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1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘学子:学业有成,金榜题名!语言类考试复习资料大全公共英语三级分类模拟题听力题(六)公共英语三级分类模拟题听力题(六)Unit 1Part ADirections:You will hear 10 short dialogues. For each dialogue, there is one question and four possible answers. Choose the correct answerA, B, C or D, and mark it in your test booklet. You will have 15 secon

2、ds to answer the question and you will hear each dialogue only once. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1. How many traffic lights should the woman pass?A.One.B.Two.C.Three.D.Four.答案:C解析W:Excuse me, how do I get to the Summer Palace?M:Walk past those three traffic lights and turn right on Beihai Street, Its on th

3、e right hand side.2. What did the man think about Janes parents?A.They were both friendly.B.He didnt enjoy meeting them.C.Hed love to invite them over.D.They talked so much, and he had no chance to talk.答案:B解析W:Did you and Jane go to dinner with Janes parents last night?M:Well their house was lovely

4、 and the food was delicious but I cant say much for the company.3. Where did the woman think they were supposed to meet?A.At the information desk.B.On the platform.C.Near the stairs.D.On the train,答案:A解析M:Where have you been all this time?The train is about to leave.W:Im sorry rm late but I was wait

5、ing for you at the information desk upstairs.4. How did the woman feel about the books?A.She didnt like the books.B.She thought they were cheap.C.She thought they were expensive.D.She thought other bookstores carried more of them.答案:B解析M:I paid 15 yuan for these books, I think theyre too expensive.W

6、:Expensive? Theyre a steal.You shouldnt complain; theyre a lot more in other bookstores.5. What does the man mean?A.Teachers usually like to read a lot.B.Not every teacher likes to read all the time.C.Teachers like to read a lot and listen to music.D.People who teach English like things besides book

7、s.答案:D解析W:ProfessorYang helped me so much that Im thinking of buying him a book of poetry.M:I think you should get him a record. Just because hes a teacher of English doesnt mean that all he does is reading. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 6. Whats the woman going to do?A.Join her friend.B.Stay inside,C.Sketch

8、 the tree outside.D.Find something easy to do.答案:B解析M:It is such a nice warm day. I think rill go to write my report under the tree.W:Id like to join you but 1 find it hard to work outside.7. How does the woman feel about her books?A.They are too heavy and she cant carry them.B.They are too many and

9、 she cant read them all.C.They are too difficult and complex.D.She feels too tired to read.答案:B解析W:I dont think I can handle all of these books for this course.M:I found that you dont have to read them thoroughly. Just skim through and get the major points.8. Whats the man complaining about?A.Callin

10、g up customers.B.Some of his good friends.C.Not getting what he wants.D.A custom that is new to him.答案:D解析M:I wish I could get used to this American custom of using first names.W:I usually call just my good friends by their first names.9. Where did this conversation take place?A.In a hotel.B.In a ho

11、spital ward.C.In an office building,D.In an apartment building.答案:A解析M:Good morning. Could you ring Mr. Grant for me, Mr. Charles Grant. Hes staying here. I have an appointment. He said to get reception to ring when I arrived.W:Yes, just let me Hookah, Mr. Grant, Room 117.10. When are the reports du

12、e?A.Friday.B.Today.C.Wednesday.D.Thursday.答案:C解析W:Dont forget. Professor Jackson wants the lab reports in by Wednesday.That means we have to write it up today.M:I wont forget.Well finish it at three after my last class.Part BDirections:You will hear four dialogues or monologues. Before listening to

13、each one, you will have 5 seconds to read each of the questions which accompany it. While listening, answer each question by choosing A, B, C or D. After listening, you will have 10 seconds to check your answers to each question. You will hear the recording only once. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1. Accordi

14、ng to the speaker, what do most people think historians are concerned with?A.Unusual works of art.B.Dates and names that cannot be determined.C.Articles written by previous historians.D.Significant events and influential people.答案:D解析 22-25 We usually think of history as the story of important peopl

