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1、呼啸山庄是由艾米丽布朗特所创的世界上最伟大的小说之一。艾米丽在小说中成功的塑造了爱与恨为主题的爱情悲剧故事。自该小说诞生以来, 国内外学者对于 呼啸山庄 主题的研究从未停止。本文选取希斯克利夫和凯瑟琳爱情故事原因的角度进行探究,致力通过对男女主人公所处的阶级,受到 的教育,各自成长环境的变化,及各自性格原因,来分析男女主人公的爱情悲剧。通过本次研究,能够 使读者对希斯克利夫和凯瑟琳的爱情悲剧有更清晰的理解和认识。关键词: 爱;恨;凯瑟琳;西斯克里夫;呼啸山庄ContentsAbstracti.摘要ii1 Introduction11.1 In troducti on of Emily Bron

2、te and her Wutheri ng Heights11.2 Introduction of the tragic love story 11.3 The structure of this paper22. Literature Review42.1 Review on the oversea studies42.2 Review on the domestic studies43. The External Reasons for the Tragedy63.1 The class barrier63.2 The educatio nal reas ons73.2.1The fami

3、ly educati on for Heathcliff and Catheri ne.73.2.2Educati on con ducted by Europea n upper class74. The Internal Reasons for the Tragedy94.1 Catheri ne own reasons94.1.1 Catherine growing environment 94.1.2 Catheri ne dual pers on ality 94.1.3 Catheri ne betrayal 104.2 Heathcliff own reas ons104.2.1

4、 Heathcliff grow ingen vir onment 114.2.2 Heathcliff extreme pers on ality 114.2.3 Heathcliff revenge 125. Conclusion14References15Acknowledgements161. Introduction1.1 Introduction of Emily Bronte and herWuthering HeightsEmily Jane Bron te (July 30, 1818 -December 19, 1848) was a great British n ove

5、list and pet in the 19th cen tury and one of the extraord inary wome n writers in the literary history of En gla nd, and she is also best remembered for her only novel Wuthering Heights, which is now an ack nl edged classic of En glish literature.Emily was born at Thornton in Yorkshire. She was the

6、younger sister of Charlotte Bronte, and the fifth of six childre n. It was the discovery of Emilys poetic tale nt by her family that led her and her sisters, Charlotte and Anne, to publish join tly a book of poems en titled Poems by Currer, Ellis and Actio n Bell in 1846. To evade con temporary prej

7、udice against female writers, all three used male pseudonyms, Emilys being Ellis Bell. She wrote many poems of her own and some of these during her short life, in the form of powerful lyrics. These lyrics have bee n esteemed highly as passi on ate uttera nces of the author s innermost feelings and t

8、houghts.She subsequently published her only novel,Wuthering Heights , in 1847, a powerful,poetic work, but whose innovative structure somewhat puzzled critics. Although it received mixed reviews whe n it first came out, the book subseque ntly became an En glish literary classic.Wuthering heights dep

9、icts the foundling boy Heathcliff after the adoption by the Earnshaw. He lived with Mr. Earnshaw sson Hindley and daughter Catherine. Hindley treat Heathcliff badly.He in sulted and maltreated Heathcliff in veery possible way afther Mr.Earnshaw s death. At the same time, peculiar emotion occurred be

10、tween Cath erine and Heathcliff. Because of her vanity and ignorance, Catherine decided to marry Linton. Heathcliff left with an ger. Three years later, Heathcliff returned to reve nge. He succeeded in annexing all the property of Hindley and the Linton s. owever, Catherine sghost pestered him all t

11、he time and he died in the dream with Catheri ne.1.2 Introduction of the tragic love storyWutheri ng Heights shows us the life sce nes in a deformity society through a tragic love story, outl ines all kinds of the terrible eve nts caused by the huma n n ature in the distorted society. The title of t

12、he no vel comes from the Yorkshire manor on the moors of the story (as an adjective, Wutheri ng is a Yorkshire word referri ng to turbule nt weather). The n arrative tale cen ters on the all-e ncompass ing, passi on ate, but ultimately doomed love betwee n Catheri ne Earn shaw and Heathcliff, and ho

13、w this unresolved passion eventually destroys them and the people around them.The plot of story is actually spread gradually through four stages.The first stage describes the childhood life of Heathcliff and Catherine Earnshaw who the two childre n spe nd hours on the moors together and hate every m

