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1、文档来源为:从网络收集整理.word版本可编辑欢迎下载支持“传统能源动力装置(内燃机)高效利用替代燃料技术交流研讨会”日程表时间:2010年4月2日至3日地点:B座三层多功能厅日期活动内容报告者9:00 欢迎词内燃机应用替代燃料的思考及几点意见未来发动机的替代燃料评价技术(Alternative Fuel Assessme ntfor Future Engine Tech no logies)10:00Tea Break 茶歇乘用车用点燃式M100甲醇发动机研发( Research andDevelopment of Spark-Ignition Engine Fueled with Meth

2、anol for Passe nger Car)压燃式内燃机燃用 M100甲醇技术研究(The analysis on compression ignition internal combustion engine with M100 metha nol tech no logy)中国内燃机工业协会 中国内燃机工业协会Dr. Charles E. Roberts金先扬教授Mr Xia n Yang Jin王天灵博士Dr. Wang Tian li ng2010 年4月2日上午9:0012:0012:00Lu nch午餐2010 年4月2日下午13:3017:30压燃式内燃机甲醇/柴油组合燃烧的

3、研究及应用(Applicationof Alcoholic Fuel Ign ited by Diesel Spray to Cl Engines ) 一甲醚发动机的研究与开发(Research and Development ofDME Engines )3:00 Tea Break 茶歇煤基低碳能源化工路线是中国替代能源的发展方向(Coal-based low-carb onen ergy, chemical route is thedevelopme nt direct ion of Chi nas alter native en ergy)甲醇燃料使用女全性(Safety Assess

4、ment of Using Methanol asan Alter native Fuel)低排高效的天然气发动机技术(Natural Gas Engine Tech no logy for Low Emissi ons and High Efficie ncy )姚春德教授Dr. Prof. Chunde Yao刘圣华教授Prof. Liu Shen ghua方德巍教授Fang Dewei谢振华高级工程师Zhe nhua XieMr. Timothy J Callaha n文档来源为:从网络收集整理.word版本可编辑欢迎下载支持生物柴油在车用内燃机上的应用(The Applicati on

5、 of Bio-diesel on Internal Combustion Engine for Vehicle ) 生物柴油的应用基础研究( The Basic Research of Biodiesel Fuel)气体燃料特性及其内燃机技术的探讨(Gas fuel characteristicsand gas engine tech no logy)9:30 Tea Break 茶歇工程塑料在内燃机燃油系统上的应用(En gi neeri ng thermoplastics applied in the modern fuel systems of internal combusti on

6、 engines)F-T合成燃料在车用发动机上的应用研究(The ApplicationResearch of Fischer-Tropsch(F-T) Diesel Fuel on Vehicle Engine)王建昕教授Wang Jia nxin 王忠教授Wang Zhong 张欣教授Xin Zhang Mervy n Cox 楼狄明教授LOU Dimi ng2010 年4月3日上午8:3012:0012:00Lu nch午餐2010 年4月3日下午13:3015:00生物柴油组分及与汽车匹配技术研究介绍编制中国内燃机工业“十二五”发展规划的思路,并就 在规划中由企业提供的发展重点及重点项

7、目,提出具体要求 及进度安排。李理光中国内燃机工业协会“传统能源动力装置(内燃机)高效利用替代燃料技术交流研讨会”专题报告摘要(汇总)一、中国内燃机工业协会内燃机应用替代燃料的思考及几点意见二、美国西南研究院Southwest Research In stitute1、未来发动机的替代燃料评价技术Alternative Fuel Assessme nt for Future Engine Tech no logiesDr. Charles E. RobertsThis prese ntati on discusses the pote ntial for use of various alte

8、r native fuels for future engine applications.The presentation recognizes the differences in selection of alter native fuels depe nding upon goals based upon pote ntial CO2 regulati ons, petroleum in depe nden ce, and en ergy efficie ncy. For example, the U.S. has in creased the use of etha nol as a

9、n alter native fuel for the last several years, based upon a desire to reduce petroleum requireme nts. This strategy has bee n successfu I in meet ing its goal. However, the well-to-wheels en ergy-cost for use of etha nol is worse tha n that for petroleum. Hen ce, the outcome is that en ergy in effi

10、cie ncy has bee n accepted to reduce petroleum consumption. In an effort to improve the fuel economy 文档来源为:从网络收集整理.word版本可编辑欢迎下载支持and range of ethanol-fueled vehicles, SwRI has developed cooled-EGR technology for ethanol- or flex-fuel engines, thus meeting the goal of reduced petroleum use while sim

