China's rural land to explore key issues(中国的农村土地探索关键问题)_第1页
China's rural land to explore key issues(中国的农村土地探索关键问题)_第2页
China's rural land to explore key issues(中国的农村土地探索关键问题)_第3页
China's rural land to explore key issues(中国的农村土地探索关键问题)_第4页
China's rural land to explore key issues(中国的农村土地探索关键问题)_第5页
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1、 Chinas rural land to explore key issuesAbstract rural land is currently Chinas rural land reform is an important issue, but also our current period of rapid urbanization and industrialization, the necessary requirement is based on social background, this paper focuses on the process of rural land a

2、 prerequisite After the transfer of land use, land transfer of property rights, land transfer price mechanism, and the analysis of key issues such as research, designed to regulate the transfer of land to achieve the appropriate scale of land, promote agricultural economic development. Keywords rura

3、l, land transfer, the key question Rural land, in the strict sense, that is, agricultural land use rights transfer, land transfer is essentially a collective owned by farmers on the land contract management rights transactions. Attention to the existence of the land transfer process prerequisite for

4、 land transfer, land transfer After use, the transfer of land property rights, land transfer price mechanism, and so on, correctly grasp the principle of land transfer should be followed to establish and improve the land transfer system, the scientific development of the land transfer price, to take

5、 effective measures to solve the many land transfer the problem. A prerequisite for the transfer of rural land Rural land is a gradual process, not aggressive, but also has to consider the actual situation in China blindly forward, anxious, should further improve policies and regulations, adhere to

6、the basic conditions under the premise of gradual implementation. 1.1 give priority to protect farmers land property rights Once, after deregulation, rural land, rural land allowed to enter the capital city, to master a large number of capital city residents can have a few acres, or even thousands o

7、f acres of land, he is not farming, employment in situ residents of farming, so farmers may will be a lot of land sold to the phenomenon of urban residents, of course, this is only an assumption, if the government takes measures mandatory, there will be some local governments to implement the so-cal

8、led Management, by the power of government at all levels, is likely to large tracts of land will be transferred to the hands of urban residents, led to the citys so-called landlords. This is not China to promote agriculture, appropriate scale of the mind, therefore, necessary to take certain measure

9、s to revise and perfect the relevant laws and regulations. In addition, given the present stage of social security function of rural land, if not to protect farmers land property rights in the first place, the maximum individual limit of agricultural land ownership, it is likely appear side of the l

10、arge scale of the landlord, while landless farmers situation, leading to rural polarization, affect social stability. 1.2 adhere to hold this red line of 18 million mu of arable land Chinas rural land system and the foundation system. According to the central rural land management system, allowing t

11、he land transfer on the premise that adhere to hold 18 million mu of arable land this red line, designated basic farmland permanently, to ensure that the total of basic farmland diminished, do not use change. 1.3 to ensure the efficient use of land Rural land is the starting point for the rational a

12、llocation of land resources to ensure efficient use of land to achieve the appropriate scale of land from the current rural land use situation, the household responsibility system, the small scale of operation, increased agricultural production management costs, thus making it difficult to form econ

13、omies of scale, it is difficult to form effective competition, is not conducive to raising the level of agricultural science and technology 1, which hindered the efficiency of land use, resulting in waste of land resources, so in the future to change this situation, On the one hand, increase the app

14、lication of advanced scientific and technological achievements to promote, improve agricultural productivity, to mobilize the enthusiasm of farmers, through the standard rational land transfer, to achieve an appropriate scale of land to prevent land abandonment phenomenon on the other hand, change t

15、he existing semi-rural households subsistence, small-scale land contract on the basis of farmers and industry, the pursuit of land management goals to maximize the benefits of input-output to improve the efficiency of land allocation. 2 after a reasonable rural land use 2.1 in strict accordance with

16、 the relevant policies and regulations for land transfer, to ensure that the same land for agricultural purposes At present, China is still a large agricultural country, and land resources are very limited amount of cultivated land is limited, as farmers from the land regardless of the social securi

17、ty point of view, or from a food security point of view, the occasion is strictly prohibited to borrow freely change the land transfer of agricultural land purposes it is particularly important, therefore, it is necessary in accordance with property rights, use control, conservation and intensive, s

