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1、tMubu2005-26 Teachi ng In terfaceROBOTICS Teaching interfaceVAL3 version 5.2.1The purpose of this docume nt is to expla in the use of the teach ing / joggi ng in terface on the Staubli SP1 pendan t. It uses VAL3 versi on 5.2.1, but other versi ons are similar. The illustrations shown are from the PC

2、 emulator. The actual pendant has a differe nt keyboard layout. See the diagram below compari ng the two.JEC Page111/4/2005tHubu2005-26 Teachi ng In terfaceROBOTICS Load ing an Applicati onTo en ter the teach ing in terface, you must have an applicatio n already loaded. Most customers have applicati

3、ons set to auto start so it will already be loaded. While teaching can be done with an applicati on runnin g, it is better to stop the applicatio n. If an application is not loaded, please load it at this time as shown below.Press menu un til the main menu is displayed. Use the up and dow n arrow to

4、 highlight the Application Manager. Press the right arrow or enter key. Press the F7 open key. Press Right arrow to expa nd the disk en try. Arrow dow n to highlight your applicati on and press the F8 OK key.CSB fmulal-or somCSB Imulfll-or saiTaples l.F闕创dl oJFl | P2 | P2 | P4 |JJAj|3J2J3J诃勺w|勺1AOBO

5、HCS MiK iMMCAoeoncs MJ屮 4P iMWE越创 T 2_l jJ i|KCSB ImulBl-or idmplesOjIHH UKHCSH Imulfll-or sdinplesAoooncs WK 4梶 VJ4VtMEAoooncs MW VJ4VIUE P|f1 iciil. Luhii HBI*n Ojfi 比丄nuud 1sailHanualsffijilpiJetiijfiM-niQC- rlsmiMil EtfivijlCcntrDl HunuuLl s ti* iviProtot Hajnu.l FloppyD h1s Hmla Es n O

6、TtFl | 瑰 | F2 | P4 | PS | Kj ELl 21J3圈Fl | P2 | PS | P4 | PS | Pj ? P?JJJuJEC Page#11/4/20052005-26 Teachi ng In terfaceROBOUCS Manual Mode and Arm PowerTeach ing locati ons is done in manual mode. Switch to manual mode by press ing the mode select butt on un til the manual LED is light up. The manu

7、al symbol is a picture of a hand. Remove the pendant from its holding cradle. Release and reapply the robot en abli ng device (deadma n switch) and press the arm power butt on. On the emulator click on the “ System ” menu. Un check Park ing and check deadma n, the n press the arm power butt on. Arm

8、power should come on in 2 to 3 sec on ds. If it does not there will be a pop up message, for example an ope n e-stop, stat ing why arm power did not come.C&B mu-|fl|-or :sompiA060BCS dCSB ImulBlor sampluSyiJwi ?合口 :苔越创 H 朗创叵 圜| HJzJ2J門0j 圈回 細|01.FROBOTtCS MM* dim H.-JiUiF合口 E白11J2JJZJ制w|JJ JAoooncs

9、MW VJ4VIUEs CS-8 mulfl|-r sdinpluSiUBLf,A . wod凹铉囱協Xi 1 2 - 爼-一I-SI- 纟- -MzlmJJLIAIJEC Page311/4/20052005-26 Teachi ng In terfaceROBOUCS Joggi ng ModePress one of the four jogg ing mode butt ons on the pendant. They are joint, frame, tool and point. The LED beside the chose n mode will illu min ate.

10、CSB lEmnldlvr idinplsAOBOnCS w-TAME囱创0 12I迥I oj圜1竺|勺HJEC Page#11/4/20052005-26 Teachi ng In terfaceROBOUCS JEC Page#11/4/20052005-26 Teachi ng In terfaceROBOUCS Tool Selecti onThe first time you go in to the jogging screen will be asked to select a tool to be used for teaching. You will have to expa

11、nd the“flange ” listing to see the tools variables.If there is more then one application loaded in memory, the tool you select will determine which application s locations you will see and teach.If you n eed to modify a tool variable, you can ope n a tool for edit ing from this scree n by press the

12、F3 edit key. Use the arrows keys to select the value you want to change and press enter to edit. For numbers, the system will automatically set shift lock to on. If you leave and retur n to the joggi ng scree n, it will remember the last tool and frame used.It is also possible to create new tool var

13、iables by press ing the F6 new key or delete existing tool variables by pressing the F5 del key. You cannot delete a variable if it is used in your applicati on.JEC Page#11/4/20052005-26 Teachi ng In terfaceROBOUCS JEC Page#11/4/20052005-26 Teachi ng In terfaceROBOUCS CSB Imulal-or fdinplesC&B ImulB

