Natural Selection and the Survival of the Fittest——On the Themes of Sister Carrie英语专业毕业论文_第1页
Natural Selection and the Survival of the Fittest——On the Themes of Sister Carrie英语专业毕业论文_第2页
Natural Selection and the Survival of the Fittest——On the Themes of Sister Carrie英语专业毕业论文_第3页
Natural Selection and the Survival of the Fittest——On the Themes of Sister Carrie英语专业毕业论文_第4页
Natural Selection and the Survival of the Fittest——On the Themes of Sister Carrie英语专业毕业论文_第5页
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1、natural selection and the survival of the fitteston the themes of sister carrie摘要嘉莉妹妹是美国著名作家西奥多德莱赛的成名作,对这部小说主题的研究向来是众说纷纭。学者们已经探讨了嘉莉妹妹的命运,道德观,新女性主义,资本主义的丑恶等等。本文从物竞天择适者生存的角度对小说的主题进行全新的研究,去更深刻的理解社会达尔文主义和德莱赛,去广泛的探讨嘉莉妹妹以及本书其他人物的不同命运与适者生存的关系,去理解竞争对个人生活及价值观的深远影响。关键词:物竞天择;适者生存;德莱赛;嘉莉妹妹 abstractcarrie sister

2、 is the first famous work of theodore dreiser who is an america all-known writer. the themes of this novel are studied by different scholars who conclude special views or opinions. the scholars have already discussed sister carries destiny, her ethical values, the new feminism and the capital evil a

3、nd so on. this paper studies the themes on the theory of natural selection and the survival of the fittest in order to learn social darwinism better. at the same time, it shows that a should discuss the relationships in natural selection and carrie sister and other persons fates, which is easy to un

4、derstand the significant influence of the competition in personal life and the conception of values.key words:natural selection; the survival of the fittest ; dreiser; carrie sister chapter 1 introduction carrie sister, a book written by dreiser, had lots of themes. natural selection and the surviva

5、l of the fittest as one of them reflected in the whole book. carrie sister and other persons destiny all had relationships with it. the influence of social darwinism appeared in this book, too. according to this paper, the readers would understand dreiser and his novels themes better. and also, when

6、 we met the fierce competition in the job market we could deal with the problems better. carrie had large amount of virtues that deserved to study. so we should learn from her.the scholars studied carrie sister in different perspectives. for example, american dream, morality about carrie, carries fa

7、te and so on. among them naturalist selection and the survival of the fittest was a new research direction.although we can find a few papers which research this direction, the key points are different. this study not focuses on the evolution and intuition but the competition, the fittest and natural

8、 selection. so the writer tries to explain carries thoughts and actions in this new view. chapter 2 literary reviewsregarding as a turning point in american fiction, sister carrie has long been the subject which is studied by worldwide scholars. in the early time, most scholars believe that sister c

9、arrie is a girl who comes from rural areas with a nave spirit, and then has different wants day after day.zhou haiyan (zhou, 2007:2) said that sister carrie was a girl who had no ability bur wanted a lot and she was full of emotions and desires. most scholars have the same opinion.nowadays, most sch

10、olars consider the idea that sister carrie represents the new woman image in her age. peng shuai and wang juanjuan, two professors from jiangxi rtv university, put forward that sister carrie is a woman who yield to the fate(peng and wang,2009;24).huang ming (2012, 05), who from zhengzhou finance and

11、 taxation school, analyses the fates of the persons and their characteristics. at the same time, his article tells the readers different themes in this novel. chang xiaodan (2010, 01) explained carries images changed as the development of china. wang lina (2011, 02) elaborated carries destiny in an

12、irony tone. wen shiming and su junan (2011, 02) tell us sister carrie is significant in present china in enlighten peoples value and womens social position. yang ruijun (2011, 10) approved of the environments influence to carrie. wang yanyan (2012, 04) agrees with the time changes persons destiny. f

13、eminist thing theory in sister carrie relates thing theory in carrie sister. views on carrie sisters future just criticize carrie directly. in the work, carrie is portrayed as a strong woman of living. she is young , smart ,beautiful who had all the advantages to compete with others. she could chang

14、e her positions in the different life. she dares to take risks and grasp chances. she could be succeeding. 周明艳the themes of sister carrie-the rejected family, the journey to the towering city, the struggle against poverty, the desire for wealth, the illusion of limitless opportunity, the conflict be

15、tween personal desire and convention, the effect of cosmos and social forces upon ignorant man and the sweep the tide of humanity toward a mysterious and hidden shore.(lehan,2) natural selection and the survival of the fittest-the new view of carries future tell the readers carries existence, carrie

16、s revolution; at last, carrie became a fittest.chapter 3 the influence of the darwins theory of evolution on theodore dreiser“modern america is witnessed by the post-bellum decades. the industrial proletariats live at worse conditions. life becomes a struggle for survival. “the darwinian concepts li

17、ke the survival of the fittest and the human beast become popular catchwords and standards of moral reference in an amoral world. darwins ideas of evolution and especially those of herbert spencer and his vogue in america helped to change the outlook of many rising authors and intellectuals, and pro

18、duced an attitude of gloom and despair which characterize american literature of this period.”43.1 theory of evolution darwin, in the year of 1859, is all-known for the book the origin of species by means of natural selection. in this book, natural selection and “the survival of fittest” are the mos

19、t important parts. natural selection is considered as one of the most important founding in the 19th century of natural science. natural selection acts to preserve and accumulate minor advantageous genetic mutations. a slow gradual process natural selection acts only by slight successive variations.

