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1、北京语言大学网络教育学院口译模拟试卷一、translate the following sentences into chinese.1. a recent survey found that people feel happiest in their first 5 years of marriage,while the feeling falls to the weakest in marriages that have lasted more than 30 years.一项最近的调查表明,5年以下新婚者幸福感最高,30年以上夫妻幸福感最低。2. some people say this

2、 program turns students into decent ladies and others claim that it gives birth to feudal women who follow three obediences and four virtues.有人称该项目意在培养现代淑女;有人则认为它在教授现代女性三从四德。3. this is the first time there have been red cards in 3 different games on a single day in world cup history.这个比赛日进行的3场比赛均出现了

3、红牌,这在世界杯的历史上尚属首次。4. a friend convinces you that there really is an unlocked door just waiting for you to open it.朋友会让你确信,真的有一扇不加锁的门,在等待着你去开启。5. former south african president nelson mandelas 13-year-old great-granddaughter was killed in a car crash friday ahead of the world cup opening match, which

4、mandela planned to attend.南非前总统尼尔森曼德拉13岁的曾孙女11日在世界杯开幕前夕不幸遭遇车祸身亡。曼德拉原计划参加开幕式。二、translate the following sentences into english.1.每次稍有不顺,我就感到非常沮丧。every time something little didnt go right for me, i felt discouraged. 2. 他白手起家,但由于他的执着和敬业精神,他最终成功了。he started out with nothing, but owing to/ because of/ du

5、e to his determination and dedication, he finally succeeded.3. 在某些人看来,繁忙的城市生活是无法与宁静的乡间生活相比的。in some people eyes, the busy city life is no match for the quiet rural life.4. 人们普遍认为吸烟与肺癌发病成正比关系。it has been commonly thought that there is a positive correlation between cigarette smoking and the incidence

6、 of lung cancer.5. 许多科学家没有被目前的证据说服。many scientists remain unconvinced by the current evidence.三、translate the following short passages into chinese.1. an online survey shows office workers in taiwan prefer not to be given zongzi as gifts for the annual dragon boat festival, reported. about 54% of th

7、e office workers polled said zongzi is at the bottom of the gift list they want while 76% of them said what they want most is cash or gift coupons for department stores or supermarkets. and 21% said they would prefer office banquets.据新华网报道,一项网络调查显示粽子成为台湾上班族最不想收到的端午节礼物。有54%的受访者称粽子在他们想要的礼单中垫底。而有高达76%的

8、受访上班族选择现金或百货公司/超市礼券作为最想要的端午节礼物,其次,有21%的受访者选择一顿犒赏员工辛劳的大餐。2. traveling is likely to be disturbed by rain which will cover many areas. rainy and cloudy weather is foreseen in the south of the yangtze river valley, southern china, guizhou and eastern parts of yunnan. heavy rain or rainstorms will hit so

9、uthern hunan, jiangxi, zhejiang, fujian, guangdong and guangxi.降雨分布较广,江南、华南及贵州、云南东部等地多阴雨天气,其中湖南南部、江西、浙江、福建、广东、广西等地大到暴雨,将给出行带来不便。四、translate the following short passages into english.1.考试使你夜里合不上眼,让你感到头疼,感到紧张,甚至使你手抖反胃。对多数人而言,考试是一种折磨。但是无论你喜不喜欢,你都必须最充分地发挥。以下是一些可以提高应试技巧的建议。tests can keep up you awake at

10、night. they can give you a headache and make you nervous. they can cause your hands to shake and make your stomach queasy. for many people, tests are just something you have to suffer through. but like them or not, you might as well make sure that you give your best performance. here are some sugges

11、tions for improving your test-taking skills.2. 不要临时抱佛脚。人们总喜欢把学习一推再推,直到考试的前一天。殊不知,这种方法一般都会使你考得很糟糕。考试方面的专家认为,你应该很早就开始学习,这可以使你有足够的时间吸收这些知识。如果有不懂的地方,还有时间去问别人。而且这样的话,你可以在考试的前一天晚上美美地睡上一觉。dont be a last-minute crammer.its tempting to put off studying until the day before the exam. unfortunately, this metho

