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1、毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译系部: 机械工程系 专 业: 机械工程及自动化 姓 名: 学 号: 外文出处: cutter compensation principle 附 件: 1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文。 指导教师评语: 此翻译文章简单介绍了刀具的原理,并详细介绍了刀具补偿的三种方法,并对三种方法进行了详细的描述,翻译用词比较准确,文笔也较为通顺,为在以后工作中接触英文资料打下了基础。 签名: 注:请将该封面与附件装订成册。附件1:外文资料翻译译文刀具补偿原理 刀具补偿(又称偏置),在20世纪6070年代的数控加工中没有补偿的概念,所以编程人员不得不围绕刀具的理论路线和实际路线的相对

2、关系来进行编程,容易产生错误。补偿的概念出现以后很大地提高了编程的效率。具有刀具补偿功能,在编制加工程序时,可以按零件实际轮廓编程,加工前测量实际的刀具半径、长度等,作为刀具补偿参数输入数控系统,可以加工出合乎尺寸要求的零件轮廓。 刀具补偿功能还可以满足加工工艺等其他一些要求,可以通过逐次改变刀具半径补偿值大小的办法,调整每次进给量,以达到利用同一程序实现粗、精加工循环。另外,因刀具磨损、重磨而使刀具尺寸变化时,若仍用原程序,势必造成加工误差,用刀具长度补偿可以解决这个问题。刀具补偿分为2种:刀具长度补偿;刀具半径补偿。文献刀具补偿在数控加工中的应用(工具技术,2oo4年第38卷no7,徐伟,

3、广东技术师范学院)中提到在数控加工中有4种补偿:刀具长度补偿;刀具半径补偿;夹具补偿;夹角补偿(g39)。这四种补偿基本上能解决在加工中因刀具形状而产生的轨迹问题。1. 刀具长度补偿1.1 刀具长度的概念刀具长度是一个很重要的概念。我们在对一个零件编程的时候,首先要指定零件的编程中心,然后才能建立工件编程坐标系,而此坐标系只是一个工件坐标系,零点一般在工件上。长度补偿只是和z坐标有关,它不象x、y平面内的编程零点,因为刀具是由主轴锥孔定位而不改变,对于z坐标的零点就不一样了。每一把刀的长度都是不同的,例如,我们要钻一个深为50mm的孔,然后攻丝深为45mm,分别用一把长为250mm的钻头和一把

4、长为350mm的丝锥。先用钻头钻孔深50mm,此时机床已经设定工件零点,当换上丝锥攻丝时,如果两把刀都从设定零点开始加工,丝锥因为比钻头长而攻丝过长,损坏刀具和工件。此时如果设定刀具补偿,把丝锥和钻头的长度进行补偿,此时机床零点设定之后,即使丝锥和钻头长度不同,因补偿的存在,在调用丝锥工作时,零点z坐标已经自动向z+(或z)补偿了丝锥的长度,保证了加工零点的正确。1.2 刀具长度补偿指令通过执行含有g43(g44)和h指令来实现刀具长度补偿,同时我们给出一个z坐标值,这样刀具在补偿之后移动到离工件表面距离为z的地方。另外一个指令g49是取消g43(g44)指令的,其实我们不必使用这个指令,因为

5、每把刀具都有自己的长度补偿,当换刀时,利用g43(g44)h指令赋予了自己的刀长补偿而自动取消了前一把刀具的长度补偿。g43表示存储器中补偿量与程序指令的终点坐标值相加,g44表示相减,取消刀具长度偏置可用g49指令或h00指令。程序段n80g43z56h05与中,假如05存储器中值为16,则表示终点坐标值为72mm。1.3 刀具长度补偿的两种方式(1) 用刀具的实际长度作为刀长的补偿(推荐使用这种方式)。使用刀长作为补偿就是使用对刀仪测量刀具的长度,然后把这个数值输入到刀具长度补偿寄存器中,作为刀长补偿。使用刀具长度作为刀长补偿的理由如下: 首先,使用刀具长度作为刀长补偿,可以避免在不同的工

