1、little baby, dont say a word, papas going to buy you a mockingbird.if that mockingbird wont sing, papas going to buy you a diamond ring.if that diamond ring turns to brass, papas going to buy you a looking-glass.if that looking-glass gets broke, papas going to buy you a billy-goat.if that billy-goat
2、 runs away, papas going to buy you another today.one of the simplest kinds of poems are those like b and c that list things. list poems have a flexible line length and repeated phrases which give both a pattern and a rhythm to the poem. some rhyme (like b) while others do not (like c). i saw a fish-
3、pond all on fire i saw a fish-pond all on fire, i saw a house bow to a squire, i saw a person twelve-feet high, i saw a cottage in the sky, i saw a balloon made of lead, i saw a coffin drop down dead, i saw two sparrows run a race,i saw two horses making lace, i saw a girl just like a cat, i saw a k
4、itten wear a hat, i saw a man who saw these too,and said though strange they all were true.our first football matchwe would have wonif jack had scored that goal,if wed had just a few more minutes,if we had trained harder, if ben had passed the ball to joe,if wed had thousands of fans screaming,if i
5、hadnt taken my eye off the ball,if we hadnt stayed up so late the night before,if we hadnt taken it easy,if we hadnt run out of energy.we would have wonif wed been better!another simple form of poem that students can easily write is the cinquain, a poem made up of five lines. with these, students ca
6、n convey a strong picture in just a few words. look at the examples (d and e) on the top of the next page.(d) brother (e) summer beautiful, athletic sleepy, salty teasing, shouting, laughing drying, drooping, dreading friend and enemy too week in, week out mine endless(f) a fallen blossom (g) snow h
7、aving melted is coming back to the branch. the whole village is brimful look, a butterfly! of happy children. (by moritake) (by issa)haiku is a japanese form of poetry that is made up of 17 syllables. it is not a traditional form of english poetry, but is very popular with english writers. it is eas
8、y to write and, like the cinquain, can give a clear picture and create a special feeling using the minimum of words. the two haiku poems (f and g ) above are translations from the japanese.did you know that english speakers also enjoy other forms of asian poetry tang poems from china in particular?
9、a lot of tang poetry has been translated into english. this tang poem(h) is a translation from the chinese.with so many different forms of poetry to choose from, students may eventually want to write poems of their own. it is easier than you might think and certainly worth a try.where she awaits her
10、 husbandon and on the river flows.never looking back,transformed into stone.day by day upon the mountain top,wind and rain revolve.should the traveler return,this stone would utter speech. (by wang jian) ive saved the summer ive saved the summer and i give it all to you to hold on winter mornings wh