14、l-or idinplesrnueuAOBOnCS WK 4梶 VJ4VtMERoooncs Jijur dvn色创 T 囱创叵1 刪|创+ 1 乂 - 一 3 -41-sI- 石- -M3lml2lln - -r - 二l=FHIHIH-LJ0JIQclnw 6.1Ct infl 吐 QrlDxc 41am: v Aly elH HJEC Page511/4/20052005-26 Teachi ng In terfaceROBOTJCS Frame Selecti onNext you will be asked to select a frame for jogg in g. If yo

15、u have frame variables in your application, you can expand the world entry to see them.It is also possible to create new frame variables by press ing the F6 new key or delete existing frame variables by pressing the F5 del key. You cannot delete a variable if it is used in your application.C&B mu-|f

16、l|-or idiTaplesROBOTICS WK 电骸- *d2Ja 1J勺JEC Page#11/4/20052005-26 Teachi ng In terfaceROBOTJCS JEC Page#11/4/20052005-26 Teachi ng In terfaceROBOTJCS Selecting Another Tool or FrameIf your tool selecti on is in correct or if you want to select ano ther frame, press the F8 select butt on on the in te

17、rface. Do not teach points with the wrong tool selected. If you have joi nt, frame, or tool selected, on ly poi nts in the selected frame will be show n in the teach ing in terface.CSB mu-|fl|-or idniplsSpeedHow fast and how far the arm moves whe n you jog depe nds on the speed you have set. It is s

18、how n on the top line of the display and can be cha nged using the black and white - / + butt ons on the pendant. The value show n is a perce ntage. The maximum speed possible in manual mode is limited to no more then 250 mm per second at 100%. At the slowest speed the arm may not appear to be movin

19、g, but it is.Press ing the + and - keys takes you through a predefi ned seque nee of speeds; 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1,2, 5, 10, 25, 50, 75, and 100%. You can also press and hold the shift key while press ing the speed + and - keys. This will cause the perce ntage to move up or dow n by 1%. On the emulator u

20、se the F11 key in stead of shift.TAUBLiC&B ImiilBlor saiTspluJu-u Cril nrf 丁eal; LlTeal f Fk-E hkd: LINEHipr = DFFd113越创H_iljJ_jJJj噬|型*,竺|上H J ROBOTICS Mh r-H I nx. Dh 1. S*ua Nhw 帥ira Hkilv Sal .Fl I pa I I P4 I PS | kJ f?J p?JJEC Page711/4/20052005-26 Teachi ng In terfaceROBOTJCS JEC Page#11/4/200

21、52005-26 Teachi ng In terfaceROBOTJCS Joint Joggi ng ModeIn joint mode you can use the twelve keys marked -1 to -6 and +1 to +6 to jog each joint of the robot arm separately. How fast and how far each joint moves whe n you press the jog key depe nds on the speed selected. It is possible to jog more

22、the n one axis at a time by press ing more the n one key at a time. The 6 joi nt an gles are displayed in the cen ter of the scree n and will cha nge as the arm moves.JEC Page#11/4/20052005-26 Teachi ng In terfaceROBOTJCS JEC Page#11/4/20052005-26 Teachi ng In terfaceROBOTJCS JEC Page#11/4/20052005-

23、26 Teachi ng In terfaceROBOTJCS Frame Joggi ng ModeIn Frame mode you can use the keys jog the arm along the X, Y, Z axes and rotate around those axes, RX, RY, and RZ, in the selected frame. For the world frame X+ move the arm “ forward ” , Y+ moves the arm to the“ left ” , and Z+ move the arm “ up”

24、. Tdirecti ons are for some sta nding beh ind (where the in terc onnect cable attaches to the“ back” of the arm) a floor mounted arm.Rotations are applied to the selected tool center point. If the tool center point is at the end of the tooli ng, it should pivot about the end of the tooli ng whe n jo

25、gg ing in RX, RY, or RZ. The orig in, or locatio n where X, Y and Z are all 0 is in side arm (the cen ter of joint 1 at the height of joi nt 2). An orien tation with RX, RY, and RZ all set at zero, will have the tool cen ter point going straight up (for a floor moun ted arm). Frame variables ofte n

26、have orie ntati ons differe nt from the world frame.You will only see point variables displayed for the frame you have selected. How fast and how far the arm moves each time you press a jog butt on depe nds on the speed you have set. The transformation values are shown in the center of the display.J

27、EC Page911/4/20052005-26 Teachi ng In terfaceROBOTJCS JEC Page#11/4/20052005-26 Teachi ng In terfaceROBOTJCS 囱1叵)TQJdTTU -dJd呂 T| Tld闕创Fl | PS | P3 | P4 | FS | kJ PJJEC Page#11/4/20052005-26 Teachi ng In terfaceROBOTICS Tool Joggi ng ModeIn Tool mode we will still jog the arm in X, Y,乙 RX, RY, and R

