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1、2382 Camilo Cienfuegos RefineryExpansion Project850 Method statements for steelstructure of interconnecting pipe rack2382 古巴炼油厂扩建项目850 外管廊钢结构施工方案1. Project profile工程概况The steel structure of 850 interconnecting pipe rack of Camilo Cienfuegos Refinery Expansion Project is mainly composed of steel stru

2、cture of pipe rack, railing, ladder, etc. The total weight reaches 4891t.本2382古巴炼油厂扩建项目850外管廊标段的钢结构主要为管廊钢结构、 栏杆、梯子等。总计4891余吨。2. Construction procedure of the steel structures钢结构施工工序流程3. Material acceptance and storage材料验收及保管3.1 There should be certificates of quality for the steel bars used in the s

3、teel structure con struct ion. Furthermore, the steel bars should comply with the requireme nts of desig n and specialized sta ndards. The surfaces or the cross sect ions of the steel bars should not have flaws such as crackles, scars, foldi ng, bubbles, in terlayer and delam in ati on, surface corr

4、osi on, pock ing marks or scratches. The depths of the flaws or rusting should not exceed half of the negative deviation of the thickness of steel plates.钢结构工程所用钢材应具有质量证明书, 并符合设计和专业标准的要求。 钢材表 面或断面不得有裂纹、结疤、折叠、气泡、夹层和分层,表面锈蚀、麻点或者划 痕等缺陷 ,缺陷深度不应大于钢板厚度负偏差的 1/2。3.2 There should be certificates of quality f

5、or the welding materials used for the steel structures. Furthermore, the welding material should comply with the regulations of design and national standards. Welding rods deteriorated by damp, with broken coating or rusted cores are strictly prohibited to be used. 钢结构所用焊接材料应具有质量证明书, 并符合设计和国家标准的规定。

6、受潮变 质、药皮破损、焊芯生锈的焊条严禁使用;3.3 There should be certificates of quality for the connection material and coating material used for the steel structures. Furthermore, the steel structures should be accorded with the design requirements and national current standards. 钢结构工程所采用的连接材料和涂装材料, 应有出厂质量证明书并符合设计要求 和国

7、家现行标准。3.4 In need of substitutive materials, there must be substitutive receipts of the materials examined and approved by design unit. 如需材料代用,必须持有设计部门审批的材料代用单;3.5 The material site should be divided into unchecked areas, qualified product areas and rejected product areas.The inspected materials sho

8、uld be respectively marked, stacked and stored according to type, quality, size and inspection status. Storing small items into the warehouse and big item in the open air, there should be something laid under and something covered above. The receipt and distribution account and management should be

9、well performed.材料摆放场地要划分未检验区、 合格品区和不合格品区, 检验后的材料作好标识, 按品种、材质、规格和检验状态分别标识、堆放和保管,小件入库,大件室外摆 放要下铺上盖,并做好收发台帐和管理工作。4Prefabrication of steel structures钢结构预制4.1 Prefabrication and corrosion protection of steel structure shall be performed at the prefabrication shop and then transported to construction site

10、 for installation.钢结构在现场设置的预制厂集中预制,防腐,运至现场安装。4.2 Process ing of accessories零件加工4.2.1 Sett ing out: the in stallati on dime nsion and hole spac ing on the draw ings shall be verified; no dal point shall be set out at 1:1 enl arged detail; dime nsions at each part shall be verified; mould board and ro

11、d shall be fabricated to serve as process ing basis of bla nking, bending, milli ng and drilli ng.放样:核对图纸的安装尺寸和孔距;以1:1的大样放出节点;核对各部分的尺寸; 制作样板和样杆作为下料、弯制、铣、刨、制孔等加工的依据。4.2.1 Lay in g-out: check and verificati on of material; process ing positi on for cutt ing, milling, beveling, bending and drilling sha

12、ll be laid out on the material; Punching: accessories shall be marked with dash nu mber. Comb in ati on shall be con ducted accord ing to burde n sheet and mould board and save materials as much as possible. While perform ing lay in g-out, the cutt ing allowa nee shall be added as per material thick

