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1、 2014年9月考试大学英语(3) A 卷 一、单项选择题 (共45题、总分45分) All the evidence pointed to the conclusion (C) he was guilty. (本题分数:1 分。) A、A which B、B whether C、C that D、D where 2. His understanding made a deep impression (B) the young girl. (本题分数:1 分。) A、A in B、B on C、C for D、D to 3. Can you turn down the radio, pleas

2、e? ( B). (本题分数:1 分。) A、Oh, I know B、 Im sorry, I didnt realize it was that loud. C、 Ill keep it down next time. D、 Please forgive me。 4. Whats your favorite subject? - (B ). (本题分数:1 分。) A、Canada. B、 Chinese. C、 This one. D、 Obvious. 5. A: Do you attend the weddings of your cousins like we do? B:( C)

3、 (本题分数:1 分。) A、That would be great. B、 think thats true. C、 Maybe not. D、 People in China are more patient. 6. A: Do you often speak English with your classmates? B: ( B). (本题分数:1 分。) A、 just listen. B、 No, I want to, but. C、 Its Okay. D、 Everyone makes mistakes, you know. 7. Can you briefly describ

4、e yourself? - ( B). (本题分数:1 分。) A、My college is in Chongqing. B、 I am from Beijing. C、 I know you. D、 You are my friend. 8. A: So, you are also an NSnc fan? B: ( A) (本题分数:1 分。) A、No, not exactly. B、 Its you! C、 I am listening to Backstreet Boys. D、 I think hes young. ) 分。1 本题分数:( How much is the boo

5、k? - ( D). 9. A、Changes only, please. B、 Here you are. C、 You have 70 percent discount. D、 3 dollars. 10. A. What did you do during that period? B: ( A). (本题分数:1 分。) A、 was working as a volunteer. B、 I havent had the chance. C、CAll of us feel proud about it D、 I need to earn the money. 11. A:Will yo

6、u be a volunteer at the Beijing Olympics? B: (B ) (本题分数:1 分。) A、 am lucky enough. B、 Ill be glad if I can. C、 Let me have a try. D、 Id better ask somebody else. 12. Hi, Sam, I think you did a good job. (A ). (本题分数:1 分。) A、Thank you B、 Dont mention it C、 Not at all D、 I did it quite badly 13. Ill nev

7、er know all that was in his mind, (D). (本题分数:1 分。) A、A nor will anyone else either B、B nor wont anyone else too C、C nor anyone else will D、D nor will anyone else 14. The ( B) of establishing a new amusement park seemed to be very attractive. (本题分数:1 分。) A、outline B、 project C、 progress D、 method 15.

8、 This took place in(B ) Philadelphia. (本题分数:1 分。) A、a 1930s B、 the 1930s C、 the 1930s D、1930s 16. We ( B) supper when a policeman came to the door. (本题分数:1 分。) A、just have B、 were having C、 just had D、 had had just 17. Although George has many personal problems, he ( C) present every day since the f

9、irst day of class. (本题分数:1 分。) A、has been had been 、B C、 is D、 was 18. He (C) to write a history of civilization. (本题分数:1 分。) A、A set off B、B set in C、C set out D、D set about 19. If the customer is (B ) to pay a bill, the company turns their account over to a collection agency. (本题分数:1 分。) A、 unusua

10、l B、 unwilling C、 unworthy D、 unwanted 20. He couldnt remember( B) (本题分数:1 分。) A、 what was the formula B、 what were the formula C、what the formula was D、 what the formula were 21. Taking photographs inside the museum is ( C) forbidden. (本题分数:1 分。) A、narrowly B、 exactly C、 strictly D、 firmly 22. The

11、clerk (B ) stole some money from the bank (本题分数:1 分。) A、supposed to B、 supposedly C、 supposed D、 suppose 23. We (B ) that it was a trick to get our money. (本题分数:1 分。) A、surprised B、 suspected C、 surveyed D、 suggested 24. Taking (B ) is one of Mikes hobbies. (本题分数:1 分。) A、photo B、 photos C、 photoes D