14、ome nt; the special feeli ng betwee n a homeless gypsy boy and an hono red, upper-classady in the unique en vir onment, and their rebel aga inst the tyra nny of Catheri n brother Hin dley.The sec ond stage focuses on describ ing Catheri ne as a com mon lady who pursues the traditional “ humaitove” a

15、nd deniesHeathcliff s fove; at last she married to Layton, a young and rich, educated gen tlema n, and becomes the mistress of Thrushcross Gran ge. She admitted Nelly that she loves Layt on, becausehe is young, han dsome, and rich and loves her, and the most importa nt one is that he can make her be

16、come the most respected woma n. While Catheri ne patted on her forehead and chest said: “Inmy soul my heart, I know I was wrong.” She also loves Heathcliff, but here love for Heathcliff is derived form “ hand I are the same piece of material. Love, from the pursuit of happ in ess to the pursuit of o

17、n eself, has become just super-huma n love”.In the third stage, the no vel, by using a lot of words, describes how Heathcliff who is filled with hatred and despair makes all kinds of actions on his reve nge. This part is the mai n theme of the whole story. With the death of Catherine, Edgar, Isabell

18、a, Heathcliff son and himself, Heathcliff achieves his reve nge on those who treated him badly.At last, the no vel only n arrates the death of Heathcliff, but reveals a brand new cha nge of his minds when he found that Hareton and Cathy fell in love with each other. His minds changes from love, hatr

19、ed, and reve nge to the recovery of huma n n ature, which reveals a light of hope in this tragic love which is full of horror color.In the no vel, Heathcliff and Catheri ne later grow close, and their love becomes the cen tral theme of the first volume; his revenge and its consequencesare the main t

20、heme of the second volume. Therefore, his minds cha nge from love, hatred, reve nge to the revival of huma n n ature, is not only the esse nceof the no vel, but also the theme throughout the whole no vel. The author layouts and arran ges the cha nged sce ne un predictably accordi ng to this theme, s

21、ometimes full of dark clouds, wail like ghosts and howl like wolves in the wilderness, and sometimes like the storms blow hard, or in a dark courtyard. The tragic love story is always surrounded in a mysterious and terrible atmosphere.1.3 The structure of this paperWuthering Heights is the most unus

22、ual novel in the history of English Literature.By describing Catherine and Heathcliffs love; it shows the variation of deformity society, and the distorted huma ni stic. This article an alyzes the book from the reas ons of the tradgic love Catheri ne and Heathcliff. The first chapter is in troducti

23、on; it gives a brief in troductio n on Emily Bron te and the Wuthering Heights. The second chapter is literature review, in this part it introduces thestudies of this no vel on the oversea and domestic .The third chapter is the exter nal reas ons for the tragedy. The fourth is the internal reas ons

24、for the tragedy. The last, chapter five, is the con clusi on of this paper.2. Literature ReviewToday con sidered as a classic of En glish literature,Wutheri ng Heights was met with mixed reviews whe n it first appeared, mai nly because of men tal and physical cruelty of the n arratives stark depicti

25、 on. Although Charlotte Bron tes Jane Eyre was gen erally con sidered the best of the Bront? sisters works duri ng most of the nin etee nth cen tury, many subseque nt critics dfVutheri ng Heights argued that it was a superior achieveme nt.The no vel has bee n studied, an alyzed, and discussed from e

26、very imag in able critical perspective and from every aspect, yet it rema ins un exhausted. Most of them are focused on the character of the hero or the complicated love betwee n the characters. Catheri ne, the heroine of the Wutheri ng Heights, is a typical tragic role in Western literature. Cateri

27、 nWs emotio nal has differe nt changes with different environment.(Chen le,2007). Heathcliff, in Wuthering Heights, is the real dramatic cen ter of the story. Heathcliff is a coalesce nee of several characters and eleme nts, one is the con cept of a man whose mind of hatred is pitiless and ruthless,

28、 and ano ther is of a man whose desire for revenge degenerates into avarice (Davy Cecil, 1934). There are many factors to deal with Heathcliffdissortion; many of the previous studies attempt to explore the reasons forHeathcliff tragedies. In aboard, they are respectively Davy. L. Robert analysis bas