6、件加工中不断地修改刀长偏置。这样一把刀具用在不同的工件上也不用修改刀长偏置。在这种情况下,可以按照一定的刀具编号规则,给每一把刀具作档案,用一个小标牌写上每把刀具的相关参数,包括刀具的长度、半径等资料,事实上许多大型的机械加工型企业对数控加工设备的刀具管理都采用这种办法。这对于那些专门设有刀具管理部门的公司来说,就用不着和操作工面对面地告诉刀具的参数了,同时即使因刀库容量原因把刀具取下来等下次重新装上时,只需根据标牌上的刀长数值作为刀具长度补偿而不需再进行测量。 其次,使用刀具长度作为刀长补偿,可以让机床一边进行加工运行,一边在对刀仪上进行其他刀具的长度测量,而不必因为在机床上对刀而占用机床运

7、行时间,这样可以充分发挥加工中心的效率。这样主轴移动到编程z坐标点时,就是主轴坐标加上(或减去)刀具长度补偿后的z坐标数值。 (2)利用刀尖在z方向上与编程零点的距离值(有正负之分)作为补偿值。这种方法适用于机床只有一个人操作而没有足够的时间来利用对刀仪测量刀具的长度时使用。这样做当用一把刀加工另外的工件时就要重新进行刀长补偿的设置。使用这种方法进行刀长补偿时,补偿值就是主轴从机床z坐标零点移动到工件编程零点时的刀尖移动距离,因此此补偿值总是负值而且很大。2 刀具半径补偿2.1 刀具半径补偿概念在轮廓加工时,刀具中心运动轨迹(刀具中心或金属丝中心的运动轨迹)与被加工零件的实际轮廓要偏移一定距离

8、,这种偏移称为刀具半径补偿,又称刀具中心偏移。如图3-1所示,在加工内轮廓时,刀具中心向工件轮廓的内部偏移一个距离;而加工外轮廓时,刀具中心向工件的外侧偏移一个距离,这个偏移,就是所谓的刀具半径补偿。图中,粗实线为工件轮廓,虚线为刀具中心轨迹。本图中的偏移量为刀具半径值。而在粗加工和半精加工时,偏移量为刀具半径和加工余量之和。abc外轮廓加工内轮廓加工a/b/c/c/刀具刀具图3-1 b功能刀具补偿的交叉点和间断点 由于数控系统控制的是刀具中心轨迹,因此数控系统要根据输入的零件轮廓尺寸及刀具半径补偿值计算出刀心轨迹。由此可见,刀具半径补偿在数控加工有着非常重要的作用,根据刀具补偿指令,数控加工


10、b功能刀具半径补偿只根据本段程序进行刀补计算,不能解决程序段之间的过渡问题,要求将工件轮廓处理成圆角过渡如图3-1所示,因此工件尖角处工艺性不好。而且编程人员必须事先估计出刀补后可能出现的间断点和交叉点,并进行人为处理,显然增加编程的难度;而c功能刀具半径补偿能自动处理两程序段刀具中心轨迹的转接,可完全按照工件轮廓来编程,因此现代cnc数控机床几乎都采用c功能刀具半径补偿。这时要求建立刀具半径补偿程序段的后续至少两个程序段必须有指定补偿平面的位移指令(g00、g01,g02、g03等),否则无法建立正确的刀具补偿。2.2 刀具半径补偿指令根据iso规定,当刀具中心轨迹在程序规定的前进方向的右边

11、时称为右刀补,用g42表示;反之称为左刀补,用g41表示。g41是刀具左补偿指令(左刀补),即顺着刀具前进方向看(假定工件不动),刀具中心轨迹位于工件轮廓的左边,称左刀补。如图3.2(a)所示。g42是刀具右补偿指令(右刀补),即顺着刀具前进方向看(假定工件不动),刀具中心轨迹位于工件轮廓的右边,称右刀补。如图3.2(b)所示。g40是为取消刀具半径补偿指令。使用该指令后,41、42指令无效。图3-2 刀具半径的左右补偿(a) 外轮廓补偿(b) 内轮廓补偿在使用g41、g42进行半径补偿时应采取以下步骤:(1)设置刀具半径补偿值:程序启动前,在刀具补偿参数区内设置补偿值。(2)刀补的建立:刀具