12、、 photos 25. Ill give you my telephone number in case you (A) want to get in touch with me again. (本题分数:1 分。) A、A should B、B will C、C shall D need 、D 26. The lecture was so ( A) that everyone went to sleep. (本题分数:1 分。) A、boring B、 bored C、 interested D、 interesting 27. I said, “ I hope youll have (

13、B) nice birthdays.” (本题分数:1 分。) A、many more B、 much more C、 very much D、 enough many 28. The reason for all the changes being made ( C) to us. (本题分数:1 分。) A、explained B、 had explained C、 was explained D、 were explained 29. This furniture is different from (B ) . (本题分数:1 分。) A、ones B、 that C、 one tha

14、t D、 the other 30. Ill never forget (D) the Alps for the first time. The sight was impressive. (本题分数:1 分。) A、A see B、B to see C、C seen D、D seeing 31. At an (D ) moment Ill offer the visitors some coffee. (本题分数:1 分。) A、appreciate B、 acknowledged C、 approximate D、 appropriate 32. When (B ) the childho

15、od, I cant help thinking of my grandmother, who had given me endless love and care. (本题分数:1 分。) A、looking towards B、 looking back on C、 playing back D、 reminding of 33. It is really difficult for Jack to ( D) with the other members in the company. (本题分数:1 分。) A、remind of B、 relate to C、 lead to D、 b

16、ond together ) 分。1 本题分数:( He had always kept a ( B) eye on what was happening around. 34. A、wide B、 keen C、 kind D、 right 35. Her husband is about the most ( A) person Ive ever met. (本题分数:1 分。) A、boring B、 bored C、 born D、 birth 36. He is not (A ) he used to be. (本题分数:1 分。) A、what B、 that C、 when D、

17、 like 37. Mary (B ) be in Paris because I saw her in town only an hour ago. (本题分数:1 分。) A、mustnt B、 cant C、 isnt D、 may not 38. ( B) , what are you doing tomorrow? (本题分数:1 分。) A、In the way B、 By the way C、 On the way D、 In a way 39. The company offers a great (A ) of services to students. (本题分数:1 分。

18、) A、variety B、 vary C、 various D、 variously 40. The furniture in her room is quite different from (A ) in the exhibition hail. (本题分数:1 分。) A、that B、 one that C、 ones D、 those ones 41. Helen has a good imagination; she can make up (B) stories. (本题分数:1 分。) A、elegance B、 marvelous C、 tremendous D、 adve

19、nturous 42. Anything that he (D ) is worth listening to (本题分数:1 分。) A、said B、 was saying had said 、C D、 says 43. We cannot expect him to continue these activities under such (B ) circumstances. (本题分数:1 分。) A、favorate B、 unfavorable C、 favorable D、 unfavorably 44. ( A) gifted a person is, he can hard

20、ly expect to make progress without hard work. (本题分数:1 分。) A、Whatever B、 Whenever C、 However D、 Although 45. He showed great ( A) in pursuing the new learning. (本题分数:1 分。) A、enthusiasm B、 authority C、essence D、 aggression 二、阅读理解单项选择题 (共4题、总分40分)1. SPECIAL EVENTS TH IS WEEKEND Captain Goodfellow Do yo

21、ur children enjoy interesting stories, funny games and exciting dances? Captain Goodfellow will be ready to teach all these things to children of all ages at the City Theatre on Saturday morning at 10:00, Free. Walking Tourof the Town Forget your worries on Saturday morning. Take a beautiful walk an

22、d learn about local history. Meet at the front entrance of City Hall at 9:30. Wear comfortable shoes! Films at the Museum Two European films will be shown Saturday afternoon at the Museum Theater. See Broken Window at 1:30. The workers will be at 3:45. For further information, call 4987898. Internat

23、ional Picnic Are you tired of eating the same food every day? Come to Central Park on Saturday and enjoy food from all over the world. Delicious and not expensive. Noon to 5:00 PM. Take me out to the ballgame Its October, and tonight is your last chance to see the Redbirds this year. Get your ticket

