已阅读5页,还剩6页未读 继续免费阅读




1、专四语法第2节-名词与主谓一致第二节 名词与主谓一致 名词可分为专有名词(Proper Noun)和普通名词(Common Noun),专有名词主要指人名、地名及其他专有名称,如China ,Columbus , Hong Kong , Tom , Diana等。普通名词是一类人或东西,或一个抽象概念,如book,joy等。普通名词可分为以下四类:1.个体名词(Individual Noun):表示某类人或事物中的个体,如:women,pig,treed,desk,pen。2.集体名词(Collective Noun):表示个体的人或事物组成的集合体,如:people,family,audie

2、nce,crowd,flock,swarm。3.物质名词(Material Noun):表示一定形态的物质名称,如:water,air,glass,paper,salt。4.抽象名词(Abstract Noun):表示动作、状态、品质、感情等抽象概念及学科、疾病等名称的词,如:work,peace,democracy,truth,joy,fear。个体名词和集合名词一般可以用数目来计算,称为可数名词(Countable Nouns),物质名词和抽象名词一般无法用数目计算,称为不可数名词(Uncountable Nouns)。一、集体名词的数1. 通常作不可数名词的集体名词 clothing 衣

3、物 furniture 家具 baggage/luggage 行李 equipment 设备 jewelry 珠宝 traffic 交通 information 信息 foliage叶子,植物 machinery 机械 merchandise 商品 produce 产物 scenery 风景 这类集体名词的用法与不可数名词相当。形式上总是单数,没有复数形式,作主语时,谓语用单数。如: Our clothing protects us form cold.衣服保护我们免受寒冷。 The machinery is made in China.这些机器是中国制造的。不可直接与a(n)或数词连用。表数

4、量时用much, little, some, a piece of, an article of等。如: Each room has four pieces of furniture.每间房有四件家具。若需用代词,用单数代词,如: Do you want to see my jewelry? It is in the box.你想看我的珠宝吗?它在我的箱子里。2. 通常作复数的集体名词 police 警察 cattle 牛,家畜 poultry 家禽 vermin 害虫 clergy 神职人员 militia 民兵 这些集体名词作主语时,谓语动词通常用复数。如: The police are

5、looking for him.警察当局正在找他。 The cattle provide us with milk,0eef and hides.牛给我们提供牛奶、牛肉和皮革。3.既可作单数也可作复数的集体名词people人们,人民,C民族 herd牧群 flock羊群 family家庭,家人team队 government政府 crowd人群 committee委员会 council理事会 crew全体人员 staff全体职员 party党员firm商号 company公司 jury陪审团 couple对,双board 董事会 group团体 gang一伙 media媒体 army军队 en

6、emy敌军 union联盟 audience听众public 公众,人群 mankind人类,C男子这些集体名词当作一个整体时,用作单数,且常常与定冠词the连用;若考虑构成这些集体的各个成员时,看作复数。如:The jury consists of 7 people.陪审团由7个人组成。The jury are unable to reach a unanimous decision.陪审团成员未能达成意见一致的裁决。The family are all fond of football.那一家人都喜欢足球。The family is the tiniest cell of the soci

7、ety.家庭是社会的最小的细胞。4.a committee, etc. of+复数名词如果主语是由“a committee/panel/board. of+复数名词”构成,随后的动词通常用单数。如:A committee of six men and five women is to consider the matter. 六男五女组成的委员会将考虑这个问题。二、抽象名词 1.抽象名词的数(1)抽象名词大多是不可数名词,没有单、复数之分,可用语义对应的个体名词来计数。如:laughterlaugh笑 workjob工作 correspondence letter信件Photographpho

8、to照片 permissionpermit许可 musicsong歌曲funjoy开心 homeworkexercise作业 (2)有一些抽象名词是可数的,如:a pity 一件遗憾的事a thousand pities 一千次遗憾,太遗憾了a hope of victory 胜利的希望in great hopes 很大希望a victory 一次胜利two victories 两次胜利a conference 一次会议several conferences 几次会议a man of virtue 具有美德的人patience is a virtue 耐心是一种美德(3)某些抽象名词用作特定含

9、义时可以用不定冠词修饰,但不能用复试形式。如:a great help 帮助很大 a dislike of TV programs 不喜欢电视节目a shame 可惜 a proper education 正规的教育(4) 有些抽象名词既可作可数名词,又可作不可数名词。如:experience【U】经验;【C】经历 relation【U】关系;【C】亲戚youth【U】青春,青年;【C】男青年 worry【U】心烦意乱;【C】令人心烦的事agony【U】痛苦;【C】令人痛苦的事 business【U】商业,交易;【C】商店,商行kindness【U】善意;【C】善行 pleasure【U】高兴