13、 ness and cutt ing method.号料:检查核对材料;在材料上划出切割、铣、刨、弯曲、钻孔等加工位置;打 冲孔;标出零件编号。根据配料表和样板进行套裁,尽可能节约材料。号料时, 根据材料厚度和切割方法加出适当的切割余量。4.2.3 Material cutting: method for it consists of gas cutting, machine cutting, punchin g-die and bla nking, saw cutt ing, etc. The allowable deviati ons of lay in g-out and mould b

14、oard are listed in the following table:下料:下料的方法有气割、机切、冲模落料和锯切等。放样和样板允许偏差如下表:Allowable deviati ons of lay in g-out and mould board放样和样板允许偏差Descripti onsAllowable deviati on s(mm)平行线距离和分段尺寸The distance between parallel lines and intermediatemm).5 mm对角线差 differe nce of diag on al li ne1.0 mm宽度、长度 width

15、 and length).5 mm孑 L距 hole spac ing).5 mm力卩工样板的角度 an gle of process ing mould board 20零件外形尺寸 overall dimension of accessories.0424 Straightness: straightening machine shall be used to calibrate the bend part of structural steel, and H-shaped steel in particularThe verticality deviati on from flange

16、girth to web plates shall be con trolled within allowable value.平直:对钢材弯曲部分使用型钢矫正机进行矫正,特别是H型钢,要把翼缘对腹板的垂直度偏差控制在允许值以内。4.2.5 Hole: Hole shall be formed by drilling machine, portable electrical drill.制孔:用钻床、手提式电钻进行制孔。4.3 Con solidati on and connection拼装和连接4.3.1 The prepared semi-products and accessories

17、shall be in stalled as comp onents or other parts as per tran sportati on unit specified by draw in gs, and the n conn ected i nin tegrity .In case of con cealed weld ing, coveri ng will be permitted only after qualified weld ing.把制备完成的半成品和零件按图纸规定的运输单元, 安装成构件或其部件,然后 连接成为整体。拼装必须按工艺要求的次序进行,当有隐蔽施焊时,必须先

18、予以 施焊,经检验合格方可覆盖。4.3.2 While arranging and assembli ng the clamp ing fixture, the weld ing shri nkage and allowa nee of blunt process ing shall be take n into acco unt of the locati on. In order to reduce deformati on, assembly weld ing of small parts shall be adopted as much as possible; assembly of

19、 big parts shall be carried out after calibrati on of the small on es. The initial clamping fixture shall pass a strict inspection before mass assemblage.布置拼装胎具时,其定位必须考虑预放出焊接收缩量及齐头加工的余量。为减少变形,尽量采取小件组焊,经矫正后再大件组装。胎具做出的首件必须经过严格 检验,方可大批量进行装配工作。4.3.3 To facilitate the searching, the assembled components

20、shall be instantly markedwith paint at obvious part, with drawing number, component number and quantity. 拼装好的构件应立即用油漆在明显部位编号,写明图号、构件号和件数,以便查找。4.4 Calibration, drilling and inspection of the finished product.成品矫正、钻孔和检验4.4.1 Fla nge leveli ng mach ine, oil press and press machi ne shall be used to con

21、 duct flatte ning.使用翼缘矫平机、油压机、压力机进行矫正。4.4.2 Milling of component end shall be performed on the miller.构件端部的铣平在端面铣床上进行。4.4.3 Mechanical method shall be adopted to process the bolt hole. Allowable deviatio ns of hole and spac ing shall be as follow:螺栓孔应采用机械方法加工,孔及孔距允许偏差如下表:Allowable deviatio ns of bol

22、t hole螺栓孔的允许偏差Descripti ons 项目Allowable deviations 允许偏差Diameter 直径0-1.0Roundness圆度2.0Verticality 垂直度0.036 andw 2.0Allowable deviatio ns of spaci ng of the bolt holes螺栓孔孔距允许偏差Description 项目Allowable deviations (mm)允 许偏 差 3000同一组内任意两孔间距 spac ing betwee n any two holes in the same group.01.5相邻两组的端孔间距sp

23、ac ing between end holes of the adjace nt two groups.5i2. For complex comp onent at in stallatio n no de, no dal or in tegral trial assemblesshall be performed at the prefabricating shop.安装节点构造复杂的构件,应在预制厂进行节点试装或整体试装。4.4.5 After the inspection and qualification of technical data of compon