11、en the snow is new. ive saved some sunlight if you should ever need a place away from darkness where your mind can feed. and for myself ive kept your smile when you were but nineteen, till youre older youll not know what brave young smiles can mean. i know no answers to help you on your way the answ
12、ers lie somewhere at the bottom of the day. but if youve a need for love ill give you all i own it might help you down the road till youve found your own. (by rod mckuen)unit 3 advice from grandaddear james,it is a beautiful day here and i am sitting under the big tree at the end of the garden. i ha
13、ve just returned from a long bike ride to an old castle. it seems amazing that at my age i am still fit enough to cycle 20 kilometres in an afternoon. its my birthday in two weeks time and ill be 82 years old! i think my long and active life must be due to the healthy life i live.this brings me to t
14、he real reason for my letter, my dear grandson. your mother tells me that you started smoking some time ago and now you are finding it difficult to give it up. believe me, i know how easy it is to begin smoking and how tough it is to stop. you see, during adolescence i also smoked and became addicte
15、d to cigarettes.by the way, did you know that this is because you become addicted in three different ways? first, you can become physically addicted to nicotine, which is one of the hundreds of chemicals in cigarettes. this means that after a while your body becomes accustomed to having nicotine in
16、it. so when the drug leaves your body, you get withdrawal symptoms. i remember feeling bed-tempered and sometimes even in pain. secondly, you become addicted through habit. as you know, if you do the same thing over and over again. you begin to do it automatically. lastly, you can become mentally ad
17、dicted. i believed i was happier and more relaxed after having a cigarette, so i began to think that i could only feel good when i smoked. i was addicted in all three ways, so it was very difficult to quit. but i did finally manage.when i was young, i didnt know much about the harmful effects of smo
18、king. i didnt know, for example, that it could do terrible damage to your heart and lungs or that it was more difficult for smoking couples to become pregnant. i certainly didnt know their babies may have a smaller birth weight or even be abnormal in some way. neither did i know that my cigarette sm
19、oke could affect the health of known-smokers. however, what i did know was that my girlfriend thought i smelt terrible. she said my breath and clothes smelt, and that the ends of my fingers were turning yellow. she told me that she wouldnt go out with me again unless i stopped! i also noticed that i
20、 became breathless quickly, and that i wasnt enjoying sport as much. when i was taken off the school football team because i was unfit, i knew it was time to quit smoking.i am sending you some advice i found on the internet. it might help you to stop and strengthen your resolve. i do hope so because
21、 i want you to live as long and healthy a life as i have.love fromgrandad how can you stop smoking? it is not easy to stop smoking, but millions have managed to quit and so can you. here are a few suggestions.prepare yourself. decide on a day to quit. dont choose a day that you know is going to be s
