



1、2020 年职称英语综合类补全短文练习 5More Efforts Urged to Empower Women at AIDS ConferencePrevention is a central issue being discussed at the sixteenth International AIDS Conference in Toronto,Canada.Twenty-four thousand delegates are at the conference which ends Friday.Bill and Melinda Gates2 called for3 faster

2、research to,develop preventions like microbicidest for women to use when they have sex._1_Melinda Gates said the way to change this epidemic is to put power in the hands of women5.In southern Africa,for example,about sixty percent of adults living with HIV6;are women.Bill Gates said women today ofte

3、n have no choice but to depend on men not to infect them.A woman should never need her partners permission to save her own life, he said as the conference opened Sunday._2_On Monday,former President Bill Clinton said more people would get tested for HIV if an aggressive effort took place to fight th

4、e stigma.But reducing fears of social rejection is not enough._3_Researchers at the conference presented the results of a new study of HIV testing.It involved more than one hundred thousand people tested in California last year.Some received a quick test,with results in about twenty minutes.The othe

5、rs received a test that is more commonly used;the result takes two weeks.The researchers say twenty-five percent of the people who had the longer test did not return to learn the results._4_George Lemp of the University of Californialed the study.He says quick tests could be especially important in

6、developing countries with limited transportation.Speakers at the AIDS conference also discussed high rates of new HIV infections among black Americans.Julian Bond is chairman of the NAACP7,a leading civil rights group._5_Public health officials say half of all new HIV infections in the United States

7、 are in blacks.African- American delegates at the conference said they will prepare a five-year plan to reduce infection rates and increase testing.A .The chairman said African-Americans must,in his words,face the fact that AIDS has become a black disease.B. Mr.Clinton said people also need a guaran

8、tee they would get medicine to suppress the virus.C. Delegates at the conference have worked out an action plan to fight the wide spread of this terrible disease all over the world.D. They hoped that such products could protect against infection with the virus that causes AIDS.E. The worlds richest

9、man said stopping AIDSis the top priority of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.F. But that was true of only two percent of those who had the quick test.答案解析:参考答案: D E B F A1. D 整个第二段都是相关比尔 ?盖茨夫妇的。第一句说 , 比尔 ?盖茨 夫妇要求加快研究 , 研发一些能杀死微生物的预防制剂提供给妇女性交 时使用。第三句以后则分别列出比尔?盖茨夫妇所说的话。那么D项所 说的他们希望这些产品能够预防引起艾滋病的

10、病毒感染 5E 好与第一 句相衔接 ,况且全篇文章还没有第二个地方提到两个人以上能够用代词 they来代替的,所以D项是准确答案。2. E 本空白处的前面两句话分别用间接引语和直接引语介绍比尔 ? 盖茨所说的话,选项E仍是介绍比尔?盖茨讲话的内容,所以填在这里是 恰当的。本选项中所说的 the worlds richestman 正是比尔 ?盖茨, 他 是世界首富。3. B 本段前两句介绍的是美冈前总统比尔 ?克林顿的讲话 , 选项 B 仍是克林顿讲话的内容 ,况且文章其他地方都没有提到克林顿 , 所以填 在这里是最恰当的。4. F 本空白处前面说到 , 做 HIV 检验有两种方法:新的快速方法只 需大约 20分钟, 而另一种常用的慢。速方法则需两周。研究人员说 ,做 慢速检验的人中有25滋有回来看检验结果,而选项F则说做快速检验 的人中不回来看结果的则只有 25%,作为快慢速检验方法的对比 , 填


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