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1、Among people who exp erie nee migra ine headaches, some exp erie nee whatdoctors call com mon migra in es, whereas others exp erie nee classical migra ines.Sibli ngs and spo uses of com mon migrai ne sufferers are themselves twice as likelyas the gen eral popu lati on to exp erie nee com mon migra i

2、n es. Sibli ngs of classicalmigra ine sufferers are four times more likely tha n the gen eral popu lati on toexp erie nee classical migra in es, whereas spo uses of classical migra ine sufferers areno more likely tha n the gen eral popu lati on to exp erie nee such headaches.The in formatio n above

3、p rovides the most support for which of the followi nghypo theses?ASusce ptibility to classical migra ines is more dependent on hereditary factorsthan is susce ptibility to com mon migra ines.分析A选项BUnm arried adults are more likely to suffer from classical migra ines tha n they areto suffer from com

4、 mon migra ines.分析B选项CPeople who do not exp erie nee migra ine headaches are un likely to have spo useswho are migra ine headache sufferers.分析C选项DChildre n of people who suffer from com mon migra ines are not more likely tha nthe gen eral popu lati on to exp erie nee a com mon migra ine.分析D选项EBetwee

5、 n on e-quarter and on e-half of the gen eral popu lati on suffer from eithercom mon or classical migra ine headaches.分析E选项对于common m :兄妹(遗传)和夫妻都是2倍对于classical m :兄妹是4倍,夫妻是相同可能性(1倍)A说的是classical与遗传有关(4倍)common与遗传有关(2倍)B错了,说反了 21C推不出D错了,会 more likely,与遗传有关E推不出Susce ptibility易受影响hereditary 遗传Over the

6、last five years, dema nd for hotel rooms in Cenop olis has in creased sig ni fica ntly, as has the average price Cenop olis hotels charge for rooms. These trends are p rojected to con ti nue for the n ext several years .In response to this econo mic forecast, Centennial Commercial, a real estate dev

7、e lop er, is con sideri ng a plan to convert several unoccup ied office buildi ngs it owns in Cenop olis into hotels in order to maximize its revenues from these prop erties.Which of the followi ng would it be most useful for Centennial Commercial to know in evaluati ng the plan it is con sideri ng?

8、AWhether the popu lati on of Cenop olis is exp ected to grow in the n ext several years分析A选项BWhether dema nd for office sp ace in Cenop olis is p rojected to in crease in the near future 分析B选项分析C选项CWhether the in creased dema nd for hotel rooms, if met, is likely to lead to an in crease in the dema

9、nd for other travel-related servicesDWhether dema nd for hotel rooms has also in creased in other cities whereCentennial owns office buildi ngs分析D选项EWhether, on average, hotels that have bee n created by converting officebuildi ngs have fewer guest rooms tha n do hotels that were built as hotels原文中,

10、 plan-convert several unoccup ied office buildi ngs it owns in Cenop olisinto hotels 。goal-maximize its revenues from these properties评价题正确答案需要与plan高度相关,plan出现的关键词unoccupied office build ings和 hotels 。A, popu lati on明显无关。 C other travel-related services明显无关。Din othercities,讨论对象转移。E, hotels that were

11、 built as hotels无关。其实原文还暗含了比较,要增加收益是相对于原来写字楼的用途而言,所以答案猜测要么和hotel收入有关,要么和 office收入有关。The use of radar detectors in commercial vehicles was banned becausecommercial truck and bus drivers were using these devices to drive faster tha n thepo sted sp eed limit without fear of arrest. Since drivers of non

12、 commercial vehiclesalso use radar detectors and since sp eedi ng decreases safety for any vehicle, useof radar detectors should also be banned in non commercial vehicles to in creasesafety.Which of the follow in g, if true, most stron gly supports the argume nt above?AThe average non commercial-veh

13、icle driver is in volved in less Ion g-dista needriv ing tha n is the average commercial-vehicle driver.分析A选项Bln many p laces air planes or helic op ters are used rather tha n radar to locatevehicles traveli ng faster tha n the p osted sp eed limit.分析B选项CThe ban on radar detectors in commercial vehi

