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1、倫敦塔倫敦塔Tower of London Her Majestys Palace and Fortress ,The Tower of London 女王陛下的宮殿與城堡,倫敦塔目录目录v地理位置与开放时间地理位置与开放时间vHistoyv血腥塔血腥塔v建築介紹建築介紹v图片欣赏图片欣赏vQuestionvAnswerv再见再见地理位置与开放时间地理位置与开放时间vthe Tower of London, is a historic castle on the north bank of the River Thames in central London, England. It lies

2、 within the London Borough of Tower Hamlets, separated from the eastern edge of the City of London by the open space known as Tower Hill. vOpening times Tuesday - Saturday 09:00 - 17:30 Sunday - Monday 10:00 - 17:30 Last admission 17:00倫敦塔倫敦塔Tower of London The White Tower vThe White Tower, which gi

3、ves the entire castle its name, was built by William the Conqueror in 1078, the White Tower has been described as the most complete eleventh-century palace in Europe.HistoryvTower of London has served as a fortress, armory, treasury, mint, palace, Observatory, refuge and prison, especially prisoners

4、 held upper-class. This purpose the last to produce a phrase sent to the Tower, which means imprisonment v伦敦塔曾作为堡垒、军械库、国库、铸币厂、宫殿、天文台、避难所和监狱,特别关押上层阶级的囚犯。最后的这一用途产生一条短语“sent to the Tower”,意思是“入狱” vElizabeth I, her sister Mary reign had to imprisonment for a period of time; Tower of London last used as

5、a prison during World War II, imprisoned Rudolf Hess. 1988 as a World Heritage Site. v伊丽莎白一世在她姐姐玛丽一世统治时曾在此入狱一段时间;伦敦塔最后一次作为监狱使用是在第二次世界大战期间,关押鲁道夫赫斯。1988年被列为世界文化遗产。Tower of London for the suppression of local people and defend the City of London, to start construction in 1087 by William I, which lasted

6、 two decades, called Englands medieval classic castle. During the reign of King John in 1204Tower of London became the Royal Zoo, Tower of London has become a prison as well as a military fortress.伦敦塔是由威廉一世为镇压当地人和保卫伦敦城,于一八七年开始动工兴建的,历时二十年,堪称英国中世纪的经典城堡。1204年約翰國王統治時期倫敦塔成為皇家動物園,倫敦塔曾經成為牢獄之地以及軍事要塞。The 191

7、4 Tower of London be shot11 German spy is located, and the final was held in the Tower of London is a British officer Norman Baillie-Stewart. In 1978Henry Laurence closed the only one American prisoners The Tower of London is no longer limited to the royal family, but still retains the royal residen

8、ce, so there will be sentries here at. 1914年倫敦塔成為槍決11個德國間諜的所在地,而最後被關在倫敦塔內的則是一位英國軍官Norman Baillie-Stewart。1978年曾經關過亨利 勞倫斯這個唯一一個美國犯人。目前的倫敦塔雖然不再僅限於王室,但還是保有王室官邸,因此會有哨兵在此駐守。Beauchamp Tower Bell Tower Bloody Tower血腥塔 vElizabeth I ( released in 15551554, is the only escape from the guillotine in the prison

9、er of Tower of London )vQueen Anne Boleyn and The Countess of Margaret was executed here v伊丽莎白一世(1554年,1555年获释是唯一逃离断头台的伦敦塔中的囚犯) v王后安妮博林和马格利特女伯爵在这里被处死建築介紹建築介紹 vTower of Londons many towers in the center of Normandy-style White Tower can also be referred to as tower or central fortress is the oldest b

10、uilding in the Tower of London v倫敦塔的眾多塔群中以中心諾曼第風格的白塔為主,也可稱為大塔或中央要塞,是倫敦塔中最古老的建築物 vA St. Johns Church within the White Tower, is one of the oldest churches retained the same with the White Tower, showing the appearance of Normandy-style building in the atmosphere on the solemn, v白塔內有一個聖約翰教堂,是目前保留下來的教堂

11、中最古老的一座,與白塔一樣呈現諾曼第風格的建築外觀,在氣氛上顯得莊嚴肅穆 珠寶屋 v從十四世紀開始,就是英國皇室收藏珠寶的地方,有全套的御用珍寶在此展出。v在加冕典禮中的作用英國王室王冠、鑲有五百三十克拉鑽石(非洲之星)的十字架權杖、以及女王每年主持上議會開議典禮時,所佩戴嵌有三百一十七克拉鑽石的帝國皇冠()。 Crown Jewels The tradition of housing the Crown Jewels in the Tower of London probably dates from the reign of HenryIII .The Jewel House was built specifically to house the royal regalia, including jewels,plate(金属牌),and symbols of royalty such as the crown,sceptre(权杖),and sword .When money needed to be raised,the


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