24、s at the gate. It might be cold. .dont forget sweaters and jackets. Do you want to hear The ZooThe Zoo, a popular rock group from Australia, will give their first U.S. concert tomorrow night at 8 Rose Hall, City College. (本题分数:10 分。) (1). Your can probably eat Chinese, Italian, and Arab food (A ). (

25、2 分) A、at the front entrance of City Hall B、at the ballgame C、at 5:00 PM at Central D、Park on Saturday 分)2 (You can see movies at ( B). (2). A、the City College B、the Museum Theatre C、the City Theaterthe D、Central Park (3). If you are going on the Walking Tour, dont forget (B ). (2 分) A、your worries

26、B、your beautiful walk C、your learning about local history D、 your comfortable shoes (4). The Redbirds ballgame (D ). (2 分) A、is in the afternoon B、is outside C、is at the gate D、might be cold (5). The Zoo is(C ). (2 分) A、a park with lots of animals there B、U.S concert C、a music group D、going to give

27、the concert at 8 AM tomorrow 2. The pen is more powerful than the sword (剑). There have been many writers who used their pens to fight things that were wrong. Mrs. Harriet Beecher Stowe was one of them. She was born in the USA in 1811. One of her books not only made her famous but has been described

28、 as one that excited the world, and was helpful in causing a civil war and freezing the slaves. The civil war was the American Civil War of 1861, in which the Northern States fought the Southern States and finally won. This book was named Uncle Toms Cabin. There was time when every English-speaking

29、man, woman, and child has read this novel that did so much to stop slavery. Not many people read it today, but it is still very interesting. The book has shown us how a warm-hearted writer can arouse (唤起) peoples sympathies (同情). The writer herself had neither been to the Southern States nor been a

30、slave. The Southern Americans were very angry at the novel, which they said did not at all represent (代表) true state of affairs, but the Northern Americans were wildly excited over it and were so inspired (激励) by it that they-were ready to go to war to set the slaves free. (本题分数:10 分。) (1). Accordin

31、g to the passage (D ). (2 分) A、every English-speaking person had read Uncle Toms Cabin B、Uncle Toms Cabin was not very interesting C、those who dont speak English can not have read Uncle Toms Cabin D、 the book Uncle Toms Cabin did a great deal in the American Civil War (2). How old was Mrs. Stowe whe

32、n her world famous book was published? ( C) (2 分) A、About 60 years old. B、 Over 50 years old. C、 In her forties. Around 30 years old. 、D (3). What do you learn about Mrs. Stowe from the passage? ( A) (2 分) A、AShe had been living in the north of America before the American Civil War. B、She herself en

33、couraged the northern Americans to go to war and set the slaves free. C、She was better as writing as using a sword. D、She had once been a slave. (4). Why could Mrs. Stowes book cause a civil war in America? ( B) (2 分) A、She wrote so well that Americans loved her very much. B、She disclosed (揭露) the t

34、errible wrongs that had been done to the slaves in the Southern States. C、The Southern Americans hated the book while the Northern Americans like it. D、The book had been read by many Americans. (5). What can we learn from the passage? ( C) (2 分) A、We neednt use weapons (武器) to fight things that are

35、wrong. B、 writer is more helpful in a war than a soldier. C、We must understand the importance of literature and art. D、No war can be won without such a book as Uncle Toms Cabin. 3. The sea looks very pretty when the sun is shining on it. It can be very rough when there is a strong wind. The sea is v

36、ery big. It covers three quarters of the globe! The sea is also very deep in some places. There is one spot near the Philippines, where the sea is about 11 kilometers deep. The highest mountain in the world is about 9 kilometers high. If that mountain was put in the sea at that place, there would st

37、ill be 3 kilometers of water above it! What a deep place! In most parts of the sea, there are plenty of fishes and plants. Some live near the top of the sea. Others live deep down. There are millions of tiny living things that float in the sea. Many fish live by eating them. The sea can be very cold

