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1、Welcome to my class!What qualities do you think a great person should have?Some words to describe a persons qualitiesWhat kind of What kind of personperson can be can be called a great called a great person?person?As far as Im concernedTo my To my understandingunderstandingI feel thatI feel thatA gr

2、eat person is someone who is . Sentence types:(句型句型)Qualities of Qualities of the great the great peoplepeopleselflessselflessdetermineddeterminedgenerousgenerouskindkindeasy-goingeasy-goingwarm-heartedwarm-heartedhonesthonesthard-workinghard-workingbravebraveconfidentconfidentdevoteddevotedhelpfulh

3、elpfulindependentindependentresponsibleresponsibleGuessing gameWho are they ?Norman Bethune He fought against the German Nazis and Japanese invaders(入侵入侵者者) during WWII. He worked selflessly in China as a doctor and saved many Chinese soldiers.Norman Bethune (1890-1939), Canada 白求恩白求恩Sun Yat-sen He

4、founded the first Republic in China in 1911 after many years fighting. He strongly believed in the three principles(三民主义三民主义): nationalism(民族)(民族); Peoples rights(民权)(民权); peoples livelihood(民生)(民生).( (Sun Yat-sen (1866-1925), China 孙中山孙中山) ) He gave up a rich life for his ideas and fought for his c

5、ountry India to be free from the UK in a peaceful way. He was thought as Indian Peoples “ Father of the Nation.” GandhiGandhiMohandas GandhiHe is an astronaut(宇航员)宇航员)in China. He is the first astronaut piloting a spacecraft(航天器)航天器),traveling in the space on board Shenzhou-5 in 2003.Yang LiweiNelso

6、n MandelaSouth Africa1.He fought for the black people and was in prison for thirty years.2. He helped the black people to get the same rights as white people.3.He was the first black president in South Africa. They all made great contribution to their countries and other people. They are all .great

7、people / heroesUnit5 Nelson Mandela- A Modern HeroReadingELIAS STORY(Something about told by )Nelson MandelaEliasLearning Goalsl1. To summarize and remember the main idea of the passage.l2. To speak out the detailed information of the passage.l3. To learn some useful words, expressions in the passag

8、e.Eliass StoryGreat personGreat personOrdinary personOrdinary person ? ?Reading strategies: Make a guess Reading strategies: Make a guess according to title before reading according to title before reading Whats the connection between them?A.A.strangersstrangersB. FriendsC. Father and sonD. Teacher

9、and student Some words & expressions1. legal; stage; vote2. gold mine; worry about; out of work 3. the black lawyer to whom I went for advice 4. offer guidance to poor black people 5. generous with his time 6. pay the school fees and the bus fare7. become more hopeful about my future8. answer violen

10、ce with violence9. as a matter of fact10. blow up some government buildings11. be put in prison12. achieve our dream of making black and white people equalSkimming to get general ideas(five minutes)Whats the main idea of the text?lIt is mainly about the story of the poor black worker , who got .lThi

11、nking:Eliashelp from Nelson MandelaHow many parts can we divide this text into ? How many parts can the text be divided into? Give the general idea of each part. Part I Paragraph 1-2 Paragraph 1-2 The life of Elias before he met The life of Elias before he met . . Paragraph 3-5 Paragraph 3-5 after h

12、e met Nelson after he met Nelson Mandela and what Mandela did.Mandela and what Mandela did.Part IINelson MandelaThe change of Elias lifeTime1940:1946:1948:1952:1963: EventsElias was born. Elias began school.Elias left school. Elias went to Nelson Mandela for advice.Elias helped Mandela blow up some

13、government buildings. Make a timeline of Elias life. Reading Comprehension VIScanning1 Elias life before meeting MandelaFill in the blanks.Informa-tion of EliasElias problemHe was a poor _ worker.He needed to have a _ to live in Johannesburg.blackpassbookReading ComprehensionScanning2 Black peoples

14、problemsThey couldnt _.They couldnt get the _ they wanted.They were sent to live in _ _.votejobsthe poorest parts of South Africa3 Elias life after meeting MandelaMandelas helpsupport for MandelaMandela told him how to get the _ _ so he could stay in Johannesburg.He joined the_.He helped Mandela _ _

15、 some government buildings.ANC Youth Leagueblow upcorrect papersReading Comprehension VAnswer these questions.1. Why did Elias visit Nelson Mandela?2. What problems did Elias have in finding a job? 3. What was the condition for black people at that time?4. Though Elias didnt like violence, he did so

16、mething violent, why?ScanningBecause Nelson Mandela offered guidance to poor black people on their legal problems. Poor education; no passbook Para. 4-5 They have almost no rights at all. It would help them achieve their dream of making black and white people equal.Retelll Elias was a poor black wor

17、ker in South Africa while Nelson Mandela was the black , who offered to poor black people on their problems. When Elias was in a very difficult of his life, he went to Nelson Manela for . Elias had very little because his parents couldnt afford the school and the bus . Though he managed to get a job

18、 in a gold mine, without a to live in Johannesburg he was afraid to become . Mandela offered him help and when Mandela the ANC Youth League, Elias it as soon as possible. In the last thirty years, black people has lost all their . If attacking the laws peacefully was not allowed, they decided to ans

19、wer violence with , but in 1963, in order to their dream of making black and white people , he helped to some government buildings.lawyerguidanceperiodfeesadviceeducationlegalfarepassbookout of workorganizedjoinedrightsviolenceachieveequalblow upwarm-heartedwarm-hearteddevoteddevoted热心肠的热心肠的慷慨的;大方的慷

20、慨的;大方的随和的;温和宽容的随和的;温和宽容的忠实的;深爱的忠实的;深爱的无私的;忘我的无私的;忘我的独立的独立的负责任的负责任的坚决的;有决心的坚决的;有决心的independentindependentresponsibleresponsibleReviewgenerousgenerouseasy-goingeasy-goingselflessselflessdetermineddeterminedSome famous quotes from MandelalAfter climbing a great hill, one only finds that there are many

21、more hills to climb. 登上高峰后,你会发现还有更多的山峰要翻越。lThe brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear. 勇者不是感觉不到害怕的人,而是克服自身恐惧的人。lIt always seems impossible until its done. 在事情未成功之前,一切总看似不可能。lThe greatest brilliance in life lies not in never falling, but fall can always rises again. 生命中最伟大的光辉不在于永不坠落,而是坠落后总能再度升起。lA good head and a good heart are alway


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