10、,愉快;【C】令人感到愉快的事beauty【U】美;【C】美2. 抽象名词的惯用法(1) of+抽象名词 = 形容词,如:a man of ability = an able man 有能力的人 of +great+抽象名词 = very+形容词,如:It is of great value = It is very valuable. 这东西很贵重。 of +no+抽象名词 = not+形容词,如:It is of no use. = It is not useful. 这东西没有用处。(2)with/in/by/on+(great+)抽象名词 = (very+)副词 With kindne

11、ss = kindly 亲切地 with ease = easily容易地in wonder = wonderfully 惊奇地 in public = publicly 公开地by chance/accident = accidentally 偶然 by mistake = mistakenly 由于错误地 on purpose = purposely 故意地 on time = punctually 准时地(3)抽象名词+itself = very+形容词,all+抽象名词 = very+形容词,如 He is cruelty itself. = He is very cruel.他很残忍

12、。 We were all eagerness to see him. = We were very eager to see him.我们极想见他。3、 物质名词物质名词和抽象名词都是不可数名词,按理不能用不定冠词a/an修饰,也没有复数形式。但是,它们有时也用作普通名词,从而具有可数名词的性质。 glass玻璃a glass玻璃杯glasses眼镜 paper纸a paper报纸,论文wine酒an excellent wine一种好酒 sand沙子sands大面积的沙滩 water水waters大面积的水域 food食物foods多种食物 coffee咖啡two coffees两杯咖啡

13、rubber橡胶rubbers胶鞋stone石料stones石头 egg蛋渍/蛋白eggs一个个的蛋lamb羔羊肉lambs羔羊 onion洋葱味onions洋葱头4、 专有名词1 有名词之前通常无冠词,但有些专有名词,在某种情形下可以加上冠词。 A Mr. Lee came to see you.有位李先生来看你。Beijing is the Washington, D.C. of China. 北京是中国的华盛顿。(表独一无二的含义)2 有名词词尾可加S或es。Have you invited the Browns? 你邀请了布朗一家吗?There are two Miss Smiths/

14、Misses Smith in the class. 班上有两个史密斯小姐。五、以-S结尾的名词的数1、表示学科、游戏、疾病的名称以及像the United States 这样的专业名词,用作单数。Physics is the mother of sciences.物理为一切学科之母。Billiards is played by women as well as by men.女人和男人一样玩台球。Statistics is a branch of mathematics.统计学是数学的分支。比较:The statistics in that report are incorrect.那份报告

15、里的统计数字不正确。2、表示衣物(如jeans,trousers,pants,pajamas),表示两部分构成的工具器械(如scissors,glasses,binoculars,scales,spectacles),表示某类东西的总称(如clothes)以及不表示学科的以-ics结尾的词(如politics),都有作用复数。如:My clothes are dirty.我的衣服脏了。My earnings this year are not half of yours.我今年的收入不到你的一半。六、名词属格1、名词属格的构成(1)名词属格(Genitive Noun)也叫名词所有格,通常由在

16、名词词尾加上s或构成(以S结尾的复数名词加),用于表示有生命的东西(人或动物),地理名称、天 体名称、时间、度量、价值等名词。如:Johns friend 约翰的朋友 childrens books 儿童读物 My fathers room我父亲的房 yesterdays newspaper 昨天的报纸five minutes walk 5分钟的路程 Chinas industry 中国的工业the two boys mother 有两个儿子的母 a teachers college 师范大学(2)并列名词作为一个单位,表共有关系时,只在最后一个词尾加s。如:an hour and a hal

17、fs walk一个半小时的路程everyone elses opinion所有其他人的意见my father-in-laws death我公公/岳父的死the University of Minnesotas president明尼斯达大学的校长(3) 并列名词表示各自的所有关系时,各名词末尾均应加s,如:比较:Toms and Susans desks汤姆的和苏珊的桌子(两张桌子)Tom and Susans desks汤姆和苏珊的桌子(两人共有)(4)当名词后有另一名词作同位语时,在同位语名词后加s,如:his classmate Johnsons book他同学约翰逊的书Your tea

