A Contrastive Study on Culture Connotations Between “Black” and “黑”Black和黑的文化内涵的对比研究商务英语_第1页
A Contrastive Study on Culture Connotations Between “Black” and “黑”Black和黑的文化内涵的对比研究商务英语_第2页
A Contrastive Study on Culture Connotations Between “Black” and “黑”Black和黑的文化内涵的对比研究商务英语_第3页
A Contrastive Study on Culture Connotations Between “Black” and “黑”Black和黑的文化内涵的对比研究商务英语_第4页
A Contrastive Study on Culture Connotations Between “Black” and “黑”Black和黑的文化内涵的对比研究商务英语_第5页
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1、“black”和“黑”的文化内涵的对比研究a contrastive study on culture connotations between “black” and “黑”课题(论文)提纲1.英汉基本颜色词的研究2.基本颜色词black和黑的对比研究2.1黑暗&悲伤2.2神秘&死亡2.3罪恶2.4不幸&灾难2.5私密&非法3.汉语或英语中独有的文化内涵3.1 汉语中独有的文化内涵3.2 英语中独有的文化内涵4.总结二、内容摘要我们生活在一个丰富多彩的世界。在人类生活的这个神奇的彩色世界里,颜色渗透着我们生活的各个领域。颜色词点缀着我们的人生与整个世界。语言,作为文化的一个载体,在受到文化影

2、响的同时又注定会反映和传达出特定的文化内涵。基本颜色词在这一点上体现得淋漓尽致。基本颜色词反映着社会习俗、宗教、价值体系等众多文化因素的不同。通过对比英语和汉语基本颜色词的文化内涵,我们可以了解到民族的社会价值观、道德观以及文化的民族性和共同性。因此研究英语和汉语基本颜色词的文化内涵对颜色词在跨文化交际、英语教学和翻译中的使用都有启发意义。本文尝试以英语中的“black”和汉语中的“黑”这一组颜色词为例,对英汉基本颜色词的文化内涵进行对比研究。三、 参考文献1berlin, b. & kay, p. basic color terms: their universality and evolu

3、tion.1965.232bassnett, s. translation studiesm.shanghai: shanghai foreign language and education press.2004.22.3berkeley: university of california press,1969. 42.4fan hua ,a contrastive study on cultural connotations of basic color terms between english and chinese 2001.42.5oxford advanced learners

4、english-chinese dictionary (6th edition).6/wiki/black.7黄保源,中国传统色彩观辨析 苏州大学学报 第456期.8田媛,迟光明 英汉基本颜色词的文化内涵的对比研究“black”与“黑”的个案研究中国期刊全文数据库 2001.42.9李鑫,基本色彩词的比较研究 中国优秀硕士学位论文全文数据库 2003.31.10王逢鑫.论色彩词汉英色彩词语义比较j.北京大学学报(英语语言文学专刊),1991(2).66-74.11叶朝红,潘晨辉.从颜色词看中国古代服色礼服.abstract: we live in a

5、 colorful world. there are a great variety of color words, or a large number of expressions denoting the sensation of colors used to describethe colorful things in the world. color words decorate our world and life. language, as a culture with a carrier, at the same time, in the cultural influence a

6、nd destined to reflect and conveys special cultural connotation. the basic color words in this point reflect incisively and vividly. reflecting social customs, it religions and values of different cultural factors, etc. by the contrastive study of cultural connotations of basic color terms between e

7、nglish and chinese, we can know more about what is going on in peoples mind, in their language and culture. at the same time it is expected that this thesis may throw light on the use of color terms in intercultural communication, english language teaching and learning, and translation. this article

8、 attempts take english in “black” and in chinese “black” this group of color word as an example, a contrastive study on culture connotations of basic color terms between english and chinese.关键词:黑色;文化内涵;对比研究keywords:black;culture connotations;contrastive studyintroductionin the oxford advanced learne

9、rs english-chinese dictionary on the black are explained as follows:a, color,having the very darkest colour, like night or coal.b, with no night, without light; completely dark.c, people, belonging to a race of people who have dark skin; connected with black peopled, tea/coffee, without milk.e, dirt

10、y, very dirty; covered with dirt.f, angry, full of anger or hatred g, depressing, without hope, very depressing.h, evil, (literary) evil or wicked i, humorous, dealing with unpleasant or terrible things, such as murder, in a humorous wayenglish and chinese are the same as the long-standing; there is

11、 a wealth of basic color terms. however, due to different social, historical, geographical and other reasons, english and chinese have many basic color terms reflecting the cultural characteristics of their respective peoples. with the deepening of exchanges between chinese and western cultures, it

12、has been recognized with a profound cultural connotation of the basic color terms will inevitably become a cross-cultural communication in a barrier.black,in the wikipedia encyclopedia,has absorption of light;usage, symbolism, colloquial expressions;authority and seriousness;clothing;demography;musi

