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1、阶段检测初二英语试卷考试范围:8B Unit4-Unit7 考试时间80分钟 试卷满分120分 大题VI道 第一部分:听力(20分)A.听句子, 选择适当的答语(每个句子读一遍) (5分)( )1. A. Its interesting . B. Ive read it . C. Thank you .( )2. A. Great !B. Yes , I am . C. No , I dont .( )3. A. Forty yuan . B. I like it . C. Its interesting . ( )4. A. I dont know . B. Yes , I have . C

2、. What a pity !( )5. A. A fairy tale . B. They are my brothers . C. I like them . B. 听句子,选择与其相对应的图片。 (每个句子读一遍) (5分)6._7._8._9._10_C. 听长对话, 选择正确的答案。 (每段对话读两遍)(5分)听第一段对话, 回答第11-12小题。( )11. What are they going to do this Friday ?A. See an English film . B. Go to an English evening . C. Visit No. 1 Midd

3、le School ( )12. How will they go there ?A. By bus . B. By taxi . C. By bike . 听第二段对话, 回答13-15小题。( )13. Who will hold a concert in Beijing ?A. Li Minhao.B. WangfengC. Qi Qin( )14. Who will come to the concert ?A. Some singers from his dream class . B. Singers from America . C. Singers from the girls

4、 class . ( )15. How many tickets will they book ?A. One . B. Two . C. Three .D. 听短文,选择正确的答案(本篇短文读两遍) (5分)( )16. Who was Nuwas father ?A. Emperor Shun . B. Emperor Yao . C. Emperor Yan . ( )17. How did she die ?A. She played in the sea by boat and died in the sea . B. She flew over the desert and die

5、d of hunger . C. She was killed by a tiger when she played in the mountain . ( )18. What did she change into after her death ?A. A fish . B. A dragon . C. A bird . ( )19. What did she think of the sea ?A. She liked the sea very much . B. She hated the sea very much . C. She thought the sea was not b

6、lue . ( )20. What did she do then ?A. She decided to live in the sea . B. She flew over the sea to save the people in the sea . C. She carried stones to fill the sea . 第二部分:笔试(100分)I.词汇知识(15分)A.用所给单词的适当形式填空(5分)21. We cant wait _ out to play football . (go)22. After hearing the news , he was excited

7、to jump _(immediate) 23. We mustnt buy fur _(produce) .24. Of all these four pet centers ,Kens helpers care _ about pets . (little)25. We can learn _ from keeping pets . (responsible) B.选择并抄写词语(5分)26. A giant panda can eat as _as 30 kilograms of bamboo a day . (many , much) 27. A dolphin sleeps with

8、 one eye _(close, closed) . 28. The WWF was _ in 1961. (found, founded)29. You may be _ if you play with fires . (dangerous , in danger)30. He searched all the city to find the _ dog . (losing , missing )C.根据汉语提示写出正确的单词(5分).31. The animals should be _ well on time . (喂养)32. We are pleased with our s

9、tudents good _.(活动方式)33.The WHO is short for the World Health _.(组织) 34. There are still many _ things about the universe . (未知的)35. When you are in trouble , you must _ yourself . (相信)II.单项选择(10分)( )36.Its cruel _ people _ elephants for teeth . A. of, to killB. for, to killC. of, killingD. for, kil

10、ling( )37. If the fish _ out of water , they will die .A. takeB. are taken C. takes D. will be taken( )38.The population in China is _ than _ in Africa . A. lager , itB. more , that C. larger , thatD. more , it( )39. Dont worry . I will _ here _ you come back .A. not wait , untilB. wait , until C. l

11、eave , untilD. not stay , until( )40. Do you think _ is important to protect giant pandas ? A. thatsB. itsC. that D. it( )41.-_ will you come back ? - In a moment . A. How longB. How often C. How soon D. How far( )42. -Lets have a look in the South Shopping Centre . -All right , but watch the steps

12、_ you go in .A. afterB. unlessC.whileD. As( )43. Mary looks very sad . It _ that something bad has happened to her . A. feelsB. becomesC. looksD. appears( )44.Not many students know _. A. how they can learn English well B. what do you mean C. where will they go D. how to do ( )45. -Mike and I will v

13、isit the museum this weekend . Would you like to join us ? -Yes , _ .A. well done B. Id love to C. thats right D. youre welcome III. 同义句转换,每空一词。(10分)1. We have sayings such as “ to lead a dogs life” or “as sick as a dog” . We have sayings _46_ “to _47_ a dogs life” or “as sick as a dog” . 2. Accordi

14、ng to my mum , keeping dogs helps me become more responsible ._48_ my mums _49_ , keeping dogs helps me become more responsible3. The baby panda is too weak to take care of itself . The baby panda isnt _50_ _51_ to take care of itself . 4. Lucy does her homework more carefully than the other student

