1、page 1 19 March, 2009Name of Presentation别克君威总线网络测试解析主讲人主讲人TRIVpage 2 19 March, 2009Name of Presentation别克新君威 数据网络结构page 3 19 March, 2009Name of PresentationBCMBCM车身控制模块车身控制模块-LIN-LIN总线总线page 4 19 March, 2009Name of PresentationDLC通讯接口page 5 19 March, 2009Name of PresentationWhy the GMLAN?Why the GM
2、LAN? GM has been using on-board computers to control various vehicle functions for over 20 years. Beginning in 1980, a UART system was used to control engine functions. Later, in 1995, the Class 2 data system permitted numerous modules on the vehicle to communicate with each other over a common data
3、 line.With each change, its been possible to increase the speed of data transmission to accommodate an ever-growing number of functions.Now, starting with 2004, a new GMLAN (Local Area Network) system is being introduced. It will appear first on the Saturn Ion and 2004 Cadillac XLR, and will eventua
4、lly spread to other vehicle lines .GMLAN is a reliable, cost effective, flexible, and modular way to handle information sharing between different electronic control units (ECUs) in the vehicle through the means of a family of serial communication buses.While the domestic automakers were developing U
5、ART and Class 2, the European industry was developing a system that operates on the CAN (Controller Area Network) protocol. With the introduction of GMLAN, which also uses the CAN protocol, a common architecture now permits sharing of components from both sides of the ocean. page 6 19 March, 2009Nam
6、e of PresentationWhy the GMLAN?Why the GMLAN? Present GMLAN ApplicationThe 2004 Cadillac XLR and Saturn Ion use the GMLAN high speed bus for powertrain applications. Class 2 continues to be used for body and accessory controllers. CANdi Module and Tech 2Vehicles equipped with GMLAN require the use o
7、f a CANdi module for communication with the Tech 2. Class 2 data will pass through the CANdi module, so it can stay in place regardless of which protocol is being scanned.The CANdi module (controller area network diagnostic interface) is installed in the data cable between the Tech 2 and the DLC (fi
8、g. 2).The fact that GMLAN can operate at different baud rates enhances the efficiency of vehicle operation and communication. However, the Tech 2 snapshot display frame rate is unchanged. TIP: Simultaneous to the introduction of the GMLAN is a new diagnostic process called Functional Diagnosis. Watc
9、h for more information on this in upcoming issues of TechLink. .page 7 19 March, 2009Name of PresentationWhy the GMLAN?Why the GMLAN? Some Features of GMLANThe Class 2 system had only one baud rate - data was all transmitted at a single speed.Using the CAN protocol, GMLAN has two different communica
10、tion links with different data baud rates available - low speed and high speed. GMLAN Low Speed BusThis bus will be typically used for operator controlled functions (for instance, door lock, window motor, etc.) where the system response time requirements are on the order of 100 - 200 msec.It uses a
11、single wire (also referred to as single wire CAN or SWCAN). GMLAN High Speed BusThe high speed bus is typically used for sharing real-time data. Systems with these requirements are primarily powertrain and chassis devices (engine, transmission, brakes). This bus uses two wires, and operates at 500 k
12、bps.Because there is a common communications protocol on all buses, its easier to transfer data from one bus to another.In the Class 2 system, state of health messages pass from module to module continually. This requires all of the modules to be continually “awake.”In GMLAN, modules can remain asle
13、ep, in a low power state, until asked to perform. Some ECUs may be communicating while others are in low power state. Only those ECUs necessary to participate in a common function are required to be awake. In effect, communication between any collection (or sub-system) of ECUs can be started or stop
14、ped independently of any other collection.page 8 19 March, 2009Name of PresentationGMLANGMLAN总线网络测试分析工具总线网络测试分析工具- -智维智维KvaserKvaser总线分析仪总线分析仪 .Kvaser Leaf Professional SWC (Item No.00264-7) 一个通道USB-到-总线接口用于单线CAN(SAE J2411, GMLAN)。处理bit速率从5 kbits/s达到50 kbits/s (100在高速模式)。Kvaser USBcan II HS/SWC (Ite
15、m No. 00231-9) 1个高速通道带ISO 11898-兼容收发器 (TJA1050) 。一个单线通道带AU5790收发器。 page 9 19 March, 2009Name of PresentationLINLIN总线网络测试分析工具总线网络测试分析工具- -智维智维KvaserKvaser总线分析仪总线分析仪 .Kvaser Leaf Professional LIN (Item No. 00269-2) 一个通道USB-到-总线接口用于单线LIN。 page 10 19 March, 2009Name of Presentation电动车窗电动车窗PWMPWMpage 11
16、19 March, 2009Name of PresentationPEPS PEPS 被动进入被动启动单元被动进入被动启动单元 被动进入系统及车辆启动 1.功能说明: 当持有一把有效的遥控钥匙靠近车辆时,拉动任一门把手,门把手上的传感器会将开门请求信号传送到被动进入系统模块(PEPS),PEPS通过控制门把手上的外部天线向遥控钥匙内遥控门锁发射器发送一条校验口令. page 12 19 March, 2009Name of Presentation别克遥控门锁系统设定与故障诊断别克遥控门锁系统设定与故障诊断 如果一个遥控器丢失,换一个新的遥控器,则需要对新的遥控器进行编程,最多可编程4个遥控
17、器。编程的方法有两种:即不用专用工具和用专用工具。 方法1:不用专用工具对遥控门锁遥控器编程 1.坐在驾驶员位置,将点火启动钥匙从点火锁芯中拔出,并关闭所有车门; 2.按住门锁开关上的“UNLOCK”(开锁)按钮; 3.将门锁开关保持在“开锁”位置,插入并拔出点火启动钥匙两次,但不要转动点火锁芯; 4.第三次插入点火启动钥匙时,将钥匙保留在点火锁芯中(在其余程序中,点火装置必须保持在LOCK位置上); 5.松开门锁开关,将听到3声鸣响,该鸣响表示遥控器编程正在启动; 6.同时按遥控门锁遥控器上的“UNLOCK”和“LOCK”按钮并保持12秒钟,直到听到2声鸣响,该鸣响表示遥控器编程已经成功;
18、7.对其余遥控器(共4个遥控器)重复步骤6; 8.将点火启动钥匙从点火锁芯中拔出,退出编程程序。 方法2:用Tech2扫描工具对遥控门锁遥控器编程 1.将扫描工具Tech2与数据连接插头(DLC)相连,并将点火开关拨到ON(接通)位置; 2.在“Application”(应用)菜单屏幕上,选择“F0-BCM”(车身控制模块),并在“车身控制模块”菜单屏幕上,选择“F2- Special function”(特殊功能); 3.在“Special function”(特殊功能)菜单屏幕上,选择“F3-Programe function”(编程功能),并按照扫描工具Tech2屏幕上的提示对遥控器进行编程; 4.不断按“Exit”(退出)按钮,直到出现“Application”(应用)屏幕; 5
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