12、从起刀点接近工件,刀具中心轨迹的终点不在下一个程序段指定的轮廓起点,而是在法线方向上偏移一个刀具补偿的距离。在该段程序中,动作指令只能用g00或g01。(3)刀补进行:在刀具补偿进行期间,刀具中心轨迹始终偏离编程轨迹一个刀具半径的偏移值。在此状态下,g00、g01、g02、g03都可以使用。(4)刀补的取消:在刀具撤离工件、返回原点的过程中取消刀补。此时只能用g00、g01。2.3 功能刀具半径补偿对直线而言,刀具补偿后的轨迹是与原直线平行的直线,只需要计算出刀具中心轨迹的起点和终点坐标值。如图3-3所示,被加工直线段的起点在坐标原点,终点坐标为a。假定上一程序段加工完后,刀具中心在o点坐标已

13、知。刀具半径为r,现要计算刀具右补偿后直线段oa的终点坐标a。设刀具补偿矢量aa的投影坐标为,则图3-3 直线刀具补偿图3-4 圆弧刀具补偿对于圆弧而言,刀具补偿后的刀具中心轨迹是一个与圆弧同心的一段圆弧。只需计算刀补后圆弧的起点坐标和终点坐标值。如图3-4所示,被加工圆弧的圆心坐标在坐标原点o,圆弧半径为r,圆弧起点a,终点b,刀具半径为r。假定上一个程序段加工结束后刀具中心为a,其坐标已知。那么圆弧刀具半径补偿计算的目的,就是计算出刀具中心轨迹的终点坐标b。设bb在两个坐标上的投影为,则以图3-1的加工外轮廓为例,采用b功能刀具半径补偿方法,加工完第一个程序段,刀具中心落在b/、点上,而第


15、动处理两个程序段刀具中心轨迹的转换,并自动在转接点处插入过渡圆弧或直线从而避免刀具干涉和断点情况。 2.4 功能刀具半径补偿目前,通常的cnc系统中,实际所能控制的轮廓只有直线和圆弧,相应的有如下转接线形:直线与直线转接、直线与圆弧转接、圆弧与圆弧转接、圆弧与直线转接。根据两段轨迹的矢量夹角和刀具补偿方向的不同,有以下几种转接过渡方式:缩短型、伸长型、插入型。 3 夹具偏置补偿(坐标系偏置)正如刀具长度补偿和半径补偿一样,让编程者可以不用考虑刀具的长短和大小,夹具偏置可以让编程者不考虑工件夹具的位置而使用夹具偏置。当一台加工中心在加工小的工件时,工装上一次可以装夹几个工件,编程者不用考虑每一个

16、工件在编程时的坐标零点,而只需按照各自的编程零点进行编程,然后使用夹具偏置来移动机床在每一个工件上的编程零点。夹具偏置是使用夹具偏置指令g54g59来执行的。还有一种方法就是使用g92指令设定坐标系。当一个工件加工完成之后,加工下一个工件时使用g92来重新设定新的工件坐标系。4 夹角补偿加工中两平面相交为夹角,可能产生超程过切现象,导致加工误差的产生,此时可采用夹角补偿(g39)来解决。使用夹角补偿(g39)指令时需注意,本指令为非模态指令,只在本程序段内有效,而且只能在g41或g42指令后才能使用,该指令主要用于加工中心和数控铣床。以上是数控加工中的四种补偿方式,给我们的编程和加工带来很大的

17、方便,能大大地提高生产效率和产品合格率。附件2:外文原文(复印件)cutter compensation principle the cutter compensation (calls bias), in the 20th century 60 the 70ss numerical control processing compensation concept,therefore the programmers can not but revolve cutting tools theory route and the actual routes relative relations car

18、ry on the programming, easy to make the mistake. the compensation concept will appear later very greatly raised the programming efficiency. has the cutter compensation function, when establishment processing program, may according to the components real profileprogramming, before the processing, sur

19、vey the actual cutting tool radius, the length and so on, as the cutter compensation parameter input numerical control system, may process conforms with the size request the components outline.the cutter compensation function may also satisfy the processing craft and so on other requests, may throug

20、h change the cutting tool radius compensation value size gradually the means that the adjustment each time to feed quantity, achieves the use identical procedure to realize, the precision work circulation thickly. moreover, when because of the tool wear, the grind causes the tool dimension change, i