12、d almost guarantees poor results. test-taking experts agree that you need to start studying way ahead of time. this gives you time to really absorb the information. and if there is something that you dont understand, youll have time to get help. youll also be able to get a good nights sleep on the n

13、ight before the exam.口译期末试卷 模拟试卷一、translate the following sentences into chinese.1. a friend convinces you that there really is an unlocked door just waiting for you to open it.朋友会让你确信,真的有一扇不加锁的门,在等待着你去开启。2. former south african president nelson mandelas 13-year-old great-granddaughter was killed in

14、 a car crash friday ahead of the world cup opening match, which mandela planned to attend.南非前总统尼尔森曼德拉13岁的曾孙女11日在世界杯开幕前夕不幸遭遇车祸身亡。曼德拉原计划参加开幕式。3. chinas social environment is changing, as people dare to express their private life and love values in public.中国的社会环境在不断变化,人们现在敢于在公众场合谈论私生活和爱情价值观。4. national

15、 eye-care day aims to promote awareness of the importance of preventive eye care.全国爱眼日的目的在于宣传预防措施对于保护眼睛的重要性。5. the queen elizabeth iis birthday is celebrated twice a year, privately on april 21, her actual birthday, and again with an official national celebration in june, when the weather is better.

16、 伊丽莎白二世女王每年庆生两次,4月21日会举行私人宴会庆祝真正的生日,然后待6月天气好转时,再正式举行全国庆典。二、translate the following sentences into english.1. 人们普遍认为吸烟与肺癌发病成正比关系。it has been commonly thought that there is a positive correlation between cigarette smoking and the incidence of lung cancer.2. 许多科学家没有被目前的证据说服。many scientists remain uncon

17、vinced by the current evidence.3. 旅游业是这个国家的主要收入来源。tourism is the countrys main source of income.4. 这一切都发生在一瞬间,我还没来得及反思。all has happened in a flash, so fast that i dont have time to reflect. 5. 加拿大最新研究发现,幼儿2岁时看电视时间如果过长,10岁时将会受到负面影响。a new canadian study finds that watching too much tv at age 2 might c

18、ause problems at age 10.三、translate the following short passages into chinese.1. chinese people lack a sense of citizenship. they only regard themselves as family members, not citizens. they should act as the masters of the country to promote reform and supervise the government.中国公民意识不高,光是考虑到是一个家庭的成

19、员,而没有考虑到我是一个公民,我是这个国家的主人,我要去推动改革、我要去监督政府。2. mondays essay questions for the annual college entrance exam (gaokao) not only attracted attention at home but also abroad. peter foster, a daily telegraph reporter, posted the essay questions from national and provincial papers to his blogs, saying the br

20、ainteasers are creative. he hoped readers could enjoy them for amusement and general brain-food.周一的高考作文不仅是国人关注的热点,老外也不惜笔墨进行报道。英国每日电讯报记者彼得福斯特把全国和各省的作文题目发表到博客中,希望给大家提供点用以娱乐的精神食粮。他用脑筋急转弯来比喻这些题目,称其富有创意。3. women may not be able to read maps but they may be better at remembering routes than men if they ha

21、ve been to the place before, claims a new study, the daily telegraph reported. researchers believe it is because women are much better at remembering landmarks than men. they said it is to do with the different roles men and women played in early primitive years as hunters.据英国每日电讯报报道,最新研究发现,虽然女性读图认路

22、能力不如男性,但她们更擅长记住以前走过的路。这是因为女性更容易记住路标。研究者解释,狩猎时代男女分工的不同造成了这种差异。四、translate the following short passages into english.1、不要临时抱佛脚。人们总喜欢把学习一推再推,直到考试的前一天。殊不知,这种方法一般都会使你考得很糟糕。考试方面的专家认为,你应该很早就开始学习,这可以使你有足够的时间吸收这些知识。如果有不懂的地方,还有时间去问别人。而且这样的话,你可以在考试的前一天晚上美美地睡上一觉。dont be a last-minute crammer.its tempting to put