22、tressful, such as the day of an exam. make a list of all the benefits you will get from stopping smoking. then throw away your last packet of cigarettes.be determined. every time you feel like smoking a cigarette, remind yourself that you are a non-smoker. reread the list of benefits you wrote earli
23、er.break the habit. instead of smoking a cigarette, do something else. go for a walk, clean your teeth, drink some water, clean the house; in fact, do anything to keep your mind and especially your hands busy.relax. if you start to feel nervous or stressed, do not reach for a cigarette. try some dee
24、p breathing instead. do some relaxation exercises every time you feel stressed.get help if you need it. arrange to stop smoking with a friend so you can talk about your problems, or join a stop-smoking group. if you feel desperate, you might lie to talk to a doctor or chemist about something to help
25、 you, like nicotine chewing gum.keep trying. do not be disappointed if you have to try several times before you finally stop smoking. if you weaken and have a cigarette, do not feel ashamed. just try again. you will succeed eventually. hiv/aids; are you at risk?hiv is a virus. a virus is a very smal
26、l living thing that causes disease. there are many different viruses, for example, the flu virus or the sars virus. hiv weakens a persons immune system; that is, the part of the body that fights disease. you can have hiv in your blood for a long time, but eventually hiv will damage your immune syste
27、m so much that your body can no longer fight disease. this stage of the illness is called aids. if you develop aids, your chances of survival are very small.hiv is spread through blood or the fluid that the body makes during sex. for a person to become infected, blood or sexual fluid that carries th
28、e virus, has to get inside the body through broken skin or by injection. one day scientists will find a cure for hiv/aids. until that happens, you need to protect yourself. here are some things you can do to make sure you stay safe.if you inject drugs: do not share your needle with anyone else. bloo
29、d from another person can stay on or in the needle. if a person has hiv and you use the same needle, you could inject the virus into your own blood. do not share anything else that a person has used while injecting drugs. blood could have spilt on it.if you have sex with a male or a female: use a co
30、ndom. this will prevent sexual fluid passing from one person to another.the following statements are not true. a person cannot get hiv the first time they have sex. wrong. if one sexual partner has hiv, the other partner could become infected. you can tell by looking at someone whether or not they h
31、ave hiv. wrong.地派温泉旅游景点营销策划方案前言地派温泉是惠州的一个新开业的温泉旅游景点,虽然地派的温泉历史悠久,但是广东省内温泉资源丰富,拥有众多享誉中外的温泉景区,如:海泉湾,惠州南昆山温泉,惠州海滨温泉。与这些景区相比,地派温泉知名度不是很高,到此的游客也十分有限,远没达到景区的旅游饱和度。为了宣传地派温泉,推广地派温泉的养生理念,本公司通过调研,为地派温泉设计出一整套的营销方案和一份具体的活动推广宣传方案,为地派温泉提供一条龙服务,竭力把地派温泉打造成广东一流的温泉养生度假景区。一、 旅游景点介绍地派温泉位于广东省惠州龙门县地派镇,地处龙门县云桂山脉,万亩竹林环绕,村前一
