



1、课题:北师大版初中英语八年级上册教材 unit 3 festivals and holidayslesson 7 chinese new year(第一课时)教师姓名:孙鹏彬 学校:首经贸附中教学目标:在本课结束时,学生能够:1. 通过阅读文章,获取有关grace 春节活动的基本信息;2. 通过阅读文章,理解文章内容,获取和推断有关grace对春节活动感受的信息;3. 依据获取信息,结合自己的实际情况口头输出自己的春节活动;4.通过阅读文章,获取有关春节活动的信息,感受中国传统节日-春节。教学重点:学生通过略读,查读和细读等阅读方法获取和理解英国人grace在中国过春节的信息;学生能够通过阅读

2、文章,获取有关grace春节活动的基本信息,并感受中国传统节日-春节。教学难点:训练学生归纳概括阅读中所获取的信息,运用阅读中所获取的信息进行语言输出;学生能够依据阅读获取的信息口头输出自己真实经历过的春节活动。教学资源:教材、多媒体课件、黑板、粉笔教学过程:教学活动设计意图时间pre-reading 3lead inl t leads in the topic by showing a picture of calendar and asks ss to talk about it.question: do you know which festival it is?l ss focus o

3、n the title: chinese new year.l ss look at the calendar again and focus on 除夕and understand the meaning of it.l ss get the meaning of chinese new years eve.l brainstorm:q: what do you usually do on chinese new years eve?1. 利用日历,通过设置相关问题,调动学生已知,引入本课话题。2. 通过课文标题和相关图片,帮助学生理解词汇:chinese new years eve3. 头

4、脑风暴,调动学生已知,引出本课文章内容,激发学生的阅读兴趣。while-reading 27step 1step 2step 3step 4step 5step 61st reading: ss read the introduction quickly and answer the questions.q: 1.where is grace from?q: 2.where is she now?q: 3.what holiday is she spending?2nd reading: read the text and answer the questions.q: 1. who are

5、talking? 2. what are they talking about? ( )a: what grace has done on chinese new years eve.b: how grace spent her holiday.c: what grace has done with her dad.1. reading2. individual work3. group discussion4. check answers in class.3rd reading: read the text and get detailed information about graces

6、 experience of chinese new years eve.q: 1.how many paragraphs? 2. can you find the time markers for each paragraph? 4th reading:read the text to get or infer the feeling of grace.1. individual work2. group discussions3. check the answers in classss guess the meaning of “bright” from the context.1) s

7、s find the sentence with the word2) ss try to find clues from the context.3) ss get the meaning.traditions and culture ( while-reading):q: why do people write福 and put them on the doors?q: why do people set off fireworks on chinese new years eve? read the passage aloud with the recording.1. 通过略读,引导学

8、生关注课文介绍部分,标题与正文中间的内容,培养学生关注与阅读相关的信息。2. 通过阅读文章获取文章大意,并圈画关键词。在学生核对答案时追问他们获取信息的依据,获取文章信息。学生体验如何归纳主旨信息 3. 阅读文章,获取文章的时间线索,理清故事发展脉络,获取有关grace的春节活动的细节信息。4. 通过阅读,获取并推断有关grace的情感的信息。培养学生在语境中理解生词的策略。5. 感受中国春节的传统和文化。(渗透在阅读过程中)6. 听、跟读录音,学习语音语调,培养语感。467433post-reading 15step 1 (step 2)speaking. we have just talk

9、ed about how grace celebrated chinese new years eve. can you recall your memory? how did you and your family celebrate chinese new years eve?(write down your passage.)学生利用表格内容以及文章信息,向他人复述自己的春节活动;程度较好的学生将本课所学转化成自己的语言。(学生将自己复述的故事落实到笔头。)根据时间调整此项活动。15homework1. read with the recording for 15 minutes;2. write down your passage on the handout;3. finish your mind map.板书设计lesson 7 chinese new yearparagraphswhen (label)what grace didhow (feelings)1in the morningput up chinese new years decorationsinteresting2in


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