18、cher Miss Lees office is over there.你们李老师的办公室在那边。(5)以/z/音结尾的人名,其属格加s或均可,如Dickens/Dickenss, Jones/Joness;但以/s/结尾的人名,属格用 s,如Rosss,Marxs等。(6)独立属格(Independent Genitive)名词属格通常属于名词中心词之前,作限定语或修饰语。有时,名词属格可独立存在,称为“独立属格”。可能产生独立属格的情况有:限定或修饰的名词在上下文提及;名词属格后接某人的家、教堂、学校、店铺、公司等表示地点的名词时。The magazine is not mine, but

19、 Jackies. 这本杂志不是我的,是杰克的。I met him at the Johnsons(shop). 我在约翰逊商店遇见了他。I went to my aunties(house) yesterday. 我昨天到我阿姨家去了。2. 名词属格的意义(1) 表示所有关系My brothers passport 我哥哥的护照 Mr. Browns suitcase 布朗先生的手提箱(2) 表示主谓关系the visitors departure 来访者的离开 the teachers request 老师的要求Britains decision 英国的决定 the trains arri

20、val 火车的到来(3) 表示动宾关系the childrens education 对孩子的教育 the boys punishment 对男孩的惩罚the discussion of the plan 对计划的讨论 the reaction rules overthrow 反对统治的推翻(4) 表示来源Marys letter (=letter from Mary) 玛丽的信the boys story (=story told by the boy) 男孩讲的故事(5) 表示类别a summers day (=a day in summer) 夏季的一天womens boots (=bo

21、ots for women) 女人的靴子(6) 表示时间、度量、价值等an hours work 一个小时的工作 two pounds weight 两磅的重量three dollars worth of eggs 价值三元的鸡蛋3. 名词属格和of词组(1) 名词属格和of词组在意义和用法上有很多相通之处,of词组也表示所有关、主谓关系、 动宾语关系、来源等。如:the trunk of an elephant =an elephants trunk 大象的鼻子 (所有关系)the policy of a company =a companys policy 公司的政策(所有关系)the a

22、rrival of her mother 相当于 her mother arrived 他母亲的到来(主谓关系)our love of this city 相当于 we love this city 我们对这个城市的爱(动宾关系)the tragedies of Shakespeare 相当于 the tragedies written by Shakespeare 莎士比亚的悲剧(表示来源)(2) 名词属格表示事物类别或属性时,表示时间、度量、价值时,不可用of词组替代,如:childrens pictorial 儿童画报 mens clothing 男士服装a masters degree

23、 硕士学位 a nights sleep 一晚的睡眠(3) 某些固定习语中,名词属格和of词组不能互换,如:at ones wits end 不知所措 a wolf in sleeps clothing 披着羊皮的狼a hairs breadth 差一点 in ones minds eye 在某人的想象中to ones hearts content 尽情的 at deaths door 在鬼门关out of harms way 在安全的地方 keep sb. at arms length 避免跟某人太接近(4) 以下情况只能用of词组:l of词组表示同位关系时(名词属格不可表示同位关系);l

24、 名词后跟有短语或从句修饰时;l 以定冠词加分词或形容词表示一类人时;l 代词宾格之前用of词组。the city of Rome 罗马城the articles of the students who attended the class yesterday 昨天来上课的那些学生文章the livelihood of poor 穷人的生活 the struggle of the exploited 受剥削人多斗争three of us 我们中的三人 many of them 他们中许多人4. 双重所有格(1) 双重所有格(Double possessive)是一种表示部分概念或富有感情色彩的

25、结构,它含有强调或突出的作用,其结构是“of短语+名词属格”,其涵义是“其中之一”或“其中一部分”。如:an old friend of my mothers 我妈妈的老朋友之一 a picture of my aunts 我姑姑的一张照片(她拥有的一张照片,不一定是她本人的照片) 比较:a picture of my aunt 我姑姑的一张照片(她本人的照片)(2) 物主代词不与,these, those, some, any, several, no, each, every, such, another, which等限定词一起前置修饰名词,而必须用双重属格。结构为:a, an, thi

26、s,that+名词+of+名词性物主代词。如:a friend of mine 我的一个朋友(不可用a my friend)each brother of his 他的每个兄弟(不可用his each brother)七、主谓一致 主谓一致(Subject-verb Agreement)指主语和谓语在“人称”和“数”方面的一致关系。一般情况下,主谓之间的一致关系由以下三个原则的支配:语法一致原则、意义一致原则和就近原则。1. 不定式、动名词以及从句作主语时应视为单数,谓语动词用作单数形式;但如果主语为and连接的两个不定式、动名词以及从句时,谓语用复数形式。Reading often mean