38、. When the diver goes downwards, the sea becomes colder and colder. When the diver goes deeper, the water exerts greater pressures on him. The diver has to wear a diving suit made of metal. People who want to go very deep should use a very strong diving ship. They can even go down a depth of 11 kilo

39、meters. (本题分数:10 分。) (1). There is one spot near the Philippines, where the sea is as deep as (D ). (2.5 分) A、13 kilometers B、 9 kilometers C、 2 kilometers D、 11 kilometers (2). There are millions of tiny living things that float in the sea, and( C). (2.5 分) A、they live by eating fish B、they live by

40、 eating plants C、they are good food for many fish D、they live by eating worms (3). Which of the following statements is true? ( D) (2.5 分) A、When the diver dives under the sea, he gets colder and colder. B、When the diver sinks to the bottom, he is to be colder and colder. C、When the diver sinks in t

41、he sea, he will be rather cold. D、When the diver dives downward, the sea gets colder and colder. (4). From the information given, why has the diver to wear a diving suit? (D ) (2.5 分) Because the diver is likely to be attacked by fish. 、A B、 Because the water at great depths is very cold. C、 Because

42、 the salt water seems unsuitable for diver. D、 Because the pressure of water at great depths is immense ( 巨大的 ). 4. How can English teachers accelerate the language learning of their students? One way is to teach students how to learn more effectively and efficiently. Learning strategies are Procedu

43、res or techniques that learners can use to facilitate a learning task. Instructing students of English in learning strategies can help them become better learners. In addition, skill in using learning strategies assists students in becoming independent, confident learners. Finally, students become m

44、ore motivated as they begin to understand the relationship between their use of strategies and success in learning English. Students need to develop an awareness of the learning process and strategies that lead to success. Students who reflect on their own thinking are more likely to engage in plann

45、ing how to proceed with a learning task, monitoring their own performance on an ongoing basis, finding solutions to problems encountered, and evaluating themselves upon task completion. These activities may be difficult for students accustomed to having a teacher who solves all their learning proble

46、ms and is the sole judge of their progress. Teachers need to encourage students to rely more on themselves. Because learning strategies are mental processes with few observable manifestations, teachers need to find ways to make the strategies as concrete as possible. When students are able to use th

47、e strategies their teachers have taught them, and to do so without prompting, then they need to explore new strategies, new applications, and new opportunities for self-regulated learning. (本题分数:10 分。) (1). Better learning strategies can make language learning more(C ). (2 分) A、fun B、 interesting C、

48、efficient D、exciting (2). Students who reflect on their own ( A)will be more successful in learning. (2 分) A、thinking B、 evaluation C、performance D、activities (3). Teachers should encourage students to rely more on (D ) (2 分) A、books B、notes C、 tutors D、themselves (4). Learning strategies are unobse

49、rvable mental processes, so teachers should make them ( C) (2 分) A、simpler B、more familiar more concrete 、C D、more applicable (5). Which of the following statements is true? (C ) (2 分) A、Students learn learning strategies from the teachers only. B、Learning strategies are completely unobservable. C、S

50、tudents need to explore new learning strategies for themselves. D、Teachers are the sole judges of students progress. - 高氯酸对阿胶进行湿法消化后, 用导数火焰原子吸收光谱技术测定阿胶中的铜、“中药三大宝, 人参、鹿茸和阿胶。”阿胶的药用已有两千多年的悠久历史历代宫马作峰论疲劳源于肝脏J.广西中医药,2008,31(1):31.史丽萍马东明, 解丽芳等力竭性运动对小鼠肝脏超微结构及肝糖原、肌糖元含量的影响J. 辽宁中医杂志王辉武吴行明邓开蓉内经“肝者罢极之本”的临床价值J .