21、f still used the original procedure, will create the processing error inevitably, may solve his problem with the cutting tool length compensation. the cutter compensation divides into 2 kinds: cutting tool length compensation; cutting tool radius compensation. the literature cutter compensation in n

22、umerical control processings application (tool technology, 2oo4 year 38th volume no7, xu is great, guangdong technology normal school) mentioned that has 4 kind of compensations in the numerical control processing: cutting tool length compensation; cutting tool radius compensation; jig compensation;

23、 included angle compensation (g39). these four kind of compensations basically can solve in the processing the path question which produces because of the cuttingtool shape. 1. cutting tool length compensation 1.1 cutting tool length concept the cutting tool length is a very important concept. we in

24、 programs to components, must first assign the components the programming center, then can establish the work piece programming coordinate system, but this coordinate system is only a work piece coordinate system, zero generallyon work piece. the length compensation is only and the z coordinate rela

25、ted, it does not look like in x, y plane the programming zero spot, because the cutting tool is by the main axial cone hole localization, but does not change, is dissimilar regarding z coordinates zero. each knifes length is different, for example, we must drill a depth are the 50mm holes, then atta

26、cks the silk depth is 45mm, respectively uses a length is the 250mm drill bit nd a length is the 350mm screw tap. uses the drill bit to drill depth of hole 50mm first, this time the engine bed already established the work piece zero spot, when exchanges the screw tap attacks the silk, if two knives

27、both from suppose the zeroing to start to process, because the screw tap the ratiorills the head length to attack the silk to be excessively long, damages the cutting tool and the work piece. this time if the hypothesis cutter compensation, arries on the screw tap and drill bits length the compensat

28、ion, after this time engine bed zero hypothesis, even if the screw tap and the drill bit length are different, because compensates existence, when transfer screw tap work, zero selected the z coordinate to be already automatic to z+ (or z) has compensated thescrew tap length, has guaranteed a proces

29、sing zero correctness. 1.2 cutting tool length compensation instruction includes g43 through the execution (g44) and the h instruction realizes the cutting tool length compensation, simultaneously we give a z coordinate figure, such cutting tool after compensation moves to leaves the work piece surf

30、ace distance is the z place. other instruction g49 is cancels g43 (g44) the instruction, actually we do not need to use this instruction, because has every time the cutting tool own length compensation, when trades the knife, (g44) the h instruction entrusted with the own knife long compensation usi

31、ng g43 to cancel the preceding cutting tools length compensation automatically. g43 expressed that in the memory compensates the quantity and program directive end point coordinate figure adding together, g44 expresses the cancellation, cancels the cutting tool length bias available g49 instruction

32、or the h00 instruction. segment n80 g43 z56 h05 and, if in 05 memories the value is 16, then the expression end point coordinate figure is 72mm. 1.3 cutting tool length compensation two ways (1) uses cutting tools virtual length (recommendation to use this way) as the knife long compensation. uses t

33、he knife long is uses the tool setting gauge as the compensation to survey cutting tools length, then inputs this value to the cutting tool length compensation register, takes the knife long compensation. the use cutting tool length the reason which long compensates as the knife is as follows: first

34、, uses the cutting tool length to take the knife long compensation, may avoid in the different work piece processing repairing unceasingly cuts again the long bias. this kind of cutting tool uses on the different work piece does not need to repair cuts again the long bias. in this case, may defer to

35、 certain cutting tool serial number rule, makes the file for each cutting tool, inscribes with a small product label every time cutting tools related parameter, including material and so on cutting tools length, radius, many large-scale machine-finishing enterprises uses this means in fact to the nu

36、merical control processing equipments cutting tool management. this was equipped with the cutting tool control sections company specially regarding these, had no need with the operator face-to-face to tell the cutting tool the parameter, when even if simultaneously the knife storage capacity quantit

37、y reason took down the cutting tool and so on will install next time, only need act according to the product label the knife long value as the cutting tool length compensation not to again carry on the survey. next, uses the cutting tool length to take the knife long compensation, may let one side t

38、he engine bed carry on the processing movement, at the same time carries on other cutting tools linear measure on the tool setting gauge, but does not need because of takes the engine bed running time on the engine bed to the knife, like this may display the machining center fully the efficiency. su

39、ch main axle moves to when programs the z fiducial mark, after is the main axle coordinate adds on (or subtracts) the cutting tool length compensation z coordinate value. (2) uses the knife point (to have the positive and negative division) in the z direction with the programming zero distance value

