1、自学考试密押题库与答案解析英语词汇学自考题模拟4自学考试密押题库与答案解析英语词汇学自考题模拟4英语词汇学自考题模拟4.Each of the statements below is followed by four alternative answers. Choose the one that best completes the statement and put the letter in the bracket.问题:1. _ is traditionally used for the study of the origins and history of the form and
2、meaning of words.A.SemanticsB.LinguisticsC.EtymologyD.Stylistics答案:C问题:2. Content words denote clear notions and thus are known as _ words. They include nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs and numerals.A.functionalB.notionalC.emptyD.formal答案:B问题:3. The introduction of _ had a great impact on the Engli
3、sh vocabulary.A.HinduismB.ChristianityC.BuddhismD.Islam答案:B问题:4. The prefixes in the words irresistible, nonclassical and apolitical are called _.A.reversative prefixesB.negative prefixesC.pejorative prefixesD.locative prefixes答案:B否定的前缀包括“a-”,“in-”,“il-”,“ir-”,“im-”,“dis-”,“un-”,“non-”等。题目中“irresist
4、ible”的意思是“难以抵制的”;“non-classical”的意思是“非古典的”;“apolitical”的意思是“不关心政治的,不合政治意义的”。问题:5. Rugby, afghan and champagne are words coming from _.A.names of booksB.names of placesC.names of peopleD.tradenames答案:B许多表示产品或者材料的词来源于它们最初产生的地方的地名。例如,“afghan” 是一种棉织地毯,来源于Afghanistan(阿富汗)。“champagne”是一种酒(香槟),来源于法国一个被称为Ch
5、ampagne的地方。另外,“rugby”是一种球类运动,它起源于英国一个称为Rugby的地方。问题:6. _ is the result of human cognition, reflecting the objective world in the human mind.A.ReferenceB.ConceptC.SenseD.Context答案:B概念(concept)超越了语言本身,它是人们认知的结果,是客观世界在人脑中的反映。问题:7. Trumpet is a(n) _ motivated word.A.morphologicallyB.semanticallyC.onomato
6、poeicallyD.etymologically答案:C问题:8. It is noticeable that _ overlaps with stylistic and affective meanings because in a sense both stylistic and affective meanings are revealed by means of collocations.A.conceptual meaningB.grammatical meaningC.lexical meaningD.collocative meaning答案:D搭配意义是由一个词与另外的词进行
7、搭配时产生的意义。它的意义由在其前后和其搭配的词体现出来,这一点它和语体意义(stylistic meaning)和情感意义(affective meaning)产生了重合,因为后二者的意义在某种程度上也是靠其搭配词语来体现的。问题:9. From the _ point of view, polysemy is assumed to be the result of growth and development of the semantic structure of one and the same word.A.linguisticB.diachronicC.synchronicD.tr
8、aditional答案:B同一个词的多种意义之间的关系可以从两个角度进行研究:历时性研究(diachronic approach)和共时性研究(synchronic approach)。从历时性角度来看,多义词是同一个词的语义结构发展变化的结果。问题:10. When we talk about a word in visual terms, a word can be defined as a _ group of letters printed or written horizontally across a piece of paper.A.smallB.meaningfulC.voca
9、lD.large答案:B问题:11. The meaning of the word fond changed from foolish to affectionate by mode of _.A.extensionB.narrowingC.elevationD.degradation答案:C词义的升华或者褒义化(elevation or amelioration)指的是词的地位从“卑微”到“重要”的变化。“fond”一词原意是“愚蠢的”,而后又变成了“挚爱的,亲爱的”的意思。因此,这个词的意义经历了升华的变化。问题:12. The salt of the earth is an examp
10、le of _.A.simileB.metaphorC.metonymyD.synecdoche答案:B暗喻(metaphor)指的是把一种事物比作另外一种具有类似特征的事物,而同时不使用“like”,“as”之类的词的一种比喻。在一些习语中,一些无生命的事物可以被用来指人。习语“the salt of the earth”意思是“社会中坚”,指的是少数非常优秀的人才。问题:13. A reference book alphabetically arranged along with information about the forms, pronunciations, functions,
11、 etymologies, meanings, and syntactical and idiomatic uses of words is called _.A.encyclopediaB.dictionaryC.glossaryD.concordance答案:B词典是一种按照英文字母顺序排列词序,提供词语的拼写、发音、意义、用法、语法规则甚至是词源的书籍。问题:14. _ are those that cannot occur as separate words without being added to other morphemes.A.Free rootsB.Free morphe
12、mesC.Bound morphemesD.Meaningful units答案:C不能单独存在的词素称为粘附词素(bound morphemes)。粘附词素只能够附加到其他的词素上构成词语。问题:15. The fundamental difference between homonyms and polysemants is whether _.A.they come from the same sourceB.they are correlated with one central meaningC.they are listed under one headword in a dict