15、s in my class . Lucy does her homework _52_ _53_ in my class .5. Tom wants to know what the word means . Tom _54_ the words _55_ .IV.完型填空(25分)(A)阅读短文,然后根据其内容,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择最佳答案。(10分)One Friday night, a poor young man stood at a gate of the railway station, playing his violin. Many people put money

16、into the hat 56 in front of him. The next day, 57 young man came to the gate of the railway station again, and put his hat on the ground. But 58 what he always did in the past days, he took out a large piece of paper and laid it on the ground. It said, “ Last night, a gentleman named George Sang put

17、 an important thing into my hat by mistake. Please come soon, Mr. Sang. ”After about half an hour, a middle-aged man ran to the young man 59 and said, “ Its you ! You do come here. I know that youre an honest man and will certainly 60 here. ” The young man asked, “ Are you Mr. George Sang? Did you l

18、ose anything? ”“ A lottery (奖券) ticket, ” answered the middle-aged man. The young man took out a lottery ticket and gave it to the man.The prize of the lottery ticket was $500,000. Yesterday when the middle-aged man knew he 61 , he was very happy. He took out 50dollars and put it in the hat. However

19、, the lottery ticket was also 62 in.Later, someone asked the young man “ You 63 the violin in the railway station every day to make money. Why didnt you just take the prize of the lottery ticket for yourself? ” The young man said, “ Although I dont have much money, I live 64 . But if I lose 65 , I w

20、ont be happy forever. ”( ) 56. A. lying B. sleeping C. bowing D. dropping( ) 57. A. B. a C. an D. the( ) 58. A. far from B. similar to C. different from D. same as ( ) 59. A. slowly B. in a hurry C. strongly D. sleepily( ) 60. A. hide B. come C. flee D. leave( ) 61. A. lost B. won C. fell D. chased(

21、 ) 62. A. filled B. pulled C. kicked D. thrown( ) 63. A. play B. sell C. buy D. repair( ) 64. A. sadly B. happily C. normally D. lively( ) 65. A. job B. pleasure C. honesty D. purse(B) 根据短文内容选词填空。(9分)own worth better later interest costs fresh noise spendMany people who work in London prefer to live

22、 outside it, and to go to their offices, factories or schools every day by train, car or bus , even though this means they have to get up earlier in the morning and reach home 66 in the evening. One advantage of living outside London is that houses are cheaper. Even a small flat in London without a

23、garden 67 quite a lot to rent. With the same money, one can get a little house in the country with a garden of ones 68 . Then, in the country one can rest from the 69 and hurry of the town. Even though one has to get up earlier and 70 more time in trains or buses, one can sleep 71 at night and durin

24、g weekends and one can also enjoy the 72 , clean air of the country. Some people, however, take no 73 in country things. For them happiness lies in the city, with its cinemas and theatres, beautiful shops and busy streets, dance halls and restaurants. These people would feel that their life was not

25、74 living if they had to live outside London.(C)阅读短文,然后用短文括号中所给的词的适当形式填空。(6分)A rabbit (75)_(weight) between 0.4 and 2 kilograms and can live for up to 12 years. However, a rabbit in the wild can seldom live for more than a year. At (76)_(birthday) it cannot see very far, but it can see behind itself

26、 without (77)_(turn) its head. Adult rabbits can give birth to many (78)_(baby) rabbits, and their population can grow very (79)_(quick). This can cause problems to farmers, because rabbits like to eat the (80)_(farmer) vegetables.V.阅读理解(25分)(A)阅读短文,选择最佳答案。(5分) Many years ago,there lived a very rich

27、 man who wanted to do something for the people of his town. But first he wanted to find out whether they were good enough to get his help. So he placed a very large stone in the center of the main road into town. Then he hid behind a tree and waited.Soon an old man came along with his cow. “Who put

28、this stone in the center of the road? said the old man,but he did not try to move the stone away. Instead,he passed around the stone and continued on his way. Another man came along and did the same thing; then another came ,and another. All of them complained about the stone in the center of the ro

29、ad,but none of them tried to move it away.Late in the afternoon, a young man came along. He saw the stone and said, “It will be very dark at night. Some people will come along later in the dark and will fall against the stone.”The young man then began to move the stone.He pulled with all his strengt

30、h to move it to one side. But imagine his surprise when he found a bag full of money and this message under the stone: “This money is for the thoughtful person who takes this stone away from the road. Thank you.”( ) 81. What did the rich man aim to do?A. To offer help to the people of his town.B. To

31、 show his people how rich he was.C. To give money to anybody in need.D. To find out how good his people are.( ) 82. Why did the rich man put a large stone on the road?A. To make life harder for the people of his town.B. To find out the strongest man in his town.C. To stop people from getting into hi

32、s town.D. To find the right person to receive his help.( ) 83. The first old man found the stone and walked around it because _.A. he was too old to take the stone away all by himselfB. he thought it was good to have a stone on the roadC. he didnt want to move the stone away for othersD. he didnt wa