32、条终年流淌的清澈溪流,年平均气温20c,负离子含量达80000个/立方厘米。地派镇是惠州与广州从化、韶关新丰县、河源接壤的中心点,353省道贯穿全镇,距广州市中心仅120公里,惠州市区120公里,交通便利。即将开通的广河高速、莞惠高深,更是拉近了度假村到达省内各中心城市的距离,溶入了珠三角生态旅游圈。30分钟以内车程覆盖包括有南昆山国家森林公园、广东云髻山、雷公峡漂流、从化抽水蓄能电站、蓝田瑶族风情园、响水峡生态旅游区、白水寨等热门旅游景区,而且沿途还可以观赏十里竹廊万亩稻海,美景醉人,是一个广东省内的生态旅游黄金圈。二 、策划目的提高地派温泉的知名度,促进游客数量和旅游收入,打造广东省一流的
33、温泉养生度假景区三 、旅游市场状况介绍1全球市场目前旅游市场的状况进行分析,可以预料,即从现在到2020年,全球国际旅游者的年增长率为4.1%。从1990年到2020这20年间,国际旅游总人数将从4.56亿人次增加到2000年的6.61亿人次,2010年的9.31亿人次,到2020年达到16亿。据各种权威机构和权威人士的预测,在以后的几十年里,中国将在世界旅游市场发挥重要的作用,到2015年成为世界第一旅游大国。2中国市场与国际旅游市场稳定增长相比,中国国内旅游市场帽出快速增长的局面,20世纪90年代国内旅游也游率不断上升。随着人们生活水平的提高、可自由支配收入比重的增大,节假日的延长,闲暇时
35、究所和企业决策与管理科学研究所联合完成的2008广东温泉旅游业综合实力研究报告正式对外公布,广东温泉旅游业年收入近百亿元。四、swot(优势与劣势,机会与威胁)分析swot分析模型优势:优质温泉,环境优美,装修豪华,特色温泉机会:经济发展,人们养生休闲理念,旅游市场潜力大劣势:交通,缺乏其他特色元素,知名度不高威胁:竞争对手多,各具特色,短期难以发掘自身特色来吸引游客。1)s优点 1. 基本介绍“泡养生温泉、听天籁之音、享贵族服务”为主要特色,温泉区设计于山谷中,共有露天温泉泡池62个。经专家测评,地派温泉属于偏硅酸泉,日出水量量达到2500立方,出水温度50至55,富含多达75种对人体有益的
36、微量元素。2. 温泉特色1) 温泉区以自然舒适的设计为蓝本,取于自然同时又娴熟地融于自然。周围苍郁森林环抱,充满层次感,阶梯式由低向高纵深推进的设计路径,更使人享受和迷醉于移步换景、一池一曲的惬意境况:远离都市的喧嚣,工作的压力,身心的疲惫,置身于一种心灵深处的安逸与宁静,品味一种悠然世外、怡然自得的美丽心境2) 地派优质的苏打泉水被喻为“温泉中的王者”。地派温泉属于偏硅酸泉,而温泉含硅量越高,对人体的保健效果越明显。水中还含有稀有的氡元素,无色无味,水质细腻,对心血管、胃、骨骼生长、等内循环系统等均有保健作用,同时对人体主动脉具有软化作用,可以维持运动脉壁的弹性,有效保护内膜。故地派温泉是难
37、得的保健养生温泉。3) 温泉池根据五行六气和四季气候,配合设立多个特色加料温泉、动感温泉、私家温泉、spa水疗等。池中加入各种珍稀名贵的中草药,倡导有中国特色的温泉沐浴文化,营造温泉文化和健康养生的度假新理念。 2)w劣势 1.景区边缺乏 瀑布 原始森林 海洋等特色元素2.地理位置不佳地图显示地处惠州北部,相对其他温泉较为偏远,离珠三角 发达地区相对较远, 如图4.2.1所示。 3.知名度 地派温泉建立不久,知名度有限,而且周围温泉资源众多,用电视报纸广告等传统方式推广,很难打出名堂!图4.2.1 广东温泉分布图 3)o机会 在2020年旅游展望中世界组织预测,中国到2015年成为全球第一旅游
38、大国,由此可见,中国旅游市场潜力很大。 从1978年到2008年,广东旅游在开拓与创新中经历了整整三十年的风风雨雨。在这三十年中,广东旅游引领全国风气之先,在“摸着石头过河”的改革探索中,广东旅游从无到有、从小到大,使广东旅游不仅总收入长期居全国前列,所占比重独居全国旅游业四分之一,更在思想解放的大潮下,以诸多划时代的创举,打破了观念和制度禁忌,推动了中国旅游乃至整个中国社会的现代化发展。广东省社会科学院旅游研究所和企业决策与管理科学研究所联合完 成的2008广东温泉旅游业综合实力研究报告正式对外公布,广东温泉旅游业年收入近百亿元。 4)t威胁 1从全省分析:目前全省已开发的温泉有200多处。
39、正式挂牌营业有65家温泉企业,其中,国家5a级旅游景区1家,4a级8家。除了海泉湾、碧水湾温泉度假村属国有企业外,绝大多数是民营企业。据不完全统计,全省有可接待游客的温泉90多处,其中开发为集体休闲度假、保健游乐、商务会义等为一体的大型温泉旅游风景区30多处2 从地区分析:附近有惠州南昆山温泉,铁泉温泉等,如果从广州出发自驾游,路径的温泉不下6家。而且全省十大温泉发展迅速,营销策划出色,特色理念深入人心特色对比: 景点理念特色德庆盘龙峡森林之美森林 瀑布 自然风光海滨温泉海洋之美海洋 时尚 表演南昆山温泉丰富之美综合各种异域风情 功能齐全五、营销战略stp1市场细分:定义:市场细分(marke
40、t segmentation)是企业根据消费者需求的不同,把整个市场划分成不同的消费者群的过程。地派温泉旅游市场按照不同标准,可分为以下几个:a按地理细分 :国际市场和国内市场。国内市场有分为省内与省外市场, 省内可以细分为惠州市内与市外。b按社会经济细分:观光 休闲 疗养 商务会议市场 节假日市场 考察 冒险c 按年龄: 青年 中年 老年d按收入 :高 中 低端收入者e按家庭生命周期:单身 新婚 满巢一二三阶段 空巢 *2目标市场选定作为其营销对象的消费者群体定义:按消费者的特征把整个潜在市场细分成若干部分,根据产品本身的特性,选定其中的某部分或几部分的消费者作为综合运用各种市场策略所追求的
42、场:重点开发省内市场,极大对珠三角发达地区的宣传促进力度,积极发展和当地企业和政府部门的深入交流。影响细分市场吸引力的大小的因素如图5.2.1所示。图5.2.1 影响细分市场吸引力的因素地派温泉的目标群体:珠三角各类散户自驾游和中高端客户群体中的老年人3市场定位告诉我们的客户我们是什么样的温泉!根据地派温泉旅游的特色 和 广东十大温泉的营销理念根据市场影响中的【避强定位】,结合地派温泉“泡养生温泉、听天籁之音、享贵族服务”的主要特色,我们公司提供几个理念a尊贵高尚典雅 豪华之美b如家亲切之美c动感 浪漫之美d养生之美高端中端低端老年addb中年addbb青年accc如上图表所示,如果地派定位根
43、据不同的市场定位,我们设计不同的活动配合宣传地派温泉的定位,具体在营销组合策略中的促销中表现六、营销组合策略1产品1)特色产品体系战略构想“创品牌,重点,搞特色,拼效益”*式:温泉景色美食街酒店2)加大产品优化:如养生理念:,设备中药购买,人员培训,名师讲座,如新产品开发如主题旅游产品:xx温泉节3)旅游区的质量等级评定工作4)特色商品:增加总收入2 价格3渠道4服务*5促销:活动:我公司经调查得知,广东许多优秀的景点都举办,协办或借力过各类选美活动,其目的就是为了打开知名度,突出其景色之美,而温泉景点更是如此,如世界小姐 世界旅游小姐。其内涵:a温泉+选美=人美+景色美=美b温泉+选美=人美
44、+温泉=温泉使人美效果:优点: a提高知名度 b宣传其景色美 c突出其温泉一大效果美容缺点 :a只突出美容,忽略其他效果,养生保健 疗养 b选美过于哗众取宠,可能流失部分高端客户但是其主要目的提高知名度达到了,适合前期景色推广。根据【人无我有,人有我优,人优我转】的营销策略,我们公司设计一系列的活动:*1)高雅文化理念:针对高端消费群体和各类上层专业人士,如可以举办中华营销人协会交流会,广东省企业家交流会等。地派温泉杯摄影比赛【有专门的宣传推广方案】2)浪漫动感理念:针对单身青年 或 新婚夫妇集体婚礼当地媒体 集体相亲网络 世纪佳缘3)养生理念:针对中高端消费者中的中老年人养生大师讲堂邀请佛山