11、ultaneously meeting the fuel economy and range demands of an ethanol powered vehicle. Similarly, proposed CO2 regulations might be addressed through alternative fuels, such as natural gas, ethanol and methanol. This study includes analysis of the CO2 reduction potential for the alternative fuels, bu

12、t also addresses the efficiency and energy cost for each fuel. The presentation culminates in a selection and rating chart for alternative fuels based upon different goals that may be required for future markets.本报告针对各种替代燃料在未来发动机上的应用潜力进行讨论。由于 CO2 排放法规、石油资源自主性和能源效率的不同,各国对于替代燃料的选择亦会 不同。比如,美国在过去几年中不断增加

13、对乙醇代用燃料的使用,希望藉此降 低对石油的需求。这一举措虽然成功地满足了这一目标,但用于汽车工业的乙 醇燃油成本却远远高于石油。由此导致的结果是,为降低石油消耗,人们不得 不接受能源效率低下的事实。美国西南研究院开发的用于乙醇或其它混合燃料 的冷却 EGR 技术,不但可以有效减少对石油燃料的使用,同时也能很好地满足 乙醇或其它动力车辆的燃油经济性和工况范围要求。替代燃料(如天然气、乙 醇、甲醇)的使用将可能成为实现 CO2 排放法规的更有效途径;为此,本报告 增加了对替代燃料降低 CO2 排放潜力的分析,以及各种替代燃料的燃效和成本 方面的内容。报告中的高潮部分还根据未来市场的不同需求目标,

14、给出了各种 替代燃料的选择评价图。2、低排高效的天然气发动机技术Natural Gas Engine Technology for Low Emissions and High EfficiencyMr. Timothy J CallahanThis presentation will discuss technology for natural gas engines that enable them to achieve low emission while maintaining high efficiency. As an alternative to petroleum derive

15、d fuels, natural gas has several desirable characteristics: 本报告就各种天然气技术进行讨论,在实现发动机低排放的同时,仍然保 持较高的燃烧效率。作为对动力石油的替代燃料,天然气具有如下优势特点:favorable CO2 emissi ons due to its high hydroge n-to-carb on ration ear zero particulate emissi onsabundantly available with favorable pricinghigh octane number (resistance

16、 to knock)wide range of flammability文档来源为 :从网络收集整理 .word 版本可编辑 .欢迎下载支持二氧化碳排放较低(高氢碳比)颗粒排放几乎为零资源丰富,价格低廉高辛烷值(抗爆震)可燃性好In the United States (and elsewhere), heavy-duty natural gas engines have been widely used in fleet operations in regions with poor ambient air quality. As emission regulations have beco

17、me increasingly restrictive, diesel engine emission levels are approaching those of natural gas engines. However, the diesel engines require expensive aftertreatment and engine combustion strategies that lead to higher specific fuel consumption. With the appropriate technologies, the performance and

18、 emissions of gas engines can exceed the diesel engine or otheralternatively fuelled engines.在美国(和其它地区)一些环境空气质量恶劣的地区,重型天然气发动机 已被广泛应用于汽车运输业。随着排放法规的日益严格,柴油机的排放水平逐 渐接近天然气发动机。但是,柴油机需要用到昂贵的后处理装置,且各种燃烧 策略的运用直接导致燃油耗增加。如果能够采用适当的技术,气体发动机的性 能和排放完全可以超越柴油机或其它替代燃料发动机。In addition to low emissions, natural gas can

19、 also be used as a petroleum fuel substitute or extender as in the case of dual fuel engines. Two dual fuel engine scenarios are common. The first scenario is a dedicated dual fuel engine in which a small diesel pilot injection is used to ignite the natural gas air charge and the ratio of pilot ener

20、gy to natural gas energy is about 1:100. In the second scenario, full diesel engine capability is retained and natural gas is used to replace the equivalent diesel energy. That is as natural gas is added to the combustion mixture, the equivalent energy of diesel fuel is removed. In this case the per

21、centage of natural gas substitution ranges from 15-85 percent.除排放低外,天然气可以替代石油燃料,或作为双燃料发动机的混合添加 物。现有两种双燃料发动机比较普遍。第一种是专门的双燃料发动机,只预喷 少量的柴油用于引燃天然气,预喷的柴油与天然气的能量比约为1:100。第二种双燃料发动机则保留了全部的柴油机性能,但用天然气替代具有等效能量的柴 油。即,将天然气添加到燃烧混合物的同时,释放具有等效能量的柴油。这种 情况下天然气对柴油的替代比率在 15-85%Technologies discussed include the igniti