13、c;philosophy;politics;science;sport; ambiguity and secrecy; beliefs, religions and superstitions; economy; fashion; symbolic dualism with white; historical events; expressions; pigments about the interpretation of these areas.in our everyday life we are inevitably confronted with various kinds of co

14、lors and thus need various kinds of words to describe them. color terms appear more frequently in literary works. it is beyond question that almost all literary giants, from shakespeare to cao xueqin, could never avoid using color words to achieve vividness and, more importantly, to achieve implicat

15、ions. color words are common yet special words in both english and chinese, for, except that they can be used to refer to specific colors, they have such semantic features as to indicate the speakers mind, his emotion as well as his attitude towards the thing or the person he is talking about. hence

16、 color terms can cause implications and have connotative meanings attached to them.1, basic color terms in english and chinese content of researchcolor has long been an interest and a concern for human beings. earlier pursuits of color vision and color perception can be traced back to ancient times.

17、 as brent berlin and paul kay pointed out, different nations have different numbers of color terms. english, with a comparatively richer cultural background, has all the eleven basic color terms, that is, white, black, red, yellow, blue, brown, purple, pink, orange and gray.nowadays chinese basic co

18、lors include white, black, red, green, yellow, blue, brown, purple and gray. it seems that chinese color terms are fewer than english ones, but as a matter of fact, chinese is one of fact, chinese is one of the richest and most colorful languages in the world. 2, a contrastive study on culture conno

19、tations of basic color terms about “black” and “黑”among english and chinese words, color terms make up a group of words that they can be used either literally to refer to different colors or metaphorically to convey their associative meanings, and that in difference languages and cultures they may c

20、onvey different associative meaning. the conceptual meanings conveyed by color terms in english and chinese are roughly the same colors. but the same colors terms in the two languages may have different cultural associations. it is common that english color terms may have cultural associations that

21、are not transparent to chinese. the following paragraphs are meant to help us attain a better understanding of the cultural associations of english and chinese color terms.2.1 darkness & sadnessblack is the color of night, so naturally with the dark connected. in chinese, we have “黑暗”, “黑沉沉”, “黑漆漆”,

22、 and so forth. while in english such expressions as “blackout” and “black future” are also connected with “darkness”. in fact, most people do not like the dark. in the bible in, black with the devil, evil, pain and misery associated with those words. western culture, people recognize a black cat is

23、a bad omen, according to the legend of the west, the witch is a black cat ban zhao the image appears, which legends in chinese culture is very similar to that owl inauspicious. from this point comes, black with a lot of negative symbolism. such as: black comedy and black humor, they mean funny, funn

24、y drama or story, but it reflects the life of the unhappy, not happy side. black can also refer to depressed mood, such as: in a black mood. if a black future; black news; in black despair in, a black future means there is little hope in the future, the equivalent of the chinese language, an uncerta

25、in future, the future bleak, while black news and in black despair for chinese readers more difficult to understand, black news means sad or bad news, in black despair refers to in great or total despair2.2 mystery & death“玄冥 ” . “玄” is the color of black, while “冥” refers to the nether word. hence,

26、 speakers in christianity and the nether world in chinese mythologies are dark place without any light and are said to be homes for all the wicked people to after they die. to the chinese, in the idea of “five elements”, black is the representative color of the north, which is governed by a god call

27、ed f both english and chinese associate black color with death.in the west, black is the color of clothing the funeral, wearing black when the festivals are rude, and it is taboo, and was considered unfortunate color. once in the 14 century, swept across the european continent, claimed countless liv

28、es of the great plague called the black death, the name can also be found from the black to become a disaster and death signal.death and misfortune make people sad, thus “black” is associated with “sadness”. “black comedy” and “black humor” come from this connotation, which refer to a play or a stor

29、y that is funny, but also shows the unpleasant side of human life. “black tidings” means sad news. it can also be used to mean low-spirited as in “in a black mood”. 2.3 evilnesswesterners think the black is a symbol of evil, it is because of judas, the betrayer, has a black aperture above his head;

30、jesus appears in black when tempted by demons.in addition, western people believe that “black”has some connection with the sprit. judas, the betrayer, has a black aperture above his head; jesus appears in black when tempted by demons. therefore, the color terms “black”,and “黑”are both related with “

31、evilness”.in english, the brutal, the cold, the rude treatment of others who are called a black guard, a black villain or a black hat , such an act is called do black deeds ; do not live up to expectations, giving shame the honor of family or group of people have been called a black sheep; and white

32、 lies (a white lie) on the contrary, a black lie refers to the unscrupulous hurt by others, in order to meet their own selfish desires and the scatter lie underin chinese, there are also some expressions with “黑” indicating the meaning of “evilness”, such as “黑手”“黑心”and“黑心烂肺”.2.4 misfortune & disast