29、ed on prototype theory, Davy Cecil analysis based on backgrounds theory and James. C. Janet s an alysis based on love theory.2.1 Review on the oversea studiesAccording to Davy L Robert(1985) , The Prototype of Heathcliff suggests the sensational reve nge and tragic characters. He addressed in hiThe

30、Prototype of Heathcliff that Emily Bronte created the name“ Heath(txtiftell the readers the man s temperament in a metaphorical way.Davy L Robert argues that the figure of Heathcliff created by Bronte sta nds for evil and reve nge, and he also thinksthat Heathcliff s prototype would be the devilng t

31、o James CJanet (2009) On Bron tes Wutheri ng Heights, the relati on ship determ ines Heathcliff andCatherine s love. Their love is thus formed in the rebellion against those social forces, families and classes, which restrict the ideals. Catherine s choice of love, her choice fondness of wealth, pos

32、ition and social distinction in other words, are the primary reasonsfor forming Heathcliff stragic characters (James C. Jan et, 2009). Accordi ng to Davy Cecil the backgro unds deal a lot with Heathcliff distort ion. Davy Cecil believes that the cha nge of class state and life experie nee contribute

33、 a lot to form Heathcliff s distortion.2.2 Review on the domestic studiesIn China, many scholars comb ine characteristics and the fate of life experie nee of character types in Wutheri ng Heights with authors pers on ality and characteristic, such as Tang Zhen g(2009) believed that, to a certain ext

34、ent, Heathcliff in Wuthering Heights is just the author s true portraiture. In recent years, there are many scholars wrote many articles to discuss the hero Heathcliff. Zhao Yunm ei(2009) wrote: Heathcliff s wild and in tractable pers on ality, his stro nglove, I on ely character and the viole nt pe

35、rverse reve nge figure, reflect the characteristics of Byron effect. After the rise in symbolism, many scholars also do researchin this aspect, such as the Wang Zhe(2011) thought, Emily in her the one and only ” no vel used a large nu mber of symbolic description, through images shaping, turns out t

36、he understanding to the deep and mystical philosophy of life.3. The External Reasons for the Tragedy3.1 The class barrier reasons for the tragedyIn En gla nd, the 18th Cen tury, is an age of the bourgeoisie. The old aristocratic class was fast losi ng its power politically and econo mically to the r

37、isi ng urba n middle class or bourgeoisie who worked hard, econo mized and accumulated great wealth and became the main stream of the n ati on; the social and econo mic values were cha nging and land own ership did not always the man make, it is a world of patriarchal values. Alo ng with the emerge

38、nee of this in dustrial revoluti on came a class- con scious society. The new London would ben efit the wealthy and the middle class but exploit and oppress the working and poor classes.The social changestaking place in England betwee n 1801 an d1847 provides con text for an appreciati on of Wutheri

39、 ng Heights. As in dustrializati on spread, a grow ing middle class challe nged the positi on of Ian ded gen try. The Earnshaws and Heathcliff represent this moment. Heathcliff rise from an orphaned urchin to Ian dholder in Wutheri ng Heights is a paradigm for the origi ns of capitalism with in soci

40、ety.Heathcliff was a fatherless child when he was brought into Catherine s family. He has scwildness and strength in his bones. Belonging to a lower class, he tries to get his rights by oppos ing the upper class. He must do what he wants to do and follows his n ature but does not care about others a

41、ttitude. His action shows his capricious and resista nt chsTaetinflue nee of Heathcliff and Edgar leads to Catherine s complex-sersngrthljtbrawniness, a littlewild ness, dig nity and van ity. At the beg inning, due to Heathcliff s in flue nee, Catheri ne kstre ngth and braw nin ess.Catheri ne is ver

42、y ambivale nt in her love .Due to huma n n ature, she loves Heathcliff deeply with childlike passion, and her soul can t live without him. But the social culture made her betray the love in order to satisfy her year ning for fame and wealth. She chooses Linton; hereby her love becomes a tragedy. Cat

43、heri ne lear ns dig nity and vanity through con tact ing with Edgar. Edgar who is proud of his social status is a well-educated gentleman, so his action follows traditional mann ers. Besides, he is proud of his social status. She wants to marry Edgar to satisfy her vani ty, so she is n earer to the