14、cles has bee n effective indeterri ng them from sp eedi ng.分析C选项D Traffic accide nts in volvi ng a truck or bus gen erally pose a greater threat of injuryor death tha n do other accide nts.分析D选项ERadar detectors are sometimes set off by devices other tha n the law en forceme ntdevices that the radar

15、detectors were built to detect.分析E选项Traveler: Souther n Airways has a far worse safety record tha n Air Dacen taria overthe p ast few years, in terms of both the freque ncy of accide nts and the severity ofaccide nts. Therefore, although Air Dacen taria is slightly more expen sive, I willchoose it o

16、ver Souther n Airways for my flight from P edert on to Dacen ta, since it isworth paying extra to have a safer flight.Which of the follow in g, if true, casts the most serious doubt on the travelersargume nt?AAir Dacen tarias flight from P edert on to Dacenta is nonstop, whereas Souther nAirways fli

17、ght touches dow n in Gorinda on the way.分析A选项BMost Souther n Airways flights, but not its flight from Pedert on to Dace nta, useSarmouth air port, which because of its mountainous locati on is one of the worldsmost dangerous.分析 B 选项CFor its flights from P edert on to Dacen ta, Souther n Airways uses

18、 a differe nt分析C选项model of air plane, with a smaller cap acity, tha n the model Air Dacen taria uses for its flights on the same route.DOnly in the last few years has the cost of flying from Pedert on to Dacenta bee nmore expen sive on Air Dacen taria tha n on Souther n Airways.分析D选项分析E选项EAlthough t

19、he freque ncy of accide nts is greater on Souther n Airways, on both airli nes the prop orti on of flights that have accide nts is very small.A无关选项B因为这个机场很危险,所以出事频率大,但不包括P到D的航线。削弱强调题目中的信息!C容量小,无关D票价,无关S和D安全系E虽然S的事故频率较高但是两家公司的总体事故频率都很低(并没有涉及数的比较。无关)In the p ast, most childre n who went sledd ing in t

20、he win ter snow in Verla nd used woode n sleds with runners and steeri ng bars. Ten years ago, smooth p lastic sleds became popu lar; they go faster tha n woode n sleds but are harder to steer andslow. The concern that p lastic sleds are more dan gerous is clearly borne out by the fact that the nu m

21、ber of childre n injured while sleddi ng was much higher last wi nter tha n it was ten years ago.Which of the follow in g, if true in Verla nd, most seriously un derm ines the force of分析A选项the evide nee cited?AA few childre n still use traditi onal woode n sleds.BVery few childre n wear any ki nd of

22、 p rotective gear, such as helmets, whilesledding.分析B选项CPI astic sleds can be used in a much wider variety of snow con diti ons tha nwooden sleds can.分析 C 选项DMost sledd ing injuries occur whe n a sled collides with a tree, a rock, or, ano ther sled.分析D选项EBecause the traditi onal woode n sled can car

23、ry more tha n one rider, an accide nt分析E选项in volv ing a woode n sled can result in several childre n being injured.C解释塑料滑板出事故多的原因他因!事故多是因为应用范围多,基数大Metal rings recen tly excavated from seve nth-ce ntury settleme nts in the western part of Mexico were made using the same metallurgical tech niq ues as

24、those used by Ecuadoria n artisa ns before and duri ng that p eriod. These tech niq ues are sufficie ntly complex to make their independent deve lopment in both areasun likely. Since the people of these two areas were in cultural con tact, archaeologists hypo thesize that the metallurgical tech niq

25、ues used to make the rings found in Mexico were lear ned by Mexica n artisa ns from Ecuadoria n counterparts.Which of the follow ing would it be most useful to establish in order to evaluate the archaeologists hypo thesis?AWhether metal objects were traded from Ecuador to wester n Mexico duri ng the

26、seventh century分析 A 选项分析B选项BWhether travel betwee n wester n Mexico and Ecuador in the seve nth cen tury would have bee n p rimarily by land or by seaCWhether artisa ns from wester n Mexico could have lear ned complex metallurgical tech niq ues from their Ecuadoria n counterparts without actually le