33、er black also implies misfortune and disaster. “black friday” refers to an unlucky day because to christians this is the day of crucifixion. there is acomputer virus called “black friday”, which will flare up on friday, deleting all data in computers. this is an unlucky day to the users of computers

34、. another example is “black tuesday”. it is the day (19 october, 1987) on which the stock market in wall street crashed and was followed by a series of crashes in stock markets around the world, causing great economic damage. “黑名单” originally referred to the name list of revolutionaries and progress

35、ives listed by reactionaries for political persecution. in modern times, “黑名单” and “a black list” mean a list of people, countries, products etc. that are disapproved of, and should therefore be avoided or punished. their usages are not limited in the field of politics. 2.5 secret & illegalityenglis

36、h expression of black money refers to the income earned surreptitiously or illegally; black market means the illegal trade in goods; black economy refers to the business activity that takes place unofficially without obeying legal requirements, especially in order to evade tax.“black” and “黑” also i

37、ndicate “secret” and “illegality”. for instance, “black money” indicates income earned surreptitiously or illegally; “black market” refers to the illicit buying and selling of goods. “black economy” is the business activity that takes place unofficially without observing legal requirements, especial

38、ly in order to evade tax. the counterparts of the expressions above in chinese are “黑钱”, “黑市”, “黑市经营” respectively.“黑人” not only refers to someone who belongs to a dark-skinned race, but also those who do not have permanent residence booklet. “黑货” are those smuggled goods without paying tariff. “黑话”

39、 are used secretly by rogues and gangsters, which are not comprehended by common people. moreover, “黑”in “黑道”, “黑店”, “黑车”, “黑户” also express the connotations of “secret” and “illegality”.with the development of computer technology, “hacker” appears who secretly uses or changes the information in oth

40、er peoples computer system. it is translated into “黑客” by both keeping the pronunciation and indicating the connotations of “secret” and “illegality” of “黑”3 unique cultural connotation in chinese and englishdeath and misfortune make people sad, thus “black” is associated with “sadness”. “black come

41、dy” and “black humor” come from this connotation, which refer to a play or a story that is funny, but also shows the unpleasant side of human life. “black tidings” means sad news. it can also be used to mean low-spirited as in “in a black mood”3.1 unique cultural connotation in chinesein chinese, th

42、e color term “黑” has some special connotations. in the cultural revolution, as an opposite to “红”, “黑” was used to refer to reactionaries, such as “黑组织”, “黑后台”, “黑爪牙”, “黑纲领”, “黑材料”, and so on. “黑五类” includes landlords, the rich, reactionaries, bad elements of society, and the rightists as well. anot

43、her example is “黑线”, which does not mean the black line, but the wrong policies and counter-principles. black is the color of night and therefore is associated with darkness. in ancient china there was a kind of punishment of tattooing the face or branding on forehead of a prisoner, hence “抹黑”, the

44、expression extended from the punishment, is very much similar to the english expression “black mark”, an indication of failure or censure. ancient chinese civilians were called “黔首”, or “黎民”, in which both “黔” and “黎” refers to the color of black, symbolizing poverty and impoverishment.besides the n

45、egative meanings of “black” and “黑”, these two color terms can also be used in a positive sense. in ancient china, “黑” was the holiest color respected by people, because it was regarded as the color of mystery, giving people a mysterious sense.in ancient china, “黑” was the holiest color respected by

46、 people, because it was regarded as the color of mystery, giving people a mysterious sense. in book of changes, there is a wording called “天玄地黄”, in which “黑” is the color of the heaven, while “黄” is the color of earth. ancient chinese people worshiped the gods in the heaven, so they also gave their

47、 adoration to the color of it“黑”. therefore, in some dynasties emperors and major officials wore black dress, especially in formal occasions, such as in the court and sacrificial rites. whats more, according to the idea of “five elements”, “黑” is the corresponding color of “water”. in addition, “ 黑

48、” also indicates “dignity”, “justice”, as well as “frankness”. in the traditional art of theatrical makeup in beijing opera, black facial makeup is the symbol of characters who are upright, impartial and incorruptible, such as wei chigong in tang dynasty, bao zheng and li kui in song dynasty.3.2 uni

49、que cultural connotation in englishblack in english also has its own unique meaning. such as: skin sun tanning do not have black to describe, but use brown, bronze, or tan the words to describe. in english, there are also a few expressions with “black” expressing a commendatory sense. in business en

50、glish, “in the black” has a good meaning of running a business profitably. the opposite of it is “in the red”, meaning running a business at a loss, not making profits. these terms come from the color of the ink used in keeping accounts; deficit is recorded in red ink while surplus is written in black ink.black is used for anarchist symbolism, sometimes split in diagonal with other colors to show alignment with another political philosophy. th


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