18、trict management principles, and constantly improve the rural land management system, adhere to the most stringent farmland protection system, regulate the transfer of rural land and after use. 2.2 to increase the land transfer propaganda Increase the land transfer of information, to improve farmers

19、 land is the mother of wealth, the awareness, especially the transfer of land to let the farmers understand the prerequisites and rural land should follow the basic principles, familiar with the relevant land transfer policies and regulations, while also should let the farmers know that land is not

20、just employment and a means of survival, it is a huge asset, to accelerate the land transfer is a reasonable use of this asset, an effective way to increase revenue elements, so be sure to regulate the transfer of land to ensure nature of the land and use the same addition, but also through the blac

21、kboard newspaper, radio and other villagers carrier, so that farmers understand that in addition to the collective nation-building requisitioned land, the village collective right to not sign a contract unilaterally in the contract period, not a certificate lifting the contract, forcing farmers to r

22、ecover and adjust the contract to further regulate the transfer of rural land, to ensure rational land use. Links to free download 2.3 To reinforce the land transfer regulation, regulate the land for agricultural purposes At present, land and resources at all levels must strengthen the transfer of l

23、and use regulation, prohibiting transfer of the name change of land use of agricultural land, especially basic farmland use violations the same time, all over the country to establish and improve the rural land market system, foster the main land transfer, strengthen rural land management and servic

24、es, encourage and guide professional large, farmers cooperatives, agricultural enterprises and other subjects, and various forms of appropriate scale, to encourage and guide farmers to subcontract, lease, exchange, transfer , stock cooperative and other forms of land transfer contract and management

25、 rights, to prevent land abandonment and extensive management and so on. In addition, should comprehensively regulate rural land contract, the use of a standardized contract text, and to guide land transfer contract signed by both parties, to go through the land transfer visa applications made by th

26、e parties to correct violations of the relevant land transfer both land management laws, regulations and policies of the agreement, to ensure the transfer of land for agricultural purposes after the change. 3 rural land property rights At present, Chinas rural land exists as a result of land ownersh

27、ip transfer of unknown confusion, inefficiency and other issues, relevant laws and regulations on the economic status of the subject land ownership, legal status, property status and scope of functions, such behavior is not clearly defined This is not conducive to the orderly transfer of the health

28、of rural land for 2. 3.1 improve the rural land-related regulations and policies, clear rural land property rights system Land is the basic means of production of farmers, farmers highly dependent on the land, therefore, the relevant departments should pay attention to the <<Rural Land Contrac

29、t Law revision and improvement, and effectively solve the current process of land transfer issue of unclear property rights At the same time, should further establish and improve the land transfer and other policies and regulations, particularly land distribution policy, balance should be appropriat

30、ely reflected the principle that the right of the rural land management and distribution of dynamic regulation. distinction of members eligible to recover the right to contract and then transfer to new staff or contractors. Specifically, proposed to write the relevant provisions, enacted into <&l

31、t;details of the rural land contract , it has a strong operational. 3.2 strict enforcement of land laws and regulations, improve the land contract procedures Requires the transferor and the transferee must be based on (Peoples Republic of Rural Land Contract Law Contract Law of the Peoples Republic

32、>>,<< >>,<< rural land contracting right management approach>> and the relevant laws and regulations the land transfer, and sign contracts in the contract that both sides should clear the way land transfer, the transfer of land use, land transfer time, the number and co

33、st of land transfer, land transfer type, size and quality, the rights and obligations , with the lifting of the contract and other contract changes, etc. At the same time, should further improve the land contract procedures to avoid or reduce unnecessary disputes. 4 Summary On rural land transfer pr

34、icing mechanism. The implementation of land use right transfer is to adapt to market economy, the agricultural structure adjustment, the new situation, agricultural efficiency and farmers income-based and key in the rural land market, the flow trading prices of both transactions will affect the transfer of land management income in market economy, prices will change with supply and demand fluctuates around the value, therefore, establish and improve the rural land transfer price mechanism is very important. Therefore, to establish a s


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