40、 to take the compensation value. this method is suitable in the engine bed has a person to operate, but does not have the enough time to survey time cutting tools length using the tool setting gauge uses. does this, when processes other work piece with a knife must carry on the knife long compensati

41、on the establishment. uses when this method carries on the knife long compensation, the compensation value is the main axle from the engine bed z coordinate zero spot moves to the work piece programming zero hour knife point migration distance, therefore this compensation value negative value moreov

42、er is very always big. 2 cutting tool radius compensation 2.1 cutting tool radius compensation concept when contour machining, the cutting tool central motion path (cutting tool center or tinsel centers path) with is processed the components the real profile to displace certain distance, this kind o

43、f displacement is called the cutting tool radius compensation, also calls the cutting tool off-centering. as shown in figure 3-1, when processing outline, the cutting tool center displaces a distance to the work piece outlines interior; but outside processes time the outline, the cutting tool center

44、 displaces a distance to the work piece flank, this displacement, is the so-called cutting tool radius compensation. in the chart, the thick line is the work piece outline, the dashed line is the cutting tool center path. in this chart displacement quantity for cutting tool radius value. but of when

45、 rough machining and semi-finishing, displacement quantity sum of for cutting tool radius and the machining allowance. abca/b/c/c/cutting toolin contour machiningcutting tooloutside contour machiningfigure 3-1 b function cutter compensation intersection and point of discontinuitywhat because numeric

46、al control systems control is the cutting tool center path, therefore the numerical control system must calculates the knife heart path according to the input components overall size and the cutting tool radius compensation value. thus it can be seen, the cutting tool radius compensation has the ver

47、y vital role in the numerical control processing, according to the cutter compensation instruction, the numerical control processing engine bed may carry on the cutting tool radius compensation automatically. specially when manual programming, cutting tool radius compensation especially important. w

48、hen manual programming, using the cutting tool radius compensation instruction, may act according to the components the outline value programming, cannot calculate the knife heart path programming, like this greatly reduced the computation load and the error ratio. although using the cad/cam automat

49、ic programming, the manual computation load is small, generating routines speed is quick, but when the cutting tool has the few attrition or the processing overall size and the design size have the deviation slightly or in the rough milling, half fine mill and time the fine mill various labor step m

50、achining allowance change, must make the appropriate readjustment, but after having utilized the cutting tool radius compensation, cannot revise the tool dimension or the modelling size, but the generating routine, only needs on the numerically-controlled machine tool to make the suitable revision a

51、gain to the cutter compensation parameter then. both simplified the programming computation, and increased the procedure readability.the cutting tool radius compensation has the b function (basic) and the c function (complete) two kind of compensation forms. because the b function cutting tool radiu

52、s compensation only acts according to this section of procedures to carry on the knife to make up the computation, cannot solve between the segment transition problem, requests 3-1 work piece outline processing full circle angle transition as shown in figure, therefore the work piece acute angle pla

53、ce technology capability is not good. moreover the programmers must estimate beforehand after the knife makes up, possibly appears the point of discontinuity and the intersection, and carry on artificial processing, obviously increases the programming the difficulty; but the c function cutting tool

54、radius compensation can the automatic reduction two segment cutting tool center paths transfer, be possible to defer to the work piece outline to program completely, therefore the modern cnc numerically-controlled machine tool nearly uses the c function cutting tool radius compensation. by now reque

55、sted the establishment cutting tool radius compensation segment the following two segments to have at least assigns the compensation plane the shift order (g00, g01, g02, g03 and so on), otherwise is unable to establish the correct cutter compensation.2.2 cutting tool radius compensation instruction

56、stipulated according to iso, when cutting tool center path stipulated in the procedure direction of advance right side when is called the right knife to make up, indicated with g42; otherwise is called the left knife to make up, indicated with g41.g41 is the cutting tool left compensation instructio

57、n (left knife makes up), namely is suitable the cutting tool direction of advance to look that (hypothesis work piece motionless), the cutting tool center path located at the work piece outlines left side, said that the left knife makes up. as shown in figure 3.2(a).g42 is the cutting tool right compensation instruction (right knife makes up), namely is suitable the


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