinese is attributable to the long history of the Chinese nation, its glorious and magnificent culture, and its tremendous contribution to human progress. More importantly, as Chinas overall

4、national strength has grown in the course of reform andopening-up over the last two decades, more and more countries, international organizations and people come into contact with China and take interest in Chinese culture. For them, learning the Chinese language has become the only road to a profou

5、nd understanding of China.2. I love going to the campus in the evening, whose poetic serenity often deludes me into seeing my childhood days. I was sitting for a rest on a stone bench under a tree. A little boy, the grandson of an elderly teacher, was playing nearby. He walked over towards me quietl

6、y and looked at me earnestly with the innocent eyes of a five-year-old child. “Sir, who are you waiting for?”he asked. Much moved, I hugged him and said,“Honey, I am waiting for you! ”3. An enormous level of energy is being devoted to ways that electronic technology can enhance learning, especially

7、for students who cannot easily take conventional courses. Now educational network and virtual universities have appeared. Meanwhile, a new challenge to teaching looms ahead: a pressure to internationalize curriculum offerings. Such a changecalls for a thorough rethinking of fundamental aspects of co

8、urse design. Many universities and institutions have taken steps toward globalized learning. But with limited results.4我们当中很少有人喜欢听到别人说自己平庸一般,美国人也不例外。然而,更让人受不了的是,别人对我们说, 我们或者我们所做的事情反映了我们民族的特性。我们大多数人不赞同这种说法: “啊,只有美国人才会那样!” 对民族进行笼统的概括,通常都不受欢迎,即使这些概括基本上正确无误也同样如此。就美国人而言,他们在这方面的反映也许还要更强烈一些。谈起美国人,人们常常听到这样一种笼统的说法, 说他们崇尚个人主义,极为重视个性差异,注重拥有大量的选择,强调各


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