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1、模块评估( Module 2)笔试部分(共 95 分)I.单项选择(15分)从下列各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳 选项。() 21. Do you know girl in red? Yes. She is a student of university.A. the; aB. a; anC. the; anD. /; the( ) 22. Shandong is famous Mount Tai and its delicious food.A. toB. asC. forD. with( ) 23. It is so hot today. Yes. The r

2、adio says it will be hotter tomorrow.A. someB. moreC. veryD. much( ) 24. This bike is not Lindas. Look! is under the tree.A. SheB. HerC. HersD. Shes( ) 25. foreign tourists come to visit our city every year.A. HundredB. Hundreds ofC. Hundred ofD. Hundreds( ) 26. This place is too small. We need a on

3、e to play football.A. smallerB. newerC. biggerD. nosier() 27. I think Bill is taller than Jim.No. In fact, Jim is as as Bill.A. tallerB. tallC. tallestD. the tallest() 28. All the students are busy the classroom.A. cleanB. to cleanC. cleaningD. cleans( ) 29. The population of Shanghai than that of Q

4、inghai.A. is moreB. are largerC. are moreD. is larger() 30. Do you often go to the market? No, . I dont like going shopping at all.A. neverB. oftenC. alwaysD. usually() 31. The Chang Jiang is about 6,400 kilometres , and in some places it isfive kilometres .A. long; longB. wide; longC. wide; wideD.

5、long; wide( ) 32. is the population of your town, Li Kai? It s over sixty thousand.A. How manyB. How muchC. WhatD. How( ) 33. Hangzhou is a pretty goodcity. I d like to visit it one day.A. to goB. goingC. goD. went( ) 34. There is only one library in our school.But we will build one.A. otherB. other

6、sC. anotherD. the other() 35. I m going to Qingdao for the summer holiday.A. Thanks a lot !B. Have a good timeC. Youd better notD. Sorry to hear thatn .完形填空 (10分)先通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从每题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。My family went on a trip last Saturday. We didn t36 much money and really had a good time.In the morning

7、, my father 37 us to a scie nee centre in our city. We did nt spend any money on the tickets 38 it is free. There is a childrens area in the scienee centre. My brother and I saw different kinds of animals and did some in teresti ng thin gs. We both had a lot of 39 play ing together in the scie nee c

8、en tre. Then we took 40 car to a park n ear the scie nee cen tre. My pare nts set up the tent first, and then we had a picnic 41 . After the picnic, my father started to read newspapers and my mother 42 games with me. After we got back home in the after noon, I turned 43 the computer and copied(拷贝)a

9、ll the photos we took that day. My mother even wrote some words for our 44 . She hoped those photos and words would 45 us remember the happy time.()36. A. getB.spendC. collectD. ask()37. A. putB. boughtC. droveD. left()38. A. becauseB. butC. afterD. or()39. A. questi onsB. fightsC. timeD. fun()40. A

10、. ourB. herC. theirD. its()41. A. exactlyB. earlyC. happilyD. easily()42. A. dan cedB. playedC. sangD. gave()43. A. offB. onC. upD. dow n()44. A. tripsB. photosC. parkD. car()45. A. helpB. agreeC. enjoyD. expla inm 阅读理解(20分)阅读下列材料,从每小题所给的四个选项中,选出最佳选项AHi, my name is Millie. I from New York but I m li

11、ving in a small town in the UK now. There is one wide road in this town and there is no train. You can see a shop, a restaura nt and a pub along the road. There is a church n ear the shop. We usually go to the church on Sun day mornin gs. There is a lake to the east of the tow n. Many people like to

12、 have a picnic there.My house is not very big but it is very beautiful. I have a garden in front of my house and I often grow some flowers in it. There is a table and some chairs in the garden, too. I often read books and drink tea there. Sometimes my friends come to visit me and we like to talk in

13、my garden. My life here is comfortable so I am very happy.()46. The Millie home town is.A. CambridgeB. Kett onC. New York D. Lo ndon()47. When does Millie go to the church?A. On Saturdays.B. On Sun days.C. On Mon days.D. On Fridays.()48. What do people there like to do near the lake?A. Play sports.B

14、. Have a pic nic.C. Take photos.D. Drink tea.( )49. The underlined word grow” means “” in Chinese in the passage.A.种植B.生长C.购买D.参加()50. Millie isabout her life now.A. sadB. famousC. busyD. happyBJosh lived in a small tow n in Ila n. He had a little white pig. Every day he tied it to a tree in the mor

15、ning. One day, the pig was missing. “omeone stole my pig”,said Josh.Josh was angry(生气的).He told himself he must find the thief(贼).He knew it would not be difficult because the tow n was very small. Then, some one told him that his n eighbour, Richard, sudde nly got a new pig. He went to Richarhouse.