22、on of lean burn and stoichiometric 文档来源为 :从网络收集整理 .word 版本可编辑 .欢迎下载支持mixtures, exhaust aftertreatment, fuel system, and combustion strategies for dedicated natural gas engines and dual fuel engines.本报告所讨论的各项技术包括:针对单燃料和双燃料天然气发动机的稀薄 燃烧及当量混合燃烧点火技术、排气后处理技术、燃料系统及燃烧策略。三、上海华普汽车有限公司Shanghai Maple Automobile

23、 Co., Ltd.乘用车用点燃式 M100 甲醇发动机研发Research and Development of Spark-Ignition Engine Fueled with Methanol for Passenger Car金先扬 Mr Xian Yang Jin 以点燃式内燃机为基础,全新开发点燃式 M100 甲醇发动机。该技术采用 集成式电喷控制技术, 使点燃式 M100 甲醇发动机具有较高的灵活性。 产业化后 的点燃式 M100 甲醇发动机动力性将优于同型号汽油机,燃料经济性优势显著, 搭载整车后的排放水平优于国W,达到欧V标准,有效解决高比例甲醇发动机 的腐蚀、摩擦、磨损,

24、极大的提高发动机的寿命。Based on spark-ignition engine, we have researched and developed 100% methanol fuel engine, which is highly practical and very flexible to use integrated electronic dual-fuel injection technology. The performances of Spark-ignition methanol engine have exceeded the ones of gasoline engin

25、e for the same types: better economy(methanol is more cheaper than gasoline), higher efficiency, remarkably reduced exhaust emissions (standard EuroV ), longer service life and so on.四、道依茨一汽大连柴油机有限公司DEUTZ Dalian Diesel Engine Co,Ltd.压燃式内燃机燃用 M100 甲醇技术研究The analysis on compression ignition internal c

26、ombustion engine with M100 methanol technology王天灵 博士 Dr. Wang Tianling 随着我国国民经济的日益发展,石油燃料的能源短缺日益突出,局域市场 特别是在我国煤三角地区,重型甲醇发动机将被日益广泛地应用于汽车运输业。 本报告针对压燃式内燃机燃用 M100 甲醇技术在我国的应用空间、 存在问题、采 用的关键技术和应用支持环境进行了讨论和分析,通过对燃烧系统、燃料供给 系统、进气系统和后处理系统的优化匹配与控制,论述实现甲醇发动机的清洁高效燃烧的可行性。 报告所讨论的技术包括:动力性、燃料经济性、排放的 优化和控制、零部件的腐蚀性、溶胀

27、性的分析和控制;冷启动的控制等策略。文档来源为 :从网络收集整理 .word 版本可编辑 .欢迎下载支持Along with our national economic development, petroleum as fuel is in short supply, especially on coal production area, we predict that heavy duty methanol engine will increasingly use on transportation. This presentation has discussedand analyzed

28、towards compression ignition internal combustion engine on applications scope, problems, major technologies adoption and application environment; also discussed on feasibility of clean and high effect combustion through optimization and control toward combustion system, fuel feeding system, gas inta

29、ke system and after-treatment system. Discussed technologies included, power performance, fuel economy, emission optimization and control, parts corrosiveness, swelling analysis and control; control of cold start etc.五、天津大学内燃机燃烧学国家重点实验室State Key Laboratory of Engines, Tianjin University 压燃式内燃机甲醇 /柴油

30、组合燃烧的研究及应用Application of Alcoholic Fuel Ignited by Diesel Spray to CI Engines 姚春德 博士 教授 Dr. Prof. Chunde Yao 本报告介绍柴油引燃醇类燃料在压燃式发动机上的研究和应用。为减少柴 油的消耗,针对醇类燃料着火性差的特点,天津大学开发的采用柴油/醇双燃料方法成功地实现了在压燃式发动机上应用。研究结果表明,该方法同时适于甲 醇和乙醇两种醇类燃料。采用该方法的车辆经数万公里道路试验考核,甲醇替 代柴油的比例 20%,替换等热值柴油所需甲醇远低于理论值,具有很大的节能 优势。经排放检测表明,在柴油机采