15、e and events, but some historians are also interested in the daily lives of ordinary people. We can get this kind of information from written documents like diaries and town records, of coursebut strange as this may seemwe can also learn a lot from studying old family portraits, family portraits pro

16、vide information about things like the size of the family and the hobbies and tastes of the family; the types of clothing family members wore for the portrait suggest the popular fashions of the time. The objects that children hold in their hands can give clues about the games they played and their

17、hobbies.The background of a family portrait gives historians an idea of room size and furnishings and even the wealth and social position of the family.All of these details help historians understand more about the everyday lives of some of the ordinary people from the past. 2. According to the spea

18、ker, what makes family portraits valuable to historians?A.They are few in number.B.They depict important historical events.C.They provide a lot of information about ordinary people.D.They conceal information about the social role of artists.答案:C3. According to the speaker, what was most likely held

19、by children in family portraits?A.Their playthings.B.Some money.C.Their relatives hands.D.Their shoes.答案:A4. According to the speaker, what can historians learn from studying the background area in a family portrait?A.The locations of the house.B.The social and economic status of the family.C.The ty

20、pes of games children played.D.The profession of the owner of the house.答案:B (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 5. What company does the man work fortA.An investigation company.B.A newly set-up newspaper firm.C.A sales company.D.A market research company.答案:D解析 11-14W:Hello.M:This is Jim Evens from Market Researc

21、h Corporation. Were conducting a nationwide survey of peoples reading habits. May I ask you a few questions?W:Oh, I suppose.M:Do you read any newspapers and, if so, which ones?W:I read the NewYorkTimes and the Wall Street Journal.M:Okay, do you subscribe to these newspapers?W:I subscribe to theTimes

22、. But I get the Wall Street Journal at the office.M:I see.What about magazines? Do you subscribe to any?W:Oh, yeah, I get Fortune and Psychology Today. And my husband gets Esquire, so I read that too, sometimes.M:About how many hours a week do you read magazines then?W:Oh, about two or three.M:All r

23、ight. Now, do you read books regularly and, if so what type?W:Well, novels are my favorite but, to tell you the truth, I havent read one in quite a while, rm taking a class at night, so the only books rve been reading lately are textbooks.M:I take it then that you dont belong to a book club?W:No, I

24、dont.M:And about how much time do you spend a week reading textbooks?W:Not enough. I guess a couple of hours.M:Well, were just about done.Thank you very much for your time.W:Youre welcome, Bye.6. How much time does the woman spend reading magazines every week?A.One or two.B.Two or three.C.Three or f

25、our:.D.Four or five.答案:B7. Which newspaper or magazine did she NOT subscribe to?A.Wall Street Journal,B.Psychology Today.C.Fortune.D.NewYorkTimes.答案:A8. Why does the woman read textbooks?A.Theyre her favorite.B.Shes taking some lessons.C.Shes a club member.D.She had nothing else to read.答案:B (如需获取本M

26、P3听力录音请搜索标题名) 9. What will be shown on TV on May 5th?A.A science fiction cartoon.B.A scientific program.C.A movie about dreaming.D.A drama set in Hong Kong.答案:B解析 18-21 Before I finish my lecture today, Id like to mention an interesting science program that will be onTV on May 5th. Its about an impo

27、rtant part of the human body -the brain. Its a new public television show produced in Hang Kong.The program will investigate how the brain functions and malfunctions. Some interesting topics that will be discussed are dreaming, memory, and depression.These topics will be illustrated with computer an

28、imation to make explanations easy to follow.The show is not for children, but dont worry, its not intended for scientists either. Its produced for. the understanding of the general public. I think the program will be very helpful with the work were doing in class on the brain. I hope youll watch it.