27、s learning. 阅读常意味着。To read English aloud every morning does you a lot of good. 每天早晨朗语有许多好处Having enough sleep and doing regular exercises are beneficial to your health. 睡眠充足和经常运动有益身心。2. 当主语由and连接,表示同一人、同一物、同一事或者同一概念时,谓语动词用单数,此时and链接的两个词前只有一个冠词。 The composer and singer was well received by the audien

28、ce.那个作曲家兼歌星受到了听众的认可。3. 由and连接的两个或更多的主语之前有each, every, many a(n),no时,谓语动词用单数。Each book and (each) paper is found in its place. 每本书和每份报纸各居其位。No teacher and (no) student was here. 没有一个老师和学生在这里。4. each, every, each and every, either, neither, one, another, little, a little和much 作主语或修饰主语时,谓语动词通常用单数。Each

29、of us has a tape-recorder. 我们每个人都有一台录音机。*注意:“复数主语+each”之后用复数动词。Five each of these items are required. 这些项目中有五项都是必需的。We each have our merits.= We have our merits each. 我们每个人都各有其优点。5. Everyone,everybody,everything,anyone,anybody,anything,someone,somebody,something,no6. one,nobody,nothing作主语时,用单数动词。The

30、re is something wrong with my watch. 我的表有问题,Anyone but you iswelcome. 除了你,任何人都受欢迎。none,some,any,more,most,all等代词作主语,动词的单复数由其指代的词的单复数决定。Allis right. 所有的都对。7. All are present. 全都到齐了。“all,none,most,majority,part,enough,some,one half,the rest,the reminder,a portion等+8. of. ”短语,或者more than. 作主语时,谓语动词的单复数

31、通常由所修饰的名词、代词的数决定。When enough of the tree is chopped away,the tree falls.如果一棵树砍去足够多的部分,树就会倒下。Enough of the data have been collected. 已经收集了足够多的数据。(data为datum的复数形式)More than one person is going to lose his job.不止一个人会失去工作。More than 50O people are going to lose their jobs.500多人会失去工作。9. 当中心词为度量、距离、时间、价格等复

32、数名词的时候,谓语动词采用单数形式。Two miles is a short distance.两英里路很近。10. 一般来说,不可数名词及可数名词单数的谓语用动词单数,可数名词复数的谓语用动词复数,但当不可数名词前有表示数量的复数名词时,谓语动词用复数形式。Ten thousand tons of coal were produced last year.去年生产了1万吨煤。11. 当主语后面跟有including,with,together with,along with,like,in addition to,as well as,rather than,as much as,more

33、than,no less than,but,except,accompanied by等连接的短语时,谓语动词不受这些词组的影响,与前面的主语一致。He as well as I wants to go boating.他和我都想去划船。An expert,together with some assistants,was sent to help in this work. 一位专家和几位助手被派去协助这项工作。12. 在定语从句中,若引导词在从句中充当主语,谓语的数要跟先行词一致。Thereissomebody here who wants to talk to you.这里有人要和你说话

34、。13. 当or,eitheror,neithernor,notonly.butalso连接两个以上主语时,谓语动词与最邻近的主语保持一致。如果句子是由here,there引导,而主语又不止一个时,谓语通常也和最邻近的主语一致。Either you or she is to go. 你或她要去。Neither he nor they were late last time. 他上次没有迟到,他们也没有迟到。Hereis a pen,a few envelops and some paper for you. 这是给你的一支钢笔、几个信封和一些纸。There is a pen,a knife a

35、nd several books on the desk.桌子上有一支笔、一把刀和几本书。13.当主语是一本书或一条格言时,谓语动词常用单数。The Arabian Nightis a bookknown to lovers of English.一千零一夜是英语爱好者熟 知的一本书。l4. the+形容词“作主语,代表单数名词时用单数动词;如果意义指一类人,则应视为复数,谓语动词也应该用复数。In many stories, the good are well rewarded and the bad are doomed to unfortunate. 在许多故事里,好人总是有好;坏人注定

36、要倒霉。15. 疑问代词which作主语时,其动词是单数还是复数根据which所指的单复数而定;但who作主语时,即使被问者是复数,通常也用单数动词。Which is more valuable,health or wealth? 健康和财富,哪个更宝贵?Which are prettier,these or those? 哪些更漂亮,这些还是那些?-Who wants to come with me?-We do.谁要和我一起去? 我们。比较:Who are her roommates? 她的室友是谁? (主语是复数roommates, 不是who)典型真题训练1. Which of the