23、 off studying until the day before the exam. unfortunately, this method almost guarantees poor results. test-taking experts agree that you need to start studying way ahead of time. this gives you time to really absorb the information. and if there is something that you dont understand, youll have ti

24、me to get help. youll also be able to get a good nights sleep on the night before the exam.2、致富的关键是你有想致富的心态。我这样说是因为我在玩“大富翁”游戏时就有了致富的想法。那时,我才九岁,就在游戏的操作台上找到了获取财富的最有效的规则。我九岁时,我的穷爸爸,一位教书匠说,“啊, 把游戏放一边。学习,学习,学习!你玩大富翁就是浪费时间。”而我的富爸爸说出了那个规则,“你必须要开阔视野看到大富翁游戏中的那条规则。”他说,“规则就在你面前。”接着我又问道,“那条规则是什么内容?”最终我知道那条规则是关于

25、四座绿房子和红色的宾馆。the most important thing to becoming rich is for you to have a mindset to want to become rich. the reason i say that is because i wanted to become rich when i played monopoly. that was, i was nine years old. the greatest formula for wealth is found on that board game. when i was nine yea

26、rs old my poor dad, the schoolteacher said, “ah put the game away. study, study, study! youre wasting your time playing monopoly.” and my rich dad said the formula, “you must open your mind and see the formula right on monopoly.” he said, “its right in front of you.” and i went, “whats the formula?”

27、 and finally i learned the formula is, four green houses, red hotel, four green houses, red hotel.3. 虽然日本女人在世界上是受教育最高的女人,但以西方标准来衡量的话,她们在自己的国家是二等公民。传统的价值观不鼓励女人们表现得坦率和独立,鄙视那些想在政治或经济上往上爬的女人。只有四分之一的日本大公司里在中层或更高层管理层里有女性员工。一般女性的年收入只有男人的一半。though japanese women are among the best-educated women in the worl

28、d, they are, by western standards, second-class citizens in their own country. traditional values discourage women from appearing outspoken or independent-minded and demoralize those who try to climb the political or business hierarchies. only one-fourth of major japanese corporations have any women

29、 at all in the middle-management or higher ranks. the average womans annual income amounts to only half that of a mans.口译第一次作业directions: translate the following sentences into chinese.(英译汉)1 as the worlds most robust economic region, china has attracted worldwide attention with its remarkable achie

30、vement over the past decade.中国作为世界上最有活力的经济区域在过去20年里以其显著的成就引起了全球的广泛注意。2 teaching is the greatest public service and we owe teachers our admiration and respect.教学是最伟大的公共事业,我们应对教师表示赞赏和尊敬。3 chinas four great invention of paper making, gunpowder, printing and compass have had a huge impact on the entire

31、world.中国的四大发明-造纸术、火药、印刷术和指南针对于整个世界有巨大的影响. we wish to enter into business relations with your company. your wish to establish long-term cooperation relations coincides with ours.我们愿意与贵公司建立业务关系。你们建立长期合作关系的愿望与我们不谋而合。5 if you ever pass my home, do drop in.如果你路过我家,希望你光临寒舍。6 in america, people are more in

32、terested in improving their life on earth. and they have a strong faith in their ability to improve conditions through their own efforts.在美国,人们对于改善他们的生活更感兴趣。并且他们对于通过自己的努力改善自己的生活条件很有信心。7 the party was perfectly organized and i enjoyed every minute of it. and i am very grateful for this nice arrangeme

33、nt.聚会组织地完美无缺,我玩得非常尽兴。非常感谢这次美妙的安排。 8 as the largest developing country, china is willing to develop economic and trade cooperation with all countries and regions of good will.作为最大的发展中国家,中国愿意和所有有着良好意愿的国家发展经济和贸易协作.9 yoga, developed by the ancient sages of india, is a system of personal development enco