20、 it can never take a great and sudden leap, but must advance by short and sure though slow steps. above all, it is a masterpiece and darwin has a great effect on numerous people, especially the author. on carrie sister dreiser wrote, “a feather in wind, carrie is totally at the mercy of forces she c

21、annot comprehend, still less to say control.”4 the force is natural selection which is one part of social whats social darwinism? social darwinism is an application of charles darwins theory of evolution to the field of social relations. social darwinists argued that social progress res

22、ulted from conflicts in which the fittest or best adapted individuals, or entire societies, would prevail. throughout human history, wrote the english philosopher herbert spenser, society had operated like a jungle, in which only the strongest and best adapted-the “fittest”-survived. although the pr

23、ocess is a cruel one, it promised long-term benefits, for humans are gradually evolving toward a wholly just and peaceful society. 53.2 its influence on theodore dreiser “theodore dreiser (1871-1945) embraced social darwinism. he learned to regard man as merely an animal driven by greed and lust in

24、a struggle for existence in which only the fittest, the most ruthless, survive. man is, to him, only a mechanism reacting to chemic compulsions. and human tragedy comes as a result of the collision between mans biological needs and societys ruthless manipulation. life is predatory, a game of the lec

25、herous and heartless, a jungle struggle in which man, being an interloper in nature, a wisp in the wind social forces, is a mere pawn in the general scheme of things, with no power whatever to assert his will.”4 in sister carrie, the author embodies darwinian evolutionary ideas, such as drift, chanc

26、e, competition, and survival, which have also changed human opinions on the universes creative force. dreiser describes “force” in sister carrie as spreading a “literal” philosophy. his view of evolution is not that optimistic. he sees in sister carrie “our civilization” as being in “a middle stage

27、scarcely best scarcely human”, which tells readers that dreiser is more compassionate to the evolutionary thought.the themes in sister carrie are good examples. “and sister carries ambiguous moral stance indicates dreisers deep engagement with the most human consequence of the darwinian revolution,

28、the matter of ethics.” 8 his evolutionary treatment of ethics at last approaches the revolutionary of social darwinism. dreiser tries his best to let readers judge the actions by themselves. thus,it can be said that dreiser is one of the authors influenced by darwin. his novels reflect the thoughts

29、of darwinian evolution, especially in the book of sister carrie. chapter 4 carries creation of opportunities for self betterment with comprehending natural selection 4.1 carries dependence on others in chicago “caroline or sister carrie, as she had been half affectionately termed by the family, is p

30、ossessed of a mind rudimentary in its poor of observation and analysis. self-interest with her is high, but not strong . it is, nevertheless, her guiding characteristic. warm with the fancies of youth, pretty with the insipid prettiness of a figure promising eventual shapeliness and an eye alight wi

31、th certain native intelligence, she is a fair example of the middle american class-two generations removed from the emigrant. books are beyond her interest-knowledge a sealed book. in the intuitive graces she is still crude.” when carrie is 18 years old, she decides to go to chicago for reasons. in

32、the late 19th century, the cities in american developed quickly, but carrie had no sense about it. she just tries to go to chicago and finds a job to make a living. before she comes to chicago, carrie is a pure countryside girl without work experience. in her hometown, there are few factories. so ca

33、rrie has no more chance to acquire the skill of sewing and making. carrie just thinks that she should go to chicago. because carrie has a sister there,who will help her find a job so that she can support herself. but her sister has a low expectation to carrie. she dont teach carrie how to sew, or te

34、ll her the ways of sewing, and only hopes that carrier could find a job by herself.obviously, the relationship between carrie and her sister is a little unharmonious. her sister just believes hanson, her brother-in-law. eventually when carrie found a job of 4.5 dollars each week, her sister and hans

35、on only consider about their upturn living standards instead of carries. after carrie lost her job, they try to persuade carrie go home. the factories which carrie meets are cold and detached. although carrie is young and beautiful, the managers still are not interested in her. theses factories whic

36、h want experienced workers refused her. all of these give carrie a situation of failure. when she had nothing, she degenerated and depended on others. “carrie got sick when she had no warm clothes. it is a chilly day when the first premonitory blast of winter swept over the city. carrie worried the

37、winter clothes. she had no winter jacket, no hat, and no shoes. it is difficult to speak to her sister minnie about this.” p84 carrie sister carrie feels very uncomfortable one evening. she lost her job and her efforts of finding new job are more poorly rewarded on this trial than the last. p86 this

38、 bad luck make carrie has no place to stay. so at last carrie has to depend on others in chicago. when carrie ant to chicago, in the train she meets drouet who is lucky enough to be interested in carrie firstly. drouet not only has good clothes, but also has a strong physical nature. maybe on this a