28、Z, but the directi on of axes is no Ion ger based on the world or frame variables. In stead they are based on the locatio n of the tool cen ter point. +Z is the directi on to tool is pointing. For the flan ge, Z is out from the flange and the X axis is the directi on of the wit ness mark on the flan

29、 ge.A good test of the transformation values in your tool variable is to rotate in RX, RY, and RZ to verify that the tool pivots around tool center point, then do a Z+ and see if the tool moves in the direct ion your tool is poin ted.You will only see point variables displayed for the frame you have

30、 selected. How fast and how far the arm moves each time you press a jog butt on depe nds on the speed you have set. The transformation values are shown in the center of the display.One Han ded Jogg ingOn the left hand corner of the actual pendant, not the emulator, there are two sets of butt ons to

31、allow one han ded jogg ing (in dex 15 show n below). Your left thumb should be near these controls. Using it you can select a joint or axes with the top set and jog in + or with the bottom set. An LED will illumi nate above one of axes butt ons (in dex5) to show which you have selected.Point Joggi n

32、g ModeIf you have point selected and line or joint mode set, all points will be show n in the in terface. In that case, by using the arrow keys to select a point, you will also select that point s frame. You will only see joint variables displayed if you have joint mode selected. You can cha nge mod

33、es by press the F7 key.CSB ImulBl-or idmpiEsfi CSS mulfll-or idinpksPi | 現 | pa | P4 |0J01AOBORCS JKV 4W hi-TAME- +31一 3 一41- s - 2JHL1JT刮创ayMwi ?S曲UBU,?i | pj | pi P4 | k | re | r? | w |Aoooncs 144V iM-WC圜劃* jjJEC Page#11/4/20052005-26 Teachi ng In terfaceROBOTICS JEC Page#11/4/20052005-26 Teachi n

34、g In terfaceROBOTICS If you are in point mode you can use the arrows keys to highlight a point or jo int variable the n press and hold the move / hold butt on. This will cause the arm to move to that locati on. If the mode is set to joi nt, we will make a joi nt in terpolated move to the point or jo

35、i nt locatio n. If the mode is set to line, we will make a lin ear move to the point. In line, or lin ear, mode the joint variables will not be show n. How fast we move depe nds on the speed that is set.CS-H Imudatchr sdinplH 区Sysiwi ?iJcintfit arf 丘=; ElTfib-1 Faw如grid tted. = LIINEHi 呼冋訓FFPo-int-w

36、majirlflcti pUit ir*ff凸口 H 占1 V 2 2 Jbclt却检zAOBOHCS pP.ii t.hF 1 Fiia:- Du 11= 雷u Uh* 出rn*:*QJdTH -dJdaaHFl | PS | P3 | P4 | FS | kJ F?J P?J创 rzlJEC Page#11/4/20052005-26 Teachi ng In terfaceROBOUCS ApproachYou can also choose to move to a user defined approach relative to a point variable. Press th

37、e F6 Apro key. This will open a window where you can toggle the approach on and off and modify the values. Using this method you can set up a relative approach point in X, Y, and Z. You cannot use it for rotations. The default setting is -100 mm in Z. This sett ing will but the approach point 100 ab

38、ove the point variable. This is not a shift of -100 mm in the frame Z, it is -100 mm in the Z of the point. As most points are taught with the tool poin ted dow n, -100 mm in Z moves the tool back up.After moving to the approach point you can toggle it off and move to the point. The values set in ap

39、ro are not part of the point variable nor are they part of your applicati on. It simply provides a method of manu ally moving to approach relative to a point whe n jogg ing.JEC Page1311/4/20052005-26 Teachi ng In terfaceROBOUCS JEC Page#11/4/20052005-26 Teachi ng In terfaceROBOUCS B CS8 mulfll-or sd

40、inpleE口1,反C&BmirlMarAUBLl,合口監苔Aoconcs MMf dlM J.-jiMirROBOTICS MU dlMfit arf二 ElTeal创:一 _lddLdI ti i jf cITaa- Flam如汕A wrld Mkd.n = LIINEHijpr = DfFpflppwi MMintt e wRd&:LlNEAxRjlRzTlPaintJt intnmnjiFl-ftrcpFRtlhIHpFnthriMh ih I nx - Dh 1 - Sauh Nhw Airira Hkils FSb I .dHuLdldHT创71Fl I pa I P3 I P4

41、I PS I kJ F?J P8 I| *JEC Page#11/4/2005riiUBU2005-26 Teachi ng In terfaceROBOTICS Alig nIf you are in point and chose the alig n mode, you can press and hold the move / hold butt on and the tool will alig n itself to the selected frame. The Z axis of selected tool will end up parallel to one of the