37、 following sentences is INCORRECT?A. New machinery were introduced in the factory.B. Poultry are very expensive in the city.C. The police are investigating the murder case.D. The militia were called out to rescue flood victims.2. The statistics _ that living standards in the area have improved drast

38、ically in recent times.A. proves. B. is proving. C. are proving. D. prove.3. Which of the following italicized phrases indicates a subject-predicate relation (主谓关系)?A. Mr. Smiths passport has been issued.B. The visitors arrival was reported in the news. C. Johns travel details have not been finalize

39、d.D. The new bookstore sells childrens stories.4. The iron and steel industry _ an important part in our national economy.A. plays B. played C. play D. playing5. You may find that each child in the kindergarten_ a different answer to the question.A. give B. gives C. gave D. giving 6. Mr.Wells,togeth

40、er with all the members of his family, _ for Europe this afternoon.A are to leave B. are leaving C. is leaving D. leave7. All the Presidents Men_ one of the important books for historians who study the Watergate Scandal.A. remain B. remains C. remained D. is remaining8. My cousin,who _ a painter, is

41、 in Japan at present.A. are B. is C. was D. were9. How close parents are to their children_ a strong influence on the character of the children.A.have B. has C. having D. to have 10. Itisfutiletodiscussthematterfurther,because _going to agree upon anythingtoday.A. neither you nor I are. B. neither y

42、ou nor me isC.neither you nor I am. D. neither me nor you are11. Which of the following sentences is grammatically INCORRECT?A. Politics are the art or science of government.B. Ten miles seems like a long walk to me.C. Mumps is a kind of infectious disease.D. All the furniture has arrived undamaged.

43、12. Which of the following sentences is INCORRECT?A. Physics is an important school subject.B. The Niagara Falls is in North America.C. The United States borders Canada.D. Mumps is a kind of infectious disease.13. _ of the twins was arrested, because I saw both at a party last night.A. None B. Both

44、C. Neither D. All14. Which of the following statements is INCORRECT? A. Only one out of six were present at the meeting.B. Ten dollars was stolen from the cash register.C. Either my sister or my brother is wrong.D. Five miles seem like a long walk to me.15. Which of the following sentences is INCORR

45、ECT?A. Twenty miles seems like a long walk to him.B. No one except his supporters agree with him.C. Neither Julia nor I was going to the party.D. Few students in my class are really lazy.16. The audience _ excited on seeing _ favorite star glide onto the stage.A. weretheirB. wereitsC. wastheirD. was

46、ones17. The research requires more money than_. A. have been put in B. has been put in C. being put in D. to be put in 18. Bread and butter _ liked by Westerners. A. is B. are C. were D. be 19. To my surprise, the majority of the students _ in favor of his proposal.A. isB. areC. be D. was20. Not onl

47、y you but also I _ mistaken on this point.A. are B. were C. have D. am21. Twenty pounds _ enough for such a poor family spend for a month.A. were B. being C. have been D. was22. The president of the college, together with the deans, _ planning a conference for the purpose of laying down a series of

48、regulations.A. were B. are C. is D. will23. Many a person _ at the gate of the department store.A. is standing B. are standing C. have been standing D. have stoo24. The factory manager and secretary _ our party.A. is to attend B. are to attend C. were to attend D. is attended25. The older worker and

49、 the young each _ their own tools.A. have B. has C. are having D. is having26. In early January 1996 the Netherlands _ hit by its worst storm since 1976.A. were B. was C. is D. had27. The Himalayas _ a magnificent variety of plant.A. were B. was C. has D. have28. Athletics_ a required course for stu

50、dents of all grades.A. were B. has C. is D. have29.The diabetes_ a kind of chronic disease.A. were B. has C. is D. have30. My earnings this year _ not half of yours.我今年的收入不到你的一半。A.are B. has C. is D. have31. Which of the following sentences is INCORRECT?A. Every 100 households have 93 television set

51、s.B. More than one person is involved in this case.C. A woman with two children has come.D. Many a lady are talking under the tree.32. The office staff _ assembled outside the building to mourn the victims in the earthquake.A. is being B. has C. is D. have33. The financial problem as well as other i

52、ssues _ going to be discussed when the congress is in session again next spring. A. is B. are C. were D. was34. A series of robberies _ recently.A. has been reported B. has reported C. have been reported D. have reported35. Which of the following sentences is INCORRECT?A. All work is not dull; some work is pleasant.B. Anyone and everyone has his own hobby.C. More than one were drown to death in this lake.D. Each gift was wrapped in a separate package.36. Which of the following sentences is INCORRECT?A. His family is well known in this country.B. The public were not allowed to hear the


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