31、用机械式燃油喷射系统条件下,仅采用氧 化催化转化器便可使其排放水平由国 2 提升到国 3。本报告还就甲醇和乙醇对柴 油着火的机理做了简单的介绍。 对发动机采用醇 /柴油组合燃烧方式降低 CO2 排 放潜力的进行了分析,并就采用甲醇 /柴油组合燃烧的运输成本做了简单分析。This report presents the results for the application of alcoholic fuel ignited by diesel spray to Compression Ignition engines. In order to reduce diesel fuel consum

32、ption, a novel combustion mode called as DMCC (Diesel Methanol Compound Combustion ) was developed by Tianjin University for solving the problem of difficult self ignition of alcoholic fuel. The test results illustrated that the mode could be used to both methanol and ethanol. The vehicles equipped

33、with those engines in the mode had run longer than several ten thousands kilometer, which showed that the diesel fuel substituted by methanol more than 20% and the diesel fuel substituted by methanol at much less than theoretic calorific value. The road tests indicate the mode with great potential o

34、f energy saving. In addition, the emission level of engines with the mode could be upgraded to higher one even the engine with mechanical fuel injection system 文档来源为 :从网络收集整理 .word 版本可编辑 .欢迎下载支持and simple oxide catalyst. Meanwhile, the report also revealed the mechanism of ignition of diesel fuel in

35、 the hot alcoholic ambient. Again, the potential to decrease CO2 emission was analyzed for the engine with the combustion mode as well as to reduce the cost of transportation.六、美国泰科纳公司Ticona 工程塑料在内燃机燃油系统上的应用 Engineering thermoplastics applied in the modern fuel systems of internal combustion engines

36、Mervyn Cox, POM ManagerThis presentation provides an insight to Ticona, the manufacturer of engineering thermoplastic resins with experience gained from over 50 years in the automotive industry.本报告来自泰科纳公司 全球知名的工程塑料生产商,在汽车行业拥 有 50 多年丰富经验。Fuel technology is a very diverse field with a host of alternat

37、ive fuel types now available to the industry, flex fuels - Ethanol & Methanol based, natural gas, diesel, bio derivatives and Hydrogen to name a few.燃料技术是一个飞速发展的领域,如今在该行业相继诞生了许多可替代燃 料,如基于乙醇和甲醇的混合燃料、天然气、柴油、各种生物衍生物以及氢能 源等。The presentation will explore which engineering thermoplastic materials are capa

38、ble of supporting the extremely harsh environments of both today asnd tomorrow s fuel types. It will also guide you through the innovations in engineering thermoplastic materials that have supported the changes in fuel system technology regardless of fuel type to gain the competitive edge.本报告将探讨哪些塑料

39、能够适应目前以及将来各种燃料极其苛刻的工作环 境。 通过这个报告,大家将了解工程塑料界的创新历程,这些创新在很大程度 上促进了汽车燃油系统技术的发展。无论是哪种燃料,材料的创新都能为您带 来竞争优势。七、西安交通大学Xian Jiaotong University 二甲醚发动机的研究与开发Research and Development of DME Engines刘圣华教授 Prof. Liu Shenghua 考虑到我国的石油储量、产量、进口和经济发展对石油的需求,大力发展 石油替代和提高内燃机的效率对缓解石油紧张,实现能源多样化和可持续发展 具有重要意义。文档来源为 :从网络收集整理 .

40、word 版本可编辑 .欢迎下载支持二甲醚燃料具有沸点低、十六烷值高的特点,适合压燃发动机,主要存在 的问题是易气化、润滑性差,需要对燃料供给系统进行全新的设计。由于二甲 醚高含氧,燃烧无颗粒排放,易于发动机采用 EGR 降低 NOx 排放。西安交大开展二甲醚均质压燃和直喷压燃两种燃烧模式发动机的研究,表 明二甲醚特别适合作为均质压燃发动机的燃料,均质压燃二甲醚发动机的空燃 比、转速以及负荷需要耦合联动,可以获得理想的经济和排放特性。直喷压燃 柴油机燃用二甲醚后,其动力性提高,经济性略有改善,对于自然吸气发动机 的排放可以满足国皿、增压带 EGR可以满足国W排放标准。进一步利用二甲醚 的燃料特

41、性,采用深度 EGR,二甲醚发动机的排放可以采用类似汽油机三效催 化反应器,使排放满足更高排放标准。In consideration of the petroleum deposit, production, import and requirement of the development of our economy, improving fuel efficiency as well as applying alternative fuels are two big ways to deal with the shortage of petroleum based fuels, so t