42、selected frames axes. This means you will want to roughly align the tool first. Otherwise you could end up parallel to the X or Y axis when you want to be alig ned with Z. This is ofte n done prior to teachi ng points to“ squtooling up so your points will be“flat ” when taught. In align, there will

43、not be anylocati on variables displayed.CS8 Emulfllor :EjmplEEJEC Page#11/4/2005riiUBU2005-26 Teachi ng In terfaceROBOTICS JEC Page#11/4/2005riiUBU2005-26 Teachi ng In terfaceROBOTICS Teaching Joint LocationsOnce the robot is at a locati on you can teach the locati on. Use the arrow keys to highligh

44、t the joint variable name. For a joint variable, it will be update with the current arm s joint values whe n you press the here butt on. These values are displayed and you can press ok to update the variable or esc to can cel the teachi ng and leave the origi nal variable values un cha nged.JEC Page

45、#11/4/2005riiUBU2005-26 Teachi ng In terfaceROBOTICS JEC Page#11/4/2005riiUBU2005-26 Teachi ng In terfaceROBOTICS fi CSS Emulfllor samplesC&B ImiilBlor saiTspluTAUBLiAoooncs MW VJ4VIUEEvil usrf nci;; ElTfiA-l Fraw心 gpH wrld Hod.& = JOEhTT41)11 七0 71凹铉朗闕*ldJHa凹Hfit u rf ui:;node = JOE NT3JHdpwFFU FF

46、卫卫pppExc 0kFl | P2 | P3 | P4 | PS | Pj Si 脂 |aJ-JaIJT -J3- T|dYI创凹3 0JEC Page1511/4/2005tHubu2005-26 Teachi ng In terfaceROBOUCS Teachi ng Point Locati onsTeach ing point variables is similar to teachi ng joi nt variables. Use the arrow keys to highlight the point name. Make sure you have the correc

47、t tool selected. You will be teaching the locati on of the tool cen ter point. Press the here butt on and you will see the curre nt tran sformatio n values.There is a setting for change configuration. The default setting is no. This means that the configuration portion of the point variable will not

48、 be changed, only the tran sformati on secti on will be updated. You can press en ter to bring a select ion menu and change it from no to yes. Now you will update both the configuration and the tran sformatio n secti ons of the point variable.C&BmirlMaTo accept the new values press ok, or press esc

49、to leave the point variable unchanged.CSH Imulal-or sdinptesStaubli,A .noooTics MMf dlM J.-JiWiFAOOOTlCS Jijur dvn i.-urFl | V2 | F2 | P4 | PS | Kj ELl 21Jo d山ajdl-.-.R-lo-w*lddH3创H _u*dHdddSyiJwi FSUBiJJu-M I*al;Till u rf CK ElTeol“ spH DJldiTticliijrifl! FlckToa丄tllooFLocatlDin in frawe ”4尸护】M Y E

50、 t ?S9.2412S.0L加眄 Itz 51,5?9 札 44-517Ckftn-go- Cwif i-gurflt in -迄s CSS Emulfll-or samplesfxCSB Imulfll-or samplesasJwi ?TAUBLi+ldJJd凹创旦AOOQTlCS MU J.-UFFl | PS | P3 | P4 | FS | kJ F?J ra |d5xfit nrf -I Liiimp lc t lTel FJ*AM心 gpn Udbld iTticliifta!单Fir Ik1:无鼻丄tlliiar1o Loe at inn in fraMe iiuwrld,1

51、M f Z t ?59.2-4 12S.SL 植筑“ 加眄 Ftz 51.5S 9札留 -SIb-J?1IdEdit Locati onsYou can manu ally edit a point or joi nt variable by using the arrow keys to highlight it and press ing en ter. You can use the arrow keys to select a value you want to change and press enter to modify it. Once you are done either

52、press ok to accept or esc to discard your modificati ons.CSB mulfi|-Gr idinplafcnMwi ?含口盂白O djd创Lzl3IVIdl-.-.tI啦10 alJLl w 0 ry|p | pj | k 21J 21J ?lI 2Ll 21JJEC Page1711/4/2005tHubu2005-26 Teachi ng In terfaceROBOUCS JEC Page#11/4/2005tHubu2005-26 Teachi ng In terfaceROBOUCS -S4.XIn sert or Delete

53、Locati onsYou can insert or delete varaibles from arrays using the ins and del keys (F2 and F3). I nsert adds a new variable to your array after the highlighted in dex. The del key removes the highlighted in dex. If the variable is being used in your applicati on you will not be able to delete it. Inserting an index to an existing single value variable will convert it in to an


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