13、ionaryD.all the above答案:D同形同音异义词(homonyms)和多义词(polysemants)的基本区别在于,前者指的是不同的词拥有同样的形式,而后者指的是同一个具有不同意义的词。另外一点就是两者的语义相关性不同,在词典中,所有多义词的项都列在同一个词目之下,而同形同音异义词则是按照不同的词条单独列出的。问题:16. Native words are characterized with _.A.high slangy feature in styleB.high argot feature in useC.high markedness in styleD.high
14、frequency in use答案:D和外来语词相比,本族语词有两个特征:文体中性和使用频繁。问题:17. From a synchronic point of view, the word wife experienced the semantic change of _.A.extensionB.narrowingC.elevationD.degradation答案:B问题:18. Some doctors prescribe medication to treat hyperactive children, because the children are extremely _.A.
15、activeB.passiveC.lazyD.diligent答案:A词缀“hyper-”是表示程度的前缀,它主要用于表示极端的意思,所以“hyperactive”表示“极端活跃的”。问题:19. Words which have opposite meanings are called _.A.synonymsB.antonymsC.homonymsD.hyponyms答案:B反义词(antonyms)是指意义相反的词,而同义词(synonyms)指的是发音和拼写不同但意义相同或相近的词。如果某一个词的意义包含在另外一个含义较为概括的词里边,则这两个词具有上下义关系(hyponymy);同形
16、同音异义词是意义不同,但是发音和拼写相同的词。问题:20. The boys are playing in the river in the raw. In the raw in this sentence means _.A.nakedB.robeC.shortsD.vest答案:A问题:21. The major factor(s) that promote the growth of modern English is/are _.A.the growth of science and technologyB.economic and political changesC.the inf
17、luence of other cultures and languagesD.all the above答案:D科技的快速发展促使一大批新词产生,社会、经济和政治的变化也带来了越来越多的新词。同时,其他文化和语言也对英语的发展产生了很大影响。问题:22. The two major factors that cause changes in meaning are _.A.historical reason and class reasonB.historical reason and psychological reasonC.class reason and psychological
18、reasonD.extra-linguistic factors and linguistic factors答案:D非语言因素和语言因素是导致词义变化的主要因素。非语言因素包括历史原因、阶级原因和心理原因;语言因素包括截短法(shortening)、借词和类比(analogy)。A、B、C三项的分类不是概括性的分类,不够全面。问题:23. More often than not, functional words mainly have _.A.lexical meaningB.associative meaningC.collocative meaningD.grammatical mea
19、ning答案:D功能词(functional words)所含词汇意义(lexical meaning)较弱,相反,其所含的语法意义(grammatical meaning)很强,而实义词(content words)则同时具有词汇意义和语法意义,其词汇意义尤为重要。问题:24. _ are words borrowed early in the past and now are well assimilated into the English language.A.AliensB.Translation-loansC.DenizensD.Semantic loans答案:C同化词(deni
20、zens)是过去从其他语言中借用过来,现在已被英语完全吸收的词。非同化词(aliens)是从其他语言中借用过来,但还保留着其本来的发音和拼写特点的词。译借词(translation-loans)是借助于英语语言中现有的语言材料,以其他语言的特点为基础借用到的词。借义词(semantic loans)的形式具有本旗语的特点,但是其意义是从其他语言中借得的。问题:25. After the _, the Germanic tribes called Angles, Saxons and Jutes came in great numbers.A.CreeksB.IndiansC.RomansD.F
21、rench答案:C问题:26. Ex-student, foretell and post-election contain _.A.negative prefixesB.prefixes of degree or sizeC.prefixes of time and orderD.locative prefixes答案:C词缀“ex-”,“fore-”,“post-”等是表示时间和顺序的前缀。其中前两个表示“在之前”,“post-”表示“在之后”。问题:27. _ are words pronounced letter by letter.A.InitialismsB.AcronymsC.B
22、lendsD.Clips答案:A首字母缩略词的拼读方法是逐个读出其每个字母的发音。首字母缩略词有以下两种情况:其构成字母代表词的完整形式,例如“VOA”代表“Voice of America”;其构成字母代表一个复合词或者词的一部分,例如“TB”代表“tuberculosis”。问题:28. One important criterion to differentiate homonyms from polysemants is to see their _.A.spellingB.pronunciationC.etymologyD.usage答案:C问题:29. CCELD is disti
23、nctive for its _.A.clear grammar codesB.language notesC.usage notesD.extra columns答案:DCCELD有三个特点:特色的定义、另辟竖栏和用法举例,但是这部词典中设置的专栏是独具特色的。问题:30. In the idiom in good feather, we change good into high or full without changing meaning. This change of constituent is known as _.A.additionB.replacementC.positi
24、on-shiftingD.variation答案:D在一些习语中,某一成分可以被换成其他成分,从而形成与其同义或者反义的习语。题目中“in good(high,full)feather”就是一个这样的例子。.Complete the following statements with proper words or expressions according to the course book.问题:1. Affixation is generally defined as the formation of words by adding word-forming or derivation