16、Richard, the pig is my pig. You had better retur n it to me. If you don I ll call the police,” Josh said.Thatsgoing a bit too far! I just bought one. And, you see, my pig is black, said Richard, poin ti ng at a black pig un der a tree.Richard, I m sorry. This is not my pig. My pig is white. ”As they

17、 were talki ng, it started to rain. Josh was shocked! The rain was wash ing it into white! The little black pig was almost white.()51. What colour is Joshspig?A. Black. B. Black and white. C. White.D. Brow n.( )52. Why was it easy to find the thief accordi ng to Josh?A. Because the tow n was very sm

18、all.B. Because the police would help him.C. Because the thief left someclues(线索).D. Because there was only one pig in the tow n. ()53. What does the underlined word it” refer to(指)?B. The pig.D. The ground.B. The pig ran away.D. Josh pig was black.A. Richard house.C. The tree.()54. Which of the foll

19、owi ng is TRUE?A. Richard bought a new pig.C. Richard took the pig away.( )55. Which of the followi ng can be the best title of the story?B. A Poor Man.D. A Black” Pig.A. A Big Tow n.C. A Kind Neighbour.W.词汇运用 (10分)A.根据句意及首字母提示补全单词56. I think win ter is a beautiful seas on, ewhe n it snows.57. Does

20、your gran dfather like livi ng in the city or the c?58. The teacher speaks in a lvoice and I cahear her.59. Taiwa n is in the south of our country and it is an i.60. I live in the wof the city.B. 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,每词限用一次。north hill busy areamilli on61. In my home tow n, the farmers pla nt many trees o

21、n thoseevery spri ng.62. Sanya is in the south of Hainan and it is a popularfor holidays.63. Do you know which way is?64. You can seeof stars in the sky at night when it is fine.65. There are more cars and buses in the city and it becomestha n before.V .改写句子(10分)根据要求完成下列句子,每空一词。66. A train is faster

22、 than a bus.(改为一般疑问句)a traintha n a bus?67. Mary does some sightseeing in spring.(改为否定句)Maryany sightsee ing in spri ng.68. Jack is 1.5 metres tall. Mike is 1.5 metres tall, too.(改为同义句)Jack isMike. They are both1.5 metres tall.69. Our village has a population of two thousand.(对划线部分提问)the populati on

23、 of your village?70. Im twelve years old. Amy is fourteen years old.(改写成含比较级的句子)Amy is two yearsme.W 情景交际(10分) 从方框内选择适当的句子补全对话,其中有两项是多余的。A: Hello, Liu Xing. Nice to meet you.B: Hello, Wang Qing. (71)A: The holiday is coming. (72)B: Im going to Xi an to visit the Big Wild Goose Pagoda(大雁塔).A: Can you

24、 tell me something about the Big Wild Goose Pagoda?B: Of course. It is in the south of Xian and itsabout sixty-four metres high.A: (73)Will you go there alo ne?B: (74)My aunt will go with me.A: (75)B: Wellleave at eight oclock tomorrow morni ng.A: I hope you will have a good time there.B: Thank you.

25、A. I think its a good place to visit.B. How was your weeke nd?C. Where are you going?D. When will you go?E. Nice to meet you, too.F. We will go there by trai n.G. No, I won .% .综合填空(10 分)用方框内所给单词的适当形式填空,使短文完整、通顺。nothingrestworksameallhotwhatwordbaby heAs a farmer, John worked (76) day and night to m

26、ake money. He didn care about (77) health. Seeing him work so hard, his father, Thomas alwaysasked him to take a good (78). But John didn listen to his fathers(79) 一Some mon ths passed, and Joh n and his wife had a (80). They called himIsaac. One after noon Thomas took his grandson to the field. Joh

27、 n was (81) there. Seeing his son in the (82) sun, John was angry and asked Thomas totake Isaac home. Thomas said, “felt the (83) when I saw my son work allday long in the field ”John knew (84) his father said was right and started listening to his father.(85) in the world is more valuable(珍贵的)than

28、a fathers love.Vffl .书面表达 (10分)美国笔友Tony想了解一下中国的两大城市一一北京和上海。请你利用本模 块所学知识并根据下表的内容提示,写一篇80词左右的英语短文向他介绍一下。 要求:包括所有提示内容,但不要逐字翻译,可适当发挥。开头已给出,不计入 总词数。北京1. 中国首都;位于中国北部2. 人口约2,069万3. 历史悠久,名胜古迹众多上海1. 中国最大的现代大都市;位于中国南部2. 人口约2,347万3. 高楼林立,Oriental Pearl TV Tower (东方明珠电视塔)闻名于世Dear Tony,I m very glad to tell you something about Beijing and Shanghai.Yours


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