42、hat multiple fuel policy and sustainable development can be achieved.Dimethyl Ether (DME) is a kind of alternative fuel for compression ignition engines with lower boiling temperature and high enough octane number. The problems are lower lubricity and easier evaporating, which needs a new design fue

43、l system. Due to its higher oxygen content, no smoke combustion is quite suitable for EGR to reduce DME engine NOx formation and emission.Much research activities have carried out to study DME as engine clean alternative fuel in Xi an Jiaotong University. DME is the best fuel for HCCI engine; the en

44、gine can run under joint control of A/F, speed and power with a good economy and low emissions. For a natural aspired direct injection compression ignition engine to run on DME, the engine emissionscan easily to meet EURO 皿,and for a TC DME engine, its emission can meet EURO IV standardswith help of

45、 EGR, while the DME engines have a better power performance and equivalence fuel economy compared with their original diesel engines. To take the advantage of DME, deep EGR studies show that the DI CI DME engine can run under stoichiometric A/F ratio, so that three-way catalyst converter can be util

46、ized to further emission regulations like gasoline engines.八、清华大学,汽车安全与节能国家重点实验室Tsinghua University, State Key Laboratory of Automobile Safety and Energy 生物柴油在车用内燃机上的应用The Application of Bio-diesel on Internal Combustion Engine for Vehicle 王建昕 Wang Jianxin 简要介绍了生物柴油目前在中国的生产现状和可能利用的资源情况。基于 文档来源为 :从网络

47、收集整理 .word 版本可编辑 .欢迎下载支持试验研究结果分析了柴油中低比例掺混生物柴油时对柴油机性能的影响、生物 柴油的非常规排放特性、以及高比例掺混生物柴油时大幅度降低柴油机微粒排 放的效果以及不用后处理达国 4 排放的可能性。最后提出了尽快在我国车用柴 油机上推广应用生物柴油的几点建议。The current status and the possible resources of bio-diesel were briefly presented in this paper. Based on the research of engine experiment, the effect

48、s of blending fuel with the low proportion of bio-diesel/diesel on diesel engine performance, the characteristics of unregulated emissions fuelling bio-diesel, as well as the achieved results of significant reduction of particulate matter on diesel engine fuelled with high proportion of bio-diesel/d

49、iesel and the possibility to meet Chinese 4th stage Emission regulation without after-treatment, were analyzed. Finally, some suggestions for the popularization and application of bio-diesel as soon as possible on internal combustion engine for vehicle in China were put forward.九、江苏大学JiangSu Univers

50、ity 生物柴油的应用基础研究The Basic Research of Biodiesel Fuel王忠 Wang Zhong2009 年我国汽车产销分别为 1379.10万辆和 1364.48万辆,成为全球汽车产 销第一大国。我国非道路用柴油机的总产量居全球第一,单缸柴油机年产量突 破 900 万台。 2009 年我国石油对外依存度达到 52%,石油燃料的紧张已经威胁 到我国的能源安全。此外,非道路用柴油机的 NOx 和 PM 排放已占柴油机排放 总量的 20%和 36%,应该引起人们的重视,针对非道路用柴油机尾气排放的问 题,美国EPA、美国加州空气资源局(CARB )、欧盟(EU)、日

51、本均制定了较 严格的非道路用柴油机排放法规。报告分为 3 个部分,第一部分介绍了生物柴油的理化特性与燃料设计;第 二部分介绍了生物柴油的喷雾、燃烧过程研究情况;第三部分介绍了生物柴油排放污染物(常规与非常规)的检测与控制技术的研究。生物柴油是由动植物油脂与醇(例如甲醇或乙醇)经过酯交换反应制得的 脂肪酸单烷基酯,最典型的为脂肪酸甲酯,生物柴油一般是由饱和脂肪酸甲酯(C14:0C24:0)和不饱和脂肪酸甲酯(C16:1C22:1、C18:2、C18:3)组成,不饱和脂肪酸甲酯中双键的数量和位置对燃料十六烷值有很大的影响。生物柴 油是一种绿色、可再生清洁能源,具有闪点高,运输、储存安全的特点,并能