51、成都中医药大学学报,1997,20(2):9.杨维益陈家旭王天芳等运动性疲劳与中医肝脏的关系J.北京中医药大学学报. 1996,19(1):8.1 运动性疲劳与肝脏张俊明“高效强力饮”增强运动机能的临床J中国运动医学杂志,1989,():10117 种水解蛋白氨基酸。总含量在56.73%82.03%。霍光华采用硝酸硫酸消化法和18():372-374.1995,206林华吕国枫官德正等. 衰竭运动小鼠肝损伤的实验性J.天津体育学院党报, 1994,9(4):9-11.凌家杰肝与运动性疲劳关系浅谈J.湖南中医学院学报.2003,()31.凌家杰肝与运动性疲劳关系浅谈J.湖南中医学院学报2003,

52、():1.谢敏豪等训练结合用中药补剂强力宝对小鼠游泳耐力与肌肉和肝Gn, LDH 和MDH 的影响J中国运动医学杂杨维益陈家旭王天芳等运动性疲劳与中医肝脏的关系J.北京中医药大学学报. 1996,19(1):8.2.1中药复方2.2 单味药33 阿胶和复方阿胶浆常世和等参宝片对机体机能影响的J.中国运动医学杂志,991,10():49.聂晓莉,李晓勇等慢性疲劳大鼠模型的建立及其对肝功能的影响J. 热带医学杂志,2007,7(4):323-325.3.1 概述3.2 关于阿胶和复方阿胶浆医疗保健作用的3.2.1 营养成分和评价3.2.2 阿胶的药理作用3.2.3 阿胶的临床应用 Xie MH,

53、etalEffects of Hong jing tian she u on eproductive xis function and exercise capacities n men. The5周志宏等补肾益元方对运动小鼠抗疲劳能力的影响J.中国运动医学杂志,001,20():83-84202-204.5InternationalCourseandConferenceonPhysiologicalChemistrand Natrition of exercise and training (Abstract)6杨维益等中药复方“体复康”对运动性疲劳大鼠血乳酸、p 一内啡肤、亮氨酸及强啡肤l

54、-13 影响的实验研。仙灵口服液可提高机体运动能力,加速运动后血乳酸的消除。F3 口服液能调整PCO2孙晓波等鹿茸精强壮作用的J.中药药理与临床,1987,():11.于庆海等高山红景天抗不良刺激的药理J中药药理与临床,1995,():83.牛锐淫羊藿炮制前后对小鼠血浆睾丸酮及附近性器官的影响J中国中药杂志,1989,14(9):18P 0.05) 。肝脏是动物机体重要脏器之一,Pi,同疲),肝主筋,人之运动皆由于筋,故为罢极之本”。人体肝脏的功能活动也必阿胶, 味甘性平入肺、肝、肾经, 具有补血止血、滋阴润肺的功效。神农本阿胶又称驴皮胶为马科动物驴的皮去毛后熬制而成的胶块是中国医药宝库中阿胶

55、、熟地配伍能使补而不滋腻, 共奏益气补血之功, 主要治疗各种原因导致的气血阿胶对细有促进作用;提示阿胶能提高机体免疫功能。另外阿胶具阿胶具有很好的止血作用,常用来治疗阴虚火旺、血脉受伤造成的出血。比如,阿胶能治疗缺铁性贫血,再生障碍性贫血等贫血症状,阿胶对血小板减少,白细阿胶是一类明胶蛋白,经水解分离得到多种氨基酸,阿胶具有很多的药理作用和阿胶又称驴皮胶, 为马科动物驴的皮去毛后熬制而成的胶块。中药界有句口头禅阿胶中的营养成分比较多,主要有蛋白质、多肽、氨基酸、金属元素、硫酸皮肤。把阿胶应用于运动员或人群中的实践应用性,具有很大的潜力和市场前景,白血病、鼻咽癌、食道癌、肺癌、乳腺癌等。阿胶不温

56、不燥,老少皆宜,一年四季均伴随现代竞技体育的强度越来越大,运动员在大运动量训练后出现的各种疲劳征象,胞减少等症也具有效果明显效果;另外,经配伍,阿胶可用来治疗多种出血症。医学保健作用,阿胶具有耐缺氧、耐寒冷、抗疲劳和增强免疫功能作用;同时,阿胶具有本文的目的意义有以下两个方面:一是通过阿胶的抗疲劳能力,来进一本以运动性疲劳相关症状明显的篮球运动员为对象,以谷丙转氨酶、谷表明,阿胶还用于治疗妊娠期胎动不安,先兆流产习惯性流产等。对于月经病步了解运动员服用阿胶以后,不但能够使男女运动员的谷草转氨酶含量水平、谷丙转参促进人体对糖原和三磷酸腺苷等能源物质的合理利用, 并使剧烈运动时产生的乳草经将其列为