29、 After the show, well hold discussions. Remember, the program will be on CCTV Channel One on May 5th and it will start about 8:45 p.m. 10. What will be the main purpose of the show?A.To demonstrate the latest use of computer graphics.B.To raise funds for public television programmingC.To explain the

30、 workings of the human brain.D.To increase membership in professional medical societies.答案:C11. Why does the speaker recommend watching the program?A.It is required of all science majors.B.It was made in Hong Kong.C.It will be shown after working hours.D.It will be helpful with course work.答案:D12. W

31、hy should the program be easy to understand?A.It is meant for nonscientists,B.It is simple enough for children.C.A discussion will be held after the show.D.There will be a series following the first show.答案:A (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 13. How do the students demonstrate that they really enjoy the class?A

32、.They do all their homework.B.They study hard for his tests.C.They read all the books he has published,D.They compete for the best seats in the class答案:D解析 15-17M:Hi Margaret! Where were you at lunchtime? I was saving a seat for you in he cafeteria.W:Oh! Sorry to miss you. But my thirst for knowledg

33、e was greater than my pangs of hunger!M:I never had that problem! So where were you?W:My political science class ran overtime.M:Thats been happening quite a bit lately, hasnt it?W:I guess so. Actually what happens is that a bunch of us hang around for a while after class to talk with our professor a

34、nd ask him questions.M:Who is this 20th century philosopher?W:ProfessorTaylor. Have you heard of him?M:Hm. He does have a good reputation in the political science department.W:And a well-deserved one! The same students who fall asleep in discussion groups and seminars fight for front-row seats in hi

35、s lectures.M:Oh no! I hope this isnt catching!W:You can joke! But its great to have a professor whos not only interesting, but prepared to give up time for students.M:I know. Theyre a rare breed! Maybe I should sit in on his class sometime. Do you think hed care?W:Not at all. Lots of students bring

36、their friends, and he says he feels flattered.M:Hmm, I think Ill do that next week.14. How does Professor Taylor feel about visitors at his lectures?A.They bore him.B.They make him angry.C.They make him feel good,D.They make no impact on him.答案:C15. At what time does Professor Taylors class probably

37、 meet?A.In the late morning.B.Immediately after lunch.C.In the mid-afternoon.D.After the evening meal.答案:AUnit 2Part ADirections:You will hear 10 short dialogues. For each dialogue, there is one question and four possible answers. Choose the correct answer A, B, C or D, and mark it in your test book

38、let. You will have 15 seconds to answer the question and you will hear each dialogue only once. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1. Who did the woman talk to?A.A landlord.B.A good friend.C.A roommate.D.A hotel receptionist.答案:A解析W:Hello. I hear you have an apartment for rent.M:Yes.We have one coming up the firs

39、t of June.W:Is it two-bedroom?M:Two bedrooms, a nice living-dining area, a complete kitchen , and a full bath.2. What does the woman want to do now?A.To buy a ticket.B.To check in.C.To receive a guest.D.To return a ticket.答案:B解析W:Excuse me.Can you help me?M:Yes?W:I have a ticket to Seattle.Where can

40、 I check in?M:Sorry, I cant help you here.You have to go to the ticket counter Youll see a sign there that says, Check-in, then look for the airline you want.3. Where did the conversation most probably take place?A.In a bank.B.In a supermarket.C.At a booking office.D.At a police station.答案:A解析W:Hell

41、o. I want to open an account.M:Fine. Have a seat.What kind of account do you want?W:What kinds of accounts do you have?W:We have checking and savings accounts.4. Where are they going to celebrate Thanksgiving?A.At their own house.B.At the womans uncles house.C.At the womans mothers house.D.In a rest

42、aurant.答案:A解析M:What are your plans forThanksgiving Day?W:The same as usual. My aunts and uncles and cousins come to our house for dinner,M:Do you cook the turkey?W:My mother cooks it, But I prepare the vegetables. Fly aunts usually bring the pies.5. What do we learn from the conversation?A.Nothing i

43、s wrong with the calculator.B.The calculator is too expensive.C.The button of the calculator is off.D.To change a new calculator, the receipt is needed.答案:D解析W:Excuse me.M:Yes?W:I bought this calculator here yesterday but it doesnt work.M:Oh, lets see whats wrong.W:This button doesnt work.When I pus

