



1、高考名师辅导:破解高考英语完型填空题型完形填空一直是广大高中生公认的难点,本文希望根据一篇高考真题(06年四川卷),就完形填空的常见题型做一点探讨。纵观90年代到2000年后的高考题,完形的命题有个很明显的变化趋势淡化语法,着重篇章语境的理解和上下文逻辑的推理。一,单纯考察语法的题目只有两道且难度较低:45题,all _ them the rain was pouring down 表达“人置身于大雨中”用介词around;48题, he found _ at the ranch gate. raul发现自己已回到家门口,用反身代词himself。二,换句话说,剩下大部分题目都要求对篇章语境的

2、理解。在这里,我把这类“语境题”分为三个层次:1.上下文直接提示,这是最简单的。例如42题,there stood a tall, white _. an old man stared down at him from its back. 这里说明这个“又白又高”的是老人的坐骑,那么到底是骑的什么呢?后面的raul followed on his horse彻底给出了答案。2.上下文给出暗示,须要我们抓住线索再稍作推理。还是以42题这两句为例,老人是骑在tall马上面的,盯着raul看也是stare down的,raul又是个小孩儿,推出:他看老人应该是昂着头的了。所以41题,he _. 选a

3、, looked up。3.完全地语境考察。就是说,单看文章某一处无法得出结论,要结合多句话甚至全篇才能确定某事物的印象、性质、情感色彩等,这是“语境题”最难的一种。纵观全文,尽管老头的出场很生猛,但随着情节的发展,我们发现他并没做什么邪恶可怕的事情,不仅把raul送回了家,还在临别时微笑着挥手致意,这些点滴帮助我们拼凑出一个和蔼可亲的老人形象,给人以好的正向的感觉。那么43题,the old man answered _. 老人是以怎样的态度回答raul的呢?b, c选项的angrily和coldly(冷淡地)两个负向的不好的副词,明显与老人的形象冲突,排除。a选项的lazily更是没有任何

4、根据,排除。而老人家说话做事都慢一点倒是讲得通,故选择d选项的slowly。三,完形还有一大类的题型就是词义辨析。这类题的特点是:1,四个选项填在原文空处,语法上都合情合理,只有根据语境来取舍。例如51题,rauls father ran out across the yard to _ him. “we have been worried about you. are you okay? ”这道题错误率极高,许多同学都被父亲“are you okay?”这一问误导,选了d选项的ask。其实大家静下来仔细一想,都不难能体会:平常亲朋好友相聚重逢,总免不了嘘寒问暖,但整个过程根本的核心是“逢(m


6、道”了许多单词,“吃透”的却很少。一个“打击、打中”可以想到defeat, catch, damage, strike 一串单词,确不知道其中区别。这次的55题,考察的就是gray老头曾被雷劈过,这个“劈”用哪个动词最合适。a, defeated这个“打”主要的意思是“击败”,潜台词有过一场较量,而人是不可能跟雷电交上手的。b, caught (catch)有“抓住、击中”的意思,细细体会,它有“经过追逐,终于catch”的意味。选catch就成了:雷一直追着老头劈,直至劈中,这个闪电也太执著了吧?!c, damaged的意思偏向于“损害”,尤其是对物和财产造成的损失,不合适。d, struc

7、k (strike)的意思是“打击”,有非常迅速的意味,刚好与闪电的特点相符,故选d 高考英语书面表达常用句式分类整理 type 1引述他人观点(为提出自己的观点铺垫)1. it is widely (commonly) accepted (hold)+that.2. a widely accepted(commonly) hold idea (point of view, viewpoint, opinion, assumption)is that.3. a/ the dominant (prevalent, prevailing) idea is that.4. it is taken f

8、or granted +that(or: we often/ frequently take it for granted that.)5. people(the majority) seem to get accustomed to the idea that.6. people are willing to regard.as.7. people are willing to do., while reluctant to do.type 2提出异议1. however (but),.2. such idea., if not entirely adj1,is somewhat adj2

9、and needs careful consideration.adji=unreasonable, unacceptable, inappropriate, improper, undesirable, etc;adj2=misleading, doubtful, etc.3. in fact (as a matter of fact),.4. however, it is not (quite, necessarily) the case.5. this (it) is not (quite, necessarily) the case and needs to be further co

10、nsidered/discussed. (or: further consideration/discussion)type 3论述的展开:说明原因和理由,层进,举例,转折1. the reason lies in several aspects,.2. the reason why +clause+.3. there are several remarkable reasons.4.层进in addition, besides, furthermore, whats more, on the other hand, meanwhile, for one thing.for another;

11、finally, above all, in short.5.举例for example, for instance, such (general term) as (specific terms),a typical (striking) example is that, a case in point.6.转折however, but, nevertheless, on the contrary.7.条件if , provided that, unless, as long as, etc.type 4就而言;关于1. as far as.is/are concerned: as far

12、as current situation is concerned.2. as to: the problem as to np有关的问题type 5问题1. although much effort has been made, the situation is far from satisfactory (or: the problem remains unsolved, little improvement has been achieved).2. there is a tendency, as recent study (investigation) has pointed out

13、(shown, revealed, indicated)+that.3. there is a growing concern about.4. it will inevitably (is likely to )result in (lead to ) unwanted (serious) consequence.5. unfortunately, .6. we will not be able to afford the risk of overlooking the seriousness of the matter.7. the process, once initiated, is

14、most likely irreversible.8. we are constantly (frequently) faced with.type 6重要与必要;(应)注意与重视1. np1 is of great importance (necessity, value) in np2 (or: np is of enormous significance)2. the importance (necessity) of. (to do sth.) lies in (the fact) that.3. np1 plays, as is known, an irreplaceably imp

15、ortant role in np24. the irreplaceably important role np1 plays in np2 is significant (obvious)5. np1 is an indispensable part of np26. it is important (necessary) to do (or: that)7. special attention should be payed to.(or: we should pay special attention to.)8. what we should take into considerati

16、on is +nptype 7行动1. (immediate, emergent, effective) measures are being taken (has been taken, should be taken) to do2. we have made much effort, there is still more we need to make (or: we have learnt a lot, there is much more we need to learn.)type 8二择其一1. if it were left for me to decide whether

17、(why + clause),i would, without hesitation, choose to do (or: i would prefer the former/the latter)2. to do/np is a matter of preference.3. it is difficult to make a choice for one can hardly gain most without losing any.4. the difficulty lies in the fact that the advantages and disadvantages of both cases are equally obvious.5. in fact, we may well preserve a delicate balance or compromise between the two than go to extreme.6. it is not sensible to exclude one of the choices completely.7. (of


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