24、ents, craters and pits caused by the processing shall be patch welded and polished for flatness. Temporary support and fixture shall be cut off.构件的各项技术数据经检验合格后, 对加工过程中造成的焊疤、 凹坑应予补焊并 打磨平整。对临时支撑、夹具应予割除。4.5 Component assembly构件组装4.5.1 In the prefabricating shop, assembling and lining platform, assembli

25、ng die carrier shall be erected flat and stable to ensure the assembling accuracy of components.预制厂内搭设组装平台、 拼装平台和组装膜架, 应平整牢固, 以保证构件的组装 精度。4.5.2 Relevant assembly measures shall be proposed according to the construction drawings, standard of process and qualification and combined with component chara

26、cteristics.必须根据施工图、工艺和质量标准并结合构件特点,提出相应的组装措施。4.5.3 Pre-deformation measures and welding shrinkage shall be taken into account of the component assembly.应考虑构件组装的预变形措施和焊接收缩量。4.5.4 For material in need of splicing, splicing and calibration shall be conducted before assembly.凡需要拼接的材料,应先拼接并矫正后再组装。4.5.5 Re

27、asonableassembling sequenceshall be determined according to structural style and welding method.根据结构形式、焊接方法,确定合理的组装顺序。4.5.6 The specification, quantity and quality of processed accessories and components shall be inspected. All the accessories shall be calibrated.Rust and burr on the contact surface

28、 and within a range of 30-50mm around the weld edge shall be cleaned thoroughly. 对加工的零件、部件应检查其规格、数量、质量,所有零件必须矫正。 接触面及沿焊缝边缘 30-50mm 范围内的铁锈、毛刺等必须清除干净。4.6 Welding of steel structure 钢结构焊接4.6.1 Welding procedure shall ensure that all the welders work with certificates. Welding procedure qualification sh

29、all be well performed and strictly complied during the construction.焊接施工确保所有焊工持证上岗。 做好焊接工艺评定工作, 施工中严格按焊接工 艺评定进行。4.6.2 Welding rod shall be stored in special warehouses and managed by specially-assigned person. Management regulations of welding rod shall be compiled and shall take charge of maintaini

30、ng, baking, providing and recovering of welding rods. Records shall be properly filled.焊条要有专用库房设专人管理, 制定焊条管理制度,对焊条的保管、 烘烤、发放、回收负责,并做好各项记录。4.6.3 During the welding process, welding rod shall be stored in the thermostat container for use.焊接过程中焊条应放入保温筒,随用随取 .。4.6.4 In windy and raining days, prevention

31、s shall be taken before welding. 刮风下雨天气必须采取防护措施方可进行焊接。4.6.5 Reasonablewelding sequenceshall be selected to prevent or reduce welding deformation of steel structure. For workpiece with symmetric weld joint, balanced welding shall be adopted to the greatest extent. For weld joints with asymmetric dist

32、ribution, welding deformation shall be controlled by welding sequence. For instance, intermittent weld shall be adopted for long welding joint; for welding joint exceeds 1m, back step method and skip welding may be adopted to reduce welding deformation.施焊时应选择合理的施焊顺序, 以防止或减少钢结构的焊接变型, 对于具有对称 焊缝的工件 ,尽量

33、采用对称焊;对一些焊缝布置不对称的焊缝,以焊接顺序控制 焊接的变形量。如:对长焊缝可采用断续焊缝,对焊缝在 1m 以上时,可采用逐 步退焊法、跳焊法等以减少焊接变形。4.6.6 Welding sequence of column-beam connection: top column-beam connection shall be welded first, then the bottom column-beam connection, and the mid column-beam connection at last.柱与梁的焊接顺序: 先焊接顶部柱梁节点, 再焊接底部柱梁节点, 最后

34、焊接中部 柱梁节点。4.6.7 Welder shall review assembly quality of structure and treatment of weld zone before performing welding. In case of failure to meet the requirements, qualified shaving shall be required before welding.焊工施焊前, 应复查结构的组装质量及焊缝区的处理情况, 如不符合要求应修整 合格方可施焊。4.6.8 Corner of fillet weld in the stru

35、cture shall be welded continuously around the corner. The distance between arc starting & ending point and weld end shall be larger than 10mm. Arc crater shall be filled-up.结构中的角焊缝的转角处宜连续绕角施焊,起落弧点距焊缝端部宜大于10mm,弧坑应填满。4.6.9 Continuous welding will be proper for multilayer welding. After completion of e