44、h it nothing happens.M:You are right. Ill give you another one. Show me your receipt please. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 6. Where is the woman planning to leave the children?A.At her mothers house.B.At her own house.C.At her neighbors house,.D.In a kindergarten.答案:C解析W:Do you want to go to the Watsons part

45、y?M:All right. Do you think we can leave the children at your mothers house?W:No. Shell be out of town. But Ive heard about a good baby-sitter.7. What did the woman do before going to the shopping center?A.Cashed some money.B.Made a shopping list.C.Took some medicine.D.Decided to buy a birthday pres

46、ent.答案:B解析W:Do you need much time at the shopping center?M:Not very much. I want to buy a plant for my grandmothers birthday and a few things for school. How about you?W:I dont know. I made a list, but I cant find it. I think there were three things on it.8. What do we learn from the mans reply?A.He

47、 insists that the woman should go to the dinner.B.He can do something about the womans headache,C.He is indifferent to the woman,D.He is very much concerned about the woman.答案:D解析M:Where shall we eat dinner tonight? Shall we try that new italian restau rant?W:I cant eat anything. I feel terrible. My

48、 head aches.M:You must be sick .You might have the flu. A headache is one sign of the flu.W:I dont know any doctors here.M:I have a good doctor, I can make an appointment for you.9. When will the next bus leave for Chicago?A.12:15.B.1:45.C.62:50.D.11:15.答案:A解析W:Excuse me, I was wondering if you coul

49、d help me.M:Sure. Ill be glad to try,What do you need?W:Can you tell me when the next bus leaves for Chicago?M:H-m-m. It looks like one leaves at 12:15.10. What kind of room does the woman like to have?A.A large room.B.A small room.C.A quiet room.D.A room near the street.答案:C解析M:Good evening, madam.

50、W:Good evening. Could you let me have a double room?M:How long will you be staying here, please?W:A week or so.Wed like to have a quiet room if possible, not too near the street.Part BDirections:You will hear four dialogues or monologues. Before listening to each one, you will have 5 seconds to read

51、 each of the questions which accompany it. While listening, answer each question by choosing A, B, C or D. After listening, you will have 10 seconds to check your answers to each question. You will hear the recording only once. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1. What is the special feature of New Orleans?A.Its

52、 French Quarter.B.Its hills.C.Its narrow streets.D.Its shops and restaurants.答案:A解析 11-13M:Have you ever been to New Orleans?W:No.What is it like?M:Its one of the most interesting cities in the United States. It has a French Quarter, with narrow streets and little old shops. Many of the shops and re

53、staurants are French.W:Theres a lot of jazz music in New Orleans, isnt there?M:Yes.You hear wonderful jazz there. New Orleans and San Francisco are my two favorite cities. Have you been to San Francisco?W:No.What is it like?M:It has lovely views, and one of the most beautiful bridges in the world th

54、e Golden Gate Bridge. Its a very hilly city.The hills are in the middle of the town, so you have to walK up and down hills when you go anywhere.When you drive, your car needs good brakes.W:Do you have to drive? Cant you take buses?M:Well, most people who visit San Francisco ride in the cable cars. A

55、 cable car goes on tracks, and a strong cable pulls it up the hills.W:That doesnt sound very safe.M:Dont worry. Hundreds of people ride in cable cars every day.2. Which city or cities has the woman been to?A.New Orleans.B.San Francisco,C.Both New Orleans and San Francisco,D.Neither of the two cities

56、.答案:D3. Why does the cars in San Francisco need good brakes?A.The city has stricter traffic rules,B.There are hills in the city.C.There are many travelers in the city.D.There are many cable car tracks.答案:B (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 4. What does the man suggest that the woman should do?A.To practice her English.B.To join the Theater Group.C.To act in a play.D.To make costumes.答案:B解析 14-17M:If you want to make friends in this town, you ought to join the Theater Group.W:But my English isnt enoug


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