33、nt the money from the richman( ) 84. How many people complained but didnt try to move the stone?A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. D. Five.( ) 85. Why did the young man decide to move the stone?A. Because he was strong enough to do the job.B. Because he had others safety on his mind.C. Because he knew there

34、 was money under it.D. Because hewanted to make it safe for himself.(B) 阅读短文,选择最佳答案。 (5分)Cindy: This year, there are a lot of new teachers at school and today we are with one of them, Mr. Smith, the new French teacher. Mr. Smith, why did you come to Kingley School?Mr. Smith: Well, I was working in F

35、rance but one day I saw an ad for this job on the Internet. I came back home, got the job and here I am.Cindy: So how long have you been in Kingley now?Mr. Smith: Let me see. I moved here in the summer holidays in July and then we started. And now its September, you know.Cindy: Have you taught in Ki

36、ngley before?Mr. Smith: Yes, I have. I worked in a school on Hill Road a few years ago. I loved it here.Cindy: Have you met many people yet?Mr. Smith: Yes, I have. It isnt a big town. Everyone knows everyone else. Thats nice.Cindy: Well, thank you for talking to me. I hope you wont give us lots of h

37、omework.( ) 86. Cindy is _.A. a student B. a teacher C. a worker D. a writer( ) 87. How long has Mr. Smith been in the new school?A. About 2 weeks. B. About 3 weeks.C. About 1 month. D.About 2 months.( ) 88. What exactly is Kingley according to the material?A. A road. B. A school. C. A town. D. A co

38、untry.( ) 89. Which of the following matches the material best?( ) 90. Where can we probably read this material?A. In a travel guide B. In a school magazine. B. C. In a science book. D. In a TV play.(C)阅读短文,回答问题。(5分)Mr. Robertson was the owner of a large company. One day he went into his office earl

39、y to get ready to go to the airport and set out for a faraway city. When he was leaving his office, Bill, a night watchman, came in. Bill just came off work. After saying “good morning” to Mr. Robertson , Bill told the owner about his bad dream: Last night he dreamed Mr. Robertsons plane crashed soo

40、n after take-off. Hearing this, Mr. Robertson was surprised. He decided to go by land.Bills dream came true. That morning the plane really crashed just after it had taken off. Later Mr. Robertson returned to his office and heard the accident. To express his thanks, Mr. Robertson gave Bill 5,000 doll

41、ars with a letter. Mr. Robertson told Bill that a man like him should be dismissed(解雇). Bill was surprised and asked, “For what reason?”Mr. Robertson said “Go home and read the letter, and you will know why.”Bill went home and opened the letter in a hurry. After reading it, he became very sad. In th

42、e letter there was only one sentence. But it was enough to tell the reason for his dismissal(解雇). Can you guess why?91. Did the night watchman work hard?92. How did Mr. Robertson feel when he was told what Bill had dreamed the night before?93. How did Mr. Robertson go to the faraway city at last?94.

43、 What did Bill know when he opened the letter?95. What sentence could be in the letter?(D)阅读短文,回答问题。(5分)96. What do you think the passage above is ?97. How long will the summer camp last ?98. Where will you go to have the camp ?99. What subjects will you study ?100. How can you contact with it if yo

44、u want to attend the camp ?(E)阅读短文,然后按要求完成下列各题。( 5分)Its not a good idea to keep pet dogs. Pet dogs leave (A)their hair on the floor, on beds and on sofas, and they (B)need washing often. Dogs are noisy. Nearly all dogsbark at strangers. Some dogs bark (C)_(更大声地)than others.A few dogsbark all night.

45、This(D)_ people from gettingany sleep. Not all dogs are friendly.A small number of pet dogseven attack people. (E)Whats more,its common for people to live in flats. They have no choice but to keep their dogs in small spaces. (F)_, dogs need fresh air and large open spaces where they can run free. Fi

46、nally, owning dogs can be expensive.So keeping pet dogs is not a good idea.101. 文中划线部分(A)指代的是:_102. 写出文中划线部分(B)和(E)的同义词语或近义词语:(B)_;(E)_103. 将文中划线部分(C)译成英语:_104. 在文中(D)和(F)的空白处分别填入适当的单词:(D)_;(F)_105. 从文中找出能说明本文主旨大意的句子:_VI.阅读与表达 (共两节,A节5分,B节10分;满分15分)A)阅读短文,然后根据其内容从方框A-E中选出可以填入空白处的正确答案。With the develo

47、pment of economic(经济) , people now living a better life. But at the same time,_106_ Nowadays , more and more animals lost their homes and they have no choice but to face the sorrow of missing relatives and friends.What makes it come about? What makes their living condition even worse?_107_ Some peop

48、le cut down plenty of trees to make furniture , which damaged the forest and made the animals lost their home._108_,which lead a terrible result-a number of animals are in danger._109_ . They play an important role in ecological balance.So, lets take action, planting trees, building birdhouses and so on t


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