27、avi ng wester nMexico 分析C选项D Whether metal tools were used in the seve nth-ce ntury settleme nts in westernMexico 分析D选项EWhether any of the tech niq ues used in the manu facture of the metal rings found分析E选项in wester n Mexico are still p racticed among artisa ns in Ecuador todayM国发现了一种文物,该文物用了某技术,某技术

28、由另一个国家艺术家发明,因此,学习了该技术可能是从另国购买的在第7世纪是否有从厄瓜多尔到墨西哥的金属制品。这个貌似符合,有了金属制品过来, 墨西哥的工匠就可以偷学了。Follow ing several years of decii ning advertis ing sales, the Gree nville Times reorga ni zed its advertis ing sales force. Before reorga nizatio n, the sales force was orga ni zed geogra phically, with some sales re

29、p rese ntatives concen trati ng on city- cen ter bus in esses and others concen trati ng on differe nt outly ing regi ons. The reorga ni zati on atte mp ted to in crease the sales rep rese ntatives kno wledge of clie nts bus in esses by hav ing each sales rep rese ntative deal with only one type of

30、in dustry or of retaili ng. After the reorga ni zati on, revenue from advertis ing sales in creased.In assess ing whether the impro veme nt in advertis ing sales can prop erly be attributed to the reorga ni zati on, it would be most helpful to find out which of the followi ng?AWhat proportion of the

31、 total revenue of the Gree nville Times is gen erated byadvertising sales?分析 A 选项BHas the circulati on of the Gree nville Times in creased substa ntially in the last two years?分析B选项CAmong all the types of in dustry and retaili ng that use the Gree nville Times as an分析C选项advertis ing vehicle, which t

32、ype acco unts for the largest proportion of the n ews pap ers advertis ing sales?DDo any clie nts of the sales rep rese ntatives of the Gree nville Times have a sta nding order with the Times for a fixed amount of advertis ing per mon th?EAm ong the advertisers in the Gree nville Times, are there mo

33、re types of retailbus in ess or more types of in dustrial bus in ess?分析E选项B circulation 发行量可能是他因,发行量变大导致的收入增加Motorists in a certa in country freque ntly complain that traffic con gesti on is muchworse now tha n it was 20 years ago. No real measure of how much trafficcon gesti on there was 20 years a

34、go exists, but the motorists complaints are almostcerta in ly un warra nted. The coun trys highway cap acity has trip led in the lasttwenty years, tha nks to a vigorous highway con struct ion p rogram, whereas thenu mber of automobiles registered in the country has in creased by only 75p erce nt.Whi

35、ch of the follow in g, if true, most seriously weake ns the argume nt?AMost automobile travel is local, and the n etworks of roads and streets in thecoun trys settled areas have cha nged little over the last 20 years.分析A选项BGasoli ne p rices are high, and miles traveled per car per year have not cha

36、ngedmuch over the last 20 years.分析B选项CThe coun trys urba n cen ters have well-deve loped p ublic tran sit systems thatcarry most of the people who commute into those cen ters.分析C选项DThe average age of automobiles registered in the country is lower now tha n itwas 20 years ago. 分析 D 选项ERadio stati ons

37、 have long bee n broadcast) ng regular traffic reports that informwas 20 years ago. 分析 D 选项motorists about traffic con gesti on.分析E选项Motorists in a certa in country freque ntly complain that traffic con gesti on is muchworse now tha n it was 20 years ago. No real measure of how much trafficcon gesti

38、 on there was 20 years ago exists, but the motorists complaints are almostcerta in ly un warra nted. The coun trys highway cap acity has trip led in the lasttwenty years, tha nks to a vigorous highway con struct ion p rogram, whereas thenu mber of automobiles registered in the country has in creased

39、 by only 75p erce nt.Which of the follow in g, if true, most seriously weake ns the argume nt?AMost automobile travel is local, and the n etworks of roads and streets in thecoun trys settled areas have cha nged little over the last 20 years.分析A选项BGasoli ne p rices are high, and miles traveled per car per year have not cha ngedmuch over the last 20 years.分析B选项CThe coun trys urba n cen ters have we


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