39、ccount carrie is very glad to talk with him. after carrie lost job in chicago, she remembers him immediately. as a all know, few girls can resist the temptation of creature comforts. therefore it is natural to carrie that she lives with drouet in chicago and had a comfortable life than before. at th

40、at moment carrie has no time to consider the question of dependence. the premise is that carrie didnt want to go back to her hometown at all. so the living competition to carrie is too serious. carrie has to worry about the problem of living. she tries to find the opportunity to develop herself. tho

41、ugh she is passive, she still has a chance to enjoy the pleasure of success on the stage. carrie dont know she has a more ability than ever. all of these reasons change carrie a lot. now she has a stable life, and becomes a fittest un-doubtfully. dreiser says in his book, “here, then, is carrie, est

42、ablished in a pleasant fashion, free of certain difficulties which most ominously confronted her, laden with many new ones which are of a mental order, and altogether so turned about in all of her earthly relationships that she might all have been a new and different individual. she looked into her

43、glass and saw a prettier carrie than she had seen before; she looked into her mind, a mirror prepared of her own and the worlds opinions, and saw a worse. between these two images she wavers, hesitating which to believe.”whats more, carrie also changes her thought. at the beginning carrie feels quit

44、e guilt for her actions. day after day, the chilly winter goes away and the warm spring comes. the secret voice would reassert itself, more and more feebly. it is innocent of carrie to believe that drouet would marry to her at last. then hurstwood comes into carries life. she is not enamored of drou

45、et and cleverer than him. under this circumstance, carrie has a change of mind clearly to be dependent later. carrie becomes more sensitive to good looking and the matching of clothes. all she did are admired by drouet. these variations take place slowly with the time going on. these experiences in

46、chicago help carrie broaden her horizon. when carrie meets hurstwood at first glance, she realizes the distance between hurstwood and drouet. she knows drouet has lots of shortcomings and she begin to think her plight again. in the chapter 16, the book said, “a witless aladdin: the gate to the world

47、 p227” carrie gets a good chance which could show herself on the stage. it is a “big success” to carrie. her capability is affirmed by her lovers. her talent of imitating gives her a chance to improve herself and become dependence in this colorful world, although carrie didnt realize it. a can say t

48、hat carrie must be a fittest because of her endeavor and fighting.her actions give her a better chance to develop her business.carrie and hurstwood fall in love, she hopes to marry hurstwood. “carrie in her rooms that evening was in a fine glow, physically and mentally. she was deeply rejoicing in h

49、er affection for hurstwood and his love.”p196carrie sister “marriage was important to carrie. because it would legitimize everything that she has done thus far. so it served as a way of making her life morally acceptable. her belief about hurstwood, in which she thought he would marry her, makes his

50、 proposal to her stronger when compared to drouet who had no intention of marrying her. ”9 at the same time carrie tries to end the cohabitation with drouet, living a decent life. hurstwood, however, uses deception and hijacks carrie elopement with him, carrie finally lives with him. because she nee

51、ds someone to feed her. but all things are undesirable; the deteriorating living in new york gives carrie a lesson. it is carrie who wants to survive must be self-struggle. “she looked more practically upon her state and began to see glimmerings of a way out. hurstwood seemed a drag in the direction

52、 of honor. her feelings were exceedingly creditable, in that they constructed out of these recent developments something which conquered freedom from dishonor. ”p1974.2 carries success in new york first of all, lets summarize the new environment of carrie facing. carrie gives up drouet and ant to ne

53、w york with hurstwood casually. but hurstwood is a escaped criminal that carrie dont know. carrie is forced to adjust the new environment. natural selection is callous and heartless. carrie always needs to adjust herself to fit the new new york the roads are any one of a hard-hundred

54、and each had been diligently pursued by hundreds, so that celebrities are numerous. if someone wants to succeed he should pays the blood and sweat.after two years, hurstwood goes bankrupt. carrie tries to find a way out. she begins to think about how to go back to work. carrie certainly understands

55、that people are willing to listen to your ideas and give you an opportunity to work. carrie tells hurstwood the idea of looking for work as an actor. when hurstwoods money becomes 50 dollars, carrie goes to broadway where she finds madison square theatre and asks how to find the theatrical agents. b

56、ut the clerk tells carrie that she should buy a newspaper. its not an easy thing. carrie goes hunting aimlessly through the newspaper. after she finds them, she goes there right away. she runs all over three places, but there is still no harvest. the next day, carrie goes to casino again. however he

57、r attempts of finding jobs in other places ended in failure. then carrie struggles in casino again. the manager who is secretly pleased with her finally gives carrie a chance. carrie delights very much. “in her delight she was almost anxious to tell hurstwood.”p561after carrie experiences the hardsh

58、ip, she becomes a fittest. the fittest can survive successfully. carries success is not coincidence. she has grasped the chance which came to her. “opportunities are never lost; someone will take the one you miss.” p43 lifes lessons .the secret to success carries knowledge rises day by day. she clears up her situation when she lives with hurstwood about two years later. carrie tries to consider about her possibilities. at the same time, the stage has a great attraction for carrie, and she never forge


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