45、一流医院资深老医生,包装其成为名家,神医 。每隔一段时间进行健康讲座,将养生大师讲堂打造成珠三角乃至广东省一流的养生品牌,令游客想要休闲养生保健,就想起养生大师讲堂,进而想到地派温泉。此外,可以选择兴建太极馆,瑜伽等,活动:太极比赛或者交流会 老干部俱乐部 公园 小区交谊舞比赛中药温泉=以中医中草药的神秘 =专家鉴定疗养效果广告a理念:高贵典雅- - 高端专业人士交流会 企业家协会b理念:如家,亲切- - 以家庭两大一小,突出【幸福快乐,轻松自然】=小朋友的欢乐c理念:养生-情景以两身体欠佳的老人比儿女的孝顺,甲老人的儿子送按摩椅或其他医疗器材,乙不开心,后,儿子送了一个大礼品盒精美的,打开里
46、面是地派温泉门票!d理念:浪漫一对陌生男女在地派温泉的邂逅,相识相知到相爱广告词:a地派温泉出售的就是健康,惠州地派养生体念之旅b地派温泉,可以喝的温泉c 21世纪什么最贵? 是健康。 21世纪什么礼品最好?是地派温泉门票七 、绿色营销八 、实施控制little baby, dont say a word, papas going to buy you a mockingbird.if that mockingbird wont sing, papas going to buy you a diamond ring.if that diamond ring turns to brass, pa
47、pas going to buy you a looking-glass.if that looking-glass gets broke, papas going to buy you a billy-goat.if that billy-goat runs away, papas going to buy you another today.one of the simplest kinds of poems are those like b and c that list things. list poems have a flexible line length and repeate
48、d phrases which give both a pattern and a rhythm to the poem. some rhyme (like b) while others do not (like c). i saw a fish-pond all on fire i saw a fish-pond all on fire, i saw a house bow to a squire, i saw a person twelve-feet high, i saw a cottage in the sky, i saw a balloon made of lead, i saw
49、 a coffin drop down dead, i saw two sparrows run a race,i saw two horses making lace, i saw a girl just like a cat, i saw a kitten wear a hat, i saw a man who saw these too,and said though strange they all were true.our first football matchwe would have wonif jack had scored that goal,if wed had jus
50、t a few more minutes,if we had trained harder, if ben had passed the ball to joe,if wed had thousands of fans screaming,if i hadnt taken my eye off the ball,if we hadnt stayed up so late the night before,if we hadnt taken it easy,if we hadnt run out of energy.we would have wonif wed been better!anot
51、her simple form of poem that students can easily write is the cinquain, a poem made up of five lines. with these, students can convey a strong picture in just a few words. look at the examples (d and e) on the top of the next page.(d) brother (e) summer beautiful, athletic sleepy, salty teasing, sho
52、uting, laughing drying, drooping, dreading friend and enemy too week in, week out mine endless(f) a fallen blossom (g) snow having melted is coming back to the branch. the whole village is brimful look, a butterfly! of happy children. (by moritake) (by issa)haiku is a japanese form of poetry that is
53、 made up of 17 syllables. it is not a traditional form of english poetry, but is very popular with english writers. it is easy to write and, like the cinquain, can give a clear picture and create a special feeling using the minimum of words. the two haiku poems (f and g ) above are translations from
54、 the japanese.did you know that english speakers also enjoy other forms of asian poetry tang poems from china in particular? a lot of tang poetry has been translated into english. this tang poem(h) is a translation from the chinese.with so many different forms of poetry to choose from, students may eventuall
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