34、mpassing body, mind, and spirit that dates back more than 5000 years ago.瑜伽,是由5000年以前的印度古人发展而来的,是一个专门针对如何发展个人身体、益智、精神的系统。口译第二次作业directions: translate the following sentences into english. (汉译英)1这是你第几次来中国?for which time do you come to china now?2 拥有共同的标准,配以最佳的实践,将是进一步推动我们这一产业和团体进步的关键。the key to advan

35、ce the improvement of our industry and community further is to be with one standard and the best practice.3 我今天荣幸地在这里参加会议,共同探讨我们对发展中国家金融前景的看法,并就此提出我们的建议。it gives me great pleasure to attend this meeting and share our visions on the prospect of financial sectors in developing countries.4 从历史文化来了解和认识中

36、国,是一个重要的视角。to know and acquaintance china from history and culture , it is an important visual angle.5 中国在全面推进现代化的过程中,不仅将实现经济持续发展视为一项重要战略,同时也将生态环境的保护视为一项基本国策。during the process of chinas modernization in an all-round way, economic development will continue to be a central task while eco-environmenta

37、l protection will be taken as a basic state policy.6 房屋市场一直被看好,具有巨大发展潜力,国务院取消福利分房后,房地产市场已经趋于活跃。housing market has enjoyed popular confidence for its huge developmental potential. since the state council cancelled the welfare-oriented public housing distribution system, housing market has witnessed r

38、ising vitality.7 象征着中国古代文明的长城是世界上最著名的建筑之一。它位于北京西北约75公里处。the great wall which symbolize the ancient chinese culture is one of the most famous architectures in the world. it located at 75 km away from beijing.8 人们常说,到了北京不吃烤鸭是最大的遗憾。在我们动筷之前,我来给大家简单介绍介绍吧。its widely said to be a pity when traveling to bei

39、jing without tasting peking duck. before we have dinner please allow me to give a brief introduction. 9 我们得让你走了。你的工作达不到我们对雇员工作质量的要求,虽然你似乎是很忙。另外,你和其他雇员配合也不太好。we have to let you go. your work failed to meet our requirement on employees, though you always appeared being busy. besides, your cooperation

40、with other staff was not adequate10 虽然不同地区的语言因差异巨大而互不相通,然而从语言的基本原理以及对一些具体的交际问题的处理方法上看,它们却有着许多共同之处。even thought different areas language is totally different, according to the basic theory of language and some specific approaches to solve relationship affairs, they have some similarities.口译第三次作业direc

41、tions:translate the following two short passages into chinese. (英译汉)1 hong kong is a unique meeting place for east and west, blending chinese heritage, british colonial influences, high-tech modernity and cantonese gusto. it offers a diversity of travel experiences, from shopping, to gourmet dining,

42、 to countryside pursuits and unique cultural heritage, including a great variety of religious institutions and preserved buildings like temples, monasteries, walled villages, clan halls and colonial structures.香港是一个中西合璧的城市,既保留传统的中国文化,又深受英殖民地时代的影响。香港位处广东沿岸,地方色彩相当浓厚,同时也是积极发展高科技的现代化城市。香港是著名的旅游胜地,这儿有购物消

43、闲好去处,有享誉国际的佳肴美食,有风景怡人的大自然景色和独特的文化遗产,包括庙宇、寺院、围、祠堂和富有殖民地色彩的古物古迹。2 ladies and gentlemen, id like to report on my recent investigation of the current situation of chinas automobile market. considering the fact that there is only one car for every 250 chinese at present, the potential auto market is extr

44、emely attractive. china has cut its average tariff rate several times and promised to continue to cut its automobile import tariff. china has virtually opened its auto market to the outside world. china is seeking partners for its automobile industry, and we should walk up and take the opportunity.女士们,先生们,我向诸位汇报一下我对中国汽车市场现状所作的调查。目前中国的轿车拥有量为每250人仅一辆车。因此,这个潜在的市场具有极大的诱惑力。中国已数次下降关税,并承诺将继续降低汽车进口关税,中国汽车市场的大门已经敞开。中国正在寻求汽车工业的合资伙伴。我们的机会就在眼前。口译第四次作业directions:translate the followi


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