36、ach weld pass, cleaning and inspection shall be timely performed to eliminate defects before next welding. Interlayer joint of multilayer welding shall be staggered. 多层焊接宜连续施焊, 每一层焊道焊完后应及时清理检查, 清除缺陷后再焊。 多 层焊的层间接头应错开。4.7 Welding inspection of steel structure钢结构焊接检验4.7.1 After the welding, the welder

37、should clear out the molten slag on the surfaces of the welding seams and the splash on the two sides. Visual inspection shall be conducted for connections of all structural beam and column. The appearance quality of welding joint shall be inspected, defects such as undercut, arc crater, weld beadin

38、g, crack, blow hole, etc shall not exist. Welding joint and position specified by process shall be marked with stamps of welders after inspected. 焊接完毕,焊工应清理焊缝表面的熔渣及两侧的飞溅物, 结构的所有梁、 柱的连 接焊缝要 100进行外观检查,检查焊缝外观质量,不得有咬边、弧坑、焊瘤、 裂纹、气孔、 未焊透等缺陷存在, 检查合格后应在工艺规定的焊缝及部位打上焊 工钢印。4.7.2 Measuring tools shall be used t

39、o measure the overall dimension of welding joint. 焊缝外形尺寸用测量工具量测。4.7.3 Defects inside welding joint shall be inspected and accepted according to design document and standard specification.焊接接头内部缺陷的检查和验收应根据设计文件和标准规范规定。4.8 The prefabricated steel structures should be loaded in different zones and marke

40、d according to types and installation order. Measures should be adopted to prevent the steel structures from being deformed whe n the steel structures are loade预制好的钢 结构应该按照型号、 安装顺序分区存放并做好标识, 钢构件存放时应采取措施防 止变形。5Steel structure installation 钢结构安装5.1 When steel structure installation, the corresponding

41、vehicle shall be used to transport the steel component to the construction site, with truck crane to install and in position.钢结构安装采用用相应车辆将预制的钢构件运至施工现场, 汽车吊配合进行安装 就位。5.2 When the steel components are transported, vehicles shall be selected according to the lengths and weights of the steel components.

42、 The supporting points of the steel structures on the vehicles, the extending lengths of the two ends of each steel structure and binding methods should guarantee the steel components not to be deformed and damage paint film layers。钢构件运输时,应根据长度、重量选用车辆,钢构件在车辆上的支点,两端伸出 的长度及绑扎方法均应保证钢构件不产生变形,不损伤漆膜层。5.3

43、The position axes, basic axes and elevations of a building and the positions of stone bolts shall be checked before the installation of the steel structures. Furthermore, written process relay shall be handled. The foundation should meet the following requireme nts:钢结构安装前应对建筑物的定位轴线、基础轴线和标高、地脚螺栓位置等进行

44、检查,并办理书面的工序交接。基础应该满足下列要求:5.3.1 The strength of the concrete of the foundation shall meet the requirements of desig n. The backfill and compact ion around the foun dati on shall be completed;基础混凝土强度达到设计要求,基础周围回填夯实完毕;5.3.2 The axis marks and datum marks of the foundation shall be correct and complete;

45、基础的轴线标志和标高基准点准确、齐全;5.4 The allowable deviations of the bearing surfaces of foundation and the anchor bolts shall meet the regulations in the following chart:基础支承面、地脚螺栓的允许偏差应符合下表规定。The allowable deviati ons of the beari ng surface and the an chor bolts支承面、地脚螺栓的允许偏差ItemsThe allowable deviatio ns(mm)Th

46、e beari ng surfaceElevati on 3.0Leve In essL/1000an chor boltOff-cen ter of the bolts5.0Exposed len gth of the bolts+200The len gth of the bolts+28项目允许偏差(mm)支承面标咼 3.0水平度L/1000项目允许偏差(mm)地脚螺栓螺栓中心偏移5.0螺栓露出长度+200螺栓长度+205.5 When being in stalled, each secti on of the post axes shall be directly pulled fr

47、om ground con trol axis in stead of from the post axes of the lower layers. The locati ng axis shall be ejected from the top surface of the base, and with a red tria ngle marked as the basis of steel colu mn alig nment and correcti on.安装时,每节柱轴线应从地面控制轴线直接引上,不得从下层柱轴线引上。基础顶面弹出定位轴线,并用红三角做好标记,作为钢柱对中、校正的依

