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1、欲望与生俱来,人人都有。它可以催人上进,使人奋起,创造事业辉煌;也可以使人得陇望蜀,永不满足,最终陷于痛苦。如何看待,如何运用,不同人的心中有一杆不同的秤AppetiteOne of the major pleasures in life is appetite, and one of our major dutiesshould be to preserve it. Appetite is the kee nn ess of livi ng: it is one of thesen ses that tells you that you are still curious to exist,

2、 that you still have anedge on your longings and want to bite into the world and taste its nu merousflavors and juices. By appetite, of course, I don t mean just the desire for food,but any condition of unsatisfied desire, any burning in the blood that proves you want more than you ve got, and that

3、you haven t used up your life. Wilde said hefelt sorry for those who never got their heart s desire, but sorrier still for thosewho did. For appetite, for me,is this state of wanting, which keeps one sexpectati ons alive.I remember lear ning this less on long ago as a child, whe n treats andin dulge

4、 nee were few, and whe n I discovered that the greatest pitch happ in ess was not in actually eati ng a toffee but in gaz ing at it beforeha nd. True, the first bite was delicious, but once the toffee was gone one was left with nothing, n either toffee nor lust. Besides, the whole toffee ness of tof

5、fees was imperceptibly dimini shed by the gross act of havi ng eati ng it. No, the best was in wan ti ng it, in sitt ing and look ing at it, whe n one tasted an en dless treasure house of flavors. So, for me, one of the kee nest pleasures of appetite rema ins in the wan ti ng, not the satisfacti on.

6、 In wan ti ng a peach, or a whisky, or a particular texture or sound, or to be with a particular friend, for in thosecon diti on, of course, I know that the object of desire is always at its mostflawlessly perfect. For that matter, I don t want three square meals a daywant one huge, delicious, orgia

7、stic, table groa ning blow out, say every four days,and the n not be too sure where the next one is coming from.A day of fast ingis not for me just a device for denying on eself a pleasure, but rather a way ofan ticipat ing a rarer mome nt of supreme enjoyme nt.360 words 行文点评作者开篇点题,指出One of the majo

8、r pleasures in life is appetite。进而作者给appetite下了一个定义,即对任何事物的渴望。接着用王尔德的话引出作者的观点:Appetite is the state of wanting。在第二段中,作者用 I remember. 讲述了自己吃太妃糖的亲身经历,描述生动形象,贴近生活,由这段经历作者引出了文章的主题一一欲望最大的乐趣在于对之渴求,而非满足。作者谈的是食欲(appetite),却又不仅仅谈对食物的热望。作者由小见大,由食欲谈及欲望(desire),及其满足(satisfaction)。文章充满智慧(wits),是一篇上佳的小品文。读者应能够体会作

9、者刻意营造的一种轻灵跳跃(staccato) 之感:No, the best was inwanting it, in sitti ng and looki ng at it(不,最重要的是对它的渴望和坐下来盯着它看的感觉)。这句话充分体现了作者有极高的驾驭语言的能力。好文妙译欲望生活中一项最大的乐趣便是有个好胃口,而我们的主要职责之一便是保持这一好胃口。胃口是对生活的一种强烈的愿望,这是一种感觉,它告诉你你仍渴望着,你还有许多渴望尚待实现,还想继续生活在这世界上,品尝各种风味。所谓胃口(欲望),当然,我不仅仅指对食物的热望,而且指任何未满足的渴望的情形,任何血液的沸腾都证明了你要的不仅仅是这

10、些,你还未好好享受人生。王尔德说他对那些从未得到满足的人表示遗憾,但对那些已经心满意足的人更感到悲哀。欲望对我来说,是一种渴求的状态,它使希望永存。我记得懂得这一点是在很久以前,还是个孩子的时候,那时有人款待和纵酒享乐的机会很少。而我发觉最大的幸福不在于吃太妃糖,而在于吃前凝视它的那一段时间。诚然, 咬第一口时味道不错,但一旦太妃糖吃完了, 一切皆化为乌有,无论是太妃糖还是欲望全都没了。 此外,太妃糖的味道也在大口咀嚼中毫无觉察地消失了。不,最棒的是对它的渴望和坐下来盯着它看时的感觉,仿佛置身于美食宝库遍尝天下美味佳肴时才有的感觉。所以对我而言, 欲望的最大乐趣之一在于对之渴求,而非满足感。想

11、吃一个桃子,或喝一杯威士忌,或是期待一个特别的质感或声音,又或是渴望能和一个特别的朋友在一起,在这些情况下,我当然知道欲望的目的通常在于其无瑕疵的完美。对此,我不想过一天三顿的正常生活,而想每四天来一顿丰富可口的美味佳肴,大吃大喝一顿,接下来不知下一顿从何而来。一天的禁食对我来说并非像是被剥夺了快乐,而是期待更多纵情享乐的时刻。词汇斟酌appetite n. 胃口,食欲欲望kee nn ess n. 渴望numerous a. 众多的,许多的flavor n.味,滋味,味道特色,风味in dulge ncen.放任pitchn.程度,强度beforeha ndad. 预先,事先lustn.渴望

12、,欲望vi.(after, for)对有强烈的欲望imperceptibly ad.察觉不到地,微细地diminish vi.变少,变小,降低 vt.减少,减小,降低orgiastic a.狂欢的groan vi.呻吟,抱怨发出呻吟的声音fast v.禁食,斋戒device n.手段,策略supremea.最高的,至上的极度的,最重要的佳句临摹【注释】blow out 减弱;停止;熄灭有人打开了门,【临摹】 Somebody opened the door and the candle blew out.蜡烛随之被吹灭了。思如泉涌A sound mind is in a sound body.

13、健全的精神寓于健康的身体中。All progress is based upon a uni versal inn ate desire on the part of everyorga nism to live beyo nd its in come.世人莫不怀着一种与生俱来的欲望,要把支出超过收入,此乃一切进步的动力。一个人只要心存希望,坚强坚韧,坚持不懈,勇往直前地去追寻,去探索,去拼搏,他总有一天会成功。正如郑板桥所具有的人格和精神:皎定青山不放松,立根原在破岩中。千磨万清代 红顶商人”胡雪岩说: 做生意顶要紧的是眼光,看得到一省,就能做一省的生意;看得到天下,就能做天下的生意;看得到外国,就能做外国的生意。”可见,一个人的心胸和眼光,决定了他志向的短浅或高远;一个人的希望和梦想,决定了他的人生暗淡或辉煌。人生能有几回搏,有生不搏待何时!所有的机遇和成功,


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