57、上品。本草纲目载阿胶“疗吐血衄血血淋尿血, 肠风下痢, 女草转氨酶、谷酰转肽酶、总胆红素、白蛋白和白蛋白球蛋白含量水平为测定指标,产生运动。从中医学的观点来看,筋就是聚集在一起的肌肉束,膜是筋的延长和扩布;常所说的肌腱和韧带等器官,韧带和肌腱坚韧有力。通过韧带和肌腱伸缩牵拉骨骼肌充在筋”, 也就说明了筋的功能受到肝脏的调节, 所以, 医家大多从筋与肝相关的角除运动后的疲劳, 已经成为运动医学领域的热点而中医药在改善、消除运动性促进肌肉和肝脏有氧氧化能力的作用。红景天圣露能促进机体运动后的恢复和消除促进血液凝固和抗贫血作用,有提高血红蛋白红细胞,白细胞和血小板的作用。到影响。的变化, 主要表现为

58、部分肝细胞破裂, 内容物进入窦状隙, 未受损的肝细胞糖原明的核心问题之一也是运动训练学所要克服的核心问题之一, 疲劳是机体的一的滋补类药品;因始产于聊城东阿,故名阿胶,距今已有两千多年的生产历史;最早低分子肽含量分别是5%45、10.97%13.18% 。霍光华采用标准水解法和氨基低运动后血清尿素氮含量;加速体内尿素氮及血乳酸的清除速率;提高小鼠的游泳点、“肝之合筋”的观点、“肝者其充在筋”的观点、“食气入胃散精于肝淫气于动领域的广泛应用。动性疲劳关系最为密切者当首推肝脏。动性疲劳后机体恢复作用和机制的十分活跃。动员和贮备,以及机体对运动刺激的适应和运动后的疲劳的恢复起到重要的促进作用度阐述肝

59、与疲劳的关系, 其实肝尚可通过脏腑气血等多个途径影响疲劳感的产生和度的DS 标准液, 加适量天青试液, 36nm 处测定吸收值建立工作曲线回归方程。对于运动产生的机理, 中医学解释比较通俗易懂, 即:韧带和肌腱的伸缩牵拉骨对运动性疲劳的多集中于中枢疲劳与外周肌肉疲劳,而较少涉及肝脏实质器而略于补立法,以健脾保肝、补中益气组方的确是防治运动性疲劳的一条新思新。故发挥和延缓运动性疲劳的产生都能起积极而有效的作用。总之体力和脑力的产生均复的适应能力。复方阿胶浆是由阿胶、红参、党参、熟地、山楂等药组成, 主入肝、脾两经。方肝,人动血运于经”的论述。明确指出运动能力与肝和血密切相关。这种“动则血肝脾同处

60、于中心位置,共同掌管着气化的职责,所以运动性疲劳的气虚神乏大多是由肝损害可导致动物运动能力下降, 也有大量实验观察了急性力竭疲劳对动物肝脏的肝糖原、肌糖元含量下降, 其程度随着衰竭运动次数增加而增加。林华等通过对衰肝有关,由此可以推测神经递质、激素的释放等生理活动均同肝脏有密切关系。再者肝与筋的关系非常密切,在许多著作中都阐述了这一观点。如“肝主筋”的观肝脏对内分泌具有促进作用。中医认为,胆汁的分泌、女子的排卵、男子的排精均主藏血、主筋,为“罴极之本”,有储藏营血与调节血量的作用是提供运动所肝主疏泄,调畅气机,对气血津液的生成、输布和代谢有着重要意义。就运动生高山红景天在疲劳情况下能提高机体持


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