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1、l重庆工商大学华帆汽车特种工程重庆工商大学华帆汽车特种工程塑料应用技术研究所塑料应用技术研究所 lApplication Technology Institute of HUAFAN Auto Special Engineering Plastics of CTBU l由lWas composed of l重庆工商大学lChongqing Technology and Business University,l四川得阳科技股份有限公司及四川得阳特种新材料有限公司 lSichuan Deyang Science&Technology Co., Ltd and Sichuan Deyang Spe

2、cial New Material Co., Ltd,l重庆力帆实业(集团)有限公司lLifan Industry(Group) Co.,LTD, l重庆净华环保工程有限公司lChongqing Jinghua Environment Protection Engineering Co.,LTDl四家单位共同发起于2008年5月13日正式成立land established on May 13,2008. l随着汽车工业的发展,汽车塑料制品已由普通装饰件开始向结构件、功能件方向发展。l因而要求汽车用塑料材料向强度更高、冲击性更好、超高流动的复合材料和塑料合金方向发展。lAlong with t

3、he development of auto industry, plastics part for auto begin to changed from ornament to structural component and functional part . So the development of plastics for auto is composite and plastics alloy with higher tensile strength, impact strength and super fluidness.l目前用量最多的是通用改性塑料,如PP、PE、PVC、AB

4、S及PA等耐热增强的改性,今后发展的方向是高档车越来越多使用工程塑料和特种工程塑料及其改性材料,以替代金属件。特别是PPS的功能化、合金化的改性应用。lNow the most popular is common modified plastics, such as PP, PE, PVC, ABS, PA, etc. But the development is that engineering plastics、 special engineering plastics and their modified materials. They substitute the metal part

5、 in top grade car. Especially, more and more functional or alloying PPS is used for functional or structural part. l1、耐热性能 优异;l1、excellent heat resistance;l2、优异的耐蠕变性和抗疲劳性 ;l2、excellent anti-creep property and anti-fatigue property;l3、阻燃性好 ;l3、excellent burning resistance;l4、电绝缘性能优异 ;l4、excellent ins

6、ulation property;l5、耐化学腐蚀性强 ;l5、excellent resistance to chemicalsl6、流动性好 ,易成型加工,生产效率高;l6、good fluidness, easy to mould and high efficiency;l7、易于共混改性成塑料合金l7、mixing modified plastics alloys easily. l四川得阳特种新材料有限公司已在汽车的43个零配件上用上了不同牌号的PPS改性粒料和PPS涂料,目前已与多家汽车零配件厂和整车生产厂签定了50万辆的零配件合同,总重量约1.5万吨。具体应用分别如后:lModi

7、fied PPS materials of Sichuan Deyang Special New Material Co., Ltd has been used more than 43 parts and fittings in auto. Now it has been endorsed parts and fittings for 500000 vehicles by many part and vehicle companies. Gross weight is about 15000t. The detail application is as follows: l得阳特种新材料有限

8、公司高性能经济性PPS改性粒料在汽车内饰部分的应用占总用量的50%,约0.75万吨 l50% of high performance and economically modified PPS of Deyang Special New Material Company is used for interior parts of auto. Its weight is about 7500t.l1、汽车仪表板汽车仪表板l1、 Instrument Panell2、门板骨架l2、door frameworkl3、侧窗防霜器 ;l3、side window defroster;l4、轿车自动座椅的

9、靠背调节系统 零件,如倾斜摇臂 ;l4、adjusting parts of automatic seat back system, such as tilting arm-shift;l5、汽车门锁主要包括内、外手柄部分,连接部分和锁体部分 等。l5、latch-handle I/S and O/S, pontes, lock body, etc.l得阳特种新材料有限公司高刚性、高韧性PPS改性粒料在汽车外饰件的应用占总用量的30%,约0.45万吨 。l30% of high rigidity and toughness modified PPS of Deyang Special New

10、Material Company is used for exterior parts of auto. Its weight is about 4500t.l1、汽车保险杠汽车保险杠l1、bumper l2、车身部件 如前端板、后侧板、挡泥板 和轿车车身等。l2、body parts, such as front panel, rear side-step, fender, body, etc.l3、车灯相关部件,如车灯座、车灯框等l3、lamp parts, such as brackets, housings, etc.l l4、散热器格栅 ;l4、radiator grill;l5、刮

11、水器片组件 ;l5、wiper flake;l6、后导流板 ;l6、rear baffle;l7、其他零件 ,如外门把手 、玻璃升降器的支架机构及手摇把、微电动机上的小齿轮、车轮罩 等。l7、other parts, such as door handle O/S, regulator brackets and handle, pinion of micro-electromotor, wheelhouse, etc.l得阳特种新材料有限公司高刚性、高耐磨PPS合金在汽车结构件的应用占总用量的20%,约0.3万吨l 20% of high rigidity and abrasion resis

12、tance modified PPS of Deyang Special New Material Company is used for structural parts of auto. Its weight is about 3000t.l1、发动机及周边零部件 ,如进气歧管 、散热器水箱 、节气门和离合器脚踏板 、发动机气缸罩 、炭罐 、燃油输出管、消声器、化油器节气门段、汽车发动机部分外护板等。l1、engine parts, such as manifold, water tank of radiator, throttle, clutch footplate, engine cy

13、linder hood, charcoal canister, fuel inlet and return hose, silencer, carburetor throttle, outer panel of engine, etc. l2、汽车底盘件,如转向组合开关、变速箱操纵机构偏心架 等。l2、chassis parts, such as turning assemble switch, gearbox manipulating eccentric bracket, etc;l3、汽车转向盘 ;l3、steering control;l4、汽车燃油箱 ;l4、fuel tank;l5、

14、油路阀门系统 零部件;l5、oil route and valve parts;l6、冷却系统 零部件,如散热片、水泵等l6、cooling parts, such as radiating rib, water pump, etc.l零件成型完全,饱满,无缺料、凹陷等现象。lThe product was molded entirely, no lacking of materials and shrink mark.l表明PPS/PA合金材料的流动性是能够满足轿车换档操纵机构总成零件的注塑成型要求的。lThe results indicate that PPS/PA composite c

15、an satisfy the injection molding need of the shift lever control system parts.l经在重庆力帆丰顺面包车上装车试验验证,结果表明该底座满足了各项性能要求。lAfter validating on LIFAN FENGSHUN minivan, the results showed that the base satisfies all the requests of property.l成本偏高lThe cost is on the high side.l未能有效发挥PPS/PA合金材料的性能优势lThe properties of PPS/PA composite exert not enough.l表面光洁度有待改善lThere is improvement of the s


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