25、al affixes to stem. This process is also known as _.答案: derivation问题:2. Word-meaning changes by modes of extension, narrowing, degradation, _ and transfer.答案: elevation问题:3. The order of meanings in CCELD indicates the _ of words.答案: semantic change问题:4. The language used in England between 450 and
26、1150 is called _.答案: Old English问题:5. The relationship between sound and the meaning of a word is _.答案: arbitrary问题:6. There are generally two approaches to the study of words, namely synchronic and _.答案: diachronic问题:7. It is necessary to subdivide Modern English into Early (1500-1700) and _ Modern
27、 English.答案: Late问题:8. A common way of making a word is to shorten a longer word by cutting a part off the original and using what remains instead. This is called _.答案: clipping问题:9. The same idiom may show _ differences when it is assigned different meanings including affective meaning.答案: stylisti
28、c问题:10. Antonyms are classified on the basis of _.答案: semantic opposition.Define the following terms.问题:1. reference答案: Reference is the relationship between language and the world. By means of reference, a speaker indicates which things in the world are being talked about.问题:2. semantic field答案: Th
29、e massive word store of a language like English can be conceived of as one composed around a number of meaning areas, some large, such as philosophy or emotions, others smaller, such as kinship or color. Viewing the total meaning in this way is the basis of field theory.问题:3. acronyms答案: Acronyms ar
30、e words formed from initial letters but pronounced as a normal word.问题:4. native words答案: Native words are words brought to Britain in the fifth century by the Germanic tribes. They are neutral in style and frequent in use.问题:5. morphs答案: Morphs are discrete units which realize abstract morphemes in
31、 speech. Morphs are actual spoken minimal carriers of meaning.Answer the following questions. Your answers should be clear and short. Write your answers in the, space given below.问题:1. What is the role of context?答案: Elimination of ambiguity, indication of referents, provision of clues for inferring
32、 word-meaning are the three main functions of context.问题:2. What is collocative meaning? Give one example to illustrate your point.答案: Collocative meaning consists of the associations a word acquires in its collocation. In other words, it is that part of the word-meaning suggested by words before or
33、 after the word in discussion. For example, pretty and handsome share the conceptual meaning of good-looking, but they are distinguished by the range of nouns they collocate with: pretty girl, handsome boy.问题:3. How do you account for the role of native words in English in relation to loan-words?答案:
34、 Native words are those of Anglo-Saxon origin, which are small in number. Loan-words are borrowed from other languages. It is estimated that loan-words constitute about 80% of the modern English vocabulary. Native words cannot compare with loan-words in number, but they have a more important role in
35、 the language. Native words form the mainstream of the basic word stock whereas only a limited number of borrowed words belong to the common core.问题:4. Why do we say English is a heavy borrower? Please justify it.答案: English owes 80% of its vocabulary to other languages. That is to say English has borrowed 80% of its vocabulary from other languages. In fact, the English vocabulary contains words from all the major languages of the world. No other language. of th
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