52、 以任意比例与石化柴油掺烧,有利于维持全球二氧化碳排放平衡,减轻温室效 应。美国EPA研究结果表明,燃用生物柴油(BD100)可以使二氧化碳排放量 降低 文档来源为 :从网络收集整理 .word 版本可编辑 .欢迎下载支持78%,致癌物成分减少 94%,生物柴油的降解速度是传统柴油的四倍,是 唯一成功通过清洁空气法排放测试的燃料。欧洲生物柴油主要应用在公路 运输、船舶航运、农业动力、家庭取暖等,并且具有完善的市场激励机制。我 国的柴油机燃用 BD5 生物柴油的可靠性试验结果表明,发动机长时间燃用 BD5 生物柴油,性能不会出现恶化,零部件磨损与柴油基本一致。生物柴油整车排 放结果表明, 按照

53、15循环测试, 生物柴油 HC、 CO、 PM 排放下降幅度可达 50% 左右,仅有 NOX 排放上升 5.8%。报告介绍了国内外各高校、 科研院所(德国 Stuttgart 大学、美国 Pennsylvania 大学、英国 Birmingham 大学、美国 Lawrence 实验室、法国国家科学研究院) 在生物柴油基础理论领域的研究工作,重点介绍了我国在生物柴油的分子结构、 燃料组分、十六烷值、密度、碘值、运动粘度、低温流动性、氧化安定性、喷 雾、燃烧等领域所开展的工作及成果。我国发展生物柴油产业面临的主要挑战有:成本偏高、低温流动性较差、 氧化安定性较差、 NOx 排放较高等。生物柴油低温

54、流动性、氧化安定性等方面 存在的问题,可以通过技术手段解决,NOX 排放可以降低到矿物柴油的水平,并可以减轻二氧化碳排放。在生物柴油制备过程中,采用低饱和度原料油或较 长链或支链醇,可以获得良好的低温流动性;在生物柴油使用过程中,添加低 温改进剂也可以有效改善生物柴油的低温流动性。添加 BHA、 BHT、 TBHQ 等 抗氧化剂可以显著提高生物柴油的氧化安定性。采用过氧化法、抗氧化法、微 乳化法对生物柴油进行燃料的重新设计,可以将生物柴油NOX 排放降低到超低硫柴油的水平。生物柴油可以在国H、国皿柴油机上长期燃用,柴油机性能与 燃烧矿物柴油的性能一样,具有满足国W排放标准的潜力,但需要开发相应

55、的 燃料管理、排放控制系统。矿物柴油与生物柴油的非常规排放污染物也同样引起了人们的重视,美国 环境保护署(EPA)、欧洲化学品管理署(ECHA)等纷纷制定法规限制柴油机 的非常规排放污染物。我国的大气污染物综合排放标准也有一些检测和限 制标准。报告还介绍了生物柴油与矿物柴油非常规排放污染物的研究情况。研 究结果表明,生物柴油(BD100)的羰基类污染物低于矿物柴油(BDO )。总羰 基排放BD0 BD50BD100 ;苯系物排放BD0BD50BD100 ;总单环芳香烃排 放(MAHs)BD0BD50BD100。我国幅员辽阔,发展生物柴油产业有利于农产品深加工,提高土地利用率, 增加农民收入,缓

56、解我国能源短缺的现状。非道路柴油机移动范围小,生物柴 油存储、添加方便,来源丰富;减少运输成本,有利于环境保护;燃料泄漏对 土壤、河流、海洋不会造成污染;在农业、林业、湖泊、海洋用的动力机械有 广泛应用前景。生物柴油的基础研究领域仍有许多工作需要开展,污染物的生 文档来源为 :从网络收集整理 .word 版本可编辑 .欢迎下载支持成机理、控制策略、推广应用等等。Chinas automobile production and sale were 13.791 million and 13.6448 million in 2009. It is the worlds automobile pro

57、duction and sale superpower, and Chinas non-road diesel engine production ranking first in the world. More importantly, Chinas oil dependency of import reached 52% in 2009, energy tensions becomes a great threat to national energy security. In addition, the NOx and PM emissions of non-road diesel en

58、gine have reached 20% and 36% of the total diesel engien emissions, which should cause peoples attention. U.S. EPA, California Air Resources Board (CARB) and Japan have already developed more stringent non-road diesel engine emission regulations.This report is divided into three parts,the first part

59、 describes the physical and chemical properties of biodiesel. The second part describes the research situation of spray and combustion process. The third section describes the detection and emission control technology of the biodiesel emission pollutants (conventional and unconventional).Biodiesel i

60、s a kind of single-alkyl esters of fatty acids,which is produced from plant oils and animal fats with alcohol (such as methanol or ethanol) through the ester exchange reaction. Biodiesel is a green, renewable clean energy, with high flash point, storage security features, and it can be blended with


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