48、据。5.6 Measure the true length of steel column, determine the steel column +1 m elevatio n, using a level to measure and adjust the colu mn bottom elevati on.实测钢柱的实长,确定钢柱+1米标高,用水准仪测量并调整柱底螺母标高。5.7 The center line shall be marked at the top and bottom of steel column before lifting the steel column, an

49、d the position shall be elevated in the double center line and + 1meters positi on.钢柱吊装前应在其顶部及底部双面标注中心线,并在双面中心线位置及+1米标高位置5.8 One point bundle method shall be for lifting steel column, and the bundle point position of steel column is selected in 1/3 high from top of the column; steel girder is lift i

50、ng with two points symmetrical method. The bun dle method shall be determ ined according to the actual situation, but shall try to ensure that after the steel column being lifted can be in a natural vertical state.钢柱吊装采用一点绑扎法,钢柱绑扎点选在距柱顶三分之一柱高处; 钢梁吊装时 应采用两点对称绑扎方法。绑扎方法可根据现场实际情况确定,但要尽可能保证 钢柱吊起后能处于自然垂直状

51、态。5.9 After being positi on ed, the posts, beams and supports of the steel structures shall be immediately rectified and fixed. Furthermore, they should form stable three dime nsional systems to preve nt from being deformed.钢结构的柱、梁、支撑就位后,应立即进行校正,固定,并应形成稳定的空间体 系,防止变形。5.10 The design requires puller n

52、odes. The contact area should have 70% of close contact. A feeler gauge with thickness of 0.3mm is used to check the nodes. The summary of the inserting area cannot bigger the 30% of the total area. The biggest gap of the edges cannot bigger than 0.8mm.设计要求顶紧的节点,接触面积应有70%的面贴紧,用0.3伽厚的塞尺检查,插入 的面积之和不应该

53、大于总面积的 30%,边缘最大间隙不应该大于0.8伽。5.11 In the process of installation, verticality of the steel column, verticality and the whole plane bending of main girder ,secondary girder and compression member, and the overall height deviation of the major structure shall be measured; the installation deviation of p

54、urlin beam, wall beam and such secondary components on multi-storey and high-rise steel structures shall be checked; the installation deviation of steel platform, steel ladders and railings on multi-storey and high-rise steel structures shall be checked to comply with the releva nt provisi ons of th

55、e rules.整个安装过程中,要 测量钢立柱的垂直度; 钢主梁、次梁及受压杆件的垂直度和整体平面弯曲度; 主 体结构的总高度偏差; 检查多层及高层钢结构中檩梁、 墙梁等次要构件的安装偏 差;检查多层及高层钢结构中钢平台、 钢梯、栏杆安装偏差等都必须符合有关规 程规范的规定。6High strength bolt construction高强螺栓施工6.1 The steel structure with high strength bolt connected, must processing friction surface of the member so that the fricti

56、on connecting surface could meet the design requirements, the surface roughness and the mounting dimensions can be controlled in the scope of specification. And carry out anti-sliding coefficient test according to the standards provided by owner高强螺栓连接的钢结构, 必须对构件磨擦面进行加工处理, 使其摩擦连接面应达 到设计要求, 表面粗糙度、 组装尺

57、寸控制在规范内。 并按业主提供的标准进行抗 滑移系数试验。6.2 When high strength bolts connection, the bolts shall be unconstrained into the hole without hammering, and cannot expansion by gas cutting, the invasive direction shall be consistent and easy to operate, the invasive direction in the same node shall be consistent. Hi

58、gh strength bolts shall be installed according to a certain order of screwing, i.e. tightened from the center of bolt group towards the outward; and finished on the same day. The used high strength bolt (was tightened up by screw locking device) shall not be able to use.高强螺栓连接时, 螺栓应自由穿入孔内不得强行敲打, 并不得气割扩孔, 穿入方 向宜一致并便于操作, 同一节点穿入方向要一致。 高强螺栓安装应按一定顺序施 拧,宜由螺栓群中央顺序向外拧紧。并在当天拧完毕。已使用过的强力螺栓(用 螺丝锁紧器锁紧过)不可再用。6.3 The strength bo


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