44、social class to which Edgar bel on gs. In brief, Heathcliff makes Catheri ne keep her n ature, while Edgar guides her into true middle class.Catherine utsitarian treatment of marriage is entirely caused by the social environment. The world was full of patriarchal values. Wome ns status was un equal

45、in politics and econo mics. Their values can only be reflected in their marriage. As to Catheri ne, she does not overcome her vanity and weak ness. The love can not escape from the times. They ruined their best things in this era. Because of this, their love must be a tragic love.In 19th cen tury of

46、 En gla nd, economy, society, and politics had a great cha nge. At that time, the prosperity of the middle and upper classes and the wren ched con diti on of the poor differed greatly. People of the underclass hardly had right in law, and destined to be abused by upper classes.U ndoubtedly, cruel so

47、cial en vir onment and fierce class origi n are regarded as root for their tragic love. Heathcliff is on behalf of these poor on es. He begi ns his life as a foun dli ng boy adopted by Mr.Ear nshaw. Un cared for and unlo ved, he lives in a hostile and frighte ning world in himself, which is caused b

48、y the real society. Heathcilff owned almost the love of Mr. Earn shaw, but he is badly treated by young Hin dley, whose behaviors eve n make him distorted huma nity. It is the injury in flicted on him duri ng his childhood results in the tragedy later. Eve n whe n coming back years after Catherine s

49、 marriageeaith)ossessions,Heathcliff does not belong to the upper class because of his poor origi n. That is to say, for a pers on from the lower, no matter how rich one is now, he is always what he is. The discrimi natio n from others make they lose whatever they are longing for, i ncludi ng love,

50、and dig nity. The only thi ng left is to retaliate the world to bala nee the pai n of the loss. More pains, more retaliati on s. It is n atural for the appeara nceof distortions. In a word, such distortions come from the social reality and Heathcliff is a representative of the effects of cruelty, de

51、privation and alienation that are the products of civilizati on.3.2 Educational reasons for the tragedy3.2.1The family educati on for Heathcliff and Catheri neHeathcliffs character determines his tragedy; however the formation of character is in separable from the growth process of family educati on

52、. He is a foun dli ng boy; adopted by Mr. Earn shaw His arrival does not get the love and the warmth of family. Mr. Earn shaw s son Hin(treats Heathcliff badly. After Mr. Earnshaw dead, Heathcliff is treated as a servant. He is deprived of dig nity, and not educated. At last his only suste nan ce, C

53、atheri ne also away marries Linton. He suffers from serious in juries. After that, he made the terrorist reve nge for every one in clude their desce ndan ts.Catherine has a superior family; all the family pampers her, so she has a little capricious. Whe n she was young Mrs. Earn shaw was dead, her f

54、ather is always busy on the bus in ess no time to train and educate her. After Mr. Earnshaw s 46017168虹瞻 Hindley Catherinealso be affected. She can not get education, she become a wild child. She wrestles with the self-willed and rati on al, dead with pain ful.3.2.2 Educatio n con ducted by the Euro

55、pea n Upper classIn the early 19th Cen tury, whe n UK was a classic patriarchy society with a stro ng sense of hierarchy and class contradiction, divided human into several levels. Their working people not only were exploited and oppressed by the corrupt Ianded aristocracy, but also ruled by the eme

56、rg ing bourgeois n obles. Mea nwhile wome n and proletariats were oppressed too, whose pers onal rights had bee n deprived. Too much educati on would rui n girls, mak ing them unfit for marriage and motherhood. Con seque ntly, most middle and upper middle class girls were taught little bey ond basic

57、 read ing and writi ng, and in stead were trained in accomplishme nts, such as music, draw ing, and dancing, to better attract eligible suitors. As far as they were concern ed, marriage was the best home they turned to, on which their all successor failure depended. A discussi on of whether or not a

58、 man was really a gen tlema n would con sider such questi ons as how much land he own ed, how many tenantsand serva nts he had, how he spoke, whether he kept horses and a carriage, and whether his money came from land or “ trade ”etlemen scorned banking and commercial activities.Charlotte Bron te in

59、 her preface to the 1850 editi on of Wutheri ng Heights, refers to Edgar as an example of con sta ncy and tendern ess and goes on to suggest that her sister Emily was using Edgar to point out that such characteristics con stitute true virtues in all huma n bein gs